Note: We are greatly indebted to many brethren in Canada, U.S.A. and overseas for the information which appears in the Tidings section each month. We deeply appreciate their kind help and assistance. As a guide to all who submit obituaries, the optimum length for an obituary is 70 to 100 words. Longer obituaries must be edited due to space limitations. Our deadline is the 6th of the previous month. There are months when all our allotted space is filled prior to the deadline, so to ensure inclusion of your news items, please forward as soon as possible.
Tidings – Canada
British Columbia
Burnaby, A week of children’s meetings was held in a rented building from August 10-14 with about 50 children from unsaved homes attending each day. Weekly children’s meetings recommenced in a school on September 14 for the 19th consecutive year.
Port Alberni, James Currie s visit and ministry greatly encouraged the assembly.
Vancouver, Prayer is requested tor a gospel series which Eric McCullough and William Skates expect to start in Fairview on October 18.
Fort McMurray, The saints were greatly exhorted by rich and timely ministry by John Riddle (England) from the Book of Joshua. Prayer is requested for more than 300 children in the Sunday School.
Glen Ewen, On July 20, the saints enjoyed hearing a report by Murray Poidevin on the Lord’s work in Zambia.
Taylorside, The saints appreciated a recent visit from Murray Poidevin who gave a report on Zambia. Two believers were baptized on August 2, bringing joy to the assembly.
Barrie, During the summer, the saints enjoyed visits from Ernie Dellandrea, Larry Steers and Fred Krauss. Monthly ministry meetings begin in October on the third Saturday of each month.
Britainville, Brian Owen and Delco Jeffery (Parry Sound) expected to commence gospel meetings on August 9.
Clinton, In mid July, John Dennison had a week of children’s meetings in nearby Vanastra with a very encouraging attendance.
Deer Lake, On July 26, David Booth was with the saints for the day and remained for three nights of profitable ministry. The believers also appreciated visits by Don Nicholson on August 9 and Ken Moore on August 16.
Gore Bay, The saints planned an all day meeting on August 29 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the assembly. Arnold Adams and David Booth were expected for this happy event.
Kenora, Tent meetings in July by Murray Pratt and David Rodgers were profitable with blessing in salvation. Our brethren expect to return for follow-up work in the fall.
Langstaff, During August, Bert Joyce and Jim Jarvis had two weeks of well attended tent meetings with blessing in salvation.
Oil Springs, In early September, Joel Portman had three nights of appreciated ministry and then went on to London and St. Thomas for further ministry meetings.
Owen Sound, George Patterson and Donald Currie (Owen Sound) had four weeks in the gospel with some encouragement.
Peterborough, The saints expected William Bingham for a week of ministry in late September.
Toronto, On August 30, a young man was baptized at Brock Avenue, bringing joy to the saints.
Windsor, During August, the saints appreciated visits and ministry from Jack Nesbitt, Jack Gould and William Lavery. Weekly children’s meetings continue with some encouragement.
St. Donat, Gerard Roy and Yvon Poirier (Sarnia, ON) had an encouraging three weeks in the gospel in July with blessing in salvation.
St. Jean/lberville, Four souls professed salvation during four weeks of tent meetings by Larry Buote and Shad Kember Jr. during August. 45,000 Seed Sewers texts were distributed prior to the effort and another 20,000 during the series. Many unsaved visitors attended and to follow up the interest, Saturday night gospel meetings will be held by the French assembly which recently relocated to Longueil.
New Brunswick
Cap Pel, In August, Leslie Wells and G6rard Roy commenced tent meetings in this village which is about 12 kilometers east of Shdiac. This is the first time a tent has ever been pitched here and our brethren have had an encouraging start.
Fredericton, God graciously blessed in the salvation of five souls during five weeks of well attended tent meetings by Peter Orasuk and Peter Ramsay in downtown Fredericton.
