British Columbia
Abbotsford: The Parkview assembly commenced gospel meetings May 14 in person and livestreamed with Marvin Derksen and local brethren.
New Brunswick
Sussex: The assembly commenced a series of gospel meetings Wednesday, April 12, with Murray McCandless and Robert Plant (Portrush, Northern Ireland). Meetings were also livestreamed via Zoom.
Carbonear: The assembly enjoyed a much-appreciated visit from Marvin and Barbara Derksen. His ministry was uplifting and challenging. A young man attending the morning meetings is showing a keen interest in gospel truth.
Gander: The assembly held their first in-person Easter conference since 2019. Marvin Derksen, Eric Fowler, David Gilliland and Shawn St. Clair gave uplifting ministry at the conference. There were about 160 people in attendance over the weekend, which was encouraging. David Gilliland had a night of ministry before the conference and three nights of ministry afterwards. Believers from other assemblies in the area also attended and these meetings were an encouragement to all who came along.
Nova Scotia
Halifax: The North Street assembly commenced a series of gospel meetings on April 16 with Tim Burton (Summerside, PE) and Matthew Cain. Meetings were also livestreamed via Zoom.
Nineveh: The assembly enjoyed ministry on assembly truths in the month of March with Scott MacLeod. In April they convened their first conference since COVID-19 and were encouraged with the attendance of the Lord’s people that came from far and near to listen to God’s Word. Maritime preaching brethren and Robert Plant (Northern Ireland) took part in ministering the Word. They trust that the conference will have far-reaching effects from the ministry and the gospel that was faithfully preached.
Clinton: The assembly was blessed with two weeks of well-attended gospel meetings in April with Dale Vitale. They are thankful for seeing blessing in salvation.
Earlton: The assembly participated in a gospel outreach April 14-15 at the Earlton Farm Show with the help of Lorne Langfeld. It was the first event there in three years.
Fenelon Falls: Lorne and Ruth Langfeld set up a gospel booth April 21-23 at the Kawartha Lakes Country Living Show.
Kirkfield: The Victoria Road assembly enjoyed recent visits in March and April from Gary Sharp, William Skates and Brian Crawford. A sister who was saved a few years ago has requested the assembly receive her into the fellowship, which is a wonderful encouragement to the saints. A youth volleyball outreach over the winter resulted in some new teens attending and family contacts being established. The assembly is praying about a location for summer gospel work because the excellent location used previously was recently sold.
Toronto: The Rexdale assembly commenced a series of gospel meetings on April 16 with Jim Jarvis and Larry Steers.
The West Hill assembly held a series of gospel meetings May 1-12 (excluding Saturday) inside a heated tent on the lawn just outside the hall with Brian Crawford and Peter Lansing (New Market, ON).
Taylorside: The annual Youth Conference was held April 7-8 with all age groups well represented. The assembly believes that God was honoured as Brandon Doll and Brody Thibodeau gave relevant and Christ-exalting ministry in addition to preaching the gospel. They look to God expectantly for evidence of blessing in the lives of all who were privileged to attend.
Phoenix: The Orangewood assembly continues their series of short Saturday night devotionals via Zoom on “The Person and Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ” to help believers prepare for worship on the Lord’s Day. Brethren taking part to date include Gaius Goff (April 8), Mark Quitadamo (Methuen, MA, April 15), Brian Crawford (April 22), Paul Barbour (Waubashene, ON, April 29) and Allen Madigan (Waubashene, ON, May 6).
Hitesville: Brody Thibodeau was with the assembly for ministry April 26.
Marion: After four weeks, gospel meetings with Joseph Baker (Jackson, MI) and Peter Ramsay closed on April 23 with four people professing to be saved.
Waterloo: Brody Thibodeau was at the Western Avenue Gospel Hall for ministry April 24, 25 and 27.
Saugus: The Bible reading conference April 29-30 was well attended, and the assembly greatly appreciated all who were able to attend. Sandy Higgins, John Meekin and David Vallance were responsible for the readings of Genesis 1-3, covering the creation, the forming and the fall of humanity.
