Fort McMurray: John Fitzpatrick, with his wife Linda, visited the Wood Buffalo assembly from January 15-18 for ministry. While with us he and local brethren visited some of the camp sites in the area to distribute gospel literature. This is an ongoing exercise of the assembly. Two young men in their late twenties professed recently, bringing joy and encouragement to the saints.
British Columbia
Kamloops: The assembly enjoyed a visit from J. Webb for a week of ministry, during January, on the early chapters of Hebrews.
Langley: D. Richards ministered the Word here for a week in early February.
Vancouver: G. Williams conducted two weeks of well-attended and instructive ministry meetings in February with the Carleton assembly on the Tabernacle. Pray for two series of gospel meetings which commenced February 19: B. Funston and J. Gould in West Richmond; D. Hunt and J. McClelland in Fairview. Victoria Drive had appreciated visits from C. Van de Wetering in January, and D. Richards and K. Taylor in February. K. Taylor was with the saints at West Richmond February 1 to give encouraging ministry and an interesting account of the work in Dominica and Haiti.
Terrace: D. Richards ministered to profit here January 16-23 on Acts 2.
Winnipeg: The news item in last month’s issue with regard to the visit of Joseph Chung incorrectly appeared under Portage.
New Brunswick
Green River: An all-day meeting was held on December 3 when L. Buote and two local brethren took part in the ministry of God’s Word. This year again, the local brethren have visited every home in the village giving out gospel calendars.
Moncton: The saints appreciated the helpful and encouraging ministry of R. McIlwaine on January 8. He also preached the gospel clearly and faithfully.
Pigeon Hill: The assembly had its monthly ministry meeting on November 13 with three local brethren ministering the Word to the saints.
Shdiac: L. Buote, L. Wells, G. Roy, and five local brethren took part at the annual conference in October. Local brethren have started a Gospel Texts and Via distribution in the village of Saint-Antoine-de-Kent.
Tracadie: D. Swan visited the assembly from November 22-27. Speaking with the help of an interpreter, brother Swan gave practical and strengthening teaching which was appreciated by the believers.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Corner Brook: Bert Joyce is scheduled for two weeks of ministry meetings on Egypt to Canaan in early February.
L’Anse au Loup: A week of prayer meetings preceded the start of gospel meetings with D. Hierlihy and M. McCandless on January 29. Good numbers were out for the first two nights.
Parsons Pond: Gospel meetings began January 15 with D. Swan and J. Jennings, and continue with an encouraging interest.
Sandringham: The assembly is planning a series in the gospel to commence February 19, with W. Buckle and D. Swan. The assembly would value the prayers of the Lord’s people for this effort.
St. John’s: J. Jarvis had two weeks in ministry on dispensational truth. A number of unsaved also attended. The Sunday night gospel meetings had a number of university and college students present. The saints received much encouragement. E. Fowler was with the saints for two nights of ministry on January 18-19.
Nova Scotia
River Hebert: Allan and Sandra Turkington visited for a Lord’s Day. Allan spoke to a full hall of children and teens at our year-end closing, giving an excellent word in the gospel. J. Ronald gave appreciated ministry January 23, with a number present from other assemblies.
Sudbury: The saints enjoyed having B. Rodgers for the first Lord’s Day of the New Year. B. Crawford was with the assembly for the monthly Saturday night ministry meeting in January and remained for the Lord’s Day. The ministry given was appreciated.
Welland: The hall was well filled for the S.S. treat on January 14. Bryan Joyce spoke to attentive listeners. The next day, gospel meetings commenced with J. Smith and M. Derksen. The meetings entered the fourth week as of February 5, and all thank God for encouraging attendance and souls professing Christ.
Windsor: A. Kelly and S. Thompson began a gospel series here on January 17. The first two weeks of meetings were conducted in a room on the university campus, and then the series continued in the Gospel Hall.
Chisasibi: During the week of January 23-28, M. Pratt of Timmins and C. Black of North Bay were in this small community which is located on the Quebec side of James Bay. Chisasibi is an 11 hour drive north of Kirkland Lake, Ontario. This is their fifth trip since last Spring, and there is definite interest in the area. Pray for the furtherance of the gospel in this small native community.
Longueuil: The assembly had its annual conference during the first weekend of November. E. Green, L. Buote, and local brethren from Green River and Shdiac gave help in ministry and the preaching of the gospel.
Taylorside: The saints enjoyed a week of profitable ministry meetings with P. Simms.
Phoenix: The Garfield assembly enjoyed help from S. Wells during the months of December and January both in the regular Bible readings and also a night of ministry. The Sunnyslope assembly was helped by appreciated ministry from E. McCullough after the Phoenix Conference, and from S. Wells during visits in December and January.
