

British Columbia

Langley: The assembly had a much appreciated visit from Stephen Vance March 1-6 presenting a series of apologetic/gospel presentations entitled “Christianity 101.” The content and presentations were excellent and impactful. The believers were very encouraged and many of the children of the local believers paid good attention. The assembly was thankful to see a number of unsaved visitors from the community attend. Please pray for salvation and blessing as a result of the seed sown.

Surrey: The Fleetwood assembly hosted a mini-conference March 7-8 with David Vallance (Livonia, MI), who gave profitable ministry on “Bible History and Translations.”

Vancouver: Local brethren Douglas Frith, Stephen Hua, Kenny Lam and Jack Zhang began gospel meetings at the Nanaimo Road Sunday School building on March 9 but were forced to halt the meetings after the first week due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Corner Brook: The assembly hosted a special gospel series online March 29-April 10 with Jonathan Procopio and Brody Thibodeau.

Hopedale: Jacob Quigley and David Swan visited this town to spread the gospel. Their visit was cut short due to COVID-19 concerns.

L’Anse au Loup: Gospel meetings with Jim Jarvis and John Meekin that began mid-February concluded on March 16 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Good numbers were in every night for over five weeks and we pray for the Lord to speak to the many souls that heard the gospel. With the virus pandemic and public health regulations, all meetings at the L’Anse au Loup and English Point Gospel Halls are cancelled until further notice.

Northern Labrador: David Hunt, with the help of David Hierlihy and others, delivered gospel calendars to communities using snowmobiles in March. Their efforts were cut short due to COVID-19 concerns.

Parson’s Pond: Gospel meetings that began on March 1 with Eric Fowler and Brody Thibodeau were discontinued due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite lower attendance overall, some visitors (mostly past contacts of the believers) were in almost every night.


Brampton: The assembly hosted online gospel meetings April 1-12 with Marvin Derksen and Jim Jarvis.

Lambton Shores: Early in March, the Lake Shore assembly appreciated Lorne Langfeld’s having a week of well-attended children’s meetings. The believers continue their outreach at the First Nations reservation nearby, from where many of the children come.


Glen Ewen: A “Refuge Series” of Sunday afternoon ministry meetings in a webinar format began online. On March 22, Lindsay Parks (Indiana, PA) spoke a devotional word of ministry from Psalm 91 entitled “A Refuge in Times of Trouble.” For March 29, Matthew Cain spoke from Psalm 77 (“God Is Not Self-Isolating”), followed by David Vallance on Psalm 23 (“The Lord our Shepherd”). On April 5, Jack Hay gave ministry on “The Rapture” from 1 Thessalonians 4.



Alpena: On the first weekend of March, the assembly appreciated a Lord’s Day visit by Jack Saword, who gave helpful ministry after the breaking of bread and followed up with a Sunday School lesson on the Coming of the Lord from Matthew 24. In the afternoon, he encouraged the believers with an update of the Lord’s work in El Salvador, touching on the difficulties posed by the local gangs – a matter for much prayer.


Springdale: The assembly appreciated a visit from Jack Saword in early March.


Dunkerton: The two weeks of gospel meetings with Al Christopherson and Russ Nesbit closed on March 6, with blessing in salvation.

Garnavillo: Gospel meetings with Bill Seale and Gary Sharp that started March 1 closed on March 16 due to the COVID-19 virus mandate. A boy from the Blue River area professed salvation. Many children attended every night, along with a few from the community.

Marion: Meetings with Brandon Doll and Larry Perkins closed on March 6 after four weeks.


Madison: On December 15, Murray McCandless visited the assembly and spoke at their Christmas Community dinner Sunday noon. He later also stopped at the Augusta assembly’s Christmas outreach dinner at 4pm as he was traveling through.


Battle Creek: In addition to supporting travel and food deliveries, the Venezuela Relief Fund is providing medical relief to those needing medications and assistance for clinical procedures and operations in this time of difficulty.

Jackson: Planned meetings to begin at the end of April with Eugene Higgins using his chart on how the gospel impacted U.S. history have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

North Carolina

Denver: The assembly hosted two special digital ministry series by David Petterson March 18-27 entitled “Job: Tragedy, Trust and Triumph” and “Hope from Habakkuk: When God Doesn’t Make Sense.”


La Crosse: Gospel meetings that commenced with Brandon Doll and William Skates on March 15 went for two nights before being closed due to state orders because of the COVID-19 pandemic.



