Gospel: From Every Kindred, and Tongue, People, and Nation: Italy

As a young boy growing up in a poor family in Italy, I would sometimes look up into the sky at the shining moon and stars and ask God, if He was really there, to please take me out of this miserable existence. In 1951, my brother-in-law, Natalino, came to Canada, and then he brought over his wife, Domenica, in 1952. Then they sponsored my father, my mother, and me, and we arrived in 1953. It was hard at first. I got a job at a car wash where I was paid 6 cents a car.

In 1969, my brother-in-law Domenic Simone came to Sarnia. In 1972, through contact with a Christian, he was saved. When Domenic was saved he immediately began preaching to my wife and me. At the same time, another Christian also began to pour into my mind what the Word of God said about sinners needing a Savior. After much arguing and struggling with the Word of God, attending gospel meetings, and reading gospel papers, I finally realized that I was on the way to hell and the lake of fire. I read a gospel pamphlet that I picked up at work, and it convinced me that I was outside the door of heaven and on my way to hell.

I was now really serious about salvation and asked the Christian who had been witnessing to me how I could be saved. He told me to tell God I wanted to be saved and ask Him how. When I asked how I would know what God told me, he said God would tell me from His word, the Bible.

One night in my bedroom I became deeply troubled and asked God to show me a key or a door so I could enter in. I looked at the Bible I was reading and saw these words, “This message is sent to you by the One Who is holy and true and has the key of David to open what no one can shut and to shut what no one can open. I know you well. You are not strong but you have tried to obey and have not denied My name. Therefore I have opened a door to you that no one can shut” (Rev 3:7-8). Even though those words were written to believers, they suddenly reminded me that the Lord Jesus was the door of salvation. I understood that God had opened that door to me, so I could be saved. It was Jesus, the Son of God, Who was the door that God had opened for me at Calvary, and I gladly entered in. That was on February 7, 1973, about 7 p.m. I passed from death to life.

Later, as I continued to read the Bible, I understood that I should be baptized and then I was later received into the fellowship of the Sarnia assembly.

To God be the glory,
I am only a sinner saved by grace!