

British Columbia

Abbotsford: William Skates was with the assembly for three nights of ministry February 5-7.

Burnaby: David Richards visited the South Burnaby assembly on the Lord’s Day, January 26.

Westbank: Tom Hoy and Peter Ramsay commenced gospel meetings February 9.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Sandringham: Gospel meetings started on January 19 and were expected to continue until February 9. Helping in the series were Eric Gill (St. John’s, NL) and Bryan Joyce. The meetings were well attended by the believers, with a few unsaved coming out. Continue to pray that souls will be saved, saints warmed, and Christ honoured.

Nova Scotia

Berwick: The assembly held gospel meetings from January 5 for four nights a week until February 6 with Murray McCandless, helped by Tyler Gillcash (Sussex, NB), John Meekin, Joseph Potter (Sussex, NB), and local brethren. They were encouraged by a woman professing to be saved and some unsaved attending. Support from neighboring assemblies was appreciated.

Prince Edward Island

St. Louis: The believers in Rosebank and O’Leary assemblies convened children’s meetings in the local community centre January 13-17.


Taylorside: The assembly was privileged to host a series during the January 18-19 weekend on the subject of Headship with Jack Gould. The teaching was God-honouring and tremendously profitable for young and old alike.



Phoenix: The Orangewood assembly hosted the 2020 edition of their conference January 17-19. It was the eighth annual conference since moving into their new facility in November 2012. Six preaching brethren took part: Glen Baker, Tom Baker, Marcus Cain, John Fitzpatrick, William Lavery and Paul Thiessen. Glen Baker told of his call to the work, while Tom Baker provided a report on the various missionary outreaches with which he and his wife Nellie have been and are currently involved. The focus of the conference Bible Readings was 1 Peter 4-5. Visiting saints were present from California, Canada, Mexico and New Mexico. Other outstanding features of the meetings included a Friday night young people’s hymn sing followed by a word of challenging ministry, and on Sunday morning an excellent Sunday school message. On Lord’s Day evening, a young man at the West Phoenix assembly professed faith in Christ, truly investing the conference weekend with the blessing of God in salvation.


Antioch: Frank Sona was with the assembly on Saturday, February 1, for evening ministry.

Cedar Falls: Jack Gould was with the assembly for ministry on Tuesday, January 28.

Stout: Dan Shutt planned to visit the assembly for the Lord’s Day, February 9, and give ministry in the afternoon.


Battle Creek: Venezuela Relief Fund (VRF): Food shipments restarted in January after being suspended in December. Medical assistance in the form of financial assistance with procedures and surgeries at clinics and hospitals, as well as purchasing medications that are so badly needed, has also resumed.

Saginaw: The assembly appreciated challenging ministry from Dan Shutt and Matt Smith (Jackson, MI) at their February 2 bi-monthly ministry meeting. The gospel was faithfully presented, with some unsaved present and the believers encouraged.

New Jersey

Pennsauken: The January 10-12 conference was a thematic conference on Biblical Temples, both physical and metaphorical. Sandy Higgins, David Petterson and Shawn St. Clair were the speakers. The ministry was historically and doctrinally intense, with timely practical application. Attendance was good. Recordings are available at https://pennsaukengospelhall.org.

North Carolina

Hickory: Gospel meetings with Jonathan Seed and Brody Thibodeau started on January 26 and were planned for two weeks, D.V. The meetings were conducted in English and Spanish.


Marysville: The assembly commenced gospel meetings January 26 with Marvin Derksen and David Hierlihy.


Blue River: Following their recent children’s meetings in the village of Muscoda, the assembly was very encouraged with 70-100 children out nightly, including some parents and grandparents. Given the interest, they purposed making it a monthly effort beginning late February, D.V. The assembly is also seeking guidance on possible gospel meetings at the same location.



Chihuahua: On January 27, Nelson Ovalles (Chihuahua) and another brother commenced a gospel series in the hall in El Porvenir, located south of the hall where the assembly meets. There has been a regular children’s meeting held in this area for a number of years.

Parral: Andrew Zuidema (Midland Park, NJ) arrived the first week of January and preached the gospel for two weeks in the home of a believer. He also visited the believers in El Vergel, a smaller town two hours away. Matamoros is located about a half hour from Parral, where Jaime and Mayra invited them to preach the gospel on a Lord’s Day. Jaime invited friends and family, and the gospel was preached in an orchard.


