Fort McMurray: John Fitzpatrick was with the assembly for very practical ministry on November 29. We are planning our Sunday School Christmas program for December 10, D.V.
British Columbia
Vancouver: At the monthly missionary meeting in Carleton on December 2, Lorne Nathe gave a report of the work in Zambia as a result of his visit earlier in the year. Gordon Williams, Jim Currie, and Ken Taylor were in the area in December, giving help in various assemblies.
Port Coquitlam: A few gospel meetings are planned for January in a community center for the benefit of a number of contacts in the area. Please pray for this effort. Home Bible studies are continuing.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Carbonear: The saints appreciated a two-night visit from Bryan Funston in November.
Corner Brook: The saints were encouraged with a visit from Ken Taylor and his wife Doris on the first Lord’s Day in November. Our brother gave helpful ministry at the monthly meeting. Eric Fowler was also here for ministry at a weeknight meeting in November.
Fogo: Following the St. John’s Conference, Bryan Funston spent a week with the assembly giving encouraging ministry.
Forteau: The saints of the English Point assembly value prayer for gospel meetings to begin February 11 with David Booth and Bryan Funston.
L’Anse au Loup: Eric Fowler visited for a weekend in November, and spent a night in Charlottetown as well. Eric helped with distributing calendars along the strait and part of the Quebec shore. Some of the brethren hope to continue to deliver calendars door-to-door.
Sandringham: Ken Taylor was with the assembly for a weekend in the middle of October. Marvin Derksen was here for a Thursday night ministry meeting. In early November, Bryan Funston was here for two weeks of ministry and gospel meetings. Nice numbers attended, with some out for the first time. For all these meetings the believers are thankful to the Lord, and especially for His servants, and the interest and care they have shown.
St. John’s: The assembly enjoyed three nights of ministry with F. Sona commencing October 31. B. Funston was with the believers for a ministry meeting on November 9. The saints were encouraged when two sisters were baptized on November 12; the gospel was faithfully preached to a large number by G. Whey and E. Gill. The believers enjoyed having Albert and Emily Joyce with them for the Lord’s Day on November 19 when our brother ministered to the saints and preached the gospel. Please pray for gospel meetings with F. Sona and J. Jarvis to commence January 14, DV.
Nova Scotia
Nineveh: Frank Sona was here for five ministry meetings on the book of Ruth. The Christians were cheered, and there was good support from the surrounding assemblies.
Cambridge: Three weeks of gospel meetings in November were held in the hall with Marvin Derksen and David Booth, with a number of unsaved out each night. The Spirit of God was working in the meetings and blessed in a few young souls being saved.
Clinton: We enjoyed visits from three of the Lord’s servants during November: Larry Steers had three nights of ministry on prophetic subjects from Revelation 19; Gerard Roy was here for a night, telling of the work among French Canadians in New Brunswick and the remarkable outreach to the Congo region of Africa; Gaius Goff had two nights of ministry on personal discipline, godliness, holiness, and commitment. A week of children’s meetings was very encouraging and well-attended. It was especially gratifying to see an interest on the part of parents.
Guelph: The Yorkshire St. assembly has been encouraged with the recent profession of two young people. We were also encouraged by recent visits of Alex Dryburgh and also by Grard Roy who gave a report on the Congo. We continue to have good attendance at our Sunday School and weekly children’s meetings.
London: The recent conference was a time of rich spiritual teaching. It was encouraging to see so many younger and older believers with a desire for the plain teaching of the Scriptures. The assembly also enjoyed visits from D. Rodgers, J. Smith, and G. Sharp.
Mimico, Toronto: The assembly appreciated recent visits from John Grant, Robert Dryburgh, and Wm. Metcalf.
The monthly Saturday night ministry meetings began in October with the topic, “The New Testament Assembly – Truths and Practices.” We are expecting Jim Smith to be with us for the December ministry on “The Assembly – Its Worship and Witness.” Please pray for the Sunday School award night at the end of January. We expect many parents to be present. Gary Sharp will be speaking that evening, and staying for a week of children’s meetings. We value your prayers for this outreach.
Wallaceburg: Wm. Metcalf was with us for the first winter monthly ministry meeting the last Friday night of November, and also for the Lord’s Day. Fred Krauss was expected for the December meeting. Jack Gould and Jack Nesbitt will commence a series of gospel meetings the end of January, D.V.
