

British Columbia

Richmond: The West Richmond assembly appreciated Tom Hoy’s ministry on March 3. He also spoke to the young people during the monthly City Sing in the evening. Marvin Derksen was with the assembly on the Lord’s Day, March 10.

Vancouver: The Victoria Drive assembly purposed to commence gospel meetings April 7 with Eric Fowler and Tom Hoy.


North Bay: The Nipissing Junction assembly asks believers to please pray for upcoming gospel meetings April 14-28, D.V., with Jim Jarvis.

Sarnia: The assembly held gospel meetings February 4-25 with Isaiah Frazier and Dan Shutt. The meetings were also livestreamed on YouTube and Zoom.

Toronto: The West Hill assembly expects to have Eugene Higgins for two weeks of gospel meetings May 6-17, D.V. They value your prayers.

Prince Edward Island

Rosebank: The gospel series with Jon Procopio and Brody Thibodeau closed on February 25 after five weeks.

Summerside: The Pope Road assembly commenced gospel meetings March 3 with local brother Tim Burton and Brody Thibodeau. The meetings were also livestreamed via Zoom and YouTube.


Oxbow: The Souris Valley assembly was very encouraged by gospel meetings January 14-28 with Steve Kember and Ben McLeod (Guelph, ON). A 20-year-old man professed to be saved. His grandfather also attended the meetings and said he was saved and baptized in northern Saskatchewan when he was a boy. He is now in fellowship and enjoying the simplicity of a New Testament church. Alan Smith visited the assembly February 13-18 for ministry on 1 Thessalonians. These meetings were much appreciated and well attended.

Taylorside: The assembly appreciated a week of worshipful and practical ministry from Pete Smith February 25-March 1. He also gave a report on the Postal Bible Studies work.



Tampa: Some of the believers in the assembly have been involved in renting a billboard on a main road close to the hall. The sign will have a Bible verse as well as a website to request a free Bible. Please pray that this will lead to some new contacts.


Dunkerton: Robert Orr visited the assembly on February 18. The local brethren purposed to have a week of children’s meetings March 24-29.

Stout: The assembly purposed a gospel series beginning March 10 with Brandon Doll and Isaiah Frazier.

West Liberty: The local brethren from the Marion, IA, assembly were encouraged during the recent series of children’s Bible classes held February 11-22. The gospel was clearly presented. Around 50 different children from the community attended. Many new contacts were made. An 11-year-old girl professed faith in Christ through John 3:16.


Augusta: The assembly is planning to have their conference June 22-23.


Battle Creek: Venezuela Relief Fund: Sadly, there is no significant improvement or change in the conditions in Venezuela. This is an election year and expectations for change are very low. Some economic sanctions that had been lifted by the US and the European Union are being reinstated because of what is considered non-compliance by the Venezuelan Government to hold transparent, open and free elections that had been agreed upon. This places a damper on what could have been a small improvement in the national economy. Meanwhile, the great majority of the population continue to suffer because of the very high prices of food, medicine and essential services in the country. Also, emigration continues unabated with close to eight million people having left in search of economic relief elsewhere. The VRF continues to provide relief by purchasing food and medicine and paying for medical assistance for the Lord’s people in Venezuela. On a positive note, receptivity for the gospel continues, as well as liberty to preach and share the good news of salvation.


Brodhead: The assembly invited Joel Portman to have two weeks of ministry on the Tabernacle beginning March 10.

La Crosse: Joel Portman visited the assembly for ministry February 18-22. Gospel meetings were slated to commence March 31, D.V., with Paul Barnhardt and John Fitzpatrick.


Nuevo León

Monterrey: The assembly in Juárez appreciated the visit of Romer and Edith Mosquera (Hermosillo) along with Eleonor Mosquera. Romer gave good help in the gospel and ministry, and Eleonor helped in the classes for the younger women.


Ciudad Obregón: The annual conference was held in February with help from Duncan Beckett, Shad Kember, Jesse Klein, Tim Stevenson and Tim Woodford. The teaching was of great benefit to all present. During the last gospel meeting, the granddaughter of one of the sisters in the assembly professed to be saved.


Santiago Ixcuintla: Shad Kember, Ricky Sawatzky, Timothy Turkington and Jason Wahls were all present for the annual conference held in February. Six different assemblies were represented, and the local believers were encouraged.

State of Mexico

Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl: On January 19, the assembly commenced a gospel series, and the attendance of several who live close to the hall has been encouraging. The believers also appreciated the visit of Andrew Gómez and his family (from the Iguala assembly) as he helped with the meetings. Each month the believers evangelize a different area of the city, preaching outside different markets.


Veracruz: Please continue to pray for the regular gospel efforts held every two weeks in El Hatito, every Sunday in Cotaxtla, and each Tuesday in Coscomatepec. Angel Báez (Veracruz), Samuel Chesney and Timothy Stevenson help in this last-mentioned effort.

