Paul C. Elliott
Born April 1, 1907.
Born Again on December 14, 1927.
Called Home on August 24, 1998.
From the time when he was saved on December 14, 1927 to his homecall, Paul manifested his love to Christ. His appreciation for the assembly and his burden for the lost continued until the end of his life. Paul always had a few gospel tracts in his pocket. His ability to make conversation with souls and to present a tract to them was admired by all who labored with him. In 1929, he was united in marriage with Bena Uhlenhopp. He leaves his faithful wife and partner in the work for almost 70 years as well as a son and daughter to mourn his loss.
A deep love for the gospel marked Paul. With encouragement from his father in the faith, Oliver Smith, he began to preach in the Hitesville area soon after he was saved. While still engaged as a barber, he joined Mr. Smith for gospel series. He also preached in country schoolhouses with brethren of his own age.
In November, 1945, after his army service in World War 11, Paul went into full time service for the Lord. He preached with Mr. Smith primarily for the first seven years.
In August, 1952, Paul, with the help of Alex Studnicka, began tent meetings in Ontario, Wisconsin. He labored consistently in this area of Wisconsin for a number of years and saw an assembly planted in which he maintained a deep interest until his homecall.
The writer’s association with our brother dates back to the spring and summer of 1952 when he asked me to join him in gospel meetings near Hitesville. Paul often took me with him for meetings over the years, but he also encouraged a number of other young men in gospel work. I shared with him in his last gospel series at Ontario, Wisconsin in February and March of 1992 when God worked in the salvation of souls.
Our brother was a faithful visitor among God’s people. His love and care for sick and suffering saints will never be forgotten.
His gospel preaching was plain and simple and his ministry was very practical. He served his generation well and now his service on earth has closed, but the results of his labors live on.
The words echo in our hearts, “Whose faith follow…”