Green River, Larry Buote and Leslie Wells held three weeks of tent meetings in July. Although there was a good reception during visitation in the area, the response was disappointing.
Sussex, Prayer is requested for gospel meetings which Albert Hull and Tom Meekin (N. Ireland) expect to commence on October 4.
West Saint John, One woman professed during tent meetings by Murray McCandless and Darris Barney (L’ anse au Loup). A baptism was held during the meetings when two sisters saved in the Quispamsis efforts obeyed the Lord.
Nova Scotia
Amherst, Prayer will be valued for a gospel series which Douglas Howard and Murray McCandless plan to begin on November 2.
Barrington Passage, At last report, Albert Hull and James McClelland were entering their sixth week of gospel meetings with encouraging numbers. Because of cool weather, three heaters are required to keep the tent comfortable.
Berwick, Arnold Gratton’s visit was much appreciated in the Valley area. He had five weeks of well attended tent meetings, helped by Paul Potter (Berwick).
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown, Robert Mcllwaine and David Hierlihy ended five and a half weeks of very encouraging tent meetings in Ebenezer with several souls professing.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Corner Brook, During August, Eric Fowler held a week of well attended children’s meetings.
Gander, On August 19, Eric Fowler visited the assembly, giving an interesting report on the work in Russia.
Mclvers, A young sister obeyed the Lord in baptism on August 27, giving encouragement to the saints.
Red Bay, On August 19, the believers rejoiced when a young man was baptized.
St. John’s, Douglas Howard, Ernie Deflandrea and Bert Joyce were expected for an all day meeting on September 13 to commemorate the founding of the assembly 50 years ago.
Tidings – U.S.A.
Okanagan, Immediately following the Westbank conference, James Currie visited for a Lord’s day and a few nights of ministry.
Billings, Assisted by almost 80 helpers, Dan Shutt distributed 33,000 Seed Sowers texts. Because of an excellent response, our brother plans a follow-up visit shortly.
Loveland, Robert Orr and William Skates expected to return on September 23 for a week of meetings.
North Dakota
Langdon, After three weeks in the tent, Roy Weber and Gains Goff closed their gospel meetings on August 16. Good numbers attended until harvest time. Our brethren plan to go back later.
South Dakota
Rapid City, Allan Christopher son was encouraged in the tent effort and planned to return in early September for meetings in homes two nights weekly.
Burwell, At the conference on August 23, ministry was given by Robert Orr, Joel Portman, William Skates, Talmadge Southard and Roy Weber.
Willmar, On August 25, Joel Portman commenced ministry meetings, but these were cut short so brother Portman could attend the funeral of our dear brother Paul Elliott. Don Wardell had encouraging children’s meetings in two places in the area.
Garnavillo, The assembly planned a weekend of special meetings September 12 and 13 with David Oliver and Tom Baker.
Manchester, En route to his field of service in Venezuela, Neal Thomson visited Cedar Rapids, Marion, Manchester, Cedar Falls and Garnavillo in July William McBride spent Lord’s day, August 14 here and gave reports and ministry at Gamavillo and Cedar Falls later in the week.
Sioux City, Numerous assemblies were represented at the heart warming conference on July 19.
Stone Lake, After arriving home from tent meetings at Stone Lake, Arthur Ward had a phone call from a 15 year old girl who told him she had been saved during the third week of the series.
Livonia, The bimonthly Bible readings for the next session will be on Future Events. The schedule is: November 21 The Rapture and Judgement Seat of Christ; January 16 – The Tribulation Period; and March 20 – The Millennial Reign of Christ.
Clyde, The saints spent long hours manning exhibits and distributing the Word of God at the County Fair. They were greatly encouraged by the number of contacts they plan to follow up.
Toronto, Some of the older S.S. children have been attending the gospel meetings and recently a young man of 23, a friend of one of the children, professed to be saved after hearing the gospel only three times. Lorne Mitchell and Dan Kember (Sarnia, ON) expected to begin a gospel series on September 20.
