


Edmonton: The believers enjoyed very profitable visits in the last month from N. Mellish, M. Cain, B. Meyers and G. Williams. A week of meetings with D. Richards closed with a baptism on the Sunday night. J. Ronald and D. Richards shared the meeting. A young couple who recently came from a Hutterite colony in Saskatchewan were baptized, and also a young brother who was recently saved at gospel meetings in May with J. Jarvis and J. Fitzpatrick.

British Columbia

Kamloops: During the month of July, the assembly enjoyed visits from N. Mellish, B. Myers, M. Cain, and A. Bergsma. Each gave helpful and encouraging ministry. Major cleanup from the recent fire has been done and rebuilding should start soon.

Port Coquitlam: Three weeks of tent meetings concluded July 28. During the first two weeks, children’s meetings were taken in the morning by Cam Thulien. Attendance and interest from the community were encouraging, and two young women professed faith in Christ. Weekly children’s work and home Bible studies are planned to continue in months to come.

Vancouver: The monthly ministry meeting was held in South Burnaby July 2. Two weeks of children’s meetings were held at Nanaimo Rd. in August, taken by local brethren; there was also a week in South Burnaby. Victoria Dr. had the joy of receiving into the fellowship a young couple baptized in May. Please pray for gospel meetings following the Thanksgiving Conference. Wm. Skates and Al Christopherson are expected.


Woodlands: J. Gould and J. Hanna have put up a tent in this small community about 30 minutes northwest of Winnipeg. There are some contacts in the area along with a good number of Hutterite colonies.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Corner Brook: The three-week tent series with Bert Joyce and his son Bryan ended on July 30 with 21 unsaved coming over the duration. The Christians were encouraged and there was excellent support from the McIvers assembly.

English Point: A sister was baptized July 1. L’Anse au Loup joined for a combined gospel meeting.

Gander: G. Whey has been active with his open-air trailer throughout July. Doug Loveless helped him with a week of meetings in the town of Buchans. Local brethren shared in the responsibilities with the preaching in Seal Cove. A week of meetings was planned for the last week of the month in Gander with help given by brethren from the assembly there.

South Coast: D. Hunt and R. Laden were along this coast with the gospel boat during the month of July. They were in Burgeo for a couple of days, then to Grey River. The time there was very encouraging as they visited each home and preached the gospel from the boat, then gave out Bibles and literature. David will be docking the boat for several weeks for a gospel series in Tatamagouche, NS, and will return for more activity with the boat.

Nova Scotia

Amherst: M. McCandless was joined by S. MacLeod (Charlottetown) for the first week of meetings which started in mid-July, then by E. Wong (Vancouver) starting the second week. He also took responsibility for two weeks of children’s meetings. Meetings have been very well supported by area assemblies and some from the community have attended. There has been no break to report thus far.

New Glasgow: B. Barkhouse and E. Fowler started gospel meetings July 16. There was a Seed Sower effort the first week with help from a number of young believers and from the believers of the New Glasgow assembly. The interest was good, with new attendance as well former contacts.


Cairo: After starting into the fourth week of gospel tent effort in late July, Wm. Metcalf and J. Nesbitt were encouraged with several unsaved in from the area. There was evidence of the Spirit of God working. Jim Beattie was to share in the fourth week and remaining meetings, as he was able.

Cambridge: F. Krauss visited for Lord’s Day, May 28. A young man was baptized on June 4, with D. Nicholson and M. McLean speaking in the gospel and ministering on baptism.

Clinton: On July 9, G. Patterson and N. Coulter (N. Ireland) commenced gospel meetings in a tent on the Bell Fruit Farm in Goderich Township. Attendance was encouraging. The Christians’ children are a particular burden.

Englehart: The recent conference of July 1-2 was larger with a number of young believers present. The ministry was relevant and encouraging to all. Before the conference, for about two weeks, L. Buote took up the Seven Feasts of Jehovah. He also was with the assembly at Earlton speaking on Solomon’s Temple.