Cass City: Bert Snippe visited the assembly for ministry on April 17.
Saginaw: The assembly appreciated a visit from Bert Snippe for ministry on the Lord’s Day, April 16, and for two nights, April 18-19.
Sherman: The assembly purposes to commence a series of gospel meetings on July 9 with Brandon Doll and Stu Thompson, D.V. The prayers of God’s people for His blessing on the effort are greatly appreciated.
New Jersey
Pennsauken: The assembly enjoyed the help of Willians Alcala and Gene Higgins on Easter Sunday. A good number were out to hear Gene preach the gospel in English and Willians in Spanish. Willians also gave much-appreciated ministry and a report of the work of the Lord in Australia and Papua New Guinea.
Cleveland: The Monticello assembly held a two-week series of gospel meetings that commenced April 26 with Eugene Higgins. He faithfully presented the gospel through events in the Book of Revelation. The meetings were well attended with visitors most nights. Meetings were also livestreamed on YouTube.
San Antonio: John and Rebekah Nesbitt appreciated the help of around 20 young believers who visited April 6-8 to deliver 18,000 Seed Sowers texts with 1 Corinthians 15:3 near the hall. Jason Wahls and John held gospel meetings April 9-21 that were also livestreamed via Zoom, with several joining from different places to listen to the Word.
Several of the new believers have expressed a desire to be baptized. Your prayerful interest in this new work is appreciated.
Hermosillo: The assembly held a week of children’s meetings in the hall at the beginning of April which were shared by local brethren. The theme was “The Wonders of God,” emphasizing His personal interest in each one. Several new children attended during the week. Andrea Gómez was visiting at the time and her help was appreciated.
Ciudad Obregón: The believers were encouraged when two sisters were baptized at the end of March. Several family members were present to witness their public testimony and to hear the gospel preached.
Guasave: During the month of April, the assembly celebrated seven years of God’s faithfulness to them as a testimony in this city. They also conducted a series of gospel meetings in April.
San Luis Potosí
El Barril: Jason Wahls and local brethren have been preaching the gospel in the nearby village of Chupaderos in the home of a couple in the El Barril assembly. The special interest is in several of their family members who are not yet saved. A sister in fellowship in El Barril lives in a nearby community called Jesús María, and her unsaved husband has started attending gospel meetings in the hall. For this reason they have started preaching in her home as well. The exercise is to preach in both of these areas every two weeks, praying for God’s blessing.
Pachuca: The annual conference was held April 7-9, and the teaching from the Word of God was a real blessing to those able to attend. Duncan Beckett, Henry Carvajal (Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl), Samuel Chesney and Timothy Stevenson shared in the teaching.
Xalapa: Special meetings were held April 22-23 to commemorate the eighth anniversary of the assembly, with over 80 present. Ángel Baez (Veracruz), Duncan Beckett, Henry Carvajal (Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl), Samuel Chesney and Timothy Stevenson helped in the Bible study, the ministry and the preaching of the Word.
Other Fields
United Kingdom
Bicester: Gospel tent meetings are purposed at the Middle Wretchwick Farm June 4-25 nightly (except Wednesdays), D.V., with speakers Jonathan Black (Bicester) and Paul McCauley (Belfast). All are welcome. For more details, please check the new assembly website
Garnavillo, IA
June 10-11, with prayer meeting on Friday, June 9, at 7pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Children’s Meeting 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 11:30am and 2pm, Sunday School 2pm, Gospel 4:50pm. The speakers are Brandon Doll, Stephen Grant and Brody Thibodeau. Lunch and dinner will be served at the Clayton Ridge Elementary School. For information, contact John Kregel, Email:; Tel: 563-880-0520.
