British Columbia
Kamloops: Prayer is requested for a gospel series starting September 15 with David Hunt and Stan Wells.
Vancouver: The Gospel Booth at the Pacific National Exhibition received good support from the city assemblies. There were excellent conversations and a large distribution of literature. Please pray for three weeks of gospel meetings planned by the South Main assembly with Bryan Funston and Earl Ritchie commencing September 15, D.V.
Grande Prairie: The Labor Day weekend conference at Grande Prairie was an encouragement to the believers. Hans Bouwman stayed on for meetings with his chart on Eternity to Eternity.
Roblin: The tent meetings conducted by Peter Smith, Andrew Bergsma, and Jim Hanna were encouraging with good numbers attending. A weekly meeting was intended for the next month to see if interest could be sustained.
Steinbach: The tent meetings with Ross Vanstone and Mark Bachert finished after eight weeks. A number professed to be saved and others got the assurance of their salvation. There seems to be an interest for further teaching with a view to establishing a local assembly.
Arnstein: The saints were encouraged on July 21 when three young women and two men obeyed the Lord in baptism. Harold Paisley and David Booth gave fitting ministry at the hall and later at the lake where over 100 gathered to witness the happy event. A visit from Brian Crawford in August was appreciated.
Britainville: Brian Owen writes: The little white church building we own here on Manitoulin recently received a fresh coat of paint. During the tourist season, the old historical building is open to the public from dawn till dusk, during which time gospel tracts and marked New Testaments are made available. Occasionally, we have a series of gospel meetings in the building.
Cambridge: Tent meetings organized by the Clyde assembly with Marvin Derksen and Frank Sona August 7-28 were also supported by the assemblies in Guelph, Kitchener, and Valens. This is the first time an effort has been made within the city, and response was encouraging. Praise the Lord for two souls that professed, and please pray for a number of souls who were troubled.
Deseronto: The believers here were encouraged by visits from M. McLeod, T. Kember, E. Badgely, W. Buckle, A. Gratton, E. Doherty, and help from G.P. Taylor.
Embro: In July, the saints were encouraged when a local man professed faith in Christ during 3 weeks of tent meetings in Ingersoll. George Patterson and Ed Miller preached faithfully. A seven year old boy also professed salvation.
Gore Bay: The assembly had a Seed Sowers booth at the Providence Bay Fair, August 16-18. A large number of Scripture texts were given away.
Oshawa: The Albert Street assembly was encouraged when three teenagers obeyed the Lord in baptism. Murray McLeod presented the gospel to a hall full of people. A month prior, in fellowship with the Peterborough assembly, three young believers were baptized.
Picton: The assembly commenced a three week tent series on August 4 at the Picton Fairgrounds with Albert Hull and Peter Ramsay. The Christians visited all the homes in the town with Seed Sower texts prior to the start of the meetings. To date, there has been an encouraging response from the community.
Scarborough: Peter Ramsay and Stephen Vance preached the gospel for three weeks in a tent here with excellent support from the Toronto assemblies. Many new immigrants from mainland China attended the meetings with an obvious thirst in their souls. Believers from other denominations also appreciated the gospel and actively supported the effort. Two weeks of morning children’s meetings were also conducted by a number of younger brethren. God blessed in salvation.
Thornloe: Brian Owen and Alvin Cook shared in two weeks of gospel tent meetings in a country area not far from this village. Many invitations were distributed throughout the area. Children’s Meetings were held each weekday morning with about twenty children each morning, plus good numbers each evening. We were encouraged to have the support of the believers from the three neighboring assemblies as well. Three teenagers professed to be saved, two having attended Sunday School and children’s meetings from their youth.
Wallaceburg: Alex Dryburgh and Bert Snippe had a month of gospel meetings here. The attendance was most encouraging. One woman professed faith in Christ, for which we thank God.
In June, Leslie Wells and Grard Roy spent a few days in the Gasp Peninsula. Gospel texts were distributed in the villages of Saint-Omer and Saint-Simon.
New Brunswick
Sainte-Anne: Leslie Wells and Grard Roy had 3 weeks of tent meetings. A few strangers attended with some interesting responses to the distribution of gospel texts in Sainte-Anne and Green River.
Tracadie: The annual conference held the first weekend of August proved to be a blessing to the saints. Leslie Wells, Larry Buote, Grard Roy, and local brethren gave help in the ministry of the Word and the preaching of the gospel.
Shdiac: Larry Buote and Leslie Wells are in their fourth week of gospel meetings in the hall (as of August 26).