St. Thomas: Commencing in April the assembly had appreciated visits from N. Lorimer, J. Stubbs, J. McColl, F. Krauss, D. Weir, D. Jones, B. Foreshew, J. Bergsma, G. Patterson, and E. Fowler. Bro. Stubbs had three ministry meetings while with the assembly.

Strongville: A teenaged girl was saved in February and baptized July 30 at Collingwood Gospel Hall. As a homeless girl, she has been under the care of Doug and Sue Black.

Sudbury: The assembly enjoyed two weeks of gospel meetings in the tent in Azilda. D. Nicholson and E. Badgley preached the gospel faithfully, and some unsaved were out nearly every night. Some are still showing interest. B. Owen was with the assembly for a midweek meeting and gave appreciated ministry. The assembly enjoyed a visit from B. Rodgers for a Lord’s Day and a midweek meeting.

Thunder Bay: J. Webb and P. Smith conducted gospel meetings from May 28 through June 4. D. Booth gave profitable ministry on discipleship, June 24-29.


Montreal: The address for the believers gathered to the Lord Jesus Christ at Grace Gospel Hall will change in September to 50 5eme (Fifth) Avenue, Pincourt, Quebec J7V 4R4. This is just west of Montreal, south of Highway 20. Also please pray for the distribution of tracts and invitations to special meetings (using a model of the tabernacle) for the gospel and ministry in our new location, the latter planned for September 23-27, D.V.



Newington: The assembly held children’s meetings in order to reach out to neighborhood children. Dan Shutt spoke nightly.


Dike: E. McCullough, helped by a few local brethren, has been greatly encouraged by the response to the gospel and God’s blessing.

Dumont: A. Christopherson aand R. Weber planned to commence tent meetings on July 30. This small town is near the Aredale assembly.

West Union: Excellent interest was seen during children’s meetings in Hazleton, July 10-14. Local brethren have worked this area 30 miles from the hall for 30 years.


Saugus: The Monday evening children’s Bible Hour has been well attended with some new children and their parents as well as children from past years. Three young believers were baptized. Bill Nason (Saugus) spoke on the Scriptural meaning of baptism and gave a clear message in the gospel. The believers rejoiced when a young man for whom they have been praying was saved. He had the occasion to attend two funerals in the space of four days, and heard the gospel faithfully preached. W. Gustafson and T. Hoy had a brief visit here on a Lord’s Day.


Fridley: The saints in the Minneapolis area welcomed a Seed Sower’s effort in which 50,000 texts and invitations were distributed the week of July 10. One week of children’s meetings followed with S. Thompson and local brethren taking part. Over 60 different children from the community were in attendance in addition to parents and guardians. Many contacts were made and the testimony of God’s Word upheld. L. Perkins joined Mr. Thompson in gospel Meetings starting the week of July 24.


Tylertown: We would like to ask the prayers of God’s people regarding a gospel effort by L. Perkins and J. Webb in the coastal cities of Biloxi and Gulfport, and surrounding areas which were hit hard by hurricane Katrina a year ago. A Seed Sower effort in August will precede the meetings planned for September.

New Jersey

Midland Park: The assembly enjoyed Lord’s Day visits from S. Maze and W. Gustafson in June, and from E. Higgins in July. On that Lord’s Day, a man was baptized; he was saved during gospel meetings last Fall. In August, the assembly plans both to baptize a Korean brother, connected with the Corona Assembly in Queens, NY, and also to have five days of children’s meetings, followed by the annual SS picnic.

New Mexico

Albuquerque: In June, B. Owen gave one week of appreciated ministry on church truth. In mid-July, a young sister obeyed the Lord in baptism.


Akron: The assembly appreciated visits from J. Portman and R. Surgenor.

Cleveland: The assembly was encouraged by the good turnout of young people for ten nights of gospel meetings with D. Petterson in June.

