Philip Broadhead
British Columbia
Vancouver: The conference went well in the new venue. Ministry and gospel were shared by six of the Lord’s servants. Two Bible readings on Romans 6 were ably led by Jim Baker. Blessing in salvation resulted from the preaching of the gospel. J. Baker and M. Radcliffe continued Bible Readings in Romans at West Richmond the following week, then gave strengthening ministry at South Main and Deep Cove assemblies for another week.
Taylorside: The Conference at Easter time was well attended. Steve Kember and Jim Bergsma gave profitable ministry. The saints enjoyed a weekend visit from Andrew Bergsma.
Winnipeg: After the conference, Albert Hull had five nights of ministry for young converts. The attendance was excellent and the assembly appreciated the visit.
Clinton: Children’s meetings held in early April were quite encouraging, both in attendance of children and parents. Meetings are continuing Tuesday evenings at present in an effort to maintain interest. Jack Nesbitt gave an appreciated visit on Lord’s Day, March 25, prior to leaving for St. Lucia.
Clyde: The saints enjoyed an evening of ministry from Tim Walker on March 14. Brian Crawford visited for Lord’s Day, March 18, and stayed for two nights of ministry. Don Nicholson visited March 25, and used the following two days for visitation in the area, finishing his visit with ministry on March 28.
Embro: Ed Miller and George Patterson purpose to preach the gospel during the month of July in the Centennial Park, Ingersoll.
Hamilton: In March, Brian Crawford had a week of much appreciated Children’s Meetings. Following the Mimico Readings, the assembly appreciated practical ministry from the Book of James by David Oliver.
London: Blessing in salvation was seen from four weeks of gospel meetings during April in Chelsea Heights with George Patterson and Hamish Lawrence.
Mimico: The Bible Readings on the Upper Room Ministry of the Lord Jesus were well attended. The study was heart warming and enlightening. We thank God for the renewal of these annual readings in 2001.
Newbury: We had three nights of much appreciated ministry with Bruce Rodgers. Our April conference was very well attended and the ministry was profitable.
Nipissing Junction: There was joy in our midst when a couple who were saved during gospel meetings held last fall with Murray Pratt and Tim Walker were baptized. Both of our brethren were present for the happy time. This couple has since been received into the assembly fellowship. Murray Pratt was with the assembly for the Lord’s Day, April 29th, and for the following week with very practical and searching ministry.
St. Mary’s: Ed Miller conducted Children’s Meetings March 12-16. On April 30-May 2, Elton Fairfield gave for three nights of ministry especially for young people on the theme, “Holiness of the Believer.” Starting June 24, we are expecting to have tent meetings for approximately four weeks with William Aiken and William Lavery, preceded by a Seed Sower distribution. Prayer will be appreciated for these meetings.
Sudbury: The saints appreciated recent visits from Bruce Rodgers, Allan LeBlanc, and also John Honore of St. Lucia.
Toronto: A labour dispute necessitated a last minute change of our Easter conference location. The new building was most acceptable and about 1200 saints enjoyed three days of devotional and encouraging conference meetings.
Valens: Ed Miller and George Patterson purpose tent meetings during the month of August. The prayers of God’s people will be greatly valued.
New Brunswick
Fredricton: The conference at the end of April was a cheer and encouragement to the assembly and to about 170 visitors who were present. The Bible Study on Romans 6, led by Leslie Wells, was helpful and instructive. The theme of ministry was on assembly principles and on the Person of Christ. There were unsaved in from the neighborhood to both gospel meetings.
Nova Scotia
Clementsvale: James McClellend and Stephen Vance plan to have tent meetings in the summer. There has been blessing in recent years and the interest has been sustained. Prayer is requested.
Halifax: Stephen Vance and Albert Hull had five weeks in the gospel. The Lord was pleased to give blessing in salvation and many attended for the first time.
Nineveh: The assembly was once again cheered by the conference. The attendance was excellent and help was received from the ministry given. The gospel was faithfully preached both nights. Please continue to pray for our brother George Hubley and our sister Gwen Barkhouse who are not well.