Hermosillo: The annual conference was held in mid-March, and although the attendance was lower than in past years, a good spirit prevailed and the fellowship was warm. The believers appreciated timely ministry on the life of Job, shared by David Petterson. John Dennison took up the family and financial life of the Lord Jesus, while Timothy Turkington looked at the church in Antioch.


Chihuahua: The assembly enjoyed a ten-day visit from Philip Lampkin (London, ON). Not only did he share in the responsibilities of teaching and preaching in the local assembly, but he also helped in the outreach work in El Porvenir (within the city), Ciudad Delicias, Matamoros and El Parral.

Other Fields


Valencia: In March, the Simón Bolivar assembly, with the support of neighboring assemblies and full-time workers, commended Ángel Eduardo Dávila Pabón and his wife, Karen Elizabeth Griffin de Dávila, to labor in the preaching of the gospel and ministering to His saints in Mexico. Their contact information is below under Updates.


PEI Conference [online]

May 16 online. Virtual conference starting at 12pm (Atlantic Daylight Time). A one-day online event with the familiar conference format of a couple ministry sessions and a gospel meeting. Expected speakers are Matthew Cain, David Hierlihy, Scott MacLeod, Murray McCandless, John Meekin, Peter Ramsay, Jon Procopio, and Brody Thibodeau. For registration, please visit https://zoom.us/webinar/register/5815885321657/WN_3RieYetSRpOEboYwWe9Kaw.

Halifax, NS [online]

June 5-8 online. A study of Ephesians, which unfolds for us many of “the unsearchable riches of Christ.” We will consider the relationship and distinction between Israel and the church; the unity that Christ has created in the one body, and practical instruction concerning our responsibilities in the home, the the workplace, and the church. All sessions will be an online preaching format; there will be some Q&A opportunities. The introduction to the study will be Friday at 7:30pm. The first session on Saturday will be at 3:30pm. All times ADT. A detailed schedule and the link to register are available at Facebook.com/NorthStreetGospelHall and on our website at northstreetgospelhall.org. Expected speakers are Matthew Cain, Sandy Higgins, David McClelland (Clementsvale, NS), and John Meekin.

Taylorside, SK

June 26-28 (tentative), with prayer meeting on Thursday, June 25, at 7:30pm in the Taylorside Gospel Hall (located 3 miles south and 4 miles west of Beatty, SK). Meetings begin on Friday at 2pm. Corr: John Parker, Tel: 306-752-4079; Email: jeparker@sasktel.net.

Englehart, Earlton, Charlton, Kirkland Lake, ON

June 27-28, in the Englehart High School. Details subject to the COVID-19 situation in June. Contacts: Jeff Taylor (Earlton), Tel: 705-648-4493; Email: jdtaylor1996@live.ca; Doug Yade (Kirkland Lake), Tel: 705-567-5951; Email: doug_yade@hotmail.com.

Conferences Previously Published:

Charlottetown, NF – May 1-3 (cancelled)

Edmonton, AB – May 2-3 (cancelled)

Newmarket, ON – May 2 (cancelled)

Toronto, ON – May 9-10 (cancelled)

Ottawa, ON – May 15-17 (cancelled)

Cumberland, MD – May 16-17 (cancelled)

Kitchener, ON – May 16-17 (cancelled)

Hickory, NC – May 22-24 (cancelled)

Bancroft, ON – June 6 (cancelled)

Saugus, MA – June 6-7 (cancelled)

Portage la Prairie, MB – June 12-14 (cancelled)


Commended Worker

Ángel and Karen Dávila, Tel: +58-424-4467971, Email: angeldavilak@gmail.com (From Venezuela to Mexico)

Change of Address of Correspondent

Kapuskasing, ON: Gerald Labelle, Tel: 705-332-1655

Newington, CT: Philip Rockey, 100 Center Street, Windsor Locks, CT 06095; Email: prockey@snet.net


S. Edythe Currie of Langley, BC, on December 1, 2019, age 92. Edythe’s family attended the Seymour Street Gospel Hall where she was saved, baptized and received into fellowship in her mid-teens. She met her husband Jim when he arrived from Belfast enroute to Japan to preach the gospel. Edythe followed Jim to Japan in 1950 and spent her married life beside him in the Lord’s work there and abroad. She was a content, happy Christian who spent her life helping Jim, raising her family, and giving of herself both in hospitality and friendship to others. In retirement, Edythe lived in Harrison Pointe Assisted Living with Jim. During her last four months, she moved into Langley Memorial Hospital’s Care Facility. She is survived by her five children: Elizabeth, Mark (Lois), Neil (Pauline), Heather (Dave), Sharon (Phil); 10 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. Edythe was predeceased by her husband of 69 years, James B. Currie, on October 5, 2019; son John (1954); brothers Allan and Morris Topping; and great-grandson Caleb Casson. The funeral was conducted by family members on December 19 at the Fleetwood Gospel Hall in Surrey, BC. Earl Ritchie spoke at the graveside. She will be missed by her family.

