

British Columbia

Vancouver: The Victoria Drive assembly asked David Richards to preach the gospel via Zoom on December 20.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Flower’s Cove: The gospel meetings with David Hierlihy and Brody Thibodeau that commenced November 22 concluded on December 4 with blessing in salvation.

Gander: Prior to COVID-19 restrictions, the assembly held a monthly gospel meeting at a local seniors’ home. On Sunday, December 20, about 20 believers had a carol sing in front of the seniors’ home with a number of them listening and singing along. It was an enjoyable time for all and it was much appreciated by the seniors. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the assembly held their New Year’s Eve meeting via Zoom and were glad to have Marvin Derksen and Pete Smith for ministry. Approximately 50 believers joined this meeting, representing all the assemblies in central NL. The ministry was greatly appreciated by all.


Ottawa: The assembly held an online gospel series December 6-12 with Eugene Higgins. The theme was “The True Meaning of Christmas as Seen in Christmas Carols.”

Prince Edward Island

Charlottetown: John Meekin gave appreciated ministry January 11-15 via Zoom on the subject of “Revival” during the reign of five kings of Judah.

Summerside: The Pope Road assembly began hosting Saturday night online Bible Readings on “Basic Christian Truth” on January 9 and will continue every other Saturday until March 20. These Bible Readings are conducted by Scott MacLeod, John Meekin and Brody Thibodeau. Topics covered include Salvation, Baptism, Doctrine, Assembly Fellowship, the Lord’s Supper and the Prayer Meeting. For more information, visit http://poperoadgospelhall.ca.



Alpena: The Lord provided good weather on December 20 for the annual door-to-door distribution of calendars and gospel tracts throughout the city of Alpena and surrounding residential areas. A few local residents expressed appreciation for the effort and materials.


Stout: The assembly had the joy of receiving a young brother into the fellowship and were encouraged that some others also expressed interest. William Lavery gave a good word of ministry on reception into God’s assembly. Gospel meetings were planned to begin on January 24, D.V., with Brandon Doll and William Skates. Prayer is appreciated for these efforts.


Battle Creek: Venezuela Relief Fund: Medications continue to be purchased both in Venezuela and in Colombia. In 2020, medications have been provided to more than 3000 of the Lord’s people who were presenting COVID-like symptoms. The pallet shipments of non-perishable food continue but with less frequency and quantities due to much of this being substituted by crops that have been planted in the country and grown by several farmers amongst the Lord’s people who have kindly worked parts of their land, producing for the VRF. Crop planting activities continue in several locations. La Chorrera: The believers are proceeding to plant 20 ha of black beans, 20 ha of Quinchonchos (a type of lentil) and 10 ha of rice. Their expectations are to harvest in March/April, 20 tons of black beans, 20 tons of Quinchonchos, and 40 tons of rice. In November, they harvested 80 tons of corn and it is currently at the processing plant waiting to be ground into approximately 56 tons of corn meal. Chirgua: The believers have 18 ha of land and will be planting 10 ha of black beans, 5 ha of sweet potatoes and 3 ha of pumpkin.


McKeesport: The assembly held an online gospel series December 13-18 with Eugene Higgins, livestreamed simultaneously on their Facebook page and YouTube channel. The theme was “The True Meaning of Christmas as Seen in Christmas Carols.”


Nuevo León

Monterrey: The hall that the believers had been renting for the last few years became unavailable at the end of 2020, but they were pleased to have found another building only several meters away. Evangelization with Via magazines and invitations to the new hall were done in the area. At the end of December the Sunday School students were visited in their homes and given a small gift along with a list of Bible verses.


Chihuahua: On December 25, the believers visited the Sunday School children from both works (El Valle de la Madrid and El Porvenir) to hand out prizes and to hear the children quote their memory verses.


Hermosillo: On December 6, an extra meeting was held after the Breaking of Bread in order to baptize three young believers. One young woman was contacted with the gospel in the Spring, but began to take the matter of eternity more seriously when she became quite ill with COVID-19, requiring the use of oxygen. She had been reading through the Gospels, and when she came to John 3:16 she understood that there was salvation to be found only in Christ Jesus. The other two young women are daughters of a single sister who has been in assembly fellowship for the past few years. It was a joyous occasion despite the fact that there remains a prohibition on public singing.


Guasave: Meetings continue virtually via Facebook as well as Zoom. In December the assembly enjoyed ministry from Anderson Hernández and Timothy Turkington. Andrew Zuidema (Midland Park, NJ) arrived mid-December to help in the work in this area.