Clyde: L. Perkins was here for three nights of ministry. R. Surgenor also gave helpful ministry.

Mansfield: B. Lavery was expected for a visit in August. The assembly was encouraged in receiving five believers into the fellowship.


Bryn Mawr: The assembly enjoyed a visit from Shad Kember for a midweek report and ministry as well as a Lord’s Day.

McKeesport: In July, we had an appreciated visit from Joe Clark who gave a report on the work in Alberta and surrounding areas. D. Oliver was with us for a week of well-attended children’s meetings; he also gave excellent ministry on Lord’s Day.


Ontario: J. Slabaugh and B. Doll (local brother) had 5 and a half weeks of gospel meetings in April and May with blessing in salvation. Three believers have been baptized since the meetings closed, and two believers were recently received into fellowship. The assembly has appreciated visits from R. Surgenor, J. Currie, A. Christopherson and J. Jennings since the beginning of the year.

New Zealand 

Wm. Skates had a month here with the saints in Palmerston North, Dunedin, and Miramar. His visit was greatly appreciated and was an encouragement to the various assemblies visited. Henry Skates, his brother, gave very able help in the gospel in Miramar where about a dozen Eritrean immigrants were out each night and some Samoans. Some believers came down from Palmerston North almost every night (a 4-hour round trip,) to support the gospel. Pray that the Lord will raise up full-time workers in this needy land.


Bicester: Gene Higgins commenced gospel meetings in the tent here on July 23rd. There has been good interest with visitors coming nightly. One young man has professed.


Mansfield, OH, September 16-17 with Prayer meeting Friday, September 15 at 7:30 pm., Gospel Hall, 820 Mansfield Washington Rd. All other meetings in the Ontario High School, 467 Shelby-Ontario Road, Ontario. Saturday: Ministry 10 am, 2:30 pm, Gospel 6:30 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Sunday School 11:45 am, Ministry/Gospel 2:30 pm. Accom: John P. Hoffman, 1385 Angus Drive, Mansfield, OH 44903; 419-884-1990; E-mail: hoffjohnman@aol.com

Sussex, NB, September 30, October 1, at the Sussex High School, with a Prayer Meeting on Friday, September 29 at the Gospel Hall. Saturday: Ministry 10 am and 2 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 am, SS 1 pm, Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 7 pm. For information please contact Jim MacIntosh at 506-847-5863, E-mail: macjames@nbnet.nb.ca. For accommodations, contact Trevor McClelland 506- 433-1234, E-mail: trevor@commercialtent.com.

Maidstone &, Mervin, SK, Paradise Valley, AB, October 7-8 in the Legion Hall, 111 Main St., Maidstone. Meetings both days at 10:30 a.m., 2 and 7 pm. Prayer Meeting Friday, October 6, 7:30 pm in the Maidstone Gospel Hall, 4th Ave. & Main St. Contact R. Robertson (Maidstone), 306-893-2674; Tom Stewart (Mervin), 306-845-2331; David Flint (Paradise Valley), 780-745-2560.

St. Thomas, ON, October 7-8 with Prayer Meeting at 7:30 pm on Friday evening, October 6 in the Gospel Hall, 1 Sunset Drive. All other meetings in the Parkside Collegiate, 241 Sunset Drive. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 am and 2 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Ministry 2:30 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Corr: Lyle McCandless, 45 Pol Crescent, St. Thomas, ON, N5R 5P9; 519-637-1602; School 519-633-0090.

Vancouver, BC, October 7-9 in the Burnaby South Secondary School, 5455 Rumble Street, Burnaby. Prayer meeting Friday 8 p.m. in the Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, 4659 Victoria Dr. Meetings on Saturday: Bible Reading 10 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m.(Gospel Hall), Ministry 2:30 and Gospel 7 p.m. Monday: Bible Reading 10 a..m., Ministry 2 p.m. Bible Readings will be on 2 Thess. 1- 3. Corr: P. Broadhead, 115-678 Citadel Dr., Port Coquitlam, BC, V3C 6M7; 604-468-4979, pbroadhead@telus.net.

