Tidings – Canada
British Columbia
Kamloops, The saints appreciated recent visits by Bruce Poidevin, John Abernethy and Jim Webb.
Vancouver, During July, Gene Higgins gave helpful ministry in various assemblies in the area. Also in July, Harold Paisley had profitable ministry meetings in South Main and Fairview. Prayer is requested for a gospel series which Bryan Funston and Dave Richards expect to commence on September 7 at Carlton.
Edmonton, The saints had a week of appreciated ministry with Jack Gould in May. During June, Gordon Williams and Bert Joyce visited. In July, Bryan Funston paid a visit and on July 13, E. Doherty, J. Gould, A. Hull and T. Kember ministered at a mini-conference. During the last week of July, Fred Krauss gave four nights of practical ministry. Prayer is requested for a gospel series following the conference in October.
Grande Prairie, Gordon Williams plans gospel meetings during the latter half of September in this growing city where many Newfoundlanders have located.
Mervin, In July, Bryan Funston made an appreciated visit to Mervin and Paradise Valley
Roseisle, Following the Glen Ewen conference, Ed Miller visited Roseisle and Portage la Prairie in ministry.
Winnipeg, Gospel meetings by Allan Christopherson and Lorne Langfeld continued for three weeks with a gentleman professing salvation. The saints had a gospel booth for 10 days at the Red River Exhibition with good contacts made.
Azilda, Bruce Rodgers and Ed Miller had two weeks of tent meetings with some interest. A young man professed shortly after the meetings closed.
Kenora, Recent visits by Andrew Bergsma, Allan Christopherson, Jack Gould, Bruce Poidevin and Murray Pratt were appreciated.
Langstaff, On August 10, Albert Hull and Bryan Funston commenced tent meetings.
Niagara Falls, James Smith and Murray McLeod are holding tent meetings, jointly sponsored by the Niagara Falls and Welland assemblies. The meetings are well attended and unsaved are coming out.
Orillia, Two souls professed faith in Christ during five weeks of encouraging gospel meetings in May and June by Ed Miller and Brian Crawford.
Sault Ste. Marie, The assembly enjoyed short visits by L. Langfeld, L. Perkins, E. Badgley and F. Krauss. Peter Orasuk gave a week of practical and profitable ministry in June. The work carried on by several brethren in two correctional institutions in the city is proving fruitful in the salvation of several inmates.
Thunder Bay, In June and July, Lome Langfeld, Timothy Kember, Fred Krauss and Murray Pratt had brief visits. and gave appreciated ministry.
Waubaushene, Harold Paisley gave help here and at Midland in early summer.
Sherbrooke, Larry Buote and Shad Kember Jr. expected to have tent meetings in this area in August.
Tabatiere, Helped by others, David Hunt had an encouraging July travelling the coast of Labrador in the boat, preaching the gospel and distributing gospel literature. During August, our brethren planned to visit the Quebec coast and in particular to spend time at Tabatiere.
New Brunswick
St. Charles, Leslie Wells and Gerard Roy erected a tent in this village in July.
Nova Scotia
Barrington Passage, Albert Hull and James McClelland finished four and a half weeks under canvas with two professing salvation. This is the third effort in this area and each time there has been an increase in numbers. On the closing night, 60 from the area were present. Our brethren plan to return soon and request special prayer for this area.
River Hebert, The saints appreciated visits by Ken Taylor in June and July. They also enjoyed having Oswald MacLeod and Douglas Howard in July. Wallace Bay, Helped by local brethren, William Bingham commenced tent meetings in late July.
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown, The Christians were encouraged and edified by ministry from Jim Allen on June 30 and July 1. Brother Allen also ministered at Crapaud, Freetown and Rosebank.
Crapaud, In late July, Oswald MacLeod made appreciated visits to Charlottetown, Crapaud and Freetown.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Gander, Sandy Higgins expected to visit the assembly in mid September for a weekend of ministry on Marriage and the Family.
