British Columbia
Langley: The assembly appreciated in-person ministry with Sandy Higgins May 30-June 3 on the local assembly from 1 Corinthians. The meetings were also livestreamed via Zoom.
New Brunswick
Sussex: Murray McCandless and Joe Potter commenced gospel meetings in person at the Norton Village Hall on May 16 and the Apohaqui Recreation Centre on May 17. They purposed to hold meetings on alternating nights (except Wednesdays) at both locations. Meetings were also livestreamed on Zoom.
York: At the end of April, for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, the Fairbank assembly was able to convene a ministry meeting on the fifth Saturday of the month. Paul Markle gave appreciated ministry from Genesis. The local believers welcomed various visitors from a number of assemblies in the area.
Prince Edward Island
The Crapaud, Charlottetown, Rosebank, O’Leary and Summerside assemblies hosted their conference May 21-22 virtually this year, with brethren Matthew Cain, David Hierlihy, Scott MacLeod, Murray McCandless, John Meekin, Jon Procopio, Peter Ramsay, Gerard Roy and Brody Thibodeau taking part.
O’Leary: Several weeks of gospel meetings that commenced April 19 for the benefit of Filipino contacts and Christians’ children who are unsaved were extended until May 15.
Taylorside: The assembly enjoyed the May 24-25 visit from John and Linda Fitzpatrick. He gave two evenings of wholesome ministry.
Phoenix: The Orangewood assembly continues their series of short Saturday night devotionals via Zoom on the “Person and Work of our Lord Jesus Christ” to help believers prepare for worship on the Lord’s Day. Brethren taking part to date include Darris Barney (Tampa, FL, May 14), David Richards (May 21), Andrew Feinberg (Phoenix, AZ, May 28) and Gaius Goff (June 4).
Saugus: The assembly held their first in-person Bible Reading conference May 14-15 since June 2019. The study of 2 Thessalonians was given by Phil Coulson, David Petterson and David Vallance. They are thankful for the good number who attended in person and for those online as well. It was a profitable study and they trust it was of benefit to all. It was also encouraging to see the many unsaved present during the gospel meetings. May there be blessing from the clear messages of so great salvation. David Zuidema (Midland Park, NJ) and Jonathan Seed took part in the gospel, and Gareth Sharpe spoke to the children during Sunday School. Brody Thibodeau was also in attendance and participated helpfully in the Bible studies. Phil Coulson remained for ministry on Monday and Tuesday evenings following the conference.
Saginaw: The assembly appreciated ministry from Joseph Baker (Jackson, MI) and Stuart Thompson at their June 5 bimonthly ministry meeting that was held in person and supported by surrounding assemblies. The saints were encouraged by the Word of God, and the gospel was clearly preached.
North Dakota
Grand Forks: Jerry Jennings commenced a pioneer gospel effort with Jamie Brandt (Black River Falls, WI) on Monday, June 6.
Blue River: The assembly commenced gospel meetings May 18 with Brandon Doll and Joel Portman.
Nuevo León
Juárez: The series of gospel meetings with Miguel Mosquera and local brethren finished on May 6. The attendance over the four weeks was very encouraging. Your prayers are appreciated so that God’s Word will continue to work in the hearts of those who heard the message. On May 15, there was a special children’s meeting held in honour of Mother’s Day. The attendance was good, including several mothers who attended for the first time.
El Vergel and Hidalgo del Parral: Visits continue to be made to the work in these two communities every two weeks. There are children’s meetings as well as meetings for teaching and the gospel.
Chihuahua: Gospel meetings that commenced May 2 were continuing as of the end of May. The attendance has been encouraging.
Guasave: In May, the assembly had the joy of receiving three believers into the fellowship.
San Luís Potosí
El Barril: On April 30, the assembly celebrated “The Day of Children” with a Bible lesson, games, prizes and a meal. The attendance was very good. On May 8, the men and boys made a meal in honour of Mother’s Day, and later that month a sister was received into the fellowship.
State of Mexico
Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl: The assembly continues evangelizing in the area around the hall the third Saturday of each month and have been encouraged to see some neighbors attending the meetings. The assembly also enjoyed a visit from David Cadenas and his family when he shared in the teaching and preaching of the Word of God.
Oacalco: The believers in this work where Duncan and Anna Beckett labor enjoyed a visit from Alexander Higgins and Paul Thiessen in mid-May. Brother Higgins spoke for two nights on the “Formation and Continuation of a Local Assembly.” Believers from the assemblies in Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl and Iguala also attended.
