British Columbia
Port Coquitlam: Three weeks of gospel tent meetings were held here in July for the fifth year. P. Smith and P. Thiessen preached faithfully, and one middle-aged lady confessed Christ as her Savior. Some others seem interested in home Bible studies this Fall. Peter Smith handled the children’s meetings in the mornings of the last two weeks, when 97 children attended, over 60 from the immediate area, along with some parents. Fifty children were present for the final morning. Thirty-four children and nine adults enrolled for Postal Bible Studies.
Kamloops: J. Fitzpatrick had a week of gospel meetings here in July helped by local brethren. A store front was rented by the assembly, and thirty came out through the week and a 48-year-old professed faith. The assembly continued the outreach into August.
Vancouver: Victoria Drive had the privilege of having P. Thiessen with us for four Lord’s Days during the tent meetings in Port Coquitlam. He ministered ably from the book of Ruth for the profit of the assembly.
Northwest Territories
Yellowknife: Please pray for a purposed gospel effort in October, D.V. with J. Fitzpatrick and P. Simms. This is a new frontier as far as the gospel is concerned. If any have friends in this area, please contact Douglas Chambers at, or phone 867-920-2117.
Nova Scotia
Amherst: S. MacLeod and M. McCandless had well-supported meetings here. The seed has been faithfully sown and the Lord of the harvest will give eternal results.
Ashmore: B. Barkhouse and E. Fowler were encouraged with good numbers attending the tent meetings here. Support from Clementsvale and Weaver’s Settlement was very helpful. One confessed Christ.
Berwick: N. Burden and P. Potter were encouraged in the gospel by the good attendance in the Valley area.
Hubbard’s Point: A. Hull visited on the first weekend of August for the Sunday School picnic and the baptism of a young sister, the first since the assembly was formed. The assembly was encouraged with the number present.
Halifax: M. Cain has been engaged in children’s work in the large area of Halifax and Dartmouth. We are thankful for seed sown and efforts put forth in this needy city. Prayer is requested for this work.
New Glasgow: A. Hull and P. Ramsay concluded four weeks of tent meetings August 3. The interest was not consistent but there were a few interested visitors attending, and we are thankful for one that confessed Christ. The children’s meetings conducted by brother Ramsay concluded July 13. There were increasing numbers each morning, and some younger believers helped in the meetings.
Clinton: The assembly appreciated three nights of very helpful, stirring ministry by J. Beattie in mid-June on “getting to know God better and more intimate communion with Him.”
North Bay: The Nipissing Junction assembly enjoyed visits from three brethren and their families: E. Fairfield gave a report of the work in Japan, speaking of the lengthy period of learning the language, but also of the joy of seeing a number of young men being raised up by God with a real desire to learn more of Christ and His precious Word. S. St Clair also gave a report of the work in El Salvador, and the great need for clear preaching of the gospel and for teaching. Shawn also ministered the Word and preached the gospel during his short visit with his parents here. M. Pratt gave profitable ministry while with us during the tent meetings he was holding in Deep River. He is now in the tent in gospel meetings in Beachburg, as he continues to go into new areas.
St. Thomas: The assembly had appreciated visits from C. Raggett, D. Thomson, and Wm. Metcalf. E. Fairfield was with the assembly for three nights in June for ministry as well as a report on the work in Japan.
Straffordville: The assembly here conducted two weeks of fruitful gospel tent meetings in a new location in Aylmer in the Optimist Park. The location was excellent and the tent was well filled most nights, one night to overflowing. The Lord’s hand was seen in the salvation of several souls under the preaching of J. McMaster of England and Dave Patten. The week prior to the meetings, brother McMaster gave challenging and uplifting ministry on Soul Winning and Evangelism and we trust that this will have lasting effects for God’s glory.
Sudbury: The assembly had two weeks of gospel meetings in the tent in Hanmer the first two weeks of July. A. Drouin and B. Owen preached the gospel faithfully. A few unsaved attended. The assembly appreciated visits from A. Dryburgh and B. Crawford in July.
Sydney: The Deer Lake assembly enjoyed ministry from June 24-27 by B. Rodgers. In July, A. Kluge gave ministry and a report of the Lord’s work in Chile. A number from Huntsville joined us for this very profitable meeting. Prisoners from the nearby minimum security prison still attend the Gospel Meeting.
Alpena: The assembly appreciated ministry from J. Portman during a short visit in July. As is his custom, Joel took the opportunity to preach the gospel in the Spanish language in both Springdale and Huntsville.
Dover: In early September, E. Higgins and D. Oliver expect to pitch a tent in a country area just outside the capital city. Pray that it will be the birthplace of many souls.