Glen Ewen, SK
June 17-18, with prayer meeting on Friday evening, June 16, at 7pm. The conference takes place Saturday and Sunday. Corr: Sidney Griffin, Tel: 306-482-7783; Email:
Corner Brook, NL
June 24-25, with prayer/ministry meeting on Friday evening, June 24, in the gospel hall. The annual conference will be held in the Corner Brook Intermediate, 11 Mt. Bernard Avenue. For Information/accommodations, contact Frank Loder, Tel: 709-632-1428 (709-634-4766); Email:
Augusta, ME
July 15-16, in the gospel Hall, 421 Old Belgrade Road. Saturday: Bible Reading 9am, Ministry 10:30am and 2pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 4pm. For information, contact Jim Thompson, Email:; Tel: 207-215-7986, or Jeff Mills, Email:; Tel: 207-485-5672.
Sioux City, IA
July 16, with prayer meeting at 7pm on Saturday, July 15, in the gospel hall, 120 S. Leonard Street. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:45am, Bible Reading 11:15am (The Rapture, 1 Thessalonians 4), Children’s meeting 1:40pm, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 5:30pm. Corr: Gary Hayes, Tel: 712-223-2398; Email: Accom: Bernie Mertents, Tel: 712-223-0439.
Clinton, ON
July 23, with an evening BBQ supper served on Friday, July 22. The annual Summer Conference will be held at the property of Marvin and Wendy Bachert, 43892 Walton Rd, Walton, ON. Following breakfast, meetings will commence at 9am. Expected speakers: Joshua Smith (Jackson, MI) and Dale Vitale. For more info re. overnight family camping, contact Marvin Bachert, Email:; Tel: 519-357-8714. All are welcome.
Conferences Previously Published:
Halifax, NS – June 3-4
Portage la Prairie, MB – June 9-11
Newington, CT – June 10-11
Englehart, ON – June 23-25
Taylorside, SK – June 23-25
Pugwash Jct., NS – July 1-2
Change of Address of Correspondent
Carbonear, NL: Ernie Powell, Tel: 709-683-1450 (new number)
Change in Meeting Times
Carbonear, NL: Breaking of Bread 10am (As health permits. Please call the correspondent before coming to the hall to confirm if there will be a meeting.)
Yvonne Spence of Bangor, Northern Ireland, on February 19, 2023. At age four, her family moved from Portavogie to Bangor where she attended meetings in the Ebenezer Gospel Hall. At age 11, Yvonne was saved, shortly afterwards baptized and received into assembly fellowship. On June 26, 1967, Yvonne married Eric, and they both had a real interest in the Lord’s work. Yvonne faithfully attended the meetings until her health failed. She was consistent and quiet, and taught Sunday School for many years. Yvonne sought to be a help and was given to hospitality. Though she is sorely missed by all, the saints rejoice that she is now with the Lord. Her very large funeral was held in the Ebenezer Gospel Hall and the burial took place in Clandeboye Cemetery. The services were conducted by Donald McQuillan and Jonathan Bingham. Please pray for Eric, the two daughters Janet and Cathy, and the family circle.
Eva Taylor of Sault Ste. Marie, ON, on March 3, 2023, age 91. She was a devoted wife and mother to the late Albert Taylor and sons Gary and Darren, respectively. Saved in January 1961, Eva loved and cherished the assembly for its teaching of truth and doctrine. Eva was instrumental in seeing her two sons come to the Savior, and for encouraging her husband to create and paint Bible charts for commended brethren in the 1960s and 70s. Her great calling and passion was to support the missionary work in Zambia. She was the cornerstone of the Sault assembly missionary team; for many years, she led the shopping, packing and mailing of supplies necessary for the furtherance of the Lord’s work in Zambia. Eva was lauded by missionaries and others for her devotion to the Lord in the missionary support work. She will be greatly missed.
Jean (Barr) Cox of Surrey, BC, on March 9, 2023, age 91. Her parents immigrated to Winnipeg, MB, in June 1928. Ten years later, they moved their family to BC and fellowshipped at the New Westminster assembly. Jean was saved in January 1953 at gospel meetings in the Fairview Gospel Hall with Sydney Maxwell and Sidney Saword. She was received into the Cedar Cottage/Victoria Drive assembly and taught Sunday School there and at the Carleton assembly until she married Cameron. Jean was a quiet, consistent, hospitable member of the Fleetwood assembly. She displayed a cheerful disposition, working with others in various assembly outreaches. Jean will be truly missed by her husband Cameron and children Heather and Kevin. A good number heard timely gospel messages by Ross Smyth at the service and Jason Adams at the interment. Prayer is requested for the salvation of many unsaved relatives.