Puerto Vallarta: The believers have met in person when able due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Local brethren had three nights of ministry December 17-19. On the last evening, two young believers were baptized.


Iguala: Children’s meetings were held December 21-23 on Zoom with the theme of “The Gift of God.” Both attendance and the desire to learn the memory verses were encouraging.

Mexico State

Nezahualcóyotl: On December 19, Herlindo Ángeles passed into the presence of his Saviour due to COVID-19. He was one of the brethren who were present from the beginning of the work and the formation of the assembly in this large city. Others have also been infected, two of whom finally tested negative after many weeks. The assembly had to resume meeting on Zoom from December 6 onward due to the state of the pandemic in the area.


Veracruz: The gospel series on Zoom and Facebook that commenced November 22 carried on into December with good attendance and blessing in salvation. A teaching series on the birth of the Lord Jesus was also held in December, with good attendance from believers in Xalapa, Puebla and this port city.

St. Lucia

The Ciceron Gospel Hall purposed gospel meetings January 11-22 via Zoom with Brandon Doll and Jack Gould. The other six assemblies also plan to support these online meetings.


Conferences Previously Published:

Jackson, MI – February 12-14, 2021 (Cancelled)

Arlington, WA – February 13 (Online)


Norma Rierson of Aplington, IA, on December 4, 2020, age 86. Norma was saved August 29, 1956, as she understood the truth, while reading 2 Corinthians 4:3 and Luke 19:10, that the Lord Jesus bore the cross for her. She and her husband Tilfred were initially in fellowship in Willmar, then Cedar Falls, and in later years, Hitesville. They were known for their consistent support in each assembly where they gathered. Both Norma and Tilfred were known to put the care of others ahead of themselves. Norma was predeceased by her dear husband Tilfred. The last couple of years of her life were difficult due to declining health. She is survived by a brother (Lyle Uhlenhopp), his wife, and many nieces and nephews. The funeral service was conducted by Robert Orr.

Norman “Norm” Page of Holmen, WI, on December 7, 2020, age 90. Norm and his beloved wife Arla Torgerson were married on June 12, 1965. Norm was born again on June 5, 1972, when he rested on the words of John 19:30, “It is finished.” He was first received into assembly fellowship at the Lynxville Gospel Hall, but spent the last 30 years in fellowship with the La Crosse assembly. Norm leaves behind his wife, children Jennifer (Mike) Oneby and Steve, and grandchildren. Their home was marked by hospitality to the Lord’s servants and the local saints, who enjoyed many meals, lamb roasts and times of fellowship. Always smiling and thankful, Norm lived his life in the joy of sins forgiven, often telling others of the Savior he knew and asking others if they knew Him too. Please pray for unsaved relatives. Jeremiah Collins spoke at the graveside funeral service.

Sam Hofer of Portage la Prairie, MB, on December 13, 2020, age 80. “Brother Sam,” as he was affectionately known, went to be with his Lord and Savior after a prolonged illness. He came to a clear understanding of the gospel and acceptance of the Savior through the story of the Passover lamb. Sam was from a Hutterite background. He took special delight in speaking to his people about spiritual truth. Sam did not say much in the assembly meetings, but after the meeting he would be sure to comment on what had been spoken. He endeared himself to all who knew him and will be greatly missed. He is survived by his wife, eight children, 23 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The virtual funeral service on December 19 was shared by Dennis Walker and David Vanstone.

Howard Gentz of Manchester, IA, on December 17, 2020, age 84, after suffering a severe stroke just a few days before. Saved in meetings with Norman Crawford and Eric McCullough on May 26, 1964, he was received into assembly fellowship in Manchester shortly afterwards. He and his wife Ruth loved the assembly and were committed to all its activities. Their children Kevin, Jerilyn, and Randy, and their respective spouses are all in assembly fellowship, and many of their grandchildren are saved, giving them much joy. The children all said, “We don’t ever remember missing a gospel meeting, regardless of weather.” More than one farming neighbor referred to Howard as a godly man. His worship on Lord’s Day morning was always with freshness. He is survived by his wife Ruth, three children, 13 grandchildren,16 great-grandchildren, and sister Jean Dempster of Cedar Falls, IA. The service was taken by Al Christopherson.