Hubbards Point, Clementsvale and Berwick had appreciated visits from brother Noel Burden in mid-April.
Parrsboro: Albert Hull and Matthew Cain plan to have tent meetings in this area in the summer. The prayers of the Lord’s people are valued for this effort.
Pugwash Junction: Robert McIlwaine and Allan Turkington concluded seven weeks in the gospel on April 21. Some were concerned and one professed salvation. The seed was sown faithfully.
River Denys: On April 21, we had the joyous occasion of four sisters being baptised. Three were in connection with Blues Mills and one from Beddeck. Please pray for some who are concerned as a result of the cottage meetings in Mabou with Fred Barlett. There is now one meeting per week on Fridays.
Prince Edward Island
Springfield: David Hunt and Noel Burden began meetings April 22 with the Springfield West assembly
Newfoundland & Labrador
Corner Brook: Bryan Funston was with the assembly for Lord’s Day, April 8th. He also visited several assemblies in Western & Central Newfoundland until April29. Saints expressed appreciation for helpful ministry given.
English Point: Six weeks of gospel meetings with Bert Joyce and Jim Jarvis ended in early April with some blessing in salvation.
Gander: The Gander-Sandringham conference on Easter weekend was very profitable with well over 200 believers present. Seven of the Lord’s servants along with two local brethren helped in the ministry of the Word. The Bible Study on John 15 was most helpful. One young married woman professed to be saved on the Sunday night. A combined gospel meeting was held on April 29 between Gander and Gander Bay assemblies for the baptism of a young brother from the Gander Bay area. A good number came and stayed for fellowship after the meeting.
Grand Falls: Two weeks of meetings closed with some blessing and progress made. Bryan Joyce was helped by George Whey the first week and Bill Bingham in the final week of the series.
Fresno: The saints appreciated having Harold Paisley for a week of timely ministry the last week of March; also Jim Beanie visited for several nights the first week of April.
Dunkerton: The saints appreciated a recent visit from Jim McColl. He also visited Garnavillo, West Union, Hitesville, and Marion. Prayer is requested for tent meetings that are planned for Littleton in July, D.V.
Garnavillo: Andrew Kluge from Chile was in the area for a couple of weeks helping with gospel meetings in Postville. Brother Kluge also visited Cedar Falls and Marion. Tom Baker was here for ten days as well and the believers were encouraged by a woman professing salavation.
Sioux City: Robert Orr had three days of meetings here the last week of March.
Stout: Gospel meetings with Roy Weber and William Skates in February were well attended, and God blessed in the salvation of a soul. The Bible Conference in April was very well attended with 14 servants present to share. God gave help in the ministry of the Word. Stanley Wells was with the assembly on a Lord’s Day and a Monday night in ministry.
Waterloo/CedarFalls: The conference April 14-15 was well attended. Twelve of the Lord’s servants gave profitable ministry on the Lord’s return and daily living for Christ. The week of Bible Readings prior to our conference was helpful in dealing with subjects of Salvation and Sealing of the Spirit, with six of the Lord’s servants giving help.
Black Earth: Jim McColl was in the area after the Mt. Sterling Bible readings. He also visited Blue River.
Waukesha: The assembly was encouraged by visits in the last few months from Gary Sharp, Jerry Jennings, James McColl (Australia), Art Ward and Andrew Kluge who gave an interesting report of the Lord’s Work in Chile. Please pray for gospel meetings to commence, Lord willing, July 1 when William Skates and Stanley Wells are expected. We purpose trying one of the towns near to Waukesha and are presently praying for permission to be given for a tent site.
Akron: Gary Sharp was with the assembly for a Lord’s Day and a children’s meeting.
Bryn Mawr: Walter Gustaf son spent the Lord’s Day with the saints April 8, and joined them for a monthly hymn sing in a local nursing home where he had the opportunity to give his testimony to 25-30 residents.
McKeesport: The conference on the last weekend in April was very large. Many young Christians and young couples with their families attended. The ministry and gospel shared by six brethren were appropriate to the present need and were with power from God.