Gwendolyn Mary (Richardson) Muir of Winnipeg, MB, on December 9, 2019, age 87. She first heard the gospel when her childhood friend took her to children’s meetings at the West End Gospel Hall. Gwendolyn was saved in 1943, baptized, and received into assembly fellowship while a teenager. She moved with her family to Vancouver in the 1950s, but later returned to Winnipeg where she continued with a consistent, godly testimony at the gospel hall until failing health made attendance difficult. Gwendolyn was predeceased by her husband Ron (in 2017) and leaves behind four sons: Garry (Elyse), Alan, Dale and Kevin (Melissa), three grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. During her funeral at the Parkview Street Gospel Hall, the family gave tributes, and Mr. Wayne Friesen gave a gospel message followed by comforting words at the graveside.

Jill Renee Frazier of Blue River, WI, on January 18, 2020, age 46. Born April 9, 1973, Jill was born again January 24, 1984, during gospel meetings with Joel Portman and Roy Weber in Beetown, WI. While reading a gospel tract, she recognized she was THE lost sinner, and thinking on Romans 5:6 Jill acknowledged, “I am the ungodly one Christ died for!” In addition to being a devoted, loving wife and mother, she was given to hospitality, hard work, and help in every aspect of life. Jill is survived by her husband Jay; son Bradlee; daughter Amber; parents, Bruce and Joan Finn; and two sisters Jina Finn and Jodi Finn. Jill’s sisters and sisters-in-law very tenderly cared for her at home throughout her battle with cancer. Brandon Doll preached the gospel to a large audience. Prayer is requested for her unsaved family. She is greatly missed by all.

Leonor Halibas Hammersmark of Abbotsford, BC, on January 19, 2020. She was raised in a Christian home in the Philippines. As a young student nurse, Leonor was saved and baptized in the city of Cebu. In 1975, Leonor started work as a Registered Nurse in the Western Memorial Hospital in Corner Brook, NF, where she also began to meet with the assembly. In 1982, she moved west to Vancouver and was in fellowship at the Fairview assembly for 35 years. Leonor worked at the George Pearson Centre, a hospital that cares for patients with long-term disabilities, and had an excellent testimony. In 2007, she married her husband Donald, and they enjoyed the fellowship of the Parkview assembly in Abbotsford since 2015. Leonor was known and appreciated for her generosity and hospitality. At her funeral William Skates faithfully preached the gospel to a large company of family and friends.

Hubert L. Gratton of London, ON, on March 1, 2020, age 74. Our beloved brother was saved as a boy on the second night of a gospel series in Grand Bend, ON, January 6, 1958, through the truth of John 3:36. The meetings were being conducted by brethren Frank Pearcey and Albert Ramsay. He moved to London in 1968 and married Miriam Lipke two years later. They remained in happy fellowship in the Highbury assembly until Miriam was called home on November 11, 2014. Hubert was a regular attender at all the assembly meetings and was a willing participant in worship, ministry and gospel preaching. They had two children and five grandchildren, all who await the day of the reunion. The large funeral was shared by E. Bell, M. Derksen, his son Albert and son-in-law Keith Arndt. He is greatly missed.

Jean Brown of Lambton Shores, ON, on March 9, 2020, age 87. Born Elma Jean Van Ellen in Iowa, Jean was saved at age 14 under the preaching of Leonard DeBuhr and Oliver Smith. She moved to Detroit, MI, at age 19 to look for work and was in fellowship at the Ferndale assembly. There she met Bob Brown to whom she was married for 60 years. For the past 45 years, Bob and Jean resided in Lambton Shores and were in fellowship in the Lake Shore assembly. Despite her failing health, Jean attended meetings at the assembly up until two weeks before her passing. George Telfer spoke at her funeral and gave a gospel message from Isaiah 53:5 – the verse through which Jean was saved. Bob, their three children, and eight grandchildren attested to her love for the Lord through her servant character, content disposition and unwavering prayer life.