Goose Bay, The saints were encouraged to see a young man baptized recently.
L’anse au Loup, A brother obeyed the Lord in the waters of baptism recently, bringing joy to the saints.
McIvers, The assembly planned to commence a gospel series under canvas in mid August.
Parsons Pond, “It was a wondrous sight indeed to behold 10 believers obeying the Lord on the Lord’s day, July 6, by identifying with Him in the waters of baptism.” Bert Joyce and Bryan Joyce had four weeks under canvas in nearby Cow Head with a manifest interest.
Tidings – U.S.A.
San Diego, The saints enjoyed two nights of ministry by James McColl on the Lordship of Christ.
North Dakota
Langdon, Gaius Goff and Roy Weber commenced tent meetings in Grafton during the latter part of June. They then moved the tent to Langdon, starting a second series on July 16. The interest is excellent with as many as 73 strangers in from the area.
Cedar Falls, Prayer is requested for gospel meetings which James Smith and John Slabaugh expect to commence on October 12.
Clarksville, In early August, Arthur Ward and William Skates started tent meetings.
Garnavillo, Tom Baker spent Lord’s day, July 20, with the saints. The previous week, children’s meetings were held in a park about three miles south of Garnavillo.
West Union, The conference on July 4 was uplifting and well attended. A. Davidson, L. De Buhr, P. Elliott, R. Orr, J. Portman and A. Ward shared in ministry.
Juda, Robert Orr continues in the gospel. At last report, one lad had professed faith in Christ.
Waukasha, The saints rejoiced in the receiving of two younger believers into the fellowship in August. They also enjoyed a visit from John Stubbs.
Tylertown, The assembly received much encouragement from the labors of Lome Mitchell and Jerry Jennings in the area.
Livonia, For the second time in less than a year, four young people were baptized. Because of a good number of new believers, during July and August special ministry meetings were held, followed by questions and answers focusing on basic truths relative to salvation and the assembly. The response was very encouraging. John Dennison had a week of well attended daytime children’s meetings. Norman Crawford was with the assembly on August 3.
Saginaw, A teenage girl was saved prior to gospel meetings by William Lavery and Dan Shutt, and her brother was saved at the close of the series. An all day meeting on August 3 was well attended with ministry given by J. Slabaugh and W. Lavery.
Sherman, John Slabaugh and Dan Shutt saw a man and his wife profess to be saved early in their gospel meetings that began on July 27.
Clyde, The saints continue to labor to reach out with the gospel. They have been encouraged by seeing new interest among the unsaved and among young believers who are expressing a desire to be in fellowship. Norman Crawford was with the assembly in late July for an all day meeting with very large attendance.
Toronto, Lorne Mitchell and Dan Kember (Sarnia) expected to commence gospel meetings on August 24.
West Virginia
Buckhannon, After a short series of tent meetings in Glenville, Robert Surgenor and Joel Portman moved the tent to Buckhannon and started here on July 27
Cumberland, In mid July, James Smith had an enjoyable visit here and in Frostburg. Our brother expects to return in the fall for a week of ministry on the Tabernacle.
Frostburg, Dale Vitale planned tent meetings in this area beginning August 10.
Matoaca, David Oliver and Jonathan Procopio continued into the fourth week with sortie blessing in tent meetings in nearby Colonial Heights.
New Jersey
Midland Park, The saints appreciated a night of ministry by Walter Gustafson on July 17.
Pennsauken, The assembly continues its Sunday night gospel meetings outdoors in a local park. Some stop to listen. Norman Crawford was with the assembly for ministry in August.
Methuen, Albert Hull is expected for Bible readings September 7 through 12, and an afternoon meeting on Lord’s day, September 14.
Saugus, Oswald MacLeod spent an appreciated weekend with the believers recently.
Watertown, The saints had a ministry meeting and baptism on August 3. A young couple who came to Boston for graduate studies were baptized. Norman Mellish reported on his visit to Brazil and Frank Tornaquindici preached the gospel.
