
Tidings – Canada

British Columbia

Langley, Tent meetings by Dave Richards and Bryan Funston in Walnut Grove ended on July 28. The gospel effort was well attended by outsiders and God worked in salvation.

Surrey, Hans Bouwman, Bryan Funston and Dave Richards took part at Fleetwood’s monthly ministry meeting held in the Gospel Tent.

Vancouver, In July, Hans Bouwman and Ernest Moore shared in the monthly ministry meeting at Woodland Drive. Prayer is requested for gospel meetings which Bryan Funston and Gaius Goff plan to begin at Carlton on October 20.


Andrew Bergsma is using his Bible Book Bus in this province and has made some good contacts among the Hutterites.

Lockport, Helped by David Vanstone (Portage), Jack Gould had gospel meetings. Many evenings the tent was filled and some who attended showed a desire to be saved.


Aylmer, Paul Kember and William Metcalf concluded well attended tent meetings on July 14, with one woman from the district professing.

Guelph, Prayer is requested for a gospel series which Murray McCandless and Peter Orasuk expect to start on October 8.

Kenora, The saints enjoyed recent visits by R. Boyle, J.A. Joyce, A. Bergsma, H. Bouwman, M. Radcliffe and J. Gould.

Lake Shore, Harold Paisley, Paul Kember and Evan Moreau (Midland) had three weeks of tent meetings in July Several professed to be saved and many outsiders attended.

Owen Sound, On July 5, Larry Steers and George Patterson completed four weeks in the gospel with unsaved in each night.

Toronto, Prayer is requested for a series of gospel meetings from September 15 to October 6 by David Oliver and Marvin Derksen in the Stephen Leacock Collegiate, 2450 Birchmount Road. This city-wide effort is convened by 13 assemblies in the Toronto area.

Victoria Road, The saints appreciated a visit by Larry Steers on July 14. On July 28, Bert Grainger and Bruce Poidevin were present when two young brethren were baptized, with a good number of unsaved witnessing the baptism. The conference in June was very good with 10 of the Lord’s servants present.

Zurich, Paul Kember and John Dennison expected to start tent meetings in late August.

Nova Scotia

Baddeck, During the past four summers, Murray McCandless has seen much blessing in this area. This summer, he and Stephen Vance saw fruit in the first week of their gospel effort.

Bridgewater, Albert Hull and John Dennison had well attended tent meetings with blessing in salvation.

Pugwash Junction, The conference was one of the largest with around 700 present. In addition to brethren labouring in the Maritimes, D. Gilliland, E. Higgins, O. MacLeod, N. Mellish and D. Oliver were present to help. The conference was good and profitable.

River Hebert, The assembly appreciated a visit by Noel Burden on May 28 and 29 for ministry of the Word.

Sydney Mines, The saints have been encouraged by the progress in their new Gospel Hall. It is a large undertaking, but most needed. William Bingham has put in many long hours working at this hall and has received help from brethren from near and far.

Prince Edward Island

Abney, Peter Orasuk and Robert McIlwaine commenced tent meetings on July 10 in this small community about 40 miles east of Charlottetown. Meetings are continuing with interest and a number are attending from the district.

Crapaud, The annual Island conference in May was edifying and encouraging. Fifteen of the Lord’s servants attended and two souls professed to be saved. David Gilliland refreshed the saints as he conducted the Bible reading on Psalm 22.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Carbonear, Wallace Buckle and Bryan Joyce expect to commence gospel meetings in September.

Fogo, In late July, Gordon Williams and Bryan Joyce had two weeks of tent meetings with some interest.

Labrador, Bert Joyce planned to give help in Labrador during the summer.

McIvers, The interest was small but consistent during two weeks of tent meetings in early July by Jim Jarvis and Bryan Joyce.

Tidings – U.S.A.


Forest Grove, Recently, Roy Weber and Gaius Goff had 11 nights of gospel meetings with blessing in salvation. Over 3,000 Seed Sower packets were distributed in the area with a nice number of responses which have been followed up.


Burwell, At North Loops, which is not far from Burwell, Robert Orr and Roy Weber started tent meetings on July 30.