Frostburg, David Oliver gave ministry on assembly truth while visiting August 30 through September 1.
Matoaca, In August, David Oliver and Jonathan Procopio had a week of encouraging gospel meetings. They plan to return for further meetings in the Fall.
North Carolina
Hickory, James Allen had a week of convicting ministry on the Judgment Seat of Christ. James Smith also gave three nights of appreciated ministry on the Parables of the Lord Jesus.
Apollo, Dale Vitale and J. Clark (McKeesport) started a work in this new area on September 1, with three nights of meetings weekly.
Hatboro, Beginning August 16, Robert Surgenor gave a week of ministry directed to younger believers.
McKeesport, James Smith visited for Lord’s day, August 16 and followed with three nights of ministry on the subject of Overseers. The assembly also enjoyeci visits by Gary Sharp and Edward Doherty.
New Jersey
Midland Park, Tom Baker was with the assembly for the S.S. Picnic and Lord’s day, August 23.
Methuen, The assembly will appreciate prayer for gospel meetings which David Oliver and Gene Higgins planned to start on September 20.
Tidings – Other Countries
Annalong, N. Burden and R. Shannon were encouraged with blessing in the gospel. Brother Burden saw some of his family saved along with others.
Ballygawley, S. McBride and T. Wright are preaching the gospel nightly with fair numbers attending.
Clones, The attendance was good at the annual conference convened in a local school and the assembly was encouraged with the acceptable ministry given.
Crossgar, B. Glendinning and R. Fairley are preaching the gospel in a portable hall in a place where there has not been much gospel.
Dromore, About four miles from the town, N. Coulter and N. Tinsley are having tent meetings and a good number or local people have heard the gospel.
Fintona, A number of brethren ministered God’s Word to a large gathering at the annual conference held in the Civic Centre.
Garvagh, B. Currie and J. Lennox are having tent meetings with encouraging attendance.
Portadown, Good numbers are attending tent meetings by E. McCullough and A. Davidson.
Prayer, Prayer is requested for our brethren W. Jennings, J. Martin and W. Nesbitt who have been ill.
Sakhalin, James Currie expected to visit this far eastern part of Russia in late September.
On August 30, Jesse Fitch wrote, “We had a profitable time in both Russia and the Ukraine. In the Ukraine, we were able to distribute about 4,000 New Testaments in hospitals and villages and left 1,000 books for the local Christians to take to other villages. We did a lot of open air preaching of the gospel.”
Conferences, D.V.
Arborfield, SK
November 7 and 8 in the Gospel Hall with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Corr. W Miller, Box 422, Arborfield, SK, SOE OAO, (306) 769-8628.
Brandon, Manitoba
October 12 in the Gospel Hall. Bible reading at 10 on I John 4, with Ministry at 1:30. Corr. Alan Ritchie, 23 Creighton Blvd., Brandon, MB, R7B 0Y1, (204) 727-4971.
Oil Springs, Ontario
November 14 and 15 in Oil Springs Youth Centre, Victoria Street and Hwy. 21. Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Bible reading Lord’s day afternoon on 1 Tim. 3. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, Victoria St. Corr. Arthur Whitton, RR 3, Oil Springs, ON, N0N 1P0, (519) 882-1686.
Oshawa, Ontario
November 14 in the Gospel Hall, 150 Albert Street, with Ministry at 2 and 7. Corr. Kenneth Nicholson, 753 Central Park Boulevard North, Oshawa, ON, LIG 6B2, (905) 579-7540.
Fredericton, NB
November 29. All day meeting in the Gospel Hall, 109 McAdam Ave. Corr. Robert Griffin, 1192 Route 105 Hwy, Douglas, NB, E3A 7KI, (506) 472-5512.