Nova Scotia
Nineveh: Shad Kember Jr., visited for a ministry meeting. The assembly also had the joy of baptizing a young woman and man.
Tatamagouche: Bill Bingham and Ken Taylor completed six weeks of tent meetings on August 25 in a rural area south-west of Tatamagouche with blessing in salvation.
Weaver Settlement: The saints were encouraged in July when seven believers obeyed the Lord in baptism. Ken Taylor spoke a brief word. The saints have seen blessing this summer with three believers coming into fellowship. Please pray for the Lords help as we seek to build on to the hall.
Prince Edward Island
OLeary: Gospel tent meetings with Murray McCandless and Robert McIlwaine continued into the sixth week by mid-August with good interest and several souls professing salvation.
Charlottetown: The assembly supported four weeks of tent meetings in July at Pooles Corner east of Charlottetown where many heard Peter Orasuk and Noel Burden preach the gospel faithfully. The area was visited with Seed Sowers and Via, and only eternity will reveal the result. The assembly was encouraged to receive a young man into the fellowship in August.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Buchans: George Whey, with the help of C. Hiscock and D. Loveless, had good open air meetings which were an encouragement to the small assembly.
Fogo: The annual conference on Labor Day went well, although numbers were down. Help was given by B. Barkhouse, W. Buckle, E. Fowler, C. Hiscock, B. Joyce, S. Joyce, and P. Mathews.
Parsons Pond: Gospel meetings were held in the open air by J.A. Joyce and S. Joyce, along with help from local brethren in Three Mile Rock. The meetings were a blessing to the saints and very well attended by the unsaved.
Seal Cove: George Whey held two weeks of open air meetings with the help of C. Hurley, C. Strictland, and B. Joyce. The attendance was very encouraging, with good gains made in the gospel.
Arlington: The Labor Day Conference was a profitable time when nine brethren shared in ministry and gospel. Bible Readings on Matthew 5-7 were instructive, and reports were heard on Mexico and Nicaragua. A question-and -answer session was featured on the last day.
Marysville: Tom Hoy and David Booth had three week of tent meetings in August that were well attended. One young boy, after staying behind on the second night, expressed that he knew he was going to heaven. Several others showed a definite interest in salvation.
John Fitzpatrick (helped by brethren from Seattle) had encouraging gospel tent meetings in Cedarville and Alturas. Blessing was seen in salvation and a baptism of two believers was held August 15. Bible readings have subsequently been held in one of the believer’s homes.
S. Dakota
Rapid City: July was busy with a citywide Seed Sowers distribution of Mark 8:36 followed by a tent effort shared by Shad Sluiter, John Kember, Dave Petterson, Darris Barney, and Al Christopherson.
San Antonio: The Lord gave help in the ministry at the August conference. Local brethren gave ministry that was profitable, edifying, and encouraging to the assembly.
Minneapolis: Four weeks of meetings with Robert Orr and Art Ward have concluded with some encouragement and a teen-aged girl professing salvation. Also, a young man and woman obeyed the Lord in baptism at a local lake following one of the meetings. The meetings were well-attended and a cheer to the local believers. Support from neighboring assemblies was appreciated, both in attendance and distribution of invitations.
Dunkerton: The meetings in Littleton have closed with God having blessed in salvation. The tent has been moved to Evansdale (near Waterloo) where bre. Jennings and Weber continue in the gospel. We had the joy of seeing 12 souls obey the Lord in believers baptism.
Kansas City: The annual Labor Day conference was very good with helpful and needed ministry given by Joel Portman, Jim Webb, Eric McCullough, Peter Orasuk, Arthur Ward, William Skates, Daniel Shutt, and visiting brethren from other locations. One young lady professed after the Monday night gospel meeting. Jim Webb remained for one night of ministry.
Gays Mills: Joel Portman and Terry Topley (Ireland) entered their fourth week of gospel tent meetings in August with good interest and some blessing.
Ontario: A young man, son of one of the assembly elders, almost lost his life in an accident. He is recovering and prayer is requested for his salvation.
Waukesha: A good number attended the conference here at the end of July after which a series of gospel meetings commenced. Robert Surgenor joined Jim Frazier and the meetings entered their sixth week at the beginning of September. One man, the subject of many prayers, has professed to be saved.
New Lenox: Over 100 children from our sister Pikes neighbourhood attended one week of childrens meetings in July. The saints appreciated four nights of ministry in August with William Skates speaking on prophetic topics.
Deckerville: William Lavery and William Metcalf concluded two weeks of encouraging gospel tent meetings with several strangers attending, but no sustained interest. The Lord graciously granted assurance to one young believer.