Ankeny: A. Christopherson carries on a Sunday night meeting here in a rented school room. This is a new work where there was some interest this past Spring.
Dumont: Please pray for tent meetings that commenced July 29 with A. Christopherson and R. Weber. Some professed salvation in the tent meetings here last year. This effort is in fellowship with the Hitesville assembly.
Baldwin City: Wm. Skates and R. Weber had five gospel meetings, and were also with the saints of the Coal Creek assembly for a Lord’s Day. This visit was because of the concern of a young man who would like to be saved.
Saginaw: B. Doll and W. Lavery had excellent gospel tent meetings June 17-July 6 in Bridgeport, MI. A number of contacts attended, including interested older Sunday school children. A number of the Saginaw believers live in proximity to the Bridgeport area. W. Metcalf and L. Boute ministered the Word at our August 5th monthly ministry meeting attended by some from surrounding assemblies.
Fridley: E. McCullough and S. Wells are preaching the gospel here. The meetings commenced July 29. Please pray.
Wilmar: Please pray for an effort in the gospel that commenced here July 29 with R. Orr.
North Carolina
Hickory: Please remember in prayer gospel meetings with D. Petterson and R. Surgenor to begin October 14.
Denver: Elders from Hickory write: “After much prayer and consideration, we believe that the Lord is leading to establish a new assembly in Denver. The gospel has been preached in this area over the last 10 years, with some blessing seen throughout the years. Believers have moved into the area, and it seems the Lord is directing a number of believers into the Charlotte region. We anticipate a first Breaking of Bread there in mid-September.”
Akron: The gospel tent meetings with J. Nesbitt and W. Seale were well attended. Sunday School teenagers and many walk-in visitors heard the gospel plainly proclaimed. Also the week of morning Bible school for children was encouraging. In earlier visits, J. Smith turned our attention to the “mind” in the Philippian epistle, and J. Slabaugh ministered on Daniel.
Steubenville: The assembly has enjoyed ministry from J. Slabaugh, R. Surgenor, and B. Poidevin who gave a report on the aviation work in Zambia.
Bryn Mawr: The assembly enjoyed a brief visit from J. Nesbitt and family from Hermosilla, Mx. John gave a report on the work there and personal progress with language study and involvement in the meetings. There is much for which to thank God in the new work, and much for which to pray. The assembly that was formed in Hermosilla at the end of 2006 expects to start on construction of a hall in September. Ground has already been procured and basic preparation accomplished.
Matoaca: The Seed Sower effort here in June prior to the gospel tent meetings was an encouragement to the assembly. We appreciated the help of Karis Kessler and Paul and Leah Barnhardt from Barrington, NJ. They gave invaluable assistance with the planning and distribution as well as meals for the workers. We had an excellent gospel tent series with D. Oliver and J. Procopio for almost three weeks. The interest was outstanding, and we rejoiced that two women professed faith in Christ. Henry and Martha Carmichael from Midland Park, NJ, visited during the series. Their effort in distributing further Seed Sowers packets was greatly appreciated.
Clearview: The assembly appreciated the preaching of D. Booth and T. Hoy during a two-week gospel series the first two weeks of July in Clearview Center, and also a Summer Bible School during the second week. New contacts were made through a one-day invitation blitz to homes in the community. Helping with this were believers from the neighboring assemblies of Arlington and Marysville, and also from the assembly in Monrovia, CA. We are thankful for blessing, as the son of one of the assembly couples professed faith in Christ. Also a man who is the co-worker of one of the assembly Christians received assurance of salvation and has expressed a renewed desire to live for Christ.
Tri-Cities: The Youth Bible Hour bus was entered in the July 4th parade, and was well accepted. Mothers and children walked in front of the bus and three of the brethren ran alongside giving out over 800 Seed Sower packets. We appreciated a visit in June from J. Portman with ministry meetings in the evening on the subject of “Building God’s House,” and the “Character of House of God.” We took him to visit Hispanic migrant workers in the afternoons during their rest periods where Joel gave out gospel papers and shared the gospel in Spanish.
Brodhead: A. Christopherson and J. Slabaugh engaged in five and a half weeks of gospel meetings, closing on August 1. Brother Christopherson postponed joining R. Weber in the tent meetings in Dumont, IA, one week because of the interest here. God blessed in salvation, including two grown sons of believers saved during the final week. We covet prayers for others who attended that remain unsaved.
N. Ireland
The following recent conferences were held:
Co. Antrim
Ballybollen: Speakers: W.J. Nesbitt, D. Gilliland, N. Turkington, Wesley Martin, John Stubbs, Dennis Williamson.