New Hampshire
Berlin, Walter Gustafson and Shawn St.Clair (Ottawa) are in tent meetings here. Brother St.Clair preaches in French, when suitable.
Augusta, During the week of July 27, the saints enjoyed a visit from Oswald MacLeod and Robert McIlwaine.
Tidings – Other Countries
N. Ireland
Ballybollen, On July 12, the conference building was filled to capacity, and profitable ministry was given by W. Nesbitt, N. Turkington, D. Kane, J. McColl and J. Stubbs.
Ballymagarrick, Attendance was good at the annual conference held in the tent beside the hall on July 14. Helpful ministry was given by J. Hay, J. Burnett, J. Hutchinson, J. Flanigan, T. McNeill and L. Mullan.
Bleary, A large number gathered for the conference on July 14. A good sense of the Lord’s presence was enjoyed in the ministry by N. Turkington, W. Nesbitt, T. Matthews, P. Harding and D. Kane.
Bushmills, The annual Bible readings, conducted by D. Kane in the local High School, were filled each evening with brethren from many assemblies. Open air meetings were held each morning in Portrush and other villages. Thousands of tracts were distributed and the clear message of the gospel was made known without added attraction.
Dunmullan, Numbers were good at the annual conference held in a tent on July 14.
Kingmills, The conference on July 12 was well attended with helpful ministry from A. McShane, A. Davison, J. Hay, S. McBride and J. Burnett.
Conferences, D.V.
Vancouver, B.C.
October 11, 12 and 13. Meetings in Burnaby South Secondary School, 5455 Rumble Street, Burnaby. Saturday Bible reading at 10 on John 15, Ministry at 2 and Gospel at 7. Lord’s Day Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. Monday – Bible reading at 10 on John 16, Ministry at 2. Meetings in Victoria Drive Gospel Hall are Friday prayer meeting at 8 p.m., Breaking of Bread at 9:30 and Monday Ministry at 7. Corr. R A. Broadhead, 17431 – 101 Ave., Surrey, B.C., V4N 4L7, phone (604) 5818155.
Edmonton, Alberta
October 18 and 19 in Connor’s Hill Gospel Hall, 9302 – 95 Street, with prayer meeting on Friday at 8 p.m. Meetings both days at 10, 2 and 7. Corr. Joseph Bowman, 1325 Knottwood Road East, Edmonton, AB, T6K 2K5, phone (403) 450-0818.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
November 1 and 2 in Lawson Heights Gospel Hall, 131 La Ronge Road with Prayer and Ministry on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Meetings on Saturday at 10:30, 1:30, 6:30 and 8. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 9:30 with meetings at 11:30,2 and 7. Corr. Mark Ronald, 619 Rusholme Rd., Saskatoon, SK, S7I 0G6, phone (306) 664-6180.
Brandon, Manitoba
October 13 in the Gospel Hall. Bible reading at 10 on Ephesians 6, with Ministry at 1:30. Corr. Alan Ritchie, 23 Creighton Blvd., Brandon, MB, R7B OY1, phone (204) 727-4971.
Niagara Falls, Ontario
October 18 and 19 in the Gospel Hall, Adams and Hawkins Streets, with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, Ministry at 10, Bible reading at 1:30 on 1 John 1 and 2, Ministry at 2:45 and Gospel at 6:45. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 9:30, Bible reading at 1:30, Ministry at 2:45 and Gospel at 6:45. Corr. Wm. Smith, 7467 Merritt Ave., Niagara Falls, ON, L2G 5C3, phone (905) 354-8272.
St. Thomas, Ontario
October 11 and 12 in Parkside Collegiate, 241 Sunset Drive. First meeting on Saturday at 10:30. Breaking of Bread at 10. Prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Friday in the Gospel Hall, 1 Sunset Drive. Corr. Lyle McCandless, RR 1, St. Thomas, ON, N5P 3S5, phone (519) 769-2733. School phone is (519) 633-0090.
