Only one man in the New Testament is called a “man of God.” The man with that distinction is Timothy. No doubt his mother and grandmother played some part in that. They are mentioned directly in one verse of Scripture, 2 Timothy 1:5, and by implication in 2 Timothy 3:15. Think of the profound effect they had on the life of Timothy and, through him, on the assemblies in the first century. It is their faith and not their wardrobe which brings commendation from the Holy Spirit.
Their Faith Was Demonstrable
The faith that marked Timothy’s grandmother and mother was “unfeigned,” genuine and real. It was not tucked away safely in the closet and marked “for emergency use only.” It was evident by their lives that their faith was genuine.
Faith moves on the truth of the Word of God and its promises. God promises that He will always do the best for each of His children. A mother who raises her family according to the principles of Scripture raises her children by faith, and thus is living by faith. This marked this godly mother. The wisdom and Word of God controlled her motherhood.
Their Faith Dwelt
Paul recognised that this faith dwelt first in Timothy’s grandmother and then in his mother, Eunice. The word for “dwelt” suggests being “at home.” Faith was absolutely at home in the hearts of these two great women.
Is faith at home in my heart, or is it an occasional visitor? For faith to be at home means I must be comfortable with a life of faith and recognize it as the norm for the Christian life. This life is not the special province of an elite group of believers – missionaries, evangelists, overseers and the occasional Sunday school teacher. A life of faith, a life where faith is at home, is a life that is lived in obedience to what God has revealed to me in His Word.
All the examples of faith in Hebrews 11 chronicle individuals who moved based on a “report,” or a message, from God. It might be the report that Rahab heard, or the warning given to Noah. It could be the promise God gave to the Israelites as they marched around Jericho, or His instructions to Moses at the Red Sea. Men and women heard God’s Word and moved in obedience. The Spirit of God labels this as “faith.”
Their Faith Was Determinative
The faith that was at home in the hearts of Lois and Eunice was a faith that controlled every decision, settled every problem, and gave direction to every issue that arose in their lives. Faith is operative in everyday life. It relates to those decisions that control the direction and character of my life as they are controlled by the principles of the Word of God. Faith reigning means that it entertains no rivals. It does not look to convenience, expediency or personal benefit. It always asks, What does the Word of God say?
Their Faith Was Duplicated
This faith was found in Timothy’s grandmother Lois first. It was then seen in his mother Eunice. Finally, it marked Timothy as well. When Paul came to Lystra (Act 16), Timothy was “well reported of by the brethren.” He had a good testimony; his faith was solid and genuine.
We cannot save our families, but we can be an influence on them and their lives. Character traits are frequently “caught” from generation to generation. Those raised in homes marked by hospitality are often marked by the same when they establish their own homes. Those whose families were gospel-minded are usually marked in their later years by the same spirit. We are walking before our families and establishing “norms” for them, qualities that mark the Christian life.
One of the ways in which this godly mother and grandmother communicated the value of faith to Timothy is suggested later in Paul’s letter. In chapter 3:15, he mentions that Timothy had, from infancy, known the sacred Scriptures. While some of this may have been taught by others, it is certain that the home was the primary place where this instruction was given. Parents must never relegate the biblical instruction of their children to Sunday school teachers.
It should be noted that in the case of Timothy, we are introduced first to a grandmother, Lois, who had a positive influence on a grandson. Grandparents, though we are given to indulging our grandchildren, can have a considerable influence on their lives. Naomi was marked by nurturing Obed. Jacob claimed Manasseh and Ephraim for God. Committed to our care is the example we set for our grandchildren, an example of years of consistent, faithful living. How important that Paul could point Timothy to a grandmother as someone who lived a life of faith!
We are not told in what way Paul recognised that Lois and Eunice were marked by faith. If Eunice’s husband, a Greek (Act 16:1), was not a believer (as suggested by the order of the wording), it would have meant a difficult life for Eunice. It would mean obeying the Word of God and, at times, paying a price for it. It would mean a life of confidence in God.
Their Faith and Its Direction
I do not think it would be fair to this mother and daughter to limit the fruit of their faith to Timothy. I have no doubt that the fruit of their faith moved out and touched others for spiritual good. A life of faith cannot help but bring blessings to others. But since we cannot go beyond what Scripture has revealed, we can only focus on Timothy. What this mother and grandmother were able to bring about was a man for God to use. And God did use this man! When we think of his ministry to local assemblies such as Corinth, Thessalonica, Philippi or Ephesus, it is evident that Timothy’s life was a testimony to the credit of his family.
Societal pressures have made women think that being a homemaker and raising a family constitute a waste of natural talents. Careers are now the expectation of many women. Childbearing and family life are delayed, postponed or cancelled. While there are women whose circumstances require that they work, and a few who can manage a career and a family, the primary responsibility of every mother is to raise her family for the Lord. To do so will demand all the intelligence, creativity, critical thinking skills, and insight that it is possible to display. And while a career in the corporate world may command a six-figure salary, raising a Timothy will yield a much greater eternal value. More far-reaching in its outcomes than a career as a corporate CEO could ever be is faith that pleases God.