Bushmills: The annual Bible Readings for two weeks were conducted by Robin McKeown on Ephesians 4 – 6. Large numbers attended and the teaching was profitable.
Co. Armagh
Bleary: Speakers: W.J. Nesbitt, D. Williamson, A. Mitchell, N. Turkington, S. McBride, J. Hutchinson
Co. Down
Ballymagarrick: Speakers: J. Hutchinson, D. Gilliland, A. Sinclair, D. West, M. Radcliffe, and S.McBride
Ballykeel, Mourne: Speakers: S. Wells, D. Gilliland, B. Currie, J. McClelland, and M. Radcliffe.
Co. Tyrone
Dunmullan: Speakers: D. Ussher, D. West, G. Woods, S. Jennings, M. Radcliffe, T. Topley
Martry: Speakers: N. Turkington, R. McKeown, W.J. Nesbitt, and D. Williamson
Kingsmills: Speakers: U. Ussher, B. Glendinning, S. Wells, B. Currie, and A. Davidson.
Open-air Meetings were held in a number of seaside towns and many thousands of tracts distributed around the coasts. Many of the Lord’s servants have commenced gospel series in tents and portable halls throughout the province. Trust the Lord will grant blessing in salvation.
Chihuahua, Chihuahua: Edgar Roseyon (Puerto Vallarta) had two weeks of well-attended children’s meetings here.
Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche: Moses Roseyon (Puerto Vallarta) visited this island for a few weeks and found that another two women had professed to be saved during a previous visit. This is a new work that needs workers. “How shall they hear without a preacher?” Further visits are scheduled for late August and December, Lord willing.
Cotaxtla, Veracruz: J. Nesbitt and H. Rodrguez are preaching the gospel here in a rented house. Many of those that attend these meetings are relatives of Mexicans reached with the gospel in Hampton, Iowa.
Hermosillo, Sonora: Another three believers have been added to the fellowship of this assembly established seven months ago.
Pachuca, Hidalgo: During the end of the July conference, Dr. A. J. Higgins, speaking by interpretation, delivered six very timely and appreciated messages. Another source of much joy during the conference was the profession of faith of a married couple from Guadalajara.
Santiago Ixcuintla, Nayarit: J. Dyck baptized seven believers on August 3, after a meeting in which Marcus Cain shared.
R D Congo
Grard Roy writes, “We thank God for the privilege of being in R D Congo from May 17 to July 25. I was able to help the brethren in Lubumbashi in a series of gospel meetings which started on May 19. We give God the glory for His blessing in salvation. The day after these meetings concluded, Patrick, a brother from Lubumbashi, and I travelled 1000 km north to Mbuji-Mayi, a large but remote city. We were warmly welcomed by brother Augustin who is the first fruit of the work in Congo, saved through the personal witness of brother Mike Kyony after his arrival from Canada in the late nineties. Augustin later moved to Mbuji-Mayi and since 2004 has been holding weekly gospel meetings in his house. God has blessed his efforts. Brother Patrick had a series of meetings in Mbuji-Mayi in July 2006 and brother Mike in January of 2007 with some sinners professing to be saved. It was nice to meet some of these young converts. We started meetings the day after our arrival in a rented school room. The meetings were translated into Tshiluba for the benefit of those who never had the opportunity to learn French. Our interpreter was the first among several to profess salvation. We also had Bible readings on Lord’s Day mornings and a few ministry meetings before we left to go back to Lubumbashi. A young woman who was saved last winter was baptized. We pray that in God’s good time a collective testimony to the Lord Jesus will be planted in that city.
While in Lubumbashi, I was able to help the brethren in their building project. A large brick and steel fence was erected around the lot and one of the large steel gates was partially installed. The bricks used for this are all made locally. On Monday, the 23rd, at around 11 pm a mob of university students invaded the property and after threatening two believers who live on the property, completely demolished the fence and about 90% of the walls of the hall. This was a hard blow to us all, but we thank God for giving the grace needed to the young assembly and for the becoming attitude of the saints. We know that it is a form of persecution intended by the devil to stop the work of God. Even if bricks and mortar are destroyed, the assembly of God remains. Please pray for the believers going through this trial, that God would give them wisdom to know what to do. We pray that instead of hindering the work this will be used of God for the furtherance of the Gospel (Phil 1:12).”
Timothy Sloan writes, “We have just had our 4th annual conference in Lutsk. It was a time of real blessing. The Lutsk assembly has been greatly privileged over the years with visits from different gifted brethren who have ministered the Word. This year was no exception with Ian Jackson taking up The Christian and His Bible, The Christian and Sin, The Christian and the Assembly, and The Christian and His Lord. Over the eight days we catered for 120 believers and unbelievers with four believers from Moldova, five from England, one from Scotland, two from Southern Ireland, 15 from N. Ireland and around 90 from Ukraine.