Cedar Falls, Several outsiders have been saved and added to the assembly during the past year. Also, a 16 year old exchange student from Russia was saved and baptized before returning home.

Dunkerton, The assembly enjoyed a visit from Ernest Moore, telling of the Lord’s work in Chile. Prayer is valued for a gospel tent effort in Evansdale which Gaius Goff and Carl Payne expect to commence on September 4.

Garnavillo, The saints completed 75 years of assembly testimony in late July They planned to celebrate this happy event with a special report and ministry meeting on August 11.

Robins, Eric McCullough and Allan Christopherson had tent meetings with strangers in every night and there was blessing in salvation.


Humbird, Joel Portman and Jerry Jennings expected to start gospel meetings in the community hall on Aug. 11.

Waukesha, The saints met for the first time on July 28 to break bread. There are 14 in fellowship, and there were 14 visitors at this first meeting. On July 29, Arthur Ward commenced tent meetings and was later joined by William Skates.

West Salem, On August 4, Peter Simms, Dick Bruley and Ted Larson commenced tent meetings.


Battle Creek, John Slabaugh and James Beattie concluded four weeks of meetings on August 9 with good attendance and blessing in salvation of three Russian students who are visiting Michigan.

Deckerville, Because of a good interest, William Lavery and Dan Shutt planned to continue tent meetings into the second week in August.

Jackson, The assembly enjoyed ministry from Jack Gould on the Christian home and family.


Clyde, Jack Nesbitt and Jack Gould planned to commence a gospel series on August 7.

West Virginia

New Creek, On July 21, Robert Surgenor and Larry Steers commenced tent meetings.


Frostburg, The May conference was larger than last year with many young people present. Six of the Lord’s servants gave help. Alex Dryburgh made his first visit to the area and it was much appreciated. During tent meetings by Frank Tomaquindid and Dale Vitale, two souls professed and others received the assurance of salvation.

New Jersey

Long Branch, Helped by Don Draper, Walter Gustafson began gospel meetings on July 24.

Tidings – Other Countries

N. Ireland

Bible Readings, The Bushmills school was filled to capacity with 300 – 400 present each evening for the annual Bible readings which were profitable for young and old. David Kane with other brethren considered 1 and 2 Timothy. Also, open air meetings were held daily in Portrush with large attendances. Many holiday-makers heard the gospel and thousands of tracts were distributed.

Gospel, Many of the Lord’s servants commenced gospel meetings in the province. We pray that the Lord’s hand will be seen in blessing and that perishing souls will be saved.

Conferences, Despite the political unrest in the province during the marching season, the believers were able to travel freely to and from the conference gatherings and the meetings were well attended. Speakers at these conferences were:

Stonewall, July 8, N. Turkington, D. Kane, J. McDowell, J. Martin and W, J. Nesbitt.

Ballybollen, July 12, D. Kane, J. Stubbs, J. McDowell and W. J. Nesbitt.

Kingsmills, July 12, B. Stapely, R. Millar, J. Kelso, J. Grant and A.M.S. Gooding.

Ballymagarrick, July 13, A.M.S. Gooding, J. Hutchinson, D. Gilliland, J. Grant, R. Millar and J. Flanigan.

Bleary, July 13, S. Trimble, W. J. Nesbitt, D. Kane, J. Stubbs, T. McNeill and J. McDowell.

Conferences, DV

Vancouver, B.C.

October 12, 13 and 14. Meetings in Burnaby South Secondary School, 5455 Rumble Street, Burnaby Saturday -Bible reading at 10 with Ministry at 2 and 7. Lord’s Day – Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. Monday – Bible reading at 10 with Ministry at 2 and 7. Prayer meeting at 8 p.m. on Friday and Breaking of Bread at 9:30 are in Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, 4659 Victoria Drive. Corr. P. A. Broadhead, 17431 – 101 Ave., Surrey, B.C., V4N 4L7, phone (604) 5818155.

Edmonton, Alberta

October 19 and 20 in Connor’s Hill Gospel Hall, 9302 – 95 Street, with prayer meeting on October 18 at 8 p.m. On Saturday, Ministry at 10 and 2, with Ministry and Gospel at 7. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10, Ministry at 2 and Gospel at 7. Contact Joe Bowman, 1325 Knottwood Road East, Edmonton, AB, T6K 2K5, phone (403) 450-0818. Hall phone is (403) 468-2095.