San Diego: D. Richards gave appreciated ministry in January including a very interesting account of the work in Russia.
Manchester: Monthly ministry meetings are planned, and it is hoped they will be a blessing to believers in the area.
Newington: R. Surgenor plans to have ministry meetings on Zechariah.
Hitesville: L. Perkins and J. Slabaugh started gospel meetings January 8. By the fourth week, attendance has been encouraging as the meetings continued. The assembly appreciated a night of ministry by D. Shutt in December.
Marion: The believers were privileged to have a weekend of ministry conducted by G. Higgins on the topics of Fellowship, Discipleship, Leadership, Worship, and Lordship. This annual event was well-attended this year with several out-of-state as well as in-state visitors from other assemblies. Two Question and Answer sessions proved profitable.
Stout: On January 21-22, S. Higgins was with the assembly, taking up the life of David. A good number attended and the comments made were very appreciative. On February 1, G. Higgins was with the assembly for ministry which was enjoyed by the saints.
West Union: J. Portman visited January 3-8 and ministered from the Book of Ezra.
Saugus: D. Shutt, with help from M. Procopio (Saugus), held gospel meetings January 7 through February 1. The meetings were well attended and encouraging to the saints. One professed to be saved and a number showed interest. Brother Shutt had one meeting with the younger believers on God’s moral standards for behavior before marriage, which was well received. Each Lord’s Day, he gave practical ministry which was spiritually challenging and greatly appreciated.
Worcester: R. Surgenor visited for one evening and gave an encouraging word in ministry.
Livonia: In January, the Stark Road assembly enjoyed a visit from J. Grant (UK) who took up The First and Last Adam. He then gave five additional meetings on the Cross in the Pentateuch. The meetings were large and the Lord’s people showed a deep interest in these foundational truths.
Fridley: Timely visits in ministry this winter from J. Jennings, R. Orr, E. McCullough, and Wm. Skates were appreciated.
New Jersey
Barrington: A good representation from area assemblies attended the area ministry meeting held on the last Lord’s Day of each month. J. Coleman and Wm. Oliver spoke on “Prayer and the Prayer Meeting.”
Midland Park: The believers appreciated ministry from brother J. Gillan of Clough assembly in N. Ireland. Also in January, brother J. Grant visited and spoke on the early life of Samuel in ministry on a weekday evening. D. Petterson came for three children’s meetings, and stayed for the following Lord’s Day. At the annual Sunday School treat, G. Higgins spoke to the children in the gospel. The assembly is expecting brother Higgins for gospel meetings starting March 5, D.V.
Pennsauken: The conference was one of the largest in recent years. A number of young believers were in attendance. Ministry which was stirring, practical, and helpful was shared by M. Derksen, J. Grant, W. Gustafson, D. Oliver, D. Petterson, and J. Saword. God blessed in salvation during a Spanish gospel meeting taken by brother Saword, who also gave a report of the work in El Salvador.
New Mexico
Albuquerque: Two weeks of gospel meetings with S. Wells and D. Hunt ended January 22. The Word was faithfully and fervently preached, and encouraged the assembly.
New York
East Aurora: The assembly appreciated brief visits from G. Higgins and J. Smith in the Fall, and also from L. Langfeld for the S. S. Treat. It was a joy recently to receive a young brother into the fellowship.
North Carolina
Hickory: In January, the assembly received a teenaged sister into fellowship; her brother was baptized the same day.
Bryn Mawr: G. Higgins had two weeks of well-attended gospel meetings in the middle of January. The subject was Future Events with the use of a chart. Many contacts were made and a sustained interest was present. The Lord blessed in the salvation of souls.
Hatboro: J. Saword visited here while in the area for the Pennsauken conference.
Seattle: At the annual conference, eight of the Lord’s servants gave helpful ministry. On Friday evening, G. Williams, speaking from Psalm 80, “Turn us again, O God,” set the practical tone of the conference. Those participating in the ministry were H. Bouwman, G. Goff, W. Gustafson, B. Meyers, D. Richards, G. Sharp, S. Thompson, and G. Williams.
La Crosse: A. Christopherson and Wm. Skates continue in the gospel here. The saints have been greatly encouraged by five souls confessing faith in Christ as of the fourth week. Pray for others which are showing interest.
Lubumbashi: Grard Roy, with his little family, and Leslie Wells returned December 30 in good health after a ten-week visit. Three Bible readings on the priesthood of believers were held the first week with the small assembly. The participation of young brethren was excellent. Five weeks of gospel meetings were then held, with God’s help and blessing, in a garage where the saints meet. One of five who professed was a woman from a town 800 km. away who was visiting a son who is in the assembly. French was interpreted into Swahili for her, and it was a great joy to hear her tell how she trusted Christ through Col. 2:13, and her desire to return home to tell the good news that the Lord Jesus saved her.
