We are in a world where great emphasis is placed upon children, whether by advertisements, promotional displays, or the news media. Children get preference. It is often the children leading the parents instead of the reverse! The educational system is geared to promote independence in the young child, a questioning of authority, and a quest for domination. Parents are frustrated! The “don’t touch me” attitude or “I dare you to touch me” attitude is all too common. It has been said that the teachers are afraid of the parents, and the parents are afraid of the children, and the children are afraid of nothing! We are losing our children with the present philosophy that is being propagated by modern thinking!
However, the other side of the coin touches our hearts when we hear of the millions of children that are starving, neglected, lonely, and orphaned, and then of the millions that die in our world, having never experienced love and affection.
A burden to reach out to those less privileged is needed. This is a lifetime work for Christians and an avenue to be pursued, reaching out and teaching young minds and hearts, establishing spiritual values that could result in conversions to God. There is work to do at our doors! When our dear sister Martha Kember had a burden to go to Venezuela, she was advised to commence at home turf, and this she did, building up a large Sunday school in Sarnia. This was her commendation to go to Venezuela. A brother in Venezuela remarked of Martha Kember; “She was a whole burnt-offering,” all on the ALTAR. It was the Master Himself who taught the value of children: “Suffer the little children and forbid them not to come unto Me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt 19:24). They were drawn to Him. If we can furnish a good foundation from the Scriptures in children’s hearts, it can have everlasting results.
Let us consider the great privilege of a Christian home environment where the Word of God is precious. In such homes the family ALTAR is erected, and this, beloved, is truly a sacred and priceless heritage. There is the danger of this being eliminated in many homes, and this is tragic! The Devil has been successful in this area! An appeal to fathers: neglect not this time-honored function in family life; take your place as head of the family (not a despot). Your children one day will rise and called you blessed! An appeal to mothers: Let not the business world and the dollars substitute for spending time with your children! Buying them “THINGS for the present world” will never replace the “TRAINING for another world.” Remember, our children are protected and preserved greatly by godly influence, and impressions in childhood days linger on for generations. We believe the cry from many a Christian parent is summed up in the words; “Lord, save the children.” We cling to the promise, and should continue to do so, “thou and thy house.” While salvation is an individual response to the gospel of the grace of God, yet there is something special about the family gathered around the Word of God from childhood days, with the great objective being the salvation of the children (2 Tim 3:15). Some of the great worthies in Christian history never forgot the touch, the travail, the tears, and the training of a mother! Many of us are debtors to this. In our Western Civilization, with its materialistic advancements, we can easily fall into the flow of the world’s philosophy of giving our children TV, Video, DVD’s, toys, and cars while neglecting their eternal welfare! Dear parent, have we lost the vision? Heaven or Hell for eternity! May the Lord by His gracious Holy Spirit revive within us deep-rooted compassion and conviction to do all within the realm of possibility to see “All THE CHILDREN IN!”
I appeal to fathers: learn to share in the family responsibilities, assist your life’s partner in matters of discipline and guidance of the family. Many a mother is over- burdened and bears the weight of the spiritual welfare of the family all alone, while husbands reign like kings! Never use spiritual activity as an excuse to neglect the family responsibilities! Fathers! What will you be remembered for by your children? If all the parents ever accomplished in a lifetime was the salvation of their children, this would be to the everlasting praise of the parents. In a changing society, a Christian home should be an example to a lost world. Never give up on your children’s salvation, no matter how far they travel in the paths of sin. Always remember, “There go I but for the grace of God.” The perfect Father said: “I have nourished and brought up children and they have rebelled” (Isaiah 1: 2). Never be guilty, dear saints, of ridiculing those who have wayward children. They need your compassion, sympathy, and prayers. We all need a fresh grasp of the mighty, marvelous, and miraculous grace of God.
In concluding, we lift the spiritual telescope to our eyes and think of that day when all God’s children will gather at the pierced feet of our Savior, and He will say in that day of gladness, as He views the innumerable company of the redeemed, “Behold I and the children which God has given Me” (Heb 2:13).