Jackson: Two weeks of tent meetings by Dan Shutt and Matt Smith were well attended and a Sunday school girl professed to be saved.
Petosky: The meetings with Larry Perkins and Stu Thompson were encouraging. A group of over 70 distributed 23,000 Seed Sower packs the first week. Over the three weeks of meetings, 23 local people came to the tent. There are contacts to follow up in the region, both non-believers and some who claim to be saved. The brethren covet earnestly the ongoing prayers of God’s people for wisdom in the continued effort.
Akron: The Labor Day conference was marked by Christ-exalting ministry and gospel preaching. Valuable teaching was given on the local assembly to the large number gathered.
Cleveland: Gospel literature was distributed by the assembly to many visitors at the local county fair.
Lorain: The two-day conference was most encouraging. The Bible readings were taken up with prophetic truths. The Lord gave help in the ministry and gospel meetings.
Mansfield: Fred Bartlett had a short visit with the assembly here. He also visited Akron.
New York
East Aurora: In the Spring, the assembly had an appreciated visit by Alex Dryburgh for ministry meetings. Gospel meetings were held by Larry Buote and Brian Owen with a good spirit and attendance. The last Lord’s Day of the series, three young men obeyed the Lord in baptism. The assembly has been busy this summer making texts. Bob Rawlings from Akron, OH and Evelyn Pepper from Clinton, ON have been a great help. Pray for this work that souls may be saved through the Word.
Bryn Mawr: The assembly conducted a second series of children’s meetings in August. This was in Exton, PA, about 20 miles west of the assembly. David Petterson joined the local brethren in conducting these meetings. A number of children attended. The results remain for eternity to unveil.
McKeesport: Gospel tent meetings with David Oliver and Jon Procopio were very well attended. God blessed in salvation.
Watertown: On August 11, a young sister obeyed the Lord in baptism and was received into assembly fellowship, bringing much joy to the believers. Frank Tornaquindici was with us for this occasion and gave much appreciated spiritual help and encouragement to all in attendance.
Ekaterinburg: The work here is going very well. David Richards was expecting to stay until the middle of December, but needs to return home earlier than originally planned. He expects to go back to Russia in February, D.V.
Conferences. D.V.
Roseisle, MN
October 5-6 in the Roseisle Gospel Hall with Prayer Meeting on Friday 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Bible Reading 10:30 a.m. Corr: Abe Dyck, Box 11, Roseile. MB, R0G 1V0, Tel: (204)828-3414.
La Crosse, WI
October 26-27 in Logan Middle School, 1450 Avon Street, with prayer and ministry Friday 7:30 p.m. at the Gospel Hall, 1928 George Street. First meeting on Saturday: Prayer and Ministry 10 a.m. Lords Day: Bible Reading 9 a.m., Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m. Corr: David L. Hardie, 708 – 11 Avenue S., Onalaska, WI 54650, Tel: (608)783-4067, School: (608)789-7755.
Alpena, AR
November 2-3 in the Gospel Hall , 401 Lane St. Saturday: Bible Reading at 2 p.m. with ministry and gospel following. Lords Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 11:30 a.m., Ministry 1:30 p.m. For info/accom: Will Trowbridge, Tel: (501)665-4189, E-mail:
London, ON
November 2-3 in the Gospel Hall, 1196 Highbury Avenue, with prayer meeting on Friday at 8 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m. Corr: Hugh R. Garnham, 843 Dalkeith Crescent, London, ON N5X 1S5, Tel: (519)433-1825, Hall (519)451-8233.
Saskatoon, SK
November 2-3 in the Lawson Heights Gospel Hall, 131 La Ronge Road, with prayer and ministry on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Ministry 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Inquiries (306)242-1506, (306)249-5044.
Blues Mills, NS
November 9 and 10 in the Gospel Hall, 34 Mountain Road, Blues Mills, Cape Breton. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. Meetings Lord’s Day start at 10 a.m., Gospel 7 p.m. both evenings. Corr: John Bain, (902)625-2409 or
Bryn Mawr, PA
November 8-10 in Colonial Elementary School, Plymouth Meeting, PA (directly behind Plymouth Whitemarsh High School). School is one mile southeast of intersection of Route 476 and PA Turnpike (Norristown exit). Saturday meetings are at 10:30 a.m., 2:30 and 7 p.m.; Lord’s Day meetings at 10 a.m., 2:30 and 7 p.m. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 8 North Summit Grove Ave., Bryn Mawr. Corr: Harold Stewart, Tel: (610)825-0384.