During the eight conference days we had seven ministry meetings, one missionary report by Gabi Hariuc (Moldova), four gospel meetings, six children’s meetings, two gospel open-air meetings. We also distributed thousands of John 3:16 Seed Sowers and had the privilege of going to a prison with 930 inmates (30% for serious crime) where Ian Jackson preached the gospel. We preached the gospel in a TB hospital, an old people’s home, as well as visiting some very remote and primitive villages.
We were delighted again to have James Colledge who was responsible for the children’s meetings. This year we went to the village of Kolkie, rented a building, and on our first evening had 101 children. On our last evening we had 106 children. We were thankful that these children learned their verses, sang the choruses, and listened to the gospel.
Sergei’s health has improved greatly and no one worked harder helping in this year’s conference. Anatoly’s contribution was also much appreciated as well as others in the assembly.
On the last evening we were able to present to the assembly the final official papers needed for an assembly building in Lutsk. It has taken four years with a lot of disappointments and discouragements. We look forward in the will of God to see the first assembly building in Ukraine completed.
Roseisle, MB
September 28-30 with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30 pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 10 am, Ministry 2 pm and 7 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Sunday School 1:30 pm, Ministry 2:15 pm, Gospel 7 pm. For information call John Dyck at 204-435-2341.
Cape Breton, NS
October 6-7 in Memorial High School, Memorial Drive, Sydney Mines. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry Meeting 10 am, Prayer/Bible Reading 1:30 pm (Christian Obedience), Ministry 3:30 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 8:30 am (Christ’s Obedience), Breaking of Bread 10 am, Ministry 2:30 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Corr. Junior MacDonald, 1 Cambridge Ave., Sydney Mines, NS, BIV 2G4; Tel: 902-736-3133, or Melvin Bonnell, 853 Leitche’s Creek Rd., Sydney Mines, NS B2A 4A2; Tel: 902-794-3888. Accom: John Ingram, please call in advance 902-794-2691; E-mail . See also
St. Thomas, ON
October 6-7 with Prayer Meeting at 7:30 pm on Friday, October 5 in the Gospel Hall, 1 Sunset Drive. All other meetings will be held in the Parkside Collegiate, 241 Sunset Drive. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 am and 2 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Ministry 2:30 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Corr: Lyle McCandless, 45 Pol Crescent, St. Thomas, ON, N5R 5P9; Tel: 519-637-1602; School 519-633-0090.
L’Anse au Loup, NL
October 12-14 with Prayer Meeting on the Thursday, October 11 at 7:30 pm. Friday: Ministry 10:30 am and 2:30 pm, Gospel 7:30 pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 10:30 am, Ministry 2:30 pm, Gospel 7:30 pm, Young People’s 9 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Sunday School 1:30 pm, Ministry 2:30 pm, Gospel 7:30 pm. Gospel Meeting at Red Bay, October 15 at 7:30 pm. All meals served in the homes of the Christians. Accom: Francis Barney, Tel: 709-927-5696, or Preston Belben, Tel: 709-927-5622.
Terryville, CT
October 20-21 with Prayer Meeting on Friday, October 19, at 7:30 pm in the Gospel Hall, 36 N. Main Street. All other meetings held in the Harry S. Fisher School, N. Main Street, 1/8 mile north of the hall. Saturday: Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 6 pm (Note: No meeting on Saturday morning). Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 4:30 pm. Accom. Steve Morin, 860-583-9904.
St. John’s, NL
October 26-28 in the Gospel Hall, 47 Smith Avenue. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7:30 pm. All other meetings at Hazelwood Elementary, Topsail Road. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10:30 am, Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 am, Bible Reading 11:45 am, Ministry 2:30 pm, Gospel Meeting 7 pm. Corr: Gary Tarrant, 6 Point Verde Place, St. John’s, NL; Tel: 709-745-5886; E-mail
Bryn Mawr, PA
November 10-11 with a Prayer Meeting on Friday, November 9 at 7:30 pm in the Gospel Hall. All other meetings will be at the Colonial Elementary School (behind Plymouth Whitemarsh High School, Germantown Pike, Plymouth Meeting, about one mile east of the intersection of Routes 276 and 476). Saturday: Prayer & Ministry 10:30 am, 2:30 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Sunday School 12 noon, Prayer & Ministry 2:15 pm, Gospel 4:30 pm. Corr: Harold Stewart, 610-825-0384, or Accom: Alan Oliver, 610-399-3199, or
Saskatoon, SK
November 10-11 in the Lawson Heights Gospel Hall, 131 La Ronge Road, with Prayer and Ministry on Friday at 7:30 pm. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 am and 1:30 pm, Gospel 6:30 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 am, Ministry 11:15 am and 1:30 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Two speakers will consider “Studies in John’s Gospel” and “God’s Purposes in Our Salvation.” Inquiries: 306-242-1506 or 306-249-5044.
