Divine Ability

A mean streak in fallen man has been the desire to set traps for his fellows. King Darius was the victim of such a trap and was greatly perturbed when his beloved Daniel, his first President, was doomed to be cast into the den of lions. Before the actual casting of Daniel into the den the king assured him, “Thy God whom thou servest continually, He will deliver thee” (Dan 6;16). Despite the king giving Daniel this assurance, he (the king) did not have a comfortable night, and very early in the morning he was back at the den. His question, “Is thy God able to deliver thee?” Daniel assured him, “My God hath sent His angel and hath shut the lions’ mouths.” It is good to know that we also receive angelic ministry (Heb 1:14.)

In the New Testament we have examples of God’s ability to:


Paul assured Timothy, “I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep for that day the deposit I have entrusted to Him” (2 Tim 1:12 JND). Paul was assured that the One who saved him could keep him, and all that he entrusted to Him He was able to keep.


The writer to the Hebrews gives the assurance that our sympathetic high Priest is concerned about our welfare, He hath trod the pathway down here and “He is able (immediately) to run to the cry of (assist, relieve) those who are being tempted, tested and tried and who therefore are being exposed to suffering” (Heb 2:18. Amp NT). Our faithful high Priest runs to the aid of those who call on Him.


Our Lord, because he hath an untransferable priesthood, is able to save to the uttermost, completely, right through to the end (Heb 7:34-35). In a day when the eternal security of the believer is denied, we do well to lay hold upon this great truth. When our blessed Lord comes to the air and calls us HOME, then we will be saved from the very presence of sin altogether. What a joy to be with and like Him for evermore!


In Jude’s Epistle, end time conditions are brought before us in a very vivid way and we are exhorted to “earnestly contend for the faith once for all delivered unto the saints” (v 3). Although conditions are bad, Jude directs our attention to “Him who is able to keep you without stumbling, slipping or falling, and to present (you) unblemished before the presence of His glory in triumphant joy and exultation” (v 24, Amp NT )

Super Abundant Supply

Paul in his prayer for the Ephesians uses sweet and sublime language and directs their attention to “Him that is able to do much more than we can ask or think” (Eph 3:14-21), or “Now to Him who, by the power that is at work within us, is able to do superabundantly, far over and above all that we ask or think.”

Paul had great confidence in his heavenly Father, and we know that our Father knows what is best for us. May we have utmost confidence in Him until we reach the end of our earthly journey!