New Jersey
Midland Park: In preparation for gospel meetings by D. Shutt and N. Crawford beginning on May 6, the assembly made a Seed Sower distribution and had a week of prayer meetings.
Hardwick: Over the weekend of April 28-29, A. J. Higgins was with the assembly. A total of four special ministry and Bible reading meetings were held on the spiritual growth, potential, and circumstances of Moses, Samson, Samuel, and John the Baptist. Practical precepts and basics for Christian living were outlined and explained in a most intelligible and down-to-earth manner. The local Christians plus some visitors from Maine and Quebec appreciated this ministry.
Byfield: Ken Taylor made an appreciated visit for a gospel meeting on April 1st. Alex Dryburgh and Alan LeBlanc visited on April 4 for some much appreciated ministry.
Methuen: The Saturday night gospel meeting on April 7 saw a good number of unsaved out, and the gospel was faithfully preached by David Oliver. The conference April 8 was well attended and encouraging with brethren Alex Dryburgh, Ken Taylor, Frank Tornaquindici, David Oliver,and Allen LeBanc giving profitable ministry.
Watertown: On March 28 and April 4, Marcus Cain gave encouraging ministry to the believers here. The recent conference was larger than in past years. It was a time of encouragement for the assembly Eight of the Lord’s servants were present to give profitable and uplifting ministry. Hans Bouwman and Marcus Cain gave very interesting missionary reports of their labors in Japan, The Netherlands, and Mexico. Also present were brethren Alex Dryburgh, Walter Gustafson, Allan LeBlanc, David Oliver, Ken Taylor, and Frank Tornaquindici. The Bible reading on Ephesians 6:10-24 was very helpful. The gospel was faithfully preached both evenings with unsaved visitors present.
Worcester: Robert Surgenor was with the assembly for three nights of encouraging and helpful ministry April 10-12.
Manchester: The Manchester conference was well-attended, and appreciated ministry was given by Bill Bingham, Tim Kember, David Oliver, Robert Surgenor, Ken Taylor, and Frank Tornaquindici.
Brookfield: Prayer is requested for children’s meetings going on weekly.
Ixtapa: There was good attendance throughout the series with as many as 120 out on Saturday nights. We bless God for evidence of His blessing amongst us in the profession of seven souls. Some of these cases are very bright and we pray they will go on and be added to the assembly here.
Conferences. D.V.
Kirkland Lake, Englehart, Earlton, Charlton, ON
June 30 and July 1 the Englehart High School, with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Meetings both days at 10, 2, and 7:30. Supper served at 5:30 Friday in the school. Corr: Philip Potter, Earlton, ON POJ lEO, Tel (705)563-2942 or Harvey Pratt, R.R.#1, Charlton, ON POJ iBO, Tel (705)544-7758.
Pugwash Junction, NS
June 30 and July 1. Bible Reading on Saturday is on 1 Cor. 15: 1-28 and Sunday, 1 Cor. 15: 35-58. Please note other details in the May issue.
Sioux City, Iowa
July 14 and 15 in the Gospel Hall, 120 South Leonard Street, Sioux City, IA. 51103. Saturday: Prayer Meeting 7:30 p.m.; Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:45 a.m., Bible Reading 11:15 a.m. (James 3), Children’s Meeting 1:30 p.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Testimony 6p.m., Gospel 6:45 p.m. Dinner and supper will be served. Corr: Sam Hayes, Tel. (712)255-6843, Hall (712)277-3647.
Conference Reminders:
Halifax, NS – June 16-17
Portage la Prairie, MN – June 15-17
Victoria Road, ON – June 16-17
Augusta, ME – June 23-24
Glen Ewen, SK – June 22-24
Kamloops, BC – June 30-July 1
Change of Address
Andrew Bergsma, 5 Sparrow Road, Winnipeg, MB, R3R 2Y8, Tel: (204)779-8673.
Joel Portman: New area code: (563)964-2636.