Conference Reminders:
Akron, OH – September 1-2
Arlington/Marysville, WA – September 1-3
Clementsvale, NS – September 1-2
Huntsville, ON – September 1-2
Kansas City, MO – September 1-2
Hardwick, VT – September 7-9
Sault Ste. Marie, ON – September 7-9
Arnstein, ON – September 15-16
Hitesville, IA – September 15-16
Chapman Valley/Parry Sound, ON – September 22-23
New Lenox, IL – September 22-23
Clinton, ON – September 29-30 (Bible Readings: The Body as a Living Sacrifice (Rom 12:1), Our Substance as a Pleasing Sacrifice (Heb 13:16))
Midland Park, NJ – September 29-30
Sussex, NB – September 29-30
Lindsay, ON – September 30
Maidstone/Mervin, SK; Paradise Valley, AB – October 6-7
Manchester, IA – October 5-7
Mansfield, OH – October 6-7
Vancouver, BC – October 6-8 (Bible Readings – Romans 8)
Blue River, WI – October 20-21
Livonia, MI – October 27-28
Corrections to T&T Address List
John Fitzpatrick: Tel: 541-753-9479.
Change of Address
Hermosillo, MX: USA mailing address for John Nesbitt, Shad Sluiter, John Dennison, and Eleonor Mosquera is now 10318 N. 58th Lane, Glendale, AZ 85302.
Jack and Ellen Saword, P.O. Box 146, Springdale, AR USA 72765-0146; Tel: 501-442-4246;
Change of Correspondent
Picton, ON (Picton Gospel Hall): Reg Maxwell, 108 Harrington Rd., RR 2, Frankford, ON K0K 2C0; Tel: 613-969-2899.
Change of Address of Correspondent
Alpena, AR: New E-mail address for Fred Stevenson is
Cedar Falls, IA: E. D. Stickfort, 5027 Sage Road, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613; Tel: 319-266-6271.
Steubenville, OH: Richard Westlake,
Kathleen Johnson of London, ON, on June 16, age 70. Our dear sister was saved as a teenager at tent meetings in N. Ireland. In 1960 she immigrated to Canada and in 1967 she was married to Glen when their life of giving to the Lord’s work and to others began. She had an impact on many and this was seen by the large numbers that came to her funeral in Highbury Gospel Hall which was shared by D. Warden, R. Gratton, and E. Fairfield, with D. Patten at the grave. Our sister’s smile and happy disposition are missed. She leaves her husband Glen, a son and a daughter, and seven grand children .
Marian Curragh (nee Bennett) of Kitchener, ON, on July 10. Our sister was born in Cookstown, N. Ireland, saved at age 14 during gospel meetings conducted by the late David Walker in 1939, and received into assembly fellowship in 1941 in Belfast. As a registered nurse, she was appointed Ward Sister in 1946 of the Male Surgical Floor. She married Alexander (Lex) Curragh in 1949. As a couple, they came to Canada in 1953 and were in fellowship in the Cedar Cottage assembly in Vancouver (later Victoria Dr.). A company transfer brought them to Ontario in 1979 where they fellowshipped in Picton, Guelph, and Kitchener. Marian was a conscientious, serious Christian who lived her life to please the Lord. She is survived by husband Lex, son Colin (Yvonne) and daughter Janet (Rick); four grandchildren, and brothers and sisters in Canada and N. Ireland. The service was taken by William Aiken, Larry Steers, with John Sharpe at the graveside.
Kathleen Mary Adams of Waubaushene, ON, on July 16th, age 91. Our dear sister was saved May 11, 1930, in Toronto, baptized, and received into fellowship in the Pape Avenue assembly. In 1941, she and her husband Arnold were commended to the Lord’s work in Cuba where they served for almost twenty years. They returned in 1960 because of the political situation in Cuba, and then moved to Orillia in 1962 where they made their home for 35 years while her husband fulfilled his ministry across this continent. For the last 10 years, they were residents at Elim Homes in Waubaushene. Arnold predeceased her by 5 months and 10 days. The funeral from the Waubaushene Gospel Hall was taken by her two sons, Alan and Andrew. “…Whose faith imitate, considering the outcome of their manner of life.”