Maidstone, SK, Mervin, SK and Paradise Valley, AB

October 12 and 13 in the Legion Hall, 111 Main Street, Maidstone, phone (306) 893-4277. Meetings both days at 10:30, 2 and 7. Prayer meeting on October 11 at 7 p.m. in Maidstone Gospel Hall, 4th Avenue and Main Street. Corr. Harry K. McLaren, Box 481, Maidstone, SK, SOM IMO, phone (306) 893-4614, and Lennard Heath, Turtleford, SK, SOM 2YO, phone (306) 846-2627.

Brandon, Manitoba

October 14 in the Gospel Hall. Bible reading at 10 on Colossians 4, with Ministry at 1:30. Corr. Alan Ritchie, 23 Creighton Blvd., Brandon, MB, R7B OYL phone (204) 727-4971.

Roseisle, Manitoba

October 5 and 6 in the Gospel Hall with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, Bible reading at 10:30 on 2 Peter 1. Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Corr. P.H. Dyck, Box 46, Roseisle, MB, ROG 1VO, phone (204) 828-3509. Hall phone is (204) 828-3484.

London, Ontario

November 2 and 3 in the Gospel Hall, 1196 Highbury Avenue, with prayer meeting on Friday at 8 p.m. Breaking of Bread at 9:30. Corr. Hugh R. Garnham, 843 Dalkeith Crescent, London, ON, N5X 1S5, phone (519) 433-1825. Hall phone is (519) 451-8233.

Niagara Falls, Ontario

October 19 and 20 in the Gospel Hall, Adams and Hawkins Streets, with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, Ministry at 10, Bible reading at 1:30 on Christ in Isaiah 53, Ministry at 2:45 and Gospel at 6:45. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 9:30, Bible reading at 1:30, Ministry at 2:45 and Gospel at 6:45. Corr. Win. Smith, 7467 Merritt St., Niagara Falls, ON, L2G 50, phone (905) 354-8272.

St. Thomas, Ontario

October 12 and 13 in Parkside Collegiate, 241 Sunset Drive. Breaking of Bread at 10. Prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Friday in the Gospel Hall, 1 Sunset Drive. Corr. Lyle McCandless, RR 1, St. Thomas, ON, N5P 3S5, phone (519) 7692733. School phone is (519) 633-0090.

Wallaceburg, Ontario

October 27 in the Gospel Hall, corner of Minnie and Gillard Streets. Breaking of Bread at 10:30 with Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. Prayer meeting on Saturday at 8 p.m. Corr. C. D. Kerr, phone (519) 627-4875. Hall phone is (519) 627-8743.

Cape Breton, N.S.

October 12,13 and 14 in Memorial High School, Memorial Drive, Sydney Mines, phone (902) 736-6233. On Saturday, prayer meeting at 2:30 with Ministry at 3:30 and Gospel at 7. On Lord’s day, Bible reading at 8:30 on Hebrews 1, with Breaking of Bread at 10, Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. On Monday, Bible reading at 9 on Hebrews 2, with Ministry at 10:15. Corr. Norman A. MacQueen, 7 Victoria Drive, Sydney Mines, N.S., B1V 3B4, phone (902) 736-9690. Accommodations: Bruce Bartlett, phone (902) 7941401.

L’Anse au Loup, Labrador

October 18,19 and 20 in the Gospel Hall with prayer meeting on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. On Friday, Ministry at 10:30 and 2:30 with Gospel at 7:30. On Saturday, Bible reading at 10:30 on Acts 2:41-47, with Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7:30. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10, with Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7:30. On Monday, Gospel meeting at Red Bay at 7:30 p.m. Corr. Francis Barney, L’Anse au Loup, Labrador, AOK 3LO, phone (709) 927-5696 or Eddie Barney, phone (709) 927-5535.

Manchester, Iowa

October 5 and 6 in Lambert School, 1101 Doctor Street. First meeting on Saturday at 10 a.m. On Lord’s day, Bible reading at 9 on Galatians 1:1-5 with Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 1308 North Third Street. Corr. C.E Foster, 130 Clara Avenue, Manchester, IA 52057, phone (319) 927-2963.