Allan LeBlanc: 157 Taylorwood Ave., Bolton, ON L7E 1S8, Tel: (905)857-1888, email: allan.leblanc@primus.net
Marvin Derksen: New email address: mwderksen@aol.com.
With Christ
Jerry Brock of Collingwood, ON on March 20, age 65. Jerry was a kind, quiet, God-revering overseer and confidant with a great love for his family, the Lord’s people and the assembly. The esteem in which he was held was evident by the large number that attended the funeral. The funeral was shared by Clarence Black and his son Gordon Brock, with Don Nicholson and Stanley Seymour sharing with comments and prayer. He leaves to mourn his passing his loving wife Phyllis, one son, two daughters and their families, some of whom are in need of continued prayer for their salvation.
Mrs. Martha Quack of Battle Creek, MI on March 29, age 92. Martha was saved as a teenager. She moved from Ontario to Michigan upon marrying Edgar Quack (d. 1967) of Sault Ste. Marie, MI about 1939. Martha moved to Battle Creek from the Sault in 1998. She is survived by her son Stuart, his wife Pearl and a grandson Steve who are in the Battle Creek assembly; also by a grandson, Philip, granddaughter, Bonnie, and a great granddaughter. Her funeral was held in Sault Ste. Marie, MI. Martha was always consistent in attending the assembly gatherings in the Sault but found it more difficult to get to the meetings in Battle Creek.
Mrs. Clara Herman of Hickory, NC on April 1, age 84. Our sister was saved in 1938 under the preaching of the late James Smith. She was one of the original 13 believers, along with her late husband George, who broke bread in 1950 when the assembly was formed as a result of the labors of 0. L. MacLeod. The funeral was taken by two local brethren who spoke the gospel to a large number of family and friends. Letters read from grandchildren also gave tribute to an outstanding personality and testimony that was wimessed by all who knew her.
Geneva B. Seater of Cleveland, OH on April 2. She was born in 1908, making her the oldest sister in the Monticello assembly. She was saved at the age of 17 through Mr. Forbes McCloud. She was consistent in her attendance to all the meetings, a great help to those in need, and one of the most kind and meekest of persons. She had no family, but some very close and special friends. She truly is missed by all. The officiating was by two of the brethren from the Monticello Assembly, Sam Haddad at the funeral Home and William Cairns at the grave side.
Elsie W. Larson of Abbotsford, BC on April 9, age 85. She was saved April 19, 1935 and in happy fellowship for 50 years. She and her husband Jim were held in high esteem and many enjoyed the hospitality of their home as long as health permitted. The funeral was taken by David McGaughey, with Cap Van de Wetering at the grave side. She leaves to mourn her husband Jim of 60 years and three daughters. Prayer is requested for an unsaved son.
Mr William Lilburn of Dromore, N.I. on April 10. Born in 1913 and saved as a boy of twelve, our brother emigrated with his family to Canada in 1926. Upon returning to N. Ireland in 1933, he was initially associated with the assembly at Kilmore, Lurgan. In 1943, he and his wife (d. 1975) became foundation members of the assembly at Lough Road, Dromore. Throughout his life he maintained a deep interest in children’s work, and was a respected overseer and encourager of the Lord’s people. The large funeral service was conducted by A. McShane and W.J. Nesbitt.
Michael Mason of Sault Ste. Marie, ON on April 12, age 23. Michael was saved as a young man, and continued in happy fellowship until his death. Michael had a great zeal for reaching people with the gospel, and touched many of his peers with the message of salvation. The very large funeral was taken by Albert Hull and Stephen Vance, who spoke faithful words in the gospel, and comfort to loved ones and friends. Please pray for the comfort of parents, Garry and Mary, and brothers Paul and Steven.
Mrs. Jennie Waite of Springfield West, P.E.I. on April28, age 97. She was saved October 21. 1938 when Albert Joyce, Herb and Russell Harris first came to the district. She was baptized and in the assembly from its planting in 1939. On her last visit to the hospital she told the surgeon, “Do nothing heroic. I am ready and longing to meet God.” Noel Burden and Lewis MacKenzie shared the funeral service.