Mr. Wells then had 11 ministry meetings on prophecy, followed by a series by brother Roy on “Egypt to Canaan,” teaching basic truths. The interest was soul-stirring. During the time, there were also two one-day conferences, and three believers, who were reached during the previous months, were baptized, with a number of unsaved witnessing the event from the river bank and hearing the gospel.
With the help of local brethren, several hundred VIA and gospel texts were given out and an open-air meeting held in the town of Likasi (120 km away), and a few thousand of the same given out in Kipushi (40 km away) where the gospel was preached to approximately 40 people in a rented building.
The small medical center started last February is going well with an increase in usage. In addition to supplying work for a few people and medical care for the poorer class, short gospel messages are given by brethren each day.
We thank God for full liberty to preach the gospel. Please pray that, in the coming elections, this door of opportunity will be kept open.
The Green River, NB, assembly has established a missionary fund for the work in the Congo. Believers exercised about this work may direct gifts to Gospel Trust Canada designated for “Congo Missionary Funds.”
Northern Ireland
Co. Antrim
Ballymoney: J. Rogers and J. Fleck are in a portable hall with good attendance and blessing.
Ballyvaddy: W. Fenton and M. McKillen have commenced here in this needy country area.
Randlestown: E. McCullough and M. Radcliffe will be starting gospel meetings on March 5, D.V. This is in a building that the Cloonkeen assembly has used to carry on a Sunday school work and gospel meetings.
Co. Armagh
Birches: J. Martin and W. Martin are preaching in a portable hall erected convenient to the MI motorway junction. Good numbers are attending and God has blessed in salvation.
Drumnacanver: T. Meekin and A. Bingham had a well-attended series of gospel meetings here with blessing in salvation.
Kilmore: John McCann and S. Nelson have commenced in the gospel hall here. God has been pleased to bless in salvation.
Markethill: J. Rogers and C. Law concluded a well-attended gospel series in a portable hall with a good local response and blessing.
Tassagh: S. McBride and T. Wright have begun with the gospel in the newly-erected hall.
Co. Down
Ballooley, Banbridge: W. Fenton and M. McKillen had six weeks of gospel meetings in a store at Radcliffe’s warehouse. Attendance was good and help experienced in proclaiming the gospel.
Ballynabragget, Donacloney: N. Tinsley and N. Coulter had a series of gospel meetings in an Orange Hall with good attendance and the country area well covered with gospel tracts.
Bangor: B. Currie and J. Palmer faithfully preached the gospel in Ebenezer Gospel Hall.
Broomhedge: A. Colgan and L. Craig hope to commence here in mid-February.
Dromara: E. Johnston and F. McCauley are preaching outside the village in a portable hall with good numbers attending and some visitors. There has been no assembly gospel meetings in this area for many years. Howard Milligan was to share in these meetings, but his wife and family were in a serious car accident on the first night of the meetings. Brother McCauley kindly offered to help meanwhile.
Drumnahare: T. Meekin and A. Bingham had a well-attended series with God’s blessing.
Newtownbreda, Belfast: D. Gilliland and M. Radcliffe are continuing in the gospel with good attendance.
Co. Londonderry
Portglenone: B. Glendinning and R. Graham have had a gospel series in a portable hall in a very needy and neglected area.
Co. Tyrone
Lungs: D. McGarvey and M. Campbell had nine weeks of well-attended meetings in the Gospel Hall; a number professed to be saved.
Chihuahua: Meetings have been moved to the property on which a hall is being built. Three brethren from the Zamora assembly drove fifteen hours north to help with iron work by day and gospel meetings by night.
Hermosillo: Special gospel meetings here are in the sixth week. The brethren are encouraged with good attendance and several souls professing faith in Christ. The first ministry meeting was held last Lord’s Day morning, as much teaching is needed for a good nucleus of believers anxious to learn more of the things of God. Shad Kember Jr., along with his parents, paid an appreciated visit. This is a new, rather isolated work, seven hours’ drive south of Phoenix, AZ.
Santiago: Marcus Cain, James Dyck, Don Manke, along with local brethren, plan to have children’s meetings in two different rented buildings here, and then start gospel meetings on February 11. Our brethren expect to see a few baptized at that time as well.