Oil Springs, ON
November 9-10 with Prayer Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the Gospel Hall, Victoria St. All other meetings will be held in the Youth Centre, cor. Hwy. 21 and Victoria St. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m. Bible reading 1:30 p.m. (Hebrews 1), Ministry 2:30 p.m., Testimony Meeting 6 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m.; Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m. Corr. Arthur Whitton, RR 3 Oil Springs, ON, N0N 1P0, Tel 519-882-1686.
Oshawa, ON
November 9 in the Gospel Hall, 150 Albert Street. Ministry at 2 and 7 p.m..with supper served . Corr: Ken Nicholson, Tel:(905)579-7540.
Maberly, ON
November 23 at the Wheeler Pancake House and Sugar Camp. Directions: Hwy. 7 to Maberly, take County Rd. 36 North to Kingston Line (approx. 9 km.), right on Kingston Line (approx. 2.5 km.), right on Highland Line (approx. 4 km.) Meetings are at 2:30 and 7 p.m. Corr: Gordon McLeod, Tel: (613)268-2616.
Phoenix, AZ
November 28-December 1 in the Garfield Street Gospel Hall, 1246 E. Garfield Street, with prayer meeting on Wednesday 27th at 7:30 p.m. Bible Readings on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 10 a.m. (Rom. 8, Rom. 12, I Cor. 11). Ministry each day at 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m.; Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m. Lords Day. Corr: Clarence Van Der Hart, 8525 W. Northern Avenue, Glendale, AZ 85305, Tel: (623)872-1007, Hall (602)253-4932.
Stout, IA
November 28 in the Gospel Hall commencing at 10 a.m.. Corr: Gary DeGroote, 28073 West Brook Street, New Hartford, IA 50660, Tel: (319)983-2713.
Conference Reminders:
Baldwin, KS – October 13
Blue River, WI – October 12-13
Brandon, MB – October 14
Cape Breton, NS – October 12-14
St. Thomas – October 12-13
Vancouver, BC – October 12-14
Lance au Loup, LB – October 18-20
Niagara Falls, ON – October 19-20
Terryville, CT – October 19-20
Livonia, MI – October 27-28
Picton, ON – October 26
Wallaceburg, ON – October 27
London, ON – November 2-3
McKeesport, PA – November 29-Dec. 1
Change of Address
Marvin Derksen, 87 Handorf Drive, Cambridge, ON N3C 3Y3; Tel 519-651-2682, Fax 519-651-2683
Jesse Fitch, 1120 N. 23rd., Council Bluffs, IA 51501.
Malcolm and Rhoda Radcliffe, 3 Barns Terrace, Maybole, Scotland KA19 7EP; Tel: 01655-884083
With Christ
Mrs. Marjorie Wright of St. Thomas, ON on March 27, aged 88. She was saved in January of 1947 through believing the truth of John 10:9. She was baptized and received into the assembly shortly after. Her husband, Jim, predeceased her three years ago. She is survived by one sister, two daughters, two sons, and a number of grand children for whom prayer is requested.
Agnes Rowley of Jackson, MI on June 19, age 100. She had a strict Polish-Catholic upbringing. Her best friend, Alice Morrow, brought her to hear the gospel. She was saved in January 1948, baptized, and received into God’s assembly. As the result of her witness, she received bitter persecution from her family, but quite a few of them later came to know her Savior. Seldom did she miss an opportunity to tell others of Christ. For years she would regularly pass out Sunday School papers to children as they left a nearby school. She was twice widowed and never had children of her own. The unsaved who attended her funeral heard the gospel she loved preached by Norman Crawford.
Wilbert Eagles of River Hebert, NS on July 21, age 94, after a short illness. He was saved November 15, 1979 after attending gospel meetings by David Hunt and the late Floyd Stewart. He was baptized and received into the River Hebert assembly a short time later. Please pray for two sons and a large family connection and grandchildren, not saved. The funeral service was shared by William Bingham and Ken Taylor. Cecil Morton spoke at the graveside on behalf of the assembly.
Vivian L. Swan of Bridgewater, NS on July 28. She was born in 1922 and saved in 1960 during meetings held by F. Holder and D. Howard. Initially in the Oxford assembly, several years later she and her late husband were at the formation of the assembly in Tatamagouche. In 1997 she moved to Bridgewater to live with her daughter and was in fellowship in the Nineveh assembly until called home. She was a happy Christian, faithful to the assembly, and a strong supporter of the gospel. She rejoiced in seeing her 10 children and over 30 of her 35 grandchildren saved, many in assembly fellowship. David Swan, a son, spoke words of tribute on behalf of the family. Ken Taylor and Wm. Bingham shared in the large funeral service with Albert Hull speaking at the graveside.