Windsor: Jim Beattie and Byrne Foreshew plan to start gospel meetings here on January 20, Lord willing. They will have two weeks at the University of Windsor at the same time as other groups set up displays to reach the students going back to school for the new semester. They will have a table set up during the day and gospel meetings in a room at the university at night. Then they will move back to the Gospel Hall to continue the meetings there. They would value prayer for wisdom in their work with the students. This is a yearly event for the Windsor assembly and they have been encouraged by it in the past.
Taylorside: The saints enjoyed a recent visit from Bruce Rodgers.
Phoenix: Wm. Lavery and Stanley Wells gave greatly appreciated ministry and help in the gospel in the Sunnyslope assembly on several occasions during November prior to the conference. The conference this year in the Garfield Street Gospel Hall was well attended, with servants of the Lord, Jim Currie, Brian Currie, Wm. Lavery, and Stan Wells ministering the Scriptures. Brother Lavery stayed for a week of ministry after the conference.
Chico: Stu Thompson gave encouraging ministry from the prophet Haggai.
Culver City: On October 15, the assembly convened an afternoon ministry meeting and supper. Shad Kember, Jr., Dan Shutt, and Stu Thompson ministered the Word and the Lord gave a refreshing time.
Monrovia: The gospel series with Shad Kember, Jr. and Stu Thompson concluded October 15 after two weeks. The assembly was encouraged with the attendance of new contacts although they did not show serious interest.
San Diego: Jim Currie was with the assembly for several appreciated and encouraging ministry meetings in December.
Newington: The believers enjoyed four nights of ministry with Jim Allen before their conference, which was well-attended with helpful ministry given by Jim Allen, Brian Currie, Walter Gustafson, Eugene Higgins, and Murray McCandless. After the conference, Mr. Currie gave ministry in Manchester and Newington.
Garnavillo: The assembly is having gospel meetings with Larry Perkins and Dan Shutt. There has been good interest from the start.
Manchester: The conference was well attended with the Lord giving help in encouraging, practical, and preserving ministry. Ten of the Lords’s servants were present: Joel Portman, Al Christopherson, John Slabaugh, William Skates, Roy Weber, Don Wardell, Robert Orr, Jerry Jennings, Frank Sona, and Jim Jarvis. Jim Jarvis had a tender word of preservation for the young at the sing after the gospel meeting. The November all-day meeting was excellent for all believers, with Al Christopherson, Larry Perkins, and Dan Shutt speaking on discouragement and encouragement.
Stout: We have had appreciated visits from Fred Krauss, John Slabaugh, and Joel Portman, each for several nights in ministry. Please pray for gospel meetings to begin January 7 with Dan Shutt and William Lavery.
Saugus: Jim Allen was here for three nights ministering on the believer as a worshipper, a worker, and a warrior, giving helpful and challenging thoughts concerning the believer’s life in view of eternity. His visit was greatly appreciated. The outreach work in a nearby rehabilitation center continues with much interest. The attendance is encouraging, and the saints are thankful for this opportunity in the spread of the gospel.
Deckerville: In the will of the Lord, Jim Beattie and Wm. Metcalf plan to have a weekly gospel meeting on Wednesday nights here beginning January 3. These meetings held through the winter months last year proved to be fruitful and an encouragement to the assembly.
Detroit: The Spanish assembly here held a four-day conference over the Thanksgiving Day weekend, as an inauguration of their new hall. It was a time of rich blessing both in the ministry of the Word and the preaching of the gospel. Each night the gospel was faithfully preached with large numbers of unsaved from the neighborhood attending. Several professed faith in Christ, three of whom were spouses of believers, now united in the Lord. It was a time of much weeping and rejoicing.
Livonia: Gospel meetings at the Stark Road Gospel Hall with Jonathan Procopio and Albert Hull concluded after three and a half weeks. The Lord graciously blessed in salvation and encouraged the believers. Please pray for those who attended the meetings and were stirred, but are still not saved.
New Jersey
Midland Park: The assembly had a five-week series of gospel meetings with Murray McCandless which ended November 30. Attendance was good, with visitors out every evening but one, several attending more than once, and the gospel was preached with solemnity. One man professed faith in Christ, and we are praying for his preservation. We are also praying that the hand of God will continue in salvation among the believers’ children as well as visitors. We also had the joy of receiving a young sister and a married couple into the assembly and of announcing the intended reception of another young sister. The sisters are children of believers in the assembly. We ask the saints to join us in thanks to our Father for His great goodness to us.