Naomī “Dolly” Phillips of Sherman, MI, on December 18, 2020, age 96. Dolly was saved at age eight and was raised in the Central Gospel Hall in Detroit. Her father, Henry Hoath, knew Henry Ford personally and her family knew the pioneer evangelist T.D.W. Muir. For the past 53 years she was a joy to the saints in the Sherman assembly. She attended all the meetings until age-related issues mostly kept her at home. She especially enjoyed the Lord’s Supper and the preaching of the gospel. There will be more than a few people in glory because of her sincere Christian witness. It wasn’t unusual for her to ask a new acquaintance, “Do you know the Lord?” Preceded in death by both her husband Arthur and son Bryan, Dolly leaves behind sons Mark and Daniel, daughters Gay and Bethany, and a large family that includes great-great-grandchildren.

Clifford Poidevin of Unionville, ON, on December 18, 2020, age 93. Saved in Winnipeg as a boy, work brought Cliff to Ontario. He taught Sunday school, was Superintendent, served as an elder, and spent many years being involved in the activities of the Kensington Avenue (Cherry Beach SS), West Toronto, Applewood Hills, Rexdale, Chapman Valley, and latterly, Unionville Gospel Halls. He was a testimony in the workplace. Gospel outreach and missions were of particular interest, with Cliff and Murriel extending hospitality to many missionaries. They made eight trips to Zambia to help their three sons serving full time in the Lord’s work. Their grandchildren are also mission minded, with two serving full time. He leaves his wife of 68 years, Murriel (Bailey), sons Paul (Eunice), Bruce (Marilyn) and Murray (Grace), nine grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. We rejoice, knowing he is in his Savior’s presence. The funeral was conducted by his sons and grandsons.

Harold Douglas Cogswell of Taylorside, SK, on December 20, 2020, age 85. Our dear brother was first introduced to the gospel by George (Jordie) Wright. Doug was saved in 1958 the same year that he married Thelma, Jordie’s sister. They were in fellowship at Taylorside and relocated in 1992 to Calgary, AB, where they joined the fellowship of the West Hillhurst assembly. In 2008 they began fellowshipping with the saints at Glen Ewen, SK, and eventually returned to the Taylorside assembly in 2011. Thelma predeceased Doug in 2017. A quiet brother, he enjoyed gathering with the saints. Prayer is requested for their four children and their families. A private family interment was held with Tim Forsyth speaking comforting words. Our brother will be missed.

Charles Steen of Marysville, WA, on December 22, 2020, age 93. Saved as a teenager, he was received into the Arlington assembly soon after. After marrying Frieda, they farmed in north Marysville, where he helped start a children’s work in a portable hall on his brother Fred’s farm. The Shoultes Gospel Hall was later built on donated land on the corner of Fred’s farm. Chuck, Fred, John A. Klein and Jack Saword continued the children’s work each Friday night, driving school buses through the surrounding area to pick up children. As a result of their efforts, the Marysville assembly was formed in 1994 where Chuck and Frieda happily fellowshipped for many years. Frieda passed away in 2002 after 54 years of marriage. Chuck enjoyed greeting the saints each Lord’s Day morning until the last few years when he was confined to a care facility. Remember his family in prayer.

Albert “Bert” Kampman of Cedar Falls, IA, on December 28, 2020, age 90. Bert was saved April 18, 1948, listening to Oliver Smith speaking about the Samaritan woman of John 4. He married Mary Fisher in 1951. First received into the Manchester fellowship, they later joined the Marion assembly when it was planted in 1962, where they remained for 40 years until Mary’s homecall in 1999. He later married Patti Naber, and they remained in happy fellowship at Marion until moving to Cedar Falls in 2010. Bert had a gospel spirit and an overflowing heart to worship. He was committed wholeheartedly to God’s truth and sought to maintain scriptural principles to the very end. He is survived by one son Rodney, and daughter Rhonda DeBuhr. He was preceded in death by both wives, two daughters, and a grandson. Russ Nesbit and Al Christopherson shared in the funeral service.

Beulah Mae Tack of Wellsburg, IA, on December 28, 2020, age 90. She was saved August 15, 1947, reading John 3:14 while attending gospel tent meetings held by Leonard DeBuhr and George Gould in Parkersburg, IA. She and her late husband Kenneth, who predeceased her in 2014, were in the Hitesville assembly for a number of years. She was a loving and devoted wife, mother and grandmother. During the last years of her life here on earth, she was a resident of the Grundy Care Center. Beulah is survived by her son Kendall, her daughter Kaylene (Andrew) Tack Roberts, and three grandchildren. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, a small family memorial was held at the funeral home with Russ Nesbit as the speaker.