

British Columbia

Burnaby: The South Burnaby assembly held a Lunar New Year gospel meeting on Sunday, January 30. Eddie Wong (Vancouver, BC) preached the gospel in English and local brother Richard Wang translated the message live into Mandarin.

Kamloops: The assembly appreciated a visit from John Fitzpatrick who gave helpful ministry on the Lord’s Day, January 23.

Vancouver: The Victoria Drive assembly was encouraged by the receiving of an older couple and a young sister into assembly fellowship on December 26 and January 30, respectively. The assembly also rejoiced on February 20 as a man saved during their gospel series last fall obeyed the Lord in baptism. His wife and daughter were both baptised in April 2021.


Orillia: Eric Fowler preached the gospel via Zoom for the Dominion assembly on February 13.



Springdale: The assembly appreciated ministry from John Dennison February 18-20. He also shared a word in the gospel.


Phoenix: The Orangewood assembly continues their series of short Saturday night devotionals via Zoom on the “Person and Work of our Lord Jesus Christ” to help believers prepare for worship on the Lord’s Day. Brethren taking part to date include Tom Baker (February 12), Timothy Turkington (February 19), John Dennison (February 26), and David Hamilton (Midland Park, NJ, March 5).


Ankeny: The audio recordings of “Visits to Bethlehem” as presented by Sandy Higgins during the December ministry series can be accessed at https://gospelriver.com.

Dunkerton: Robert Orr visited the assembly on Sunday, February 13.

Garnavillo: The assembly commenced gospel meetings with Brandon Doll and Brody Thibodeau on March 6.

Marion: After three weeks of gospel meetings, the series with Brandon Doll and Larry Perkins concluded Friday, February 25. On the final night, they were encouraged to see a couple come from an hour’s drive away to their first-ever gospel meeting. The attendance both in person and online was encouraging, with some travelling quite a distance each night. The assembly appreciated the prayerful support of believers. The messages were recorded and posted to the Marion Gospel Hall YouTube channel.

West Liberty: The three-week Spanish gospel series with Ryan Hayes and Shad Kember closed on February 15.  Although no one professed salvation, a nice number of unsaved, including some new contacts, listened attentively.  Children’s and gospel meetings continue each Sunday afternoon at the West Liberty Community Center, supported by believers from the Marion Gospel Hall. Also, a weekly gospel meeting has started in the home of Josean and Yashira, a Puerto Rican couple who have expressed an interest in being saved. Please pray for their salvation.


Battle Creek: In 2022, the VRF continues to ship food to Venezuela from Miami as well as support food production in the country to reduce costs. Medical help continues to be an important part of expenditures as growing poverty is being caused by continued inflation in the local economy. Local government distribution permits have now been made available to us that make it easier and safer to transport and distribute the large amounts of food and produce as well as medications around the entire country. Fuel continues to be scarce and is now at international prices. Violence also continues unabated. A dear brother, an elder in the San Carlos assembly, was shot in the face last week during an attempt to steal his bicycle. He is awaiting surgery to remove the bullet and reconstruct his lower jaw. Please continue to pray for Venezuela.

Saginaw: The Saginaw and surrounding assemblies appreciated ministry from Jonathan Seed and Dan Shutt at their bimonthly ministry meeting on March 6. Both the gospel message and the ministry of the Word encouraged the believers’ hearts.


Tylertown: The Tylertown assembly has seen the reception of Honduran believers in the past two months that live near Loranger, LA.  As a result, gospel meetings are planned May 15-20 in Loranger (with some contacts in the nearby city of Hammond, LA) with Kory Crawford, Philip Moore (Hickory, NC) and John Nesbitt. Prayer is requested for this effort and for the Honduran believers who are giving much support.


Indiana: Eugene Higgins held eight meetings February 20-27 in the gospel hall on “How the Bible and Christianity Shaped America.”  He told the fascinating history of the early beginnings of this country, and how God used His Word to change the lives of men and women. The meetings were livestreamed on their assembly YouTube channel and will be available as recordings to watch at a later time. They were encouraged by visitors attending in person and others watching the livestream every evening. Please pray for these dear ones who are in great need of God’s salvation.


