An Encouraging Letter

Excerpts from a letter written to his nephew, in reply to his going out into the Lords work (Jan 29, 1999)

About My Doings

I left home shortly before Christmas in 1924. I spent a weekend in Moncton, then went to Boston for the conference. A week later, I was in Philadelphia for the conference, and remained there, working at Atlantic Refining for a few months followed by a spell at Stutz garage. Then I returned home in August, as I think my brother Mac went west on a” Harvesters excursion” and Dans father may have been down in Kentville, but I am not sure. In December I came back to the states and remained. Early in 1926 I went out to Bryn Mawr and settled there. I worked for a month or so driving a bus after a couple of weeks in the garage. Then I got a job as a chauffeur, which lasted over two years. In June, 1928, I gave up this job and went into the Lords work. I started out in tent meetings with Sam Rea in Hatboro, where the assembly was planted almost 1 years later. The assembly still continues. In the late summer of 1928, I went west with Dr. Matthews of Ireland. I asked for a letter, because of going to an unknown territory, which I received from the Bryn Mawr assembly.

After 5 months with him, he went back to Ireland, and I was left on my own. From then on I preached with other men in various places and different circumstances.

Early in 1932, after the Newport News, Va. conference, encouraged by brother Sam McEwen, I went to Lenoir, NC, to visit a young couple who had professed at Mr. McEwens meetings the previous summer in Virginia and had moved back to North Carolina. As there seemed to be plenty of opportunity, I continued mostly in this area. Those were the depression years, and things were very tough financially, but we managed to survive. In those days we were without many of the things that I consider essential. Sarah Jane and I were married in 1932, and settled in Asheville, NC. We moved to Hickory in 1934, and remained there until 1942. The war was on and the majority of those that had gathered in Hickory went away, except one, to get work. In 1942, we moved to Dayton, Ohio, and remained there for 7 years. But things did not turn out the way we thought they would, so after much prayer and waiting on God, we were directed by the Lord back to Hickory in 1949. An interest developed, and we have been there ever since. We had meetings in different places through the years. The assembly was started again in 1950, and has continued since then. At one time we had 80 in fellowship, but due to some being called Home by death, some moving to other places, and some dropping out, it is now about 60. The assembly goes on well. There are a good number of young people with their families who are active. So we have much for which to thank God.