Grande Prairie: Alan Smith (Scotland) visited the assembly for ministry December 2-5.
British Columbia
Richmond: The West Richmond believers rejoiced as they witnessed three believers obey the Lord in baptism on December 1.
Vancouver: The gospel meetings with David Hunt and William Skates that began October 20 in the South Main Gospel Hall closed on November 17. The saints were encouraged with blessing in salvation. The Victoria Drive assembly was encouraged by three young believers obeying the Lord in baptism on November 17.
Parsons Pond: The assembly commenced gospel meetings with Tim Burton and Brody Thibodeau on November 18. Meetings were livestreamed via Zoom and YouTube.
Nova Scotia
Halifax: Gospel meetings with Brody Thibodeau and Matthew Cain that began October 27 concluded in November after two and a half weeks. The saints were encouraged to hear of one man professing salvation and another asking for baptism. The annual Christmas Carol service was planned for December 8. This is usually a time when many in the community attend to sing Christmas carols and hear the gospel message.
Mississauga: The Applewood Heights assembly held one week of gospel meetings December 2-6 with Eugene Higgins, who explored the rich history of some of the most cherished Christmas carols and presented the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ beautifully reflected in their words. Meetings were livestreamed via Zoom.
Oil Springs: The gospel series with Terry Topley and Jim Frazier closed on November 30 after three weeks.
York: Blair Martin’s ministry from Isaiah in September was an encouragement to the saints in the Fairbank assembly.
Prince Edward Island
Crapaud: The assembly commenced a gospel series with Eric Fowler and John Turkington (Charlottetown, PE) on November 3.
Taylorside: On October 27, six believers were baptized, bringing joy to the assembly. Alan Smith gave timely and wholesome ministry November 10-15.
Alpena: The assembly held a week of gospel meetings during the third week of November. Tracts and invitations, including door magnets with gospel verses, were distributed throughout the city during the preceding weekend. On hand to help with the preaching nightly were Jerry Jennings, Melvin Mendez and local brethren. The saints were encouraged by the good number of children and family members who turned out to hear the gospel. They are also thankful for the believers from the Springdale, AR, assembly who supported the meetings.
Phoenix: The Garfield assembly commenced gospel meetings December 3 in the hall. The Orangeville assembly continues their series of short Saturday night devotionals via Zoom on “The Person and Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ” to help believers prepare for worship on the Lord’s Day. Brethren taking part to date include Gaius Goff (November 9), Mark Quitadamo (Methuen, MA, November 16), Eugene Badgley (November 23), Brian Crawford (November 30) and Jason Wahls (December 7).
Marion: Gospel meetings with Bill Seale closed on November 20 after two and a half weeks with some blessing in salvation.
Crandon: The assembly appreciated ministry given November 8 and 10-11 by David McKillen from 1 Thessalonians.
Arlington: Please pray for the salvation of souls during gospel meetings to commence January 12, D.V., with Tom Hoy and Jim Jarvis.
Mt. Sterling: Gospel meetings commenced December 1 with Brandon Doll and Ken Baker.
Quintana Roo
Cancún: Marcus Cain visited the assembly for a series of teaching meetings November 24-29. The attendance of the believers as well as unsaved was encouraging to all.
Veracruz: The annual conference was held November 15-17. The assembly was encouraged to see believers from several different assemblies, including a large group from Cancún that drove over 20 hours each way. Duncan Beckett, Marcus Cain, Samuel Chesney, John Nesbitt, Tim Stevenson and Tim Turkington shared in the ministry and preaching. The hall was well filled, especially on the Saturday evening for the preaching of the gospel and the baptism of two sisters.
Coscomatepec de Bravo: Regular visits are still being made to this town that is about two hours away from Xalapa. During the month of November, the gospel was preached several times by Samuel Chesney, Shad Kember, Philip Lampkin (London, ON) and Ángel Baez (Veracruz).
Xalapa: The assembly held a week of gospel meetings with Samuel Chesney and Shad Kember. The believers were very encouraged to see some attend for the first time as well as other unsaved contacts who previously attended.
Los Arcos: The believers who attend the meetings in this work enjoyed three nights of ministry given by Marcus Cain in November. He took up themes related to marriage, child-training and the unity amongst believers. The prayers of God’s people are greatly appreciated for a Seed Sowers effort that will be held in December in this area, followed by gospel meetings.
Iguala: The assembly appreciated two nights of ministry by Marcus Cain on the believer’s relationships in the home as well as in the assembly.
Special Report
Christopher Beresford writes: We labour for the Lord in Lima, the capital city of Perú, where we have the privilege of visiting seven different areas of the city with the gospel each week. We have over 460 children across these works and give thanks to God for each open door. Some of these works are now well established, while others are new. We have just commenced meetings in Muruhuay, where around 30 have been present. Whilst there is no assembly here in the city, we continue to pioneer in the forgotten foothills of the Andes amongst the poor. The work is challenging but very encouraging. Please pray for souls to be truly born again for the glory of God.