Blues Mills, NS
November 14 and 15 in the Gospel Hall, Mountain Road. Meetings on Saturday and Lord’s day start at 10. Corr. John Bain(902) 625-2409. Accom. Ron Steffenson (902) 756-3019.
Parson’s Pond, NF
October 24 and 25 with prayer meeting on Friday at 8 p.m. Meetings both days at 10:30, 2:30 and 7:30. Corr. Harley Payne (709) 243-2261 or Harvey Payne (709) 243-2552.
Phoenix, Arizona
November 26, 27, 28 and 29 in the Gospel Hall, 1246 E. Garfield St. with Prayer meeting on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Bible readings at 1 0 a.m. on John 15, 16 and 17. Each day, Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Corr. Clarence Van Der Hart, 8525 w Northern Ave., Glendale, AZ 85305, (602) 872-1007. Hall (602) 253-4932.
Alpena, Arkansas
November 7 and 8. Bible reading conference on the Book of Ruth in the Gospel Hall, corner of Lane and Briggs. First meeting on Saturday at 2 p.m. Corr. Al Shutt, R-1, Box 274A, Hindsville, AR 72738, (501) 789-5707.
Manchester, Iowa
October 3 and 4 in Middle School, 1001 Doctor Street. First meeting on Saturday at 10 a.m. On Lord’s day, Bible reading at 9 on Reception into God’s Assembly. Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 1308 North Third Street. Corr. C.R Foster, 130 Clara Avenue, Manchester IA 52057-1306, (319) 927-2963.
Stout, Iowa
November 26. All day meeting in the Gospel Hall. Ministry at 10 and 2 with Gospel in the evening. Corr. Gary DeGroote, 28073 West Brook St., New Hartford, IA 50660, (319) 983-2713. Note: “This year we will be commemorating 75 years as an assembly.”
Terryville, Connecticut
October 17 and 18 in Harry S. Fisher School, North Main Street, Terryville. Prayer meeting in the Gospel Hall, 36 North Main on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Contact S. Morin (203) 597-1139, J. Rosania (203) 753-4372, W Batterton (203) 2557621 or J. Batterton (203) 496-0927.
Kindly remember:
Vancouver, BC – Oct. 10 – 12
Edmonton, AB – Oct. 17 and 18
Maidstone, SK, Mervin, SK and Paradise Valley, AB – Oct. 10 and 11
Saskatoon, SK – Oct. 31 and Nov. 1
Bolton, ON – Nov. 21
London, ON – Nov. 7 and 8
Niagara Falls, ON – Oct. 17 and 18
St. Thomas, ON – Oct. 10 and 11
Wallaceburg, ON – Oct. 25
Cape Breton, NS – Oct. 10 – 12
I!anse au Loup, LB – Oct. 16 – 18
Blue River, WI – Oct. 17 and 18
LaCrosse, WI – Oct. 10 and 11
Livonia, MI – Oct. 24 and 25
Change of Address
Alex Dryburgh, 4623 Waterford Crescent, Mississauga, ON, L5R 2B2, phone (905) 502-8932
James Hanna (Zambia) PO Box 831, Portage la Prairie, MB, RIN 3C3
Change of Correspondent
Marion, Iowa, Jim Ferris, 7404 Hampshire Dr. NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402, phone (319) 377-1226. Note: This is a correction to the notice printed in August.
With Christ
Mrs. Ethel M. Matthews of N. Ireland on June 6. Our beloved sister was born in 191 0 and was saved on December 3, 1933 in meetings in Lurgan by David Walker. She was in happy fellowship in Lurgan from 1934-1938, in Dublin from 1938-1958, and in Lurgan again from 1958-1995. In 1995, she entered Faith House and was in fellowship in Dunmurry until her homecall. The funeral was taken by A. McShane and D. Gilliland. Mrs. Matthews was the mother of our dear brother Tom Matthews who serves the Lord in Brazil.
