The Theme of the Epistle
The Gospel of Christ: “therein is the righteousness of God revealed” (ch 1.16,17)
The primary logical explanation of Gods work of Salvation.
Chaps 1- 8: DOCTRINAL; Gods righteousness revealed with regard to sin. ( ch 1- 5 Christ as Righteouness for us; ch. 6- 8 Christ as Righteousness in us.)
Chaps. 9-11: DISPENSATIONAL; Gods righteousness revealed with regard to Israel.
Chaps. 12-16: BEHAVIORAL: Gods righteousness revealed with regard to daily living.
The Scope of the Epistle
The righteousness of God — unto all and upon all them that believe (ch 3. 23)
(Showing that the provision is for all but available only to those who believe)
The Outline of the Epistle
Chapters 1- 8 DOCTRINAL
Chapter One: The Corrupt Man vs. 23
Chapter Two: The Inexcusable Man vs. 1
Chapter Three: The Guilty Man vs. 19
Chapter Four: The Forgiven Man vs. 7-8
Chapter Five: The Justified Man vs. 1
Chapter Six: The Crucified Man vs. 6
Chapter Seven: The Wretched Man vs. 24
Chapter Eight: The Triumphant Man vs. 37
Chapter Nine: Israel Election
Chapter Ten: Israel Rejection
Chapter Eleven: Israel Restoration
Chapters 12-16; BEHAVIOURAL
Chapter Twelve: Pauls Appeal, present your bodies a living sacrifice
Chapter Thirteen: Pauls Admonition, Let every soul be subject to higher powers
Chapter Fourteen: Pauls Affirmation, every one of us shall give an account of himself to God
Chapter Fifteen: Pauls Assurance, I am sure that I shall come to you in the fullness of the blessing of the Gospel of Christ
Chapter Sixteen: Pauls Final Greetings to various individuals and groups.
Details of the Epistle
Chapter 1.1-7 A Personal Salutation, 8-17; An Authoritative Affirmation, 18- 32 A Universal Condemnation.
Chapter 2.1-4 No Excuse for the Jew, 5-16 No Respect of Persons with God, 17-24 No Merit in Circumcision.
Chapter 3.1-8; An Answer Given, 9-18 A Witness Produced, 19-31 A Conclusion Drawn
Chapter 4.1-5 The Teaching Illustrated, 6-8 The Fact Confirmed, 9-25 The Application Made
Chapter 5 The Results of Justification, 9-11 The Abundance of Salvation, 5-21 The Gift of Grace.
Chapter 6 Sanctification:
6:.1-10 The Basis of Sanctification
6:.11-7:6; The Outcome of Sanctification.
Chapter 7 Consternation
7:7-24 The Hindrance to Sanctification:
Chapter 8 Jubilation
8:1-39 The Power of Sanctification.
Chapter 9:1-3 Pauls Sorrow:
4-5 Israels Standing,
6-33: Divine Sovereignty.
Chapter 10. 1 The Prayer of the Apostle, 2-13 The Principle of Salvation, 14-17 The Preaching of the Gospel, 18-21 The Perverseness of the Nation.
Chapter 11.
1-6 The Rejection of Israel is not Permanent:
7-16 The Rejection of Israel means blessing for Gentiles:
17-24 The Rejection of Israel a Warning to the Gentiles:
25-32 The Rejection of Israel will end in their Restoration:
33-36 Pauls Emotional Doxology.
Chapter 12. 1-2 The Believers Service, 3-10 The Believers Behavior, 11-21 The Believers Relationships.
Chapter 13.
1-14 The Believers Civic and Social Responsibility
1-7 Civil Obedience and the Reason for it:
8-14 Moral Integrity and the Motive Behind It.
Chapter 14:1-12, Christian Tolerance, 13-23 Christian Liberty
Chapter 15. 1-13 Pauls Prayerful Plea
14-21; Pauls Purpose in Preaching, 22-33 Pauls Plans for the Future.
Chapter 16:1-2; Phebe Commended, 3-16 Saints Greeted, 17-20 Deceivers Denounced
21-24 Companions Acknowledged, 25-27 Final Doxology Pronounced