Jesse Fitch writes – Preaching the gospel of Christ and ministering to the five assemblies of the saints in the Ural Mountains and western Siberia, A. Davidson and A. McLean helped in the Spring (2005) and L. Perkins in the Fall. On several occasions the saints had Bible conferences. In Severouralsk the Christians go to the markets and from door-to-door to distribute literature and to speak to souls about Christ. A new vehicle serves to bring people from a distance. Pasha Borodin continues to show interest in full time gospel work.
Western Siberian assemblies remain small in numbers, some sainst suffering from poor health and old age. Sergei of Tobolsk, bed-ridden for many years, visited a clinic in Moscow on three occasions. He now sits up in a wheelchair and attends some meetings. Larissa of Yarkova arranges meetings with several people in different homes and invites brethren to come and tell of the Savior. She says, “Even if I die, keep coming.” A man of 74 listened to the gospel and asked, “Is this a Russian book you speak from?” He added, “I have heard of this book, but this is the first time I have ever seen one.”
Ukrainians generally bear a tremendous burden as a result of World War II and 70 years of communist rule. Food, clothing and New Testaments are freely distributed. The gospel is preached in the open air, schools, orphanages and various institutions. A third assembly of believers commenced in the former capital of Lvov L’viv, where Flo Kansir of Kapuskasing, Ontario, has been instrumental in the salvation of souls. Near Ivano-Frankivsk, one believer was baptized and H. Pratt, E. Fowler, L. Smith, and four Ukrainians ministered the Word at a Bible conference.
The door to the Ukraine is open, but who will go (Matthew 9:36-38)? Pray for the Lord’s work and His people in the two great fields of Russia and the Ukraine. The Christians send their love. They pray for believers in the west and convey their heartfelt thanks for prayer on their behalf and for the spiritual and material needs God’s grace has abundantly supplied.
Palm Springs, CA
March 26 at the Assembly building, 320 West Racquet Club Rd., Palm Springs. Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 11:30 a.m., Ministry 2-5 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Corr: Charles Spataro, P.O.Box 1444, Palm Springs, CA 92263; Tel: 760-322-7090; Cell: 760-774-2806.
Antioch, IA
April 2 in the Antioch Gospel Hall, three miles east of Clarksville. Ministry 10 a.m., Breaking of Bread 11 a.m., Children’s Meeting 1 p.m., Ministry 2-4:30 p.m., Gospel 7:30 p.m. Corr: Harry Schmidt, 103 West Rowley St., Greene, IA 50636; Tel: 515-823-5691.
Watertown, MA
April 2 at the Mount Auburn Gospel Hall, 226 Mount Auburn Street, Watertown, MA 02472. Order of meetings: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 12:15 p.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 4:30-5:00 p.m. Corr. Joseph Grillo, 2201 Lewis O. Gray Drive, Saugus, MA 01906-4422; E-mail:; Tel: 781-233-8520; Hall Phone: 617-924-7696.
Manchester , CT
April 15-16, with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 415 Center St., Manchester. All other meetings in the Bolton Center School, 108 Notch Rd., Bolton. Meetings on Saturday at 10:30 a.m., 2 and 6:30 p.m. Breaking of Bread 10 a.m. Ministry/Gospel 2 p.m. Corr: Richard Trombly, 121 Cushman Dr., Manchester, CT 06040; Tel: 860-649-9462. Accommodations: Ted Kaulback, 860-742-0002.
Nineveh, NS
April 15-16 in Park View Education Centre, 1485 King Street, Bridgewater. Prayer meeting on Friday, April 14 at 7 p.m. in Gospel Hall, Route 208, Nineveh. Supper will be served on Friday at 5 p.m. in Gospel Hall. Ministry meeting on Saturday at 10 a.m. Corr: Robert Kaulback, 19 Medway St. Bridgewater, NS, B4V1J8; Tel: 902-543-5530; E-mail: Accommodations: Clark Hubley 902-543-3268.
Waterloo/Cedar Falls, IA
April 15-16 with Prayer Meeting on Friday, April 14 at 7 p.m. in the Cedar Falls Gospel Hall. All other meetings in the Cedar Falls High School, 11th and Division St., Cedar Falls. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m., Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 a.m. (Psalm 88), Breaking of Bread 10:15 a..m. Corr. Richard Orr, 614 Bland Blvd. S.W., Independence, IA 50644; Tel:319-334-3931, and Erwin Stickfort, 223 N. Francis St., Cedar Falls, IA 50613; Tel: 319-266-6271; E-mail: NOTE: We won’t have Bible Readings in the week preceding the conference.
