The Logos School

The Lord’s work at Logos School is a unique and strategic opportunity in the gospel, impacting hundreds of souls daily. The mission began in the late 60s and early 70s when a summer Bible camp was arranged in the mountains, reaching young people with the gospel. It became clear that we would be able to have more impact if we had a school, enabling us to make the gospel known throughout the year.

Logos School began in 1973 and has continued to be a means of proclaiming the gospel faithfully for almost 50 years. From the time Logos School commenced, the Lord has given victory over much hostility. On the island of Cyprus, the Greek Orthodox Church is immensely powerful, and since they consider us heretics, they were the source of fierce opposition for many years. But the Lord proved His greater power, overcoming each threat and preserving the testimony of the school as a base for gospel outreach.

Since Cyprus joined the European Union, more challenges have come from the Ministry of Education demanding compliance for higher standards. Over the past 15 years, there have been constant battles surrounding our facilities and various applications for licenses to operate, so that we might continue the work for the sake of the gospel.

The school has 300 students of approximately 30 nationalities with many different religions; it is an invaluable tool to shine the light of the Word of God to students and families. Bible Knowledge is a required course for all students, with daily assemblies which include a gospel message for primary and secondary school. In the afternoons, when school has ended, we have special-interest activities, such as football, art, cooking and Bible study, enabling teachers to connect more personally with the students. In the winter, the Friday evening Kids Bible Club is extremely popular, with students bringing their friends.

Throughout the year, various events are organized by the school so that the teaching staff can build relationships with the students and get to know parents, opening the way for personal witness. Christmas and graduation are special occasions when hundreds of family members and friends gather at events hosted by the school. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to share the gospel in a 20-minute message to an audience of 500-600 people, including Greek Orthodox, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc.

Only eternity will truly reveal how the Lord has blessed and prospered the work, but the glimpse we have of students coming to know the Saviour is an encouragement.

We must now meet new standards with regards to our buildings and classroom sizes, and we look to the Lord to meet our needs as He has in the past.

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