Hermosillo: The gospel series that commenced in the Y Griega neighbourhood in the south of the city on January 1 continued into February. Tim Woodford had to leave for Canada due to his father’s illness and subsequent homecall.  Marcus Cain continued preaching with the help of local brethren until Duncan Beckett arrived the last week of January to help for 10 days. God has blessed in salvation and there are others who are attending regularly.


Guadalupe: Home Bible studies are held weekly in this city that adjoins the capital city Zacatecas. Homero, a brother in the El Barril assembly, leads these studies, and prayers are appreciated for blessing in the salvation of other family members here, as well as for the progress of the gospel in this city.

San Luis Potosí

El Barril: Jason Wahls held three weeks of meetings on the book of Revelation in January. The attendance was very encouraging, with some coming for the first time, and others who had not been out for a long time returning. Jason’s focus was on the gospel, and your prayers are appreciated that the Lord will bless in salvation.


La Purísima: The assembly celebrated its first anniversary in January, a cause for rejoicing. The believers appreciated a visit from Heicko and Lydia Dyck (Mitchell, MB) in January as well.


Puerto Vallarta: The assembly appreciated three nights of ministry in late January with Paul Thiessen, who took up the important themes of justification, reconciliation and forgiveness.


Xalapa: Timothy Stevenson was joined by Shad Kember for five nights of gospel meetings in January. At the end of the short series, the believers rejoiced at the baptism of one brother.

Quintana Roo

Cancún: On January 19, the believers broke bread for the first time. Shad Kember was with the believers for several weeks prior, helping in the meetings. John Nesbitt, Joseph and María Turkington (San Carlos, Venezuela), Alfredo and Teresa Uscanga, and Eleonor Mosquera were also visiting on this special occasion.

Other Fields

Northern Ireland

Co. Antrim:

Carrickfergus: An encouraging number of believers were present for helpful ministry given on New Year’s Eve by Raymond Kirkpatrick and Gary Woods at the Sandringham assembly.


Cambridge, ON (correction)

March 6-8. Part of the contact information listed in the February issue was incorrect. Any questions or for accommodations, please contact Philip Watson, Tel: 519-240-0007; Email: philmarfarms@gmail.com or Peter Watson, Tel: 519-242-0933; Email: petemar162@gmail.com.

Manchester, CT

April 4-5, the 102nd annual conference, with prayer meeting on Friday, April 3, at 7:30pm in the gospel hall, 415 Center St., Manchester. All other meetings will be held in the Bolton High School, 72 Brandy St., Bolton, CT. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry/Gospel 2pm.  Contact Ted Kaulback, Tel: 860-742-0002; Email: kaulted@aol.com for communications and accommodations.

Clarksville, IA

April 5, in the Antioch Gospel Hall, 18929 Vail Avenue, Clarksville, IA. Ministry/Sunday School 10am, Breaking of Bread 11am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Lunch and supper will be served. Corr: John Wessels, 25284 Sinclair Avenue, Allison, IA 50602; Tel: 319-269-3493; Email: jandlwessels@gmail.com.

Toronto, ON

April 10-11, in Le Parc Conference Centre, 8432 Leslie St., Thornhill. Meetings on Friday and Saturday at 10am, 1:30pm, 3:45pm and 7pm. Prayer/Ministry meeting on Thursday, April 18, at 7:30pm in the Langstaff Gospel Hall, 1300 Langstaff Rd. Invited speakers: Eugene Higgins, Peter Ramsay, Frank Sona, David Vallance and Stephen Vance. Corr. Ian Margerison, 3 Hill Top Trail, Stouffville, ON, L4A 3G7, Tel: 416-436-3179, Email: ijmargerison@gmail.com, and Ray Conroy, 4 Ivy Green Cres., Scarborough, ON, M1G 2Z3, Tel:647-525-8183, Email: ray.conroy@yahoo.ca.

Nineveh, NS

April 11-12, with prayer meeting on Friday, April 10, at 7pm (preceded by supper served at 5pm) in the gospel hall, Route 208, civic # 2495, Nineveh, NS. All other meetings are in the Park View Education Centre, 1485 King Street, Bridgewater, NS. Saturday: Ministry 10am. For information, please contact Bruce Barkhouse, Tel: 902-543-5689; Email: bruce.barkhouse@gmail.com. Accom: Bradley Kaulback, Tel: 902-521-3839.