Lillian H. Richard of Torrington, CT on August 3, age 92. Our beloved sister was saved in 1926 during tent meetings conducted by William Warke and James Marshall. She was the last survivor of the thirteen believers that met when the assembly in Torrington was planted in 1926. She and her husband Ray (1968) are remembered as having a home open to the Lords servants and His people. Their faithfulness in very practical ways is known to many. She was lovingly cared for by her family (four sons, three daughters) the last few years, while confined to her home. The funeral service was conducted by Matthew Brescia and Frank Tournaquindici.
Pearl Hotson of Grand Bend, ON on August 4, age 84. Our sister was saved as a young woman and, along with her husband Willis (deceased in 1986), was in fellowship in the Grand Bend assembly until chronic illness required that she receive nursing home care. She is predeceased by one son, and survived by three daughters, one son, and other relatives and their families, some of whom are not saved. The large funeral was taken by Arnold Gratton.
Willis Stickfort of Reinbeck, IA on August 4, age 61 after suffering many years with leukemia. He was saved at the age of 12 while the late Clay Fite was visiting the assembly in Stout in 1953. Willis appreciated his salvation and was in fellowship for many years in the Stout assembly. His wife Ardys survives, along with three sons, a daughter, and four grandchildren. Richard Van Mill and Robert Orr shared the service in the hall with Roy Weber speaking at the grave.
Mrs. Marjorie Barker of Manchester, IA on August 10, age 87. Our sister was saved on April 7, 1940 through the labors of the late Oliver Smith. She was in the assembly at Manchester for many years. Her husband Jim survives, along with three sons, and their families. Prayer is requested for the salvation of loved ones not yet saved. Robert Orr took the funeral service.
Wayne Rodgers of Sault Ste. Marie, ON on August 11, age 62. Wayne was saved at the age of ten in Kirkland Lake, ON. In 1963 he moved to Sault St. Marie where he was employed as a school teacher. Our brother took a keen interest in assembly activities, preaching the gospel and ministry, teaching Sunday School, and was a respected overseer. He was a great help to many young Christians in various parts of the country. He leaves to mourn his beloved wife Heather, one son, and three daughters, all in assembly fellowship. He will be greatly missed. Gary Sharp spoke faithfully at the funeral, with Ross Rodgers, David Clingin, and Rodger McIntyre giving words of appreciation. Bruce Rodgers spoke at the graveside.
Freda Steen of Marysville, WA on August 14, age 71. She was saved in 1945 and in fellowship at the Arlington and Shoultes assemblies for many years. Her life was marked by hospitality and kindness. For the past 20 years she increasingly required care and assistance which was lovingly supplied by her husband, Chuck. Her memorial service was shared by Tom Hoy and Bryon Meyers and was well attended by many friends, several of whom shared remembrances of Fredas life.
Rudolph Derksen of Grassie, ON on August 16, age 69. Our brother was saved during gospel meetings at Grassie in 1957. He and his wife were received into fellowship at the assembly in Grimsby, ON. As owner-operator of a local auto repair center, he witnessed faithfully to his customers of God’s salvation. For over 40 years he maintained the testimony as a faithful elder, often when the numbers were small. He is survived by his wife Marion, four sons, three daughters, and fourteen grandchildren. A son-in-law and two sons gave fitting tributes. The service was taken by Fred Krauss with Reg Lawson speaking at the grave.
Mary Bacon of Niagara Falls, ON on August 23, age 89. Mary was saved as a young married woman along with her late husband, and received into the fellowship at Niagara where she continued until ill health prevented her from coming. The funeral service was conducted by James Smith. The gospel was faithfully proclaimed along with her personal testimony which she had written out.
Mrs. Irene Simms of Toronto, ON on August 23. Our beloved sister was born in 1913 and saved in 1934 during gospel meetings in the Brock Avenue Hall. She, with her husband, Frank (1995), had six children; one daughter died in childhood. The first 21 years of marriage were spent in Arnstein, ON and for the next 47, in Brock Avenue. Our sister’s life was characterized by a strong sense of duty to her family and the assembly. The features of the virtuous woman (Prov. 31) truly applied to her. Four daughters, Beryl, Nelda, Eleanor, Sheila and one son Peter, with several grandchildren and great-grandchildren can “rise up and call her blessed.” The funeral was taken by John Vance and Stephen Vance.