L’anse au Loup, Labrador
October 17,18 and 19 in the Gospel Hall with prayer meeting on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. On Friday, Ministry at 10:30 and 2:30 with Gospel at 7:30. On Saturday, Bible reading at 10:30 on Philemon, Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7:30. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10, Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7:30. On Monday, Gospel meeting at Red Bay at 7:30 p.m. Com Francis Barney, phone (709) 927-5696 or Eddie Barney, phone (709) 927-5535.
Manchester, Iowa
October 4 and 5 in Middle School, 1001 Doctor Street. First meeting on Saturday at 10 a.m. On Lord’s day, Bible reading at 9 on Romans 12 with Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 1308 North Third Street. Corr. C.F. Foster, 130 Clara Avenue, Manchester, IA 52057, phone (319) 927-2963.
Blue River, Wisconsin
October 18 and 19 in St. John’s Gymnasium, Wisconsin Ave., Muscoda, six miles east of Blue River. Ministry on Saturday at 10 and 2. On Lord’s day, Bible reading at 9 on Luke 22:39-46. Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Prayer meeting in Blue River Gospel Hall on Friday at 8 p.m., preceded by supper at 6. Corr. Jim Frazier, 15513 Richwood Estates Lane, Blue River, Wl 53518, phone (608) 537-2977. Following conference, nightly Bible readings Oct. 20-23 at 7:45 on John 14-17.
LaCrosse, Wisconsin
October 25 and 26 in Logan Middle School, 1450 Avon St., phone (608) 789-7755. First meeting on Saturday at 10, with Bible reading at 1:30 on The Place where Christ is in the Midst. On Lord’s day, Bible reading at 9 on John 20 with Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Prayer and Ministry on Friday at the Gospel Hall, 1928 George St. at 7:30 p.m. Corr. David L. Hardie, 708 – 11th Ave. So., Onalaska, Wl 54650, phone (608) 783-4067.
Kindly remember:
Maidstone, SK, Mervin, SK and Paradise Valley, AB – Oct. 11 and 12
Roseisle, MB – Oct. 4 and 5. Kindly note corrected dates.
Arristein, ON – Sept. 13 and 14
Chapman Valley/Parry Sound, ON Sept. 20 and 21
Clinton, ON – Oct. 4 and 5
Deer Lake, ON – Sept. 28
Sussex, NB – Oct. 4 and 5
Cape Breton, NS – Oct. 11, 12 and 13
Omaha, NE – Sept. 13 and 14
Hitesville, IA – Sept. 20 and 21
Livonia, MI – Oct 25 and 26
Midland Park, NJ – Sept. 27 and 28
Terryville, CT – Oct. 18 and 19
Hardwick, VT – Sept. 20 and 21
Change of Address
John McCann, Caixa Postal 86, 96930 Candelaria, R.S., Brazil
Change of Correspondent
Saskatoon, SK, Lawson Heights Gospel Hall, Mark Ronald, 131 La Ronge Road, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 5T3, phone (306) 664-6180
With Christ
Lyman Gratton of Grand Bend, Ontario on April 5. Our dear brother was saved in March, 1933 at the age of 22 and was in assembly fellowship for over 60 years. He loved the gospel and was a faithful attender of the assembly meetings. He leaves his wife, one daughter, two sons and their families. The funeral was taken by Paul Kember and William Metcalf, with Ken Moore speaking at the graveside.
William Nutting of West Union, Iowa on June 21, age 87. Our beloved brother did not hear the truth until age 32 when Louis Brandt and William Warke preached in the nearby village of Elgin in 1942. In his quiet way, he and his wife maintained a faithful testimony before the world and the assembly. Surviving are his wife Doris, who is presently quite ill, and three children who enjoy sins forgiven. A. Christopherson conducted the funeral.