Edmonton, AB, October 14-15 at the Connor’s Hill Gospel Hall, 9302-95 Street. Prayer meeting Friday, October 13 at 8 pm. Meetings will start at 10 am on both Saturday and Sunday. Meals will be served both days. For accommodations contact Joe Smith at 780-469-7274 or Joe Bowman at 780-450-0818. All are welcome.

L’Anse au Loup, LB, October 13-15 with Prayer Meeting on the Thursday, October 12 at 7:30 pm Friday: Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Bible Reading 10:30 am, Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7:30 p.m., Young People’s 9 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Sunday School 1:30 p.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7:30 p.m., also at Red Bay, 7:30 pm. All meals served in the homes of the Christians. Accom: Francis Barney, 709-927-5696, or Preston Belben, 709-927-5622.

Niagara Falls, ON, October 14-15 in the Gospel Hall, Adams & Hawkins Streets. Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 pm. Saturday: Ministry 10 am, 2:45 pm, Bible Study 1:30 pm. Gospel 6:45 pm, Young People’s 8:15 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 am., Sunday School 11:30 am, Bible Study 1:30 pm., Ministry 2:45, Gospel 6:45. Corr. Wm. Smith, 7467 Merritt Ave., Niagara Falls, ON L2G 5C3; 905-354 8272

Brandon, MB, October 19 in the Gospel Hall. Bible Reading, 10 am (John 14), Ministry, 1:30 pm. Corr: Alan Ritchie, 204-727-4971; Cell: 204-727-0034; email: arit@westman.wave.ca.

La Crosse, WI, October 28-29 with Prayer on Friday 7:30 pm and Gospel on Lord’s Day 7 pm in the Gospel Hall, 1928 George St. All other meetings in the Logan Middle School, 1450 Avon St. Saturday, 10 am, 2 and 6:30 pm. Lord’s Day, Devotional ministry 9:15 am, Breaking of Bread 10:30 am, Ministry 1:45 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Corr: Paul Aspenson, 1949 So. 21st Terrace, La Crosse, WI 54601; 608-787-0074; E-mail: aspensonlumber@hotmail.com

St. John’s, NL, October 27-29 in the Gospel Hall, 47 Smith Avenue. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7:30 pm. All other meetings at Hazelwood Elementary, Topsail Road. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10:30 am, Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 am, Bible Reading 11:45 am, Ministry 2:30 pm, Gospel Meeting 7 pm. Corr: Gary Tarrant, 6 Point Verde Place, St. John’s, NL; 709-745-5886; E-mail: gtarrant@nl.rogers.com

Alpena, AR, November 4-5 in the Gospel Hall, 401 Lane St. Saturday: Bible Reading at 2 pm with ministry following. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Sunday School 11:30 am, Ministry 1:30 pm. For information/accommodations: Will Trowbridge, Tel: 479-665-4189.

Conference Reminders:

Akron, OH – September 2-3

Arlington, WA – September 1-4

Clementsvale, NS – September 2-3

Grande Prairie, AB – September 2-3

Huntsville, ON – September 2-3

Kansas City, MO – September 3-4

Hardwick, VT – September 9-10

Sault Ste. Marie, ON/MI – September 8-10

Arnstein, ON – September 16-17

Hitesville, IA – September 16-17

Chapman Valley/Parry Sound, ON – Sep 23-24

New Lenox, IL – September 23-24

Midland Park NJ – September 23-24

Clinton, ON – September 30-October 1 (Two Bible Readings -The Lord in the Midst)

Manchester, IA – September 30-October 1

McKeesport, PA – October 7-8

Blue River, WI – October 21-22

Livonia, MI – October 21-22

Terryville, CT – October 21-22

Bryn Mawr, PA – October 28-29

Additions to T&T Address List

John Nesbitt, Cerrada San Fernando #59, Tercera Seccion Capistrano Res., Hermosillo, Sonora, 83240, MX, 610-520-2292 (VOIP)