Iguala: Alexander Higgins and Paul Thiessen were with the assembly for three nights of ministry in mid-May. Brother Higgins spoke on “Conflicts and Resolutions in Marriage and the Assembly,” and brother Thiessen took up the importance of hymns and singing.
Mérida: Philip Lampkin (London, ON) arrived on April 26 for two weeks. His help in teaching at the hall was appreciated. Anderson and Mariú Hernández continue evangelizing in front of one of the main hospitals, which is only a few blocks from the hall.
Puerto Progreso: Anderson and Mariú Hernández visit here regularly. At the end of April they held a special meeting due to Day of the Child, with both mothers and children present. Anderson and Philip Lampkin (London, ON) preached the gospel in the open air after this event. They feel a real burden for so many children who do not know how to read or write and are surrounded by vices.
Quintana Roo
Cancún: Charles Davidson (N. Ireland) visited the assembly for two weeks in May, sharing missionary reports from Nepal, Sri Lanka and northern India, as well as helping in the children’s meetings, the ministry, and gospel meetings.
On May 24, the assembly began a gospel series with Shad Kember.
Other Fields
The annual Belfast Easter Conference was held over the Easter holiday period after a two-year break due to COVID-19. There was excellent attendance, as the believers came to listen to the ministry of God’s Word, hear reports of His work, both locally and from foreign lands, and for the preaching of the gospel. It was a joy to be able to gather with fellow believers to hear the Word of God and sing hymns.
Newtownbreda: In April, P. McCauley and D. Williamson had three weeks of gospel meetings in the hall, with good attendance both in person and online.
Co. Antrim
Glenarm: The Ballyvaddy assembly held a gospel series in their hall beginning April 24 for five weeks, with the messages also being broadcast into the parking lot. W. Fenton and W. Martin preached the gospel clearly. T. Armstrong stepped in to help for a number of nights, as both brethren tested positive during the series. The Lord blessed in these meetings.
Ballyclare: J. Rogers and A. Steele had nine weeks of gospel meetings January 16-March 18 in the hall, with the messages being relayed to the parking lot also. Attendance was good and the Lord blessed in salvation.
Glengormley: Drive-in gospel meetings that commenced May 22 were held in a field near Templepatrick for two weeks, with local brethren A. Kenny and W. Moore preaching the gospel.
Co. Down
Dromore: Early in May, D. Strahan and A. Steele commenced a gospel series in the hall and were encouraged with excellent attendance.
Drumlough: The assembly had five nights of ministry by Alan Davidson in mid-May and were supported by the local assemblies in the area. The subject was “Waiting for the Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ,” and the meetings were helpful and instructive for the present age as we consider those things which must shortly come to pass. The numbers were encouraging and it was good to be able to meet together collectively with other believers.
Co. Armagh
Armagh: A gospel series commenced in the hall on April 24, with J. Fleck and R. Kirkpatrick preaching.
Co. Londonderry
Moneydig: Gospel meetings were held in the hall in May with S. Fleck and D. Gilliland preaching.
Co. Tyrone
Newtownstewart: The gospel meetings that commenced June 5 with D. Gilliland and J. Rogers will be held in the hall (Monday-Friday), and on the Lord’s Day the meeting will be a “drive-in,” to be held in the parking lot of the local Livestock Mart.
Pugwash Junction- July 1-3 (cancelled)
Hampton, IA
September 3-4, annual missionary conference in the gospel hall, 9 3rd Street SE. Expected speakers will be Stephen Baker (Pakistan), Tony Flett (Nicaragua) and Alistair Bajal (South Africa). For more information, please contact Ben McCandless, Email:
Alpena, AR
November 5-6, in the gospel hall, 401 Lane Street. Saturday: Prayer and Bible Reading (Romans 8) 12:30pm, Ministry 2:15pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 11:30am, Ministry 1:30pm. Meals will be provided on both days. We look forward to seeing all who can come. For assistance with accommodations and/or directions, contact Fred Stevenson, Email:; Tel: 573-201-1282; or Tim Trowbridge, Email:; Tel: 870-423-8484.
Conferences Previously Published:
Sioux City, IA – July 16-17
Change of Address
Jim and Joyce Beattie, 13-1888 Concession Drive, RR 3, Newbury, ON, N0L 1Z0, Canada; Email:; Tel: 226-670-0702
Margaret Ronald, Email:
Change of Address of Correspondent
St. Thomas, ON: Jeff Tolman, Email:; Tel: 519-631-0742