Gregory Koukl, The Story of Reality: How The World Began, How It Ends, And Everything Important That Happens In Between (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2017), 200 pp.
Reviewed by David Williamson
Having been helped by Greg Koukl’s writing in the past, I sat down to read his latest book with some misgivings. Surely the full title of this book suggests that the author has tried to do too much? I have been surprised and impressed by this attractive summary of the biblical worldview in story form. Complex thoughts are communicated in non-technical language so that the book is simple without being simplistic. The biblical narrative is explained from an evangelistic perspective in a manner that most true believers would happily identify with.
Koukl has been immersed in evangelism for decades and is familiar with challenges raised against Christianity. Within the limits of this book he cannot address every opposing viewpoint nor deal exhaustively with any challenge. His ability to cut to the chase, however, makes what he says very helpful.
The gospel is clearly and persuasively presented. While this is not a gospel tract, it would certainly be helpful for thinking people who sincerely want to know more about Christianity. It is also a book for Christians desiring an understanding of the coherence of the gospel and needing guidance to present it attractively in a pluralistic culture. While I would differ with Koukl on minor points in the book, I have no hesitation in recommending it highly.