Presidio: Ross Vanstone and another brother delivered 1400 Seed Sowers texts in this town of approximately 4000 people, across the border from Ojinaga in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. The receptiveness of the people was encouraging. Ross has now been able to deliver John 3:16 texts to every border town between the Gulf of Mexico and El Paso, Texas.


Crandon: The assembly recently welcomed into the fellowship a young brother who married one of the young women in the assembly. Russell Coleman was with the assembly February 27-March 1 and spoke on the attributes of the Lord Jesus.



Puerto Vallarta: During the month of February, the assembly enjoyed visits from Omar Lozada (Venezuela), Ashley Milne (Fleetwood, BC) and Jonathan Seed.


Veracruz: The assembly restarted meetings in person on February 17. The believers appreciated ministry from Timothy Stevenson from 2 John. A sister was recently added to the fellowship, bringing joy to the saints.


Mérida: The work of evangelization that Anderson and Mariú Hernández have been involved in since moving to this city has been concentrated in the eastern section of the city. A well-situated house close to a large hospital has been rented to use as a hall.

Puerto Progreso: Several weeks ago Anderson and Mariú Hernández began the work of evangelizing this city, about 30 minutes from Mérida, using Bible texts and Via magazines. The attitude and receptiveness of the people have been encouraging. A weekly Bible class is held in a kiosk in the plaza, and then the gospel is preached with the use of a megaphone. Several neighbors come along, and others listen from their homes.

Quintana Roo

Cancún: David Swan visited the assembly for two weeks and helped in both ministry and the gospel. Other believers from Canada and Venezuela visited during February as well.


Hermosillo: Just over two years ago, a Seed Sowers effort was held in the south part of the city, with gospel meetings being held in a rented building for 2 ½ months until the pandemic halted this work. God graciously saved Chuy Rochin during the series, and he was added to the fellowship in September 2020. Last fall, some meetings were held in his garage, and then in February a few thousand invitations and texts were delivered in the area. Meetings are being held each Monday evening, and it has been encouraging to see some of his contacts coming along as well as some new people as a result of receiving the invitation.


Frank Sona, and Neal and Veronica Thomson (Vancouver, BC) returned to Aruba to have a series of gospel meetings once again. Several visits have preceded this one over the years, with blessing from the hand of God seen in salvation. William Skates, along with Don and Sharon Curry (Owen Sound, ON), also gave much appreciated help in the visitation in February. They had the joy of seeing the Lord bless in salvation, and a good number responded to door-to-door visitation work as several thousand invitations were given out in the barrio of Savaneta. Gospel meetings were  held four nights a week in a community center in both English and Spanish. They rejoiced as “Schotty,” with an alcoholic background, counted the cost and told how he trusted Christ as the One lifted up on the cross for him (John 3:14). Others that attended also expressed a desire to be saved. In addition, a man saved during a gospel visit two years ago obeyed the Lord in baptism on Sunday, February 20. A number sat on the shore and listened as the gospel was preached. Please pray that the Lord will raise up a missionary couple for this small yet needy Caribbean island.


Toronto, ON

April 15-16, with prayer meeting on Thursday, April 14, at 8pm in the Rexdale Gospel Hall, 72 Bergamot Avenue, Etobicoke, ON, M9W 1V9. The conference ministry meetings will be held Friday, April 15, and Saturday, April 16, from 1:30pm to 5pm each day in the auditorium at the Toronto Free Presbyterian Church, 1600 Neilson Rd, Scarborough, ON, M1X 1S3. No meals will be provided. Attendance will require advance online registration. Further information regarding registration, etc. will be available at the beginning of April through the Gospel Hall Forum, Instagram, and the Toronto Easter Conference Facebook account. Prayers for God’s blessing are greatly valued.

