Editorial: Looking Back and Ahead

While it is common that the December editorial look back and thank all who contributed their help over the past year, may it never become commonplace. A deep debt of gratitude is owed to so many involved in the work of Truth & Tidings.

Brethren contribute with their articles, many the fruit of hours of toil and preparation. To all who have taken the time and sent articles, we send our thanks.

Paul Glenney and his wife ably maintain the subscriptions. Their careful attention to this is attested by the fact that your magazine reaches you when it does.

Mr. Bert Reilly has for many years overseen the magazine’s costs and is responsible in large measure for keeping our costs where they are. In light of his many other responsibilities, we greatly appreciate his work.

Our brother Norman Crawford, who for many years did many of the functions now divided among several others, continues to supply valued wisdom and suggestions. All this is done in conjunction with the daily demands of caring for his dear wife, Lois.

The layout and production of the magazine have been in the hands of David Oliver (yes, those headings are getting darker to increase readability). He has introduced many excellent features. Only those who are involved in this type of work can appreciate the hours involved. His additions have enhanced the value of the magazine. The Q and A Forum he handles is probably among the first-read sections of the magazine.

The gospel articles which grace each back cover are overseen by Gene Higgins. He does this along with proofreading the magazine and supplying wise and valued counsel. Our brother Phil Broadhead provides and collates the monthly Tidings. He is always timely and accurate – two traits essential for the task he does.

A magazine distributed world-wide demands a wide circle of men to give the needed balance. Albert Hull, Marvin Derksen, Peter Ramsay, and John Dennison fulfill this need with their appreciated advice and help. “In the multitude of counsellers there is safety” (Pro 11:14). Likewise, in the multitude of proofreaders there is accuracy. We thank Rita Dennison for her help in this tedious task.

Finally, the mailing of the magazine done by the Bucks and others from the Jackson assembly, as well as the handling done in N. Ireland by Paul Trimble and Elwood Russell, enable these issues to reach our readers around the globe.

I would be remiss without a word of thanks to my wife who has sacrificed many hours for the sake of the magazine and its production.

As we look ahead to next year, we have an excellent blend of articles dealing with subjects such as creation and evolution, the Proverbs, Islam, and the Memory of the Just, as well as others.

May we ask that you continue to pray for us and the usefulness of Truth and Tidings.