Change of Address

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Badgley, 23 Johnson St., Picton, ON K0K 2T0 (P.O. Box not req’d)

Pete Smith, (PBS Centre, Portage la Prairie, MB); amended E-mail: pbs110@mts.net

Bert Snippe, 10894 Furnival Road, R.R. 2, Rodney, ON N0L 2C0; Tel: 519-785-1807

Change of Correspondent

Hatboro, PA, Jim Coleman, 126 Bender Road, Hatboro, PA 19040; jimandchris@verizon.net; 215 672-6448


Mrs. Elsie Alma McCandless (formerly Eaton-Bailey) of Unionville, ON, on June 11, age 90. She was born again in her teens. Over the years she was in happy fellowship at Egerton Gospel Chapel (London), Rexdale Gospel Hall (Toronto), and Unionville Gospel Hall (Markam). She was a woman with a wonderful smile, and a warm heart toward all of the Lord’s people. With her husband Donald, she loved to entertain whenever possible. She had a burden for her three children, none of which show proof of life in Christ. The gospel that was spoken at her funeral and at the graveside was likely the first gospel some of her grandchildren had ever heard. Please pray for them and for her husband at this time.

Verta Marie Spencer of Mesick, MI, on June 12. Our dear sister was among the first saved when F. W. Mehl brought the gospel to this village in 1954. In this same year, the Sherman assembly was planted and our sister was one of the original members gathered unto the Lord here. Her encouraging smile and help in the testimony is sadly missed. Verta was just eight days from her 85th birthday. Her husband, Lloyd led the soul-searching graveside service attended by a very large company.

Crystal Elaine Armstrong of Mesick, MI, on June 24. Crystal was also among those saved and gathered unto the Lord Jesus in 1954. She was always a bright and supporting testimony in the assembly. She was saved at age 40 and often remarked that life begins at 40. On April 27, she turned 92. Even though her later years were visited with much surgery and confinement, she was a cheerful help and displayed a joyful expectation of the return of her Savior at any moment. Now she is with Him. Norman Crawford and Daniel Shutt performed the services and the Word of God was faithfully preached.

Mrs. Mary Francey of Clones, Co. Monaghan, N. I., on June 26, age 90. Saved when 16 years of age, and with her late husband, came into fellowship with Clones assembly shortly after their marriage. She was a godly, gracious woman who loved the Lord, and was given to much hospitality. She saw her son, four daughters, and most of her grandchildren saved, and in fellowship. Her very large funeral was a token to the respect she had in her home district. As arranged by herself, T. McNeill spoke words of comfort and gospel at the funeral service in her home, and W.J. Nesbitt preached the gospel to a most reverent audience at the graveside, including some members of the Garda. Prayer is valued for family and unsaved loved ones.

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McFarland of N. Ireland, on July 1, age 96. She was saved while attending meetings conducted by late brethren Creighton and Stevenson in Creduff in 1926; received into fellowship at Creduff, later at Ardstraw, and then for many years in Newtownstewart. A widow for almost 40 years, she was a good woman who loved the Lord and His people, and was a good supporter of all the meetings while health permitted. As arranged by herself, the funeral was from the Gospel Hall, with T. McNeill speaking words of comfort and gospel, and at the graveside J. Lennox preached the gospel. Local brethren, J. Monteith, R. Wilson, and S. Gilfillan assisted with hymns and prayer. Prayer is valued for large family circle, some still in need of salvation.

Frank James Vitale of McKeesport, PA, on July 6, age 76. He was born on November 29, 1929, saved on June 17, 1945. He was formerly in the Saugus, MA, assembly. The funeral service was taken by his son, Dale, and shared by Eugene Higgins, David Oliver, Jon Procopio, Kevin Procopio, William Seale Jr., and Robert Vinson. He is survived by his wife Ruth, three sons, a daughter, numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and five siblings. His interest in spiritual matters, especially in his younger years, was evident in his faithful attendance at all the meetings. He will be missed by his family and the assembly.