Hickory, NC

May 27-29, in the gospel hall, 253 17th Ave NE, Hickory. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7:30pm; Saturday: First meeting at 10am; Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am. Speakers expected: Joseph Baker (Jackson, MI), Kory Crawford, Dan Shutt and Dale Vitale. Kory Crawford will give a report on the Lord’s work in Costa Rica. Contact: Philip Moore, Tel: 828-244-8329; Email: pemchile@charter.net; or David Turnbull, Tel: 828-218-2417; Email: dpturnbu@charter.net. Note: There will be no mask or vaccine requirements at the conference, and physical distancing will likely not be possible. We urge every attendee to carefully evaluate their personal risk situation and act accordingly. Anyone wishing to wear a mask during the conference is encouraged to do so.

Conferences Previously Published:

Stout, IA – April 8-10

Waterloo/Cedar Falls, IA – April 15-17


Samuel McCauley of Rathfriland, Northern Ireland, on January 4, 2022, age 90. Brought up attending the Shanaghan Gospel Hall, he was saved August 20, 1948, in the Market House, Rathfriland, during meetings with Harold Paisley. He was baptized and received into the Shanaghan assembly, where he served as correspondent, Sunday School teacher and an elder for many years. He had an exercise in the spread of the gospel throughout the province. He and his late wife, Ethel, were given to hospitality, but experienced the tragedy of losing their only daughter in a car accident. In later years he was in fellowship in the Teaguy and Ballykeel (Mourne) assemblies. Over 250 cars were present at his large drive-in funeral, where David Radcliffe, Jonathan Bingham, Ian Wilson and Stephen Barr officiated. Prayer is requested for his sons David, Ian, Fred and Enoch, their wives and children, and his sister Anna Redmond.

Eleanor Louise Turnbull of Owen Sound, ON, on January 16, 2022, age 87, at home. She was born April 9, 1934, as Eleanor Page and born again in Grand Bend, ON, on August 13, 1950, after hearing the gospel preached by Noah Gratton. She was part of the Grand Bend assembly for 57 years until 2007 when she moved with Ron to Owen Sound. Eleanor was the beloved wife of Ronald Turnbull for 67 years and the loving mother of her two daughters Sharon and Sandra, and her son Thomas. She was also the grandmother of six grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. She was a faithful wife, mother and grandmother who will be greatly missed.

Christine Finley of Clarksville, IA, on January 25, 2022, age 100. She was saved October 9, 1958, through the truth of Isaiah 44:22 (“for I have redeemed thee”) while attending special nightly meetings in the Waterloo Hall where the late Gordon Reager and Robert McClurkin were preaching. Following baptism, Christine was received into fellowship at the Western Ave. assembly where she continued faithfully until recent years when she resided with her daughter and son-in-law and fellowshipped with the Antioch assembly located near Clarksville. She died “in a good old age, full of days, riches, and honour.” She is survived by two daughters and one son, their spouses, 14 grandchildren, and many great- and great-great-grandchildren. Two of her grandsons, along with Frank Sona, shared the funeral service, with her son Robert speaking at the grave.

Margaret McCollum (née McCormick) of Lurgan, N. Ireland, on February 1, age 91. In 1947, she was saved at age 17 during gospel meetings in Lurgan with T. McKelvey and T. Wallace. Margaret worked as a nurse in Lurgan Hospital and was promoted to Matron. In 1974, she was appointed Matron of Faith House Eventide Home, Belfast. After marrying Clarence McCollum in 1979, they emigrated to Canada and were received into fellowship at the Woodland Drive assembly in Vancouver, BC. After Clarence’s homecall in 1996, she returned to N. Ireland in 1997 and fellowshipped at the Lurgan assembly. Margaret brought many under the sound of the gospel and was instrumental in the conversion of not a few. Her passing is keenly felt by the Lord’s people, and especially by her remaining sister, Anna. David Gilliland conducted her well-attended funeral service. Mark Turkington, along with other local brethren, spoke at the graveside.