LaCrosse, Wisconsin

October 26 and 27 at Logan Middle School, 1450 Avon St., phone (608) 7897755. First meeting on Saturday at 10, with Bible reading at 1:30 on 1 Cor. 12:1231. On Lord’s day, Bible reading at 9 on Psalm 22 with Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Prayer meeting on Friday at the Gospel Hall, 1928 George St. at 7:30 p.m. Corr. David L. Hardie, 708 – 11th Ave. So., Onalaska, WI 54650, phone (608) 783-4067.

Kindly remember:

Arnstein, ON – Sept. 14 and 15
Chapman Valley/Parry Sound, ON Sept. 21 and 22
Clinton, ON – Oct. 5 and 6
Shediac, N.B. – Oct. 12 and 13
Hitesville, IA – Sept. 21 and 22
Livonia, MI – Oct. 26 and 27
Midland Park, N.J. – Sept. 28 and 29
Terryville, CT – Oct. 19 and 20
Hardwick, VT – Sept. 21 and 22

Change of Address

Leslie Wells, 22 rue Jeanne d’Arc, Riviere-a-la-Truite, N.B., E1X 2N4

Change in Location of Gospel Hall

Berwick, N.S., So. Berwick Community Centre, Highway 1. Breaking of Bread at 10, SS at 12 and Gospel at 7:30. Prayer and Bible study on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Corr. Leland Potter, 4104 Hwy. 1, Berwick, N.S., BOP 1E0

With Christ

Cavelle Fletcher of Guelph, Ontario on April 1, age 78. Our dear sister was saved on November 7,1983. She was received into the local assembly a few years later. Our sister had a sweet disposition and was liked by all. She leaves behind a large family, many of whom are not saved and for whom prayer is valued.

Arnold McLaren of Salem, Oregon on April 11, age 92. Our dear brother was saved in Forest Grove and was subsequently baptized and gathered with the saints in Forest Grove until 1978 when he and his wife Vera relocated to Salem, where he was in assembly fellowship until his homecall. Arnold was a quiet and generous Christian gentleman. The funeral service in Salem was shared by John Robertson and Wayne Perkins. Burial was in Nodene, Minnesota.

Mrs. E. Tinsley of Dromore, N. Ireland on April 30, age 96. Our dear sister was saved in 1919 at her first gospel meeting. She was saved with no assembly connections, but after conversion, while attending meetings by two brethren evangelists, she learned the truth of baptism and gathering to the Lord’s name. She was received into the assembly at Dromore where she remained for 70 years. With her late husband, she was highly esteemed, faithful to the assembly and much given to hospitality. Her family of eight are all saved and in assembly fellowship.

George Champ of Guelph, Ontario on May 1, age 84. Our dear brother was saved as a teenager and was received into fellowship with his wife Lena at Cambridge (Galt) where he continued until 1970. Since 1970, he and his wife have been in fellowship in Guelph. Our brother was faithful in attendance to the meetings. His heart was with the assembly and with the people of God throughout the years. He leaves behind his wife in a nursing home in Cambridge and a son, Donald. A number of unsaved grandchildren and relatives were present at the funeral taken by Stuart Thompson.

Mrs. Emma Schick of Mervin, Saskatchewan on May 29, age 84. Our dear sister was born again as a young girl of 12 in Harvey, North Dakota. She immigrated to Saskatchewan in 1926 and was for many years in fellowship in the Louisville and Mervin assemblies. Much given to hospitality, she maintained a friendly home. She was active in the support of the gospel both at home and abroad. Mrs. Schick was predeceased by her husband Alfted in 1993 and is survived by four daughters, all saved. The funeral service was taken by James Ronald, Jr.

Mrs. Margaret Porter of Bethany Lodge, Unionville, Ontario on June 11, age 88. Our dear sister, wife of the late William Porter, passed quietly into the presence of the Lord, with members of her family at her side. On Sept. 28, 1922, she was saved in Ireland through the truth of John 5:24. She was baptized and received into fellowship a year later, and continued to meet with the Lord’s people up to her homecall. She and her husband were in the Highfield Road assembly for many years, and latterly in Unionville. George Telfer conducted the funeral service along with David Grieve.