Akron: The Fall children’s meetings concluded with the Sunday School Treat in November when a number of children and parents were present to hear the gospel preached by Gary Sharp. He continued with helpful ministry. John Slabaugh also visited for a Lord’s Day.
Clyde: Robert Surgenor ministered the Word of God at the midweek meeting.
Mansfield: The assembly baptized one teenager and received two believers to the fellowship. Gary Sharp visited for ministry in November.
Bryn Mawr: Jim Allen had a Lord’s Day and two nights of appreciated ministry with the assembly. The conference at the end of October was a profitable time with good attendance.
Hatboro: The assembly enjoyed three nights of valuable ministry given by Jim Allen. He was also present for the area monthly ministry meeting on the subject: “Christ and Commitment: To God, the Assembly, and the Scriptures.” After Thanksgiving, Philip Harding had a Lord’s Day and four nights of ministry meetings on the Perfect Servant in Mark chapter one.
McKeesport: Two weeks of gospel meetings with local brethren, Darris Barney and Scott Mizener, encouraged the Christians, as visitors attended most nights. Please pray that there will be future blessing in salvation as a result of the good seed sown. The Thanksgiving Family Dinner was well attended by the parents of the Sunday School students.
Matoaca: The assembly enjoyed having David Petterson for a Lord’s Day. His ministry and gospel preaching were encouraging.
Arlington/Marysville: We enjoyed a short visit and a report of the work among the Spanish-speaking people in Arkansas when Jack and Ellen Saword came to spend Thanksgiving with their family. Another purpose of their visit was for Ellen, her daughter, and granddaughter to have medical testing to determine the extent of the Huntington’s Chorea Disease. Ellen is also facing another surgery on her hip. Please pray for guidance for them and their family.
Puerto Vallarta: During five weeks of meetings, God’s arm was outstretched in the salvation of several souls.
Tepic: Marcus Cain and Jason Wahls rejoiced in hearing of several souls that professed faith during five weeks of meetings.
Zapopan: Harrys Rodrguez and Paul Thiessen preached to about seventy people in a portable hall erected on purchased property.
New Zealand
Waikari: Eric McCullough was able to give help to this small assembly with about 14 in fellowship where he has been several times in the past. Our brother plans to be in Malaysia for the first two weeks of December on the way home.
St. Petersburg: Dave Richards, since arriving in September, has continued working with street youth, and with the help of Sabrina Booth, makes regular visits to a Day Center to engage them in recreational activities, feed, and share the gospel with them. There is a need for many of these teenagers who want to change to get rehabilitation, and then to find work and living accommodations. Please pray that the Lord will give guidance in this matter. Dave and Elizabeth have an English class in their apartment on Thursdays. They will be leaving the country temporarily in December.
St. Lucia
Brian Crawford and Brian Owen were expected in St. Lucia from November 18 – December 10, commencing with two weeks of gospel meetings at Soufriere. The town of Soufriere is located on the west coast, about halfway between the north and the south of the island. Castries is the capital of St. Lucia, located in the north west of the island. The assembly at Castries has offered to host ministry meetings so as to be accessible to believers in the north of the island. There was to be one week of ministry.
Deland, FL
February 3-4 in the Gospel Hall, 109 E Rose Hill Ave., east off N. Woodland Blvd. Friday: Prayer Meeting at 7 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m and 3:45 p.m., Bible Reading 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Bible Reading 2 p.m., Ministry 3:45 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Bible Readings are on Matthew 24. Corr: Fred King, 215 Lake Talmadge Rd., DeLand, FL 32724, Tel: 386-943-4000, Hall: 386-736-1009.
San Diego, CA
February 17-18 in the Gospel Hall, 4646 Twain Ave. with Prayer Meeting on Friday, February 16 at 7:30 pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 10 am (Matthew 18), Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Ministry 2 pm., Gospel 7 pm. Corr: Wm. Smith; Tel: 619-582-2109; Hall 619-280-7021.
Conference Reminders:
Pennsauken, NJ – January 6-7
Cambridge, ON – February 3
Tampa, FL – February 10-11
Change of Correspondent
Peterborough, ON: Alan Hale, 27 Towerhill Rd., Unit 31, Peterborough, ON, K9H 7N3; Tel: 750-745-1007.