Toronto, ON
April 14-16 in Premier Banquet and Convention Centre, 9019 Leslie St., Richmond Hill. Meetings each day at 10 (except Lord’s Day), 1:30, 3:30, 7, and 8:45 (except Lord’s Day). Prayer Meeting on Thursday, April 13 at 7:30 p.m. in Langstaff Gospel Hall, 1300 Langstaff Rd. Corr: Don Jennings, 53 Karnwood Dr., Scarborough, ON, M1L 2Z7; Tel: 416-757-7019, and Robert Reilly, 209 – 610 Bullock Dr., Markham, ON L3R 0G1; Tel: 905-480-9520. Expected speakers: N. Crawford, J. Dennison, J. Hay, A. Higgins, A. Hull, H. Paisley, P. Ramsay and J. Stubbs.
Vancouver, BC
April 14-16 with Prayer Meeting on Thursday, April 13 at 8 p.m in the S. Main Gospel Hall. The conference will be held in the Burnaby South Secondary School, 5455 Rumble Street, Burnaby. Two Bible Readings will be on 1 Thess. First meeting on Friday will be at 10 a.m. Contact Earl Ritchie, Tel: 604-277-7019.
Newmarket, ON
May 6-7. All meetings held in the Gospel Hall starting Saturday at 7 p.m. for ministry directed toward young people. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m.; Sunday School/Bible Study (opened by Jim Beattie on John 17) 11:30 a.m.; Ministry 2 p.m.; Gospel 6:30 p.m. Assembly info at Corr: Timothy B. Scheer; Tel: 905-898-4369; E-mail:
Cumberland, MD
May 20, 21 with Prayer Meeting, Friday, May 19. Details to follow next month. (formerly Frostburg conference, changed by mutual consent). Questions: H. Harrison 301-689-2432.
Conference Reminders:
Matoaca, VA – March 4-5
Mt. Sterling, WI – March 25-26
Stout, IA – April 8-9
Culver City, CA – April 14-15 (Correction: contact phone number 818-365-3551)
Kapuskasing, ON – April 15-16
McKeesport, PA – April 22-23 (N. Crawford, G. Higgins, A. Hull, M. McCandless, D. Oliver, P. Ramsay, and J. N. Smith have committed to help.)
Methuen, MA – April 29-30
Additions to T&T Address List
Miss Sabrina Booth (Russia), Box 109, WP 139, Lapeenranta 53101, Finland; E-mail:
Mr. David Booth, Box 158, Port Loring, ON P0H 1Y0; Tel: 705-757-1110; E-mail:
Change of Address
J. N. Smith: E-mail:
Mrs. Phyliss Gavel of Clementsvale, NS, on October 6, 2005, age 74. Our sister was saved a short time after her husband, in the Spring of 1963. Soon after, they moved as a family to Clementsvale, and, a little later, she and her husband were received into the assembly. She continued in attendance at the meetings until ill health prevented her, but would always encourage her husband to go when he felt for her sake he should stay at home. She is survived by her husband Chester (now in the Berwick assembly), two sons, and nine daughters. Prayer for our brother and family will be appreciated. The funeral was large, with a very attentive audience, as the gospel was preached. The service was shared by L. Cress, J. McClelland, and M. McCandless.
Miss Martha Jane Crooks of N. Ireland, on November 28, 2005, age 85. She was saved over 70 years, and received into the Clonroot assembly of which she was a very faithful and highly esteemed member, but latterly, because of frailty, was resident in Faith House, Finaghy. She bore a godly consistent testimony, with clarity of mind to the end. The large funeral was shared by Jim and Wesley Martin, S. McBride, and R. Bingham with words of comfort and gospel to an attentive audience. She is survived by brothers, sister-in-law, nephews, and nieces, some needing salvation. Please pray for all these relatives.
Mrs. Kathleen Crompton of N. Ireland, on December 29, 2005, age 91. She was saved in 1962 at meetings in Ballyclare by Mr. A. McShane. On moving to the Clones, Co. Monaghan, she was received into the assembly where she remained a member until her home-call. At the funeral which was comprised mostly of Roman Catholics, there was a very attentive ear to a clear word of gospel in the Gospel Hall, and at the graveside – there were words of comfort, too, for the bereaved. R. McKeown, S. McBride, and S. Nelson shared the funeral service. She is survived by nephews and nieces, some of whom need salvation. Please pray for them.
Florence Uhlenhopp of Marion, IA, on January 30. Born in Shell Rock, IA, she was saved January 11, 1938. She was in the Hitesville assembly for many years before moving to Marion in 1984. She was a faithful, consistent believer who, even in later years, was always at the meetings whenever possible. Predeceased by her husband, Chris, in 1970, she is survived by her son Bruce and his wife Ilene, two grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. The funeral service was taken by A. Christopherson and R. Orr.