Mrs. Vanetta L. Murphy of Salem, Oregon on June 13, age 85. Our dear sister was saved as a young woman of 18 during pioneer work in North Dakota by our late brethren, Alex Wilson and Hector Alves. Mrs. Murphy was in fellowship in Salem when she went to be with the Lord. Many unsaved friends and relatives heard a clear gospel message at the funeral service, which was taken by Gaylord Lowry and Phil Howard.

Raymond Melanson of Shediac, NB on June 21, age 87. Our beloved brother was saved at age 76 on October 31, 1985, while meditating on Ephesians 2:8,9. Later, he was baptized and received into the Shediac assembly, where his faithfulness was a source of encouragement to all. He never missed an occasion to tell those he met how Christ loved him and gave Himself for him at Calvary. The funeral service was conducted by Leslie Wells and Luc Bergeron, and the gospel was solemnly preached by Gerard Roy. Please pray for his dear wife Lucie.

James W. Stubbs of Darlington, England on June 26, age 93. Our dear brother was saved when 18 during a gospel effort among the Methodists. Soon after being shown Matt. 18:20, he gathered to the Lord’s name alone. For the last 40 years, he was in assembly fellowship in Darlington where he was much esteemed. He was a lovely Christlike man with an exceptional gift for personal work, as a result of which souls were saved and lives blessed. He carried on this work well into his eighties and covered the town where he lived at least twice door to door with tracts.

Spofford Earle of L’Anse au Loup, Labrador on July 1, age 80. Our dearly beloved brother was born on June 23, 1916 and was born again in October, 1953. He was in the assembly at L’Anse au Loup from its beginning. He was a faithful elder who had a real shepherd’s heart for the Lord’s people. A large number of unsaved attended the funeral which was taken by Bert Joyce and Francis Barney, with Eric Fowler speaking at the gave. Mr. Earle leaves behind his wife, tour sons, two daughters, 14 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

George Uhlenhopp of Aplington, IA on July 5, age 91. Our beloved brother was saved on October 4, 1925 during gospel meetings by Oliver Smith and John Blair in Aplington. He was among the believers that formed the assembly at Hitesville in October, 1927, and was the last of the original number. A respected and faithful brother, he was a help and blessing to the assembly His wife Rena preceded him in January, 1994. Two sons, a daughter and their spouses survive him beside seven grandchildren and other relatives. The large funeral was shared by E. McCullough and R. Orr.

Johanna G. “Annie” Tatnall of Arlington, WA on July 13, age 93. Our dear sister, born in Holland, came to Arlington and was saved as a teenager in 1921 through Romans 10:9. She married Samuel Tatnall in 1944. A few years later, they moved to California and were in fellowship in Fresno and Monrovia. Her husband went to heaven in 1962, and Annie moved back to Arlington. She loved the assembly and faithfully attended all the meetings right up to the week before her homecall. She was in fellowship for over 75 years. The funeral was shared by M. Scandrett, D. Kazen and 13. Meyers.

Milka Kleinof Arlington, WA on July 16, age 89. Born in Holland, our dear sister came to Arlington in 1920, and was saved a year later through Romans 10:9. She married William K Kroeze and they had a family of four. A few years after Mr. Kroeze’s death, she married Otto Klein who preceded her in death in 1994. She appreciated the assembly of His saints and the preaching of the gospel. She was a supporter of gospel workers at home and abroad for many years. Pray for of her family still unsaved. The gospel was preached at her funeral by David Richards and Don Kazen.

Ferry McKearney of Charlottetown, P.E.I. on July 19, age 58, after an 18 month battle with brain cancer, during which he manifested a good testimony. Our dear brother was saved on March 23, 1959, at age 21 after attending a gospel meeting in Toronto. Terry was married shortly after and in 1966, he and his wife Joyce brought their young family back home to PE.I. and were in fellowship in Charlottetown. He will be greatly missed in the assembly where he faithfully attended, always ready to help. Terry was highly respected and this was evidenced by the very large funeral.