From You Sounded Out: Testimony Techniques

Here are some things we have tried:

Holding events at holidays: Christmas, Easter, Mother’s and Father’s Days, or Thanksgiving. People seem more willing to come to a meeting or accept a tract when the rest of the world is recognizing some event. Dinners and special speakers for some of these occasions are also appropriate and are often well received.

Serving at a local shelter, thereby getting an opportunity to share the gospel.

Speaking at rest homes, juvenile homes, or jails – available in most localities.

Distributing giveaways: frisbees, pens, texts, nice looking wall hangings (made fairly inexpensively using a color printer, a laminator, and some creativity).

Having displays at festivals: county fairs, hot air balloon, tractor pulls.

Personal witnessing: short tracts in a small format, pens, calendars.