The lives that we are living, are getting busier every day –
It seems we’re getting more and more involved;
Now we may understand, or not, as we see time slip away –
We’ve got some serious problems that need solved!
You see, there’s only so much time in each and every day:
And none of us can purchase one more minute;
So as we take stock of our lives and how we spend each day
Do we REALLY try to put our Lord first in it?
The more we get involved in Earth is less time spent for Heaven –
and more and more things cry out for our time:
But the key word is “PRIORITY”, and no man should “rob God,”
So one day will He tell of us our crime?
The Lord has given us His word “Please don’t forsake My house.”
“Be steadfast” as you meet with Me;
I promise “I will add to you if you seek My things first;”
Please make My things YOUR first PRIORITY!
Now, we’ve all heard these words before, time and time again –
It seems we may be getting quite used to them;
But they are from the Lord, you see, Who also says to us,
“You’ll be my friends, and love Me, IF you do them.”
When special meetings are convened and speakers come our way
Are we all here, or are we someplace other?
Does tract band lose the battle to an afternoon of rest?
And Wednesday night, do we say “Oh, don’t bother”?
It seems we all can find the time to come out Sunday morning –
But all the other meetings matter less;
We say we’re putting Jesus first; That he’s Lord in our lives –
But are we really giving Him our best?
When we run into conflicts between ANYTHING and meetings,
Do we really try to stay with our first love?
Or, is it automatic – We MUST do something else.
And love for NOW, with no thoughts of ABOVE?
We know the assembly way is right and other ways are wrong –
But as He looks down from His lofty perch;
He sees that we have fallen backwards from the truths we know,
And HE KNOWS that we’ve just been “playing church!”
The sad reality, dear friends, is He takes second place –
PRIORITIES with Him are not our own;
We are assembly Christians, sure – But when we see His face,
Will we feel most shame for what we’ve done?
Of all these things that fill our lives, Just how much are most worth?
They seem so all – important to us now;
Yet someday soon we each must face how we spent time on earth;
Will they seem AS important as we bow?
We must consider these things NOW – The Judgment Seat is near;
And someday soon we’ll see the Great “I AM,”
As our faithfulness is reviewed how many of us will KNOW
That we failed to study for our Final Exam?