Quiet Progress of the Gospel
There are two assemblies in the land of Armenia. In 1992 brother Levon Yergatian and brother Toros Pilibosian from the Limassol Gospel Hall, Cyprus, went to Armenia with the desire to bring the gospel to a land that had been under communism for seventy years. They had gospel meetings in homes and started a Sunday School work. Brother Levon and brother Toros would come once or twice a year to uplift the few saints that met faithfully. In 1999 brother Toros, his wife and two children were commended from the Limassol Gospel Hall to full time work in Guimri, Armenia. Guimri is the second largest city in Armenia with a population of 110,000. In 1988 this city was hit by an earthquake which devastated the city. By then the believers were gathering in a rented classroom in an area built by the Austrians for the handicapped and orphans of the earthquake.
In 1999, as well as the breaking of bread, regular gospel meetings started every Lord’s Day and a few men came to the Lord. Assembly truths were taught and the Holy Spirit raised able men to take the responsibility of the assembly. The Lord added to the assembly (Acts 2:41) and the classroom wasn’t big enough for meetings. After much prayer the Lord provided an unfinished building in the same area, and with the help of saints in the UK, this building was purchased and the first floor renovated to become a Gospel Hall. The saints meet every Lord’s Day morning to remember the Lord. There is a large Sunday school and Bible class of about 140. Every Lord’s Day evening the gospel is given and on Wednesday there is a Bible study and prayer meeting. The Austrian Quarter Gospel Hall is involved in different outreach ministries. They translate and print gospel tracts and once a year distribute gospel calendars and the Good Seed Calendar which has a gospel message for every day. Also a gospel meeting is held once a week in another part of town. This has been going on for the past year and a half in the will of the Lord and nine have been saved during this time.
In the capital city, Yerevan, a brother and his family began a meeting in their home in 1999. This meeting grew but unfortunately came under the influence of different denominations and humanitarian ministries. By mid 2003, after much conflict, this brother, his family and a few saints separated themselves from this system and showed a desire to meet simply as the first assembly did. Since then, a brother from Cyprus and another from Cork, in Ireland, have been to visit the Ardzakh Gospel Hall in Yerevan to encourage and minister to the saints there. Brother Toros now makes regular visits and helps with the teaching in Yerevan and there is a sweet fellowship between the saints of the two assemblies.
The saints in Ardzakh Gospel Hall break bread every Lord’s Day and have a gospel meeting following the breaking of bread. The Sunday School follows the gospel meeting. On Thursdays they meet for Bible study and prayer. This small group of believers is active in outreach and prison ministry.