The child has quietly drawn near the father as he is busily engaged in his newspaper or book and awaits the father’s attention. After some time the father lifts his eyes, knowing the child has a request to make that it anticipates he is able to meet. The father often asks, “What do you want?” as he seeks to draw out the young heart and expose the request. When he hears the request, he may say that he is unable or too busy to do it. Such are human relationships.
In John 1, we read of two men who had heard the preaching of John the Baptist, were convicted and came to be baptized in the Jordan. Their fishing business no longer attracted them, John had their respect, and they were caught up in the enthusiasm of his person and teaching. Perhaps they had some wrong opinions of John and their enthusiasm was dampened when he confessed, “I am not the Christ.” He was then asked if he were Elias or “that prophet”, and John answered, “No”. He then stated that he was only “the voice of one crying in the wilderness, and his ministry was preparatory for One who was coming and was so great that John was not fit to unloose his sandal strap. The hearts of many of the listeners leapt with wonder at such an announcement.
The very next day, they heard John cry, “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). Perhaps John’s disciples were reluctant to leave their leader, but he had pointed them away from himself to One who was truly worthy of their love. The decision was made. they left John and followed Jesus.
The Lord knew their thoughts, feelings and motives. To expose their true feelings and to test their sincerity, He asked, “What seek ye?” A simple question, yet so important. What did they expect to find in Him? Would He have time for them? Could He meet their needs?
I wonder how often this same question is asked by the tender Saviour to those who follow him today. Are we following close or afar off? Sometimes, when we examine our hearts in His presence, the answer to “What seek Ye?” is very far from what it should be. Are we seeking to know Him better or are our ambitions worldly, seeking success in the world, personal exaltation or even to be recognized as important by our peers? Are we merely seeking the comforts of life, or worse, the appealing pleasures of this world.
“What seek ye?” has echoed down through the ages, has challenged many a heart and should challenge mine today. What am I truly seeking? In Him and in Him alone can we expect to find the satisfaction of our hearts and the filling of our lives. Can we say, “I have found Him whom my soul loveth”?
Did He have time for them? Was He able to meet their need? Listen to His response to their question, “Come and see.” Not one earnest question has ever gone unanswered, not one earnest seeker has ever been turned away. Are we seeking answers to life’s most difficult questions? Hear Him say “Come and see”. Do we need power to serve Him? “Come and see.” But are we truly seeking Him? His response is still “Come and see.”