Change of Meeting Times
Garnavillo: Effective the first Lord’s Day of January 2007, the Breaking of Bread will be at 9:30 am, and Ministry and Sunday school at 10:45 am.
Mrs. Sarah Jane (Jenny) Graham of N. Ireland, on August 22, age 89, after a short illness. She had been in failing health for some time, and was cared for in a residential home. Saved in early life, she was in fellowship in the Tullyglush, and later in the Keady assembly, until failing health prevented her attendance. She was faithful to the assembly, with clarity of mind until she sustained a stroke, which resulted in her home-call. The large funeral was shared by Messrs. T.W. Wright, S. McBride, T. Kells, and J. Kells. There were words of comfort and gospel given, and many unsaved heard tidings of salvation. Prayer would be valued for her two daughters, a son, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
Kathleen Weston of Thunder Bay, ON, on September 8, age 81. Born in Wick, Scotland, on April 28, 1925, beloved wife of 60 years of Brian; loving mother of Stewart and Patricia. She was in assembly fellowship for over 60 years and taught Sunday School for over 40 years, touching the lives of many of her students. Kathy was known for her love for the Lord and His Word, and for her hospitality. Because of poor health, she was unable to attend the meetings in recent years. She remained cheerful and lovingly cared for by her husband until her home-call. At the funeral, Gary Sharp spoke words of comfort to those who mourn her loss.
Mildred (Millie) Olson of Blue River, WI, on October 3, age 96. A note found in her well-read Bible, signed and dated October 5, 1951, stated; “If I die tonight, I’ll be in Hell.” She was saved the next day, October 6, when she found forgiveness and peace through the truth of John 3:16. She was then baptized and received into assembly fellowship in 1952. A widow since 1969, our dear sister was devoted to her Lord, faithful to His assembly, and given to hospitality. Up until old age and ill health prevented her, it was her priority to be at every meeting and conference possible. She had a deep burden for unsaved loved ones, many of whom attended and listened respectfully to the gospel at the funeral, which was shared by Norman Page, Greg Cliff, and Jim Frazier. Paul Aspenson spoke at the cemetery where Millie was carried by brethren whom she loved.
Beatrice (Gratton) McNab of Grand Bend, ON, on October 11, age 95. She was saved at age 13 shortly after Albert Joyce and Tom Wilkie brought the gospel to Grand Bend. A Sunday School teacher for many years in the Grand Bend assembly, she will be remembered for her quiet, cheerful optimism while coping with failing eyesight and, finally, total blindness. Predeceased by her husband Murray in 1996, her deep devotion to Christ brought her much peace and impressed all who knew her. She is survived by her sister, Della Gratton. Nephews Hubert Gratton and Carl Hannigan shared the funeral service.
Anne Ronald of Brockville, ON, on October 31, age 90, and wife of the late James (Jim) A. Ronald. Anne was born in Chrysler, ON, and upon leaving home, came into contact with a Christian dentist and was saved. A short time later Anne moved to Ottawa for employment and was baptized and received into the assembly there where she continued in happy fellowship until her marriage to Jim in 1977. Anne was very supportive of Jim in his ministry and had a gift for hospitality in the home. Following the death of her husband in 2003, Anne moved to Brockville. Anne is survived by Jim’s family, four daughters, two sons and their families, a sister, a sister-in-law, and nieces and nephews. David Derksen and James W. Ronald shared in the funeral, and Mervyn Cottrill spoke a word of comfort at the interment.
Sharon Kampman of Marion, IA, on November 14, age 50. She was saved at the age of 18 in a series of meetings by Leonard DeBuhr and Robert Orr, and was soon brought into the Marion fellowship where she remained until her home-call. She deeply appreciated assembly truth and all the saints, seldom missing assembly meetings. She lived her life according to 2 Corinthians 1:12, “in simplicity and godly sincerity.” She will be remembered for her sweet and joyful spirit and will be missed by the assembly. She often spoke of her longing to see nieces and nephews saved. The last seven years she was ill with pulmonary hypertension and was lovingly cared for by her father, Bert. She is survived by her father, stepmother Pat, and two sisters, one brother, and their families. The funeral was shared by Robert Orr (her uncle), and by Al Christopherson.