Darlene Mulder of Stout, IA, on March 15, 2023, age 93. Having heard the gospel of Jesus Christ as a child, she was saved March 15, 1949, while reading 2 Corinthians 4:3 followed by Luke 19:10. Following baptism, she was received into the fellowship of the Stout assembly. Darlene was devoted to her husband and family. Given to hospitality, she was known as the pie lady because of her delicious apple pies. Darlene was preceded in death by her husband Arthur, two sisters, two brothers, and two great-granddaughters. She is survived by three children along with their spouses, seven grandchildren with their spouses, and 20 great-grandchildren. Her son Craig, Mike Van Mill and Russ Nesbit shared in the funeral service, with John Tolsma speaking at the grave.
Willard Larmon of Maberly, ON, on March 24, 2023, age 83. Willard was saved in 1967 during a series of gospel meetings in Maberly with Shad Kember, Timothy Kember and Murray McLeod. He was later baptized and then received into the assembly in Ottawa, ON. When the assembly in Maberly was planted, Willard relocated there and was one of the founding members. He faithfully attended the assembly meetings. Willard had a real heart for visiting and sharing the gospel and was a great help with the various children’s outreaches in the area over the years. He was always sharing gospel tracts and calendars with those with whom he came into contact. The gospel was faithfully preached to many family members, friends and neighbors at the funeral and at the graveside by Murray McLeod.
Paul Wayne Mason of Albuquerque, NM, on March 25, age 90. Paul was born in Detroit, MI, on February 4, 1933. After moving to Williamston, MI, Paul was saved at age ten through Acts 16:31 and subsequently received into the Williamston assembly in his teens. In 1963, Paul, his wife Eunice and their family relocated to Battle Creek, MI, and fellowshipped in the Jackson assembly until 1968 when the assembly was planted in Battle Creek. Paul was correspondent for over 30 years. He retired to NM, fellowshipping with the Albuquerque assembly. Paul was the beloved husband of Eunice Rawlings for 67 years; loving father of Janis (Paul) Venema, Beverly (Robert) Vallance, Marilyn (John) Joyce, Douglas (Kyla) Mason and Mark (Michaele) Mason; grandfather of 13; and great-grandfather of seven. Dan Shutt spoke comforting words at the funeral service. Paul was a faithful brother that will be missed.
Frances Brescia Procopio of Saugus, MA, on March 27, 2023, age 93. Born in Philadelphia, she grew up in CT, where she was saved at age eight. After marrying, she and her husband Joe moved to MA and raised their family. They were faithful members of the East Boston assembly until it relocated to Walnut St., Saugus, where they continued to serve the Lord and His people. Fran was gracious, kind, caring and given to hospitality. She was predeceased by her husband Joe (2005) and grandson Scott (2006), and leaves her seven children and their families. Family, friends and neighbors filled the Walnut Street Gospel Hall to pay their respects to such a godly and Christ-like saint. The service was shared by her four sons Jonathan, Kevin, Joe and Dave; Gene Higgins spoke comforting words at the grave. Her homecall is keenly felt by her family and the believers.
Jim Hanna of Portage la Prairie, MB, on April 19, 2023, age 89. Jim was born near Glen Ewen, SK, and was saved at age 11 through the preaching of evangelist Sam Hamilton. He married Dorothy Muir and they raised a family of four sons and two daughters. They moved to Portage la Prairie where for the next 63 years they were in fellowship at the River Road assembly (formerly meeting in the First Street Gospel Hall). Jim was an excellent teacher of the Word who cared for the Lord’s people and was held in high esteem by all. Early in retirement, he and Dorothy spent a few years at Zabompo, Zambia, where he taught R.E. to high school students. The funeral service was held on May 5 at River Road and the burial the next day in Glen Ewen. Please pray for Dorothy at this time of her immense loss.