Stout, IA

April 11-12, with prayer meeting on Friday, April 10, at 7pm. Ministry begins on Saturday at 10am. Lord’s Day: Bible reading (Colossians 1:12-20) 9am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am. All meetings held in the gospel hall. Corr. Gary De Groote, 28073 WestBrook St., New Hartford, IA 50660, Tel: 319-983-2713; Cell: 319-231-4132; Email: gdegroote2@msn.com; Stout Gospel Hall, Tel: 319-346-1153.

Waterloo/Cedar Falls, IA

April 18-19, with prayer meeting on Friday, April 17, at 7pm in the Cedar Falls Gospel Hall. All other meetings are in the Cedar Falls High School, 1015 Division Street, Cedar Falls, IA. First meeting on Saturday is at 10am. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading (Psalm 40) 9am, Breaking of Bread 10:15am. Corr: Mike Palmer (Cedar Falls), 18502 X Avenue, Dike, IA 50624, Tel: 319-215-9200; Email: mjpalmer89@gmail.com.

Edmonton, AB

May 2-3, Missionary Conference. Expected speakers are Duncan Beckett, Enri Nase and Kyle Wilson. Please notify us (so we can appropriately plan for meals) if you plan to attend and/or need accommodations through our website http://connorshillgospelhall.com. Meetings will be held at the Bonnie Doon Community League at 9240 – 93 Street. Meals will be served at the gospel hall, 9302 – 95 Street.

Ottawa, ON

May 15-17, in the Richelieu-Vanier Community Centre, 300 Des Pères-Blancs, Ottawa; Tel: 613-560-6030. Friday: Prayer meeting 7:30pm in the gospel hall, 1087 North River Road. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading (Fellowship in the New Testament, outline at http://gospelhallottawa.ca) 9am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Open Sunday school 1pm, Prayer/Ministry 2:15pm, Gospel 7pm. Accom: Colin Meaklim, Tel: 613-730-7410; Email: meaklim@primus.ca.

Kitchener, ON

May 16-17, in the gospel hall, 218 Bleams Road. Spanish Conference. For more information, please contact José Israel Ramirez, Tel: 226-336-1309.

Newmarket, ON

May 2, the 59th annual conference, in the Newmarket Gospel Hall, 736 Davis Drive (Highway 9), Newmarket. Bible Study (Topic: The Deity of Christ. Led by David Booth.) 10am, Ministry 1:30pm. For information, contact Tim Scheer, Email: 222tandes@gmail.com, Tel: 905-853-1430 (hall).

Conferences Previously Published:

Cambridge, ON – March 6-8 (see correction above)

Matoaca, VA – March 7-8

Kapuskasing, ON – April 11-12


Change in Meeting Times

Marion, IA: Sunday Gospel Meeting is now at 6:30pm


Bryce Sharpe of Summerside, PE, on January 12, 2020, age 78. He was saved in July 1971 during tent meetings with Albert Ramsay and Arnold Gratton in Cornwall, PE. Bryce came into the assembly in the late 1990s, always enjoyed being at the meetings, and loved reading and studying his well-worn Bible. Two weeks before he died, Bryce came to the morning meeting with his usual expression, “Well, I made it here again,” made it to a front seat and took nice part in worship. His happy disposition despite his many health and mobility issues was a real encouragement to all. Bryce is survived by his wife Jean, his two sons and their families, and a large number of unsaved relatives. The funeral was taken by Peter Ramsay, who gave words of comfort to the family as well as a searching gospel message. His presence will be missed.

Blanche Jewell of Summerside, PE, on January 16, 2020, age 98. She was born April 22, 1921, and was born again in 1955. Blanche and her late husband, Davis Jewell, were among the original saints who gathered in the assembly at Freetown, PE, when it commenced in November 1957. She was a faithful and caring sister who honored the Lord with a godly testimony until she was called home. Although unable to attend recent meetings, her desire to be with the Lord’s people and her interest in the assembly never wavered. Blanche loved showing hospitality and entertained many of the Lord’s people over the years. She is survived by two daughters, two granddaughters, one great-grandson, and five sisters. The funeral was taken by Peter Ramsay and David Hierlihy, and the gospel was faithfully presented to a large audience. Please pray for the family, some of whom remain without the Savior.