Mrs. Margaret (Gretta) Osborne of N. Ireland on June 22, age 60. Our dear sister was saved in Belfast in April, 1955, Later, she was baptized and received into Adam Street. For many years, she was in Newtownhamilton and after her marriage in Portadown until her homecall. She was of a cheerful disposition, a faithful assembly member and a lover of the gospel. She is survived by her husband William, three brothers and two sisters. The high esteem in which she was held was evidenced by the very large funeral. Prayer is requested for the relatives, some needing salvation.
Miss Olive McCormick of Lurgan, N. Ireland on June 29, age 77. Our dear sister was saved in 1933 and later was baptized and received into fellowship in Lurgan where she remained until her homecall. Olive was a very devoted Christian who truly loved the Lord and the place where His honour dwelleth. She left this world with an unblemished testimony and her very large funeral was a clear indication of how much she was held in esteem. One brother and five sisters (one being Mrs. Margaret McCollum of Vancouver) are left to mourn her passing. All are in assembly fellowship.
Mrs. Nellie Hutchison of Vancouver, B.C. on July 5, age 34. Our dear sister was pointed to Christ at age 16 by her sister. She was in the Carlton assembly for the past 14 year and went to heaven after many weeks of patient suffering due to cancer. Nellie will be greatly missed by her husband Murray and four young children, also by a large number of family connections, including 12 brothers and sisters, many of whom are in assembly fellowship, but some are still in the “far country”. The large funeral was shared by R. Hanna, B. Breedveld, S. Wilson and D. McGaughey.
Olga Sarlo of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario on July 9, age 70. Our dear sister, her husband John and several others were saved in the early 1950’s under the preaching of Aubrey Dellandrea. Shortly after, Olga was received into assembly fellowship and has continued steadfastly until recent sickness kept her at home. Our sister was marked by a godly, quiet spirit and was greatly loved by all who knew her. A brother-in-law, Ernie Sarlo, spoke faithful words at the funeral.
Mrs. Phyllis Barnard of Port Hope, Ontario on July 12, age 75. Our dear sister was saved at the age of 15 and her whole life reflected Christ. She fellowshipped with the saints in Birchcliff, West Hill and Port Hope over the 60 years since she met the Saviour. She had the joy of seeing her children saved. Please pray for her husband Alf and the family.
Mrs. Laura Lee Joyce of Newmarket, Ontario on July 14, age 94. Our dearly beloved sister was saved on March 6, 1918, baptized and received into fellowship at Broadview’ where she met her husband, the late F. Leslie Joyce. Later, she and Leslie were very active in S.S. work at Rhodes Avenue, the forerunner of Highfield Road. They were foundation members of Highfield Road, where they remained until 1962, when Newmarket assembly commenced. Laura was much loved and respected. She was very faithful in con-ting to all assembly meetings and had a real love for children.
Joel Kanute of Newington, CT on July 16, age 43. Our beloved brother went home suddenly through an explosion at his work. Believers with whom he worked invited him to gospel meeting and he was saved the third night, Feb. 21, 1979. Since then, his wife and two sons have been saved. Quiet, faithful, helpful in assembly work especially in the S.S., he had an excellent testimony. A large number of his family, for whom he was deeply burdened, and acquaintances heard the gospel at his funeral. The assembly has been shocked and saddened. His wife and teenage sons need our prayers.
Benny Stabile of Hickory, N.C. on July 19, age 90. Our dear brother was born in Italy on October 20, 1906 and was saved on August 16, 1925 in Miami, Florida, under the preaching of the late H.A. Ironside. He had a zeal for the gospel and gave encouragement to the believers in every conversation. Brother Stabile will be greatly missed. He leaves a daughter, son-in-law and two grandsons, not in the assembly.
Mrs. Arlen Gentz of Manchester, Iowa on July 31, age 70. Our esteemed sister was saved at age 18 in 1945 though the truth of John 4:50, “The man believed the word that Jesus had spoken.” Her husband, Harlan, who went to be with Christ 14 years before, raised their six children seeing them all gathered in. A lengthy illness caused her much suffering but love for the assembly and the gospel were clearly maintained until the very end. R. Orr and A. Christopherson shared the large funeral.