Northern Ireland
Co Down
Ballykeel (Mourne): The drive-in gospel meetings from May concluded at the end of September and again were very encouraging. Each Lord’s Day the local people attended well, and large numbers listened online. The Lord’s presence and help were keenly felt by those who preached. At the end of June, all the schools in the Mourne District were visited and gospel literature was distributed to the students, with Clifford Law speaking at a number of school assemblies. During the first week of July, Clifford had a memorable week of children’s meetings in Kilkeel High School. Over 100 children came in nightly, and on Friday night the school assembly hall was full with parents and their children. It was encouraging to see so many young believers helping with the meetings. On July 11 in Kilkeel, Tony Steenson (Monaghan) and some members of the assembly gave out John 3:16 shopping bags and tracts, which were greatly appreciated by the people. Pray that the Lord will bless all the Seed sown.
Ballywillwill: The assembly held gospel meetings October 13-27 in Walter Watson Crane store. It was very encouraging to see many local people attend, and the support of the Lord’s people was appreciated. Thomas Wallace (Ballymena) experienced help in each meeting to present a clear and challenging message from God’s Word. Please continue to pray for God’s blessing on the Seed that was sown.
DeLand, FL
February 7-9, in the gospel hall, 109 E. Rosehill Avenue (E. off N. Woodland Blvd.). Friday: Prayer Meeting 7pm. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am, 12:30pm (Spanish), and 4pm, Bible Reading (The Millennium seen in the OT) 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 12:30pm (Spanish) and 4pm, Bible Reading (The Millennium seen in the NT) 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Meetings to follow conference: to be announced.
Jackson, MI
February 14-16, with prayer meeting on Friday, February 14, at 7pm in the gospel hall, 910 Bennett Street. Saturday and Lord’s Day meetings will be held at East Jackson High School, 1404 N. Sutton Road. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6:45pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 11:30am, Prayer/Ministry 2pm, Gospel 4:30pm. John Dennison, Sandy Higgins, Shawn Markle and David Petterson have responsibility for the conference ministry meetings. Accom: Jason Wielenga, Tel: 517-914-1275; Email: Corr: Douglas Losey, Tel: 517-787-9169; Email: Assembly website:
Conferences Previously Published:
Pennsauken, NJ – January 10-12
Phoenix, AZ – January 17-19
Tampa, FL – January 18-19
Fausto Gaspar of Naugatuck, CT, on July 2, 2024, age 90. Born in Portugal on April 17, 1934, he came to the United States in 1977. He was convicted of his sins and was saved on May 3, 1986, during gospel meetings held by Vern Markle and Michael DaSilva in Naugatuck, CT. He was received into the Terryville assembly soon afterwards and continued there faithfully for the rest of his life. Although a challenge for him, Fausto always prayed in English. His prayers were heartfelt and possessed a beautiful simplicity that never failed to touch the hearts of the believers. During the suffering of his final months, Fausto faithfully witnessed to all, saying, “I am happy.” He would soon see his Lord. He leaves his wife Maria of over 60 years and a large family of three generations. His funeral was shared by Thomas Donofrio, Carlos Cerqueira and Stephen Morin.
Hilda Scholte (née Bergsma) of Surrey, BC, on September 30, 2024, at nearly 96 years of age. Born in Vancouver, BC, into a God-fearing family, she was sixth in a family of nine children. Saved in 1954, Hilda was received into the Woodland Drive assembly in Vancouver. She and her husband Hendrik were founding members of the Fleetwood assembly in Surrey, BC. Over their lifetime they also fellowshipped in the Langley and Westbank assemblies in BC. After Hank passed away, Hilda returned to Metro Vancouver and once again enjoyed the fellowship of the saints at Fleetwood. In 2018, she moved into residential care and was unable to attend assembly meetings. Her last 14 years were spent in the Elim Village Christian Community near the Fleetwood assembly. However, as they could, the believers continued to connect and pray for her. All are thankful for her life and legacy of faith.
John Robidas of North Bay, ON, on October 20, 2024, age 87. He heard the gospel, and accepted the finished work of the cross on February 4, 1976. John enjoyed the fellowship of the Nipissing Junction assembly. He was predeceased by his wife Dorothy (2021) and his son Peter (2008). His life changed forever when he suffered a massive stroke a number of years ago. John was a resident in the Waters Edge Care Community, and in his final days he longed to be with his Lord. He will be greatly missed by his sons Victor (Shannon), Roger (Martha), Rejean, and his daughter Nicole (Bruce) Coghill. Murray Pratt spoke words of comfort and shared the gospel both at the funeral service and at the graveside.
Eldora “Dory” Thomas of Norwalk, WI, on November 14, 2024, age 89. Dory was saved February 14, 1992, during gospel meetings with Paul Elliott and Robert Orr. The words of Isaiah 44:22, “I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, … return unto me; for I have redeemed thee,” opened her understanding regarding the work of Christ for her personally. Her husband was saved six days later. Both were baptized and received into the Ontario, WI, assembly later that same year. Dory was exemplary in her steadfastness to the assembly, even as her health began to fail. When she could no longer attend in person, she connected by Zoom for nearly every meeting. Her grandson-in-law, Brandon Doll, spoke faithful and compassionate words at the funeral. Her grandson, Tyler Thomas, spoke at the graveside. Prayer is appreciated for the many who heard the gospel preached at the funeral service.