Mrs. Mary Weber of Stout, Iowa on July 11, age 87. Our dear sister was saved in 1923 during meetings by Oliver Smith. She was among those who witnessed the first remembrance meeting on July 29 of that year. Mrs. Weber enjoyed assembly fellowship through the years until ill health prevented her from attending the regular meetings which she enjoyed so much. Her husband John predeceased her in 1989. Her three daughters and their families will miss her much as well as the Christians in Stout. The funeral service was shared by Roy Weber and Richard Van Mill.
Mrs. Ruth Culin of Arnstein, Ontario on July 27 age 65, after several years of failing health which she bore patiently without complaint. She was saved in 1949 and was baptized two years later and received into fellowship at Arnstein where she remained until her homecall. She is survived by her husband Reg, her son David, two sisters Birdie Barnett and Jean Dellandrea, and brother Earl Parolin, all of whom are in fellowship in other assemblies. A clear gospel message was presented by Arnold Adams and David Booth at the funeral.
Wayne Snooks of Goodwood, ON on August 4, age 50. Our dear brother was born in Halifax and moved to Toronto in 1951. He worked as a police officer and operated the York Region Crime Stoppers program since 1995. Wayne was saved in 1976 and was in fellowship first in West Hill and then in Goodwood. He was always active in SS and children’s meetings, and in recent years was an elder in Goodwood. After a two year battle with cancer, Wayne was called home. He will be missed by his wife Susan, their six children and all the saints at Goodwood.
Grant Sluiter of Stout, Iowa on August 4, age 92. Grant was born in Germany and came to Iowa as a child. He was saved in his late twenties under the preaching of Oliver Smith. Grant was in fellowship in Stout and was marked by faithfulness and hospitality. He had a concern for the unsaved and was quick to tell anyone how he was saved. Nine months earlier, his wife Alberta went to heaven. He leaves a daughter, two sons and their families. The funeral was shared by two grandsons, Scott Hayes and Shad Sluiter, with Floyd Christopherson speaking at the grave side.
Richard Nickason of Port Sydney, ON on August 5, age 72. Our dear brother was saved in the 1950’s while talking to Ben Widdowfield. In 1980, he was baptized and later received into fellowship. He was a faithful brother, seldom missing meetings. Even in much discomfort, he remembered the Lord three weeks before going home. He witnessed to all his family in the last few days. He leaves his wife of almost 53 years, four boys, five girls, 21 grandchildren and 13 greatgrandchildren. The large funeral was shared by L. French, P. Grainger and A. Grainger.
Mrs. Mary Ackley of Windsor, Ontario on August 7, age 96. Our dear sister was saved in 1934 and was received into assembly fellowship shortly afterwards. She had a deep love for the Saviour, His people and the place of His habitation. The large funeral was taken by Lawrence McLean and William Lavery, with Robert Wylie speaking at the grave side.
Jean McNeill of N. Ireland on August 10 after a lengthy illness very patiently home. Jean was the wife of Tom McNeill who labours for the Lord in N. Ireland. She was known for her hospitality and her interest in the work of the Lord. Jean never allowed her illness to hinder Tom in his labours. Jean was invited to hear John Norris preach the gospel and was awakened and saved through the words of Isa. 1:18. Tom and Jean were married in 1960. The funeral was one of the largest seen in the area, bearing testimony to the respect in which she was held.
Mrs. Frances Crudson McGarrie of Hickory, NC on August 19, age 87. Our beloved sister passed into the Lord’s presence quietly after many years of illness. She was saved in her teens through the truth of 1 Peter 2:24 and was in assembly fellowship until unable to attend for approximately the last 20 years. She was tenderly cared for by her daughter Marge through that time. The grave side service was taken by her grandson, Dan McDonald and Elton Decker (Stark Road).
Printing Errors
We are very sorry that some September magazines were printed with the first few pages reprinted and some of the following pages missing. We have extra magazines to send out. If you have received a September magazine with this error, please let us know and we will replace it.