Quintana Roo

Cancún: The gospel series that commenced during the recent Seed Sowers effort concluded on February 2. The believers enjoyed a visit February 5-8 from Sandy Higgins and Paul Thiessen. Since several unsaved were still attending, Paul preached the gospel and Sandy shared teaching for the believers.

Special Report


Stephen Harper writes: Yesterday [March 4] we visited the sprawling Dzaleka camp, a squalid square-mile “home” to around 70,000 refugees from about ten African states. We teach Swahili Bible lessons, help feed 100 orphans, and provide skills training for vulnerable women to help them out of the sexual exploitation trap. Today we will present the gospel to the youngsters at the street kids feeding program.

Spiritual and numerical growth at Saidi gives much encouragement. It was thrilling to hear recently baptized brothers give thanks last Lord’s Day. One gave a very fitting devotional word prior to the breaking of bread. Eleven more have requested baptism.

We await a container of around 1.5 million gospel calendars and tracts. The shipment has been affected by events in the Gulf [of Aden] and is long overdue.


Stout, IA

April 13-14, with prayer meeting on Friday, April 12, at 7pm in the gospel hall. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Children’s Meeting 1pm, Gospel 6pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading (Psalm 22:1-22) 9am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Children’s Meeting 1pm, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Lunch and supper will be served on both days. Accom: Sid Hayes, Tel: 319-989-2766 or Aric Stickfort, Tel: 319-404-1809; Email: aric.stickfort@corteva.com.

Mansfield, OH

April 27-28, at the Round Lake Christian Camp, 114 State Rt. 3, Lakeville, OH 44638. Saturday: Ministry 10am. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am. Lunch and supper served both days. Topic: Dispensationalism. Expected speakers are John Dennison, Jonathan Seed and Andrew Ussher (Toronto, ON). A warm welcome is extended to all. RSVP on https://mansfieldgospelhall.com. Corr: John Hoffman, Tel: 419-564-4517; Email hoffjohnman@aol.com.

Newmarket, ON

May 4, in the gospel hall, 736 Davis Drive. Ministry 10am, Bible Reading (Topic: The Work of the Holy Spirit) 1:30pm, Ministry 4pm. Lunch and dinner will be served. For more information, please visit https://www.NewmarketGospelHall.com and send an email at “Contact Us” on their website.

Hamilton, ON

May 17-18, in the Nash Road Gospel Hall, 105 Nash Road S. Friday: Prayer and Ministry meeting (bilingual) 7:30pm. Saturday (all meetings in Spanish): Prayer and Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Sharing in ministry will be Kory Crawford and Phil Moore (Hickory, NC). Accom: Walter Corado, Tel: 905-746-1806; Email: wbcorado@gmail.com.

Portage la Prairie, MB

June 14-16, beginning with Bible readings on Friday afternoon, then continuing throughout the weekend with ministry, missionary reports, gospel and the Breaking of Bread. The meetings on Friday and all meals provided during the weekend are to be at the River Road Gospel Hall, 350 River Road. Lord willing, meetings on Saturday and Sunday except for the Breaking of Bread will be in the MNP Exhibition Building, located in Portage la Prairie on the island. The two Bible readings arranged for Friday are to consider John 15. General inquiries: Philip Ronald, Tel: 204-870-1140; Email: pronald@mymts.net. Accom: Shane Griffin, Tel: 204-872-4217; Email: shg152@yahoo.ca. The conference is sponsored jointly by the assemblies meeting at River Road Gospel Hall and Fifth Avenue Gospel Hall.

Edinburgh, UK

September 9-13, Bible readings on 1 and 2 Thessalonians in the Faith Mission Conference Centre, 548 Gilmerton Road. Bible reading 10:30am-12 noon, Ministry 7:30-9pm. Speakers are Jack Hay and Alan Summers. For further information, please visit edinburghbiblereadings.com.

Conferences Previously Published:

Waterloo/Cedar Falls, IA – April 19-21

Saugus, MA – April 27-28

Ottawa, ON – May 18-19

Springdale, AR – May 25-26


Change of Address

Joel Portman: 705 East Post Road SE #102, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403


Ruth Elliott of Wallace Bridge, NS, on February 29, 2024, age 87. She was saved at the age of 12 through the truth of Romans 10:9. In 1959, Ruth married Harold Elliott, and they were in fellowship at the Pugwash Jct. Gospel Hall, where they both continued steadfastly until their homecalls (Harold predeceased her in 2017). She is survived by four children: Kitty (John) Bain, Eben (Trish) Elliott, Sandra (late Allan) Turkington, and Carolyn Elliott; 14 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; and one sister, Cheryl (Phillip) Broughton. The funeral service was taken by John Bain and Marcus Cain. Please pray for a number of family and friends who attended the service and are not saved.