Paul White of Toronto, ON, on July 9, age 87. Our brother was saved over 50 years ago and in fellowship in the Pape Avenue assembly (now Victoria Park) from 1958 until he went to reside at Bethany Lodge in 2004 and in fellowship in the Unionville assembly. He was active for many years in personal work, visiting in local hospitals with gospel tracts until his health failed. He is survived by daughters Maureen and Cathy, sons Patrick and Michael, and families. The funeral was taken by Robert Reilly.

Anna Wall of Straffordville, ON, on July 16, age 40. Our dear sister was preparing to come to remember the Lord, when she passed peacefully into His presence. Anna was saved 19 years ago to the day through a saved Mennonite preacher just before she went in for her first heart transplant. After a second transplant 3 years ago, she experienced difficulties, mainly due to anti-rejection drugs. Anna was lovingly cared for by her beloved husband Henry and their only son, Frank. They were baptized and received into fellowship in the spring of 2005. Anna’s love for the Lord and His people, her constant smile in spite of difficulties, and her love and concern for her unsaved friends and relatives, were an example to all she met. She was born in Mexico. There were many “Old Colony” Mennonites present at her large funeral which was taken by Dave Patten, her son Frank, Peter Wiebe, and Ross Parker. Anne’s testimony and the gospel were shared in both English and German.

Robert Harbison, Jr. of Bryn Mawr, PA, on July 17, two weeks short of his 84th birthday. Bob was raised under the gospel but was drafted into the army in WWII while still unsaved. In 1944, while in the Philippines, his wife, Kathleen Cooper of N.Y.C., wrote to tell him she had gotten saved. This was a loud voice to Bob and in early 1945, as a result of letters and tracts, he trusted Christ for salvation. He returned home in early 1946 when he and his wife were baptized and received into fellowship in Bryn Mawr where they remained for their lifetime. After his wife’s passing 18 years ago, Bob developed serious health problems. Recently he was facing more surgery when the Lord took him. One son and his family and two daughters and their family, some of whom profess salvation, need our prayers for their spiritual blessing. Wm. Oliver presented the gospel plainly at the funeral.

Mrs. Mary Halliday of Carryduff, N.I., July 25, age 86. Mary was the oldest child of James and Edith Geddis, pioneer missionaries in Central Africa. In 1932 at Kalunda, Angola, twelve year old Mary received Christ as her Savior. She trained as a nurse and midwife, commencing the medical work at Dipalata, N. Rhodesia (now Zambia) in 1946, where she was assisted by her younger sister Eleanor. People were given the gospel message each time they attended her dispensary. She was known to the African people as “Ndona Mariya” – she loved them and they loved her. In 1950 she married Bill Halliday and together they served the Lord in Zambia for almost 60 years. Latterly on account of Mary’s failing health they returned home to N. Ireland. The large company who gathered for her funeral service in Newtownbreda Gospel Hall was a real testimony to the high esteem in which she was held. Her funeral was conducted by John Wilkinson and Ivan Gordon in the hall, and James Martin at the graveside. A service of thanksgiving for Mary’s life and service was held in Zambia a short time later. Prayer is valued for her husband Bill, her daughter and son, and her two sisters in Zambia.

Maxine Secor of Cedar Falls, IA, on July 31. She was born in Boone County, IA in 1937 and born again July 17, 2001 while attending tent meetings in Littleton, IA. She was baptized in the summer of 2002 and later received into the Cedar Falls assembly. She bore a good testimony and, when diagnosed with melanoma, expressed her gratitude for being saved just in time. She leaves three sons and two daughters along with their families. Russ Nesbit and Jerry Jennings shared the service in the hall, and Roy Weber spoke at the grave.