British Columbia
Burnaby: John Meekin and Jonathan Procopio commenced gospel meetings in February at the South Burnaby Gospel Hall.
Kamloops: Prayer is requested for a short one-week series of gospel meetings starting April 8 with Leslie Craig (Northern Ireland) and Dave Richards (Kamloops) speaking.
Langley: The assembly benefitted from the helpful ministry of Sandy Higgins on John’s gospel chapters 18-21 from January 29-February 2.
Richmond: Stephen Baker (UK) gave appreciated ministry on the life of Joseph from January 24-28.
Newfoundland and Labrador
L’Anse au Loup: Gospel meetings started on January 21 with Brody Thibodeau and Eric Fowler and are purposed to continue into February, DV. Good numbers have attended. Prayer is requested for the many unsaved that attend regularly.
Kapuskasing: Bruce Rodgers gave a week of helpful ministry on the “Attributes of God.” Because there were a few unbelievers (local contacts of the saints) who attended the meetings, the gospel was carefully included with the ministry.
Timmins: Bruce Rodgers visited for several nights in late January and gave ministry on reconciling the sovereignty of God and suffering in the world.
Windsor: Marvin Derksen and Dan Shutt finished three and a half weeks of appreciated gospel meetings on January 31. During the first week the meetings were held in the Student Centre at the University of Windsor; the next two and a half were held in the gospel hall. All were greatly encouraged by the faithful, stirring preaching of the gospel and the blessing of the Lord in the salvation of souls. One young woman had never heard the plain gospel before; two others were familiar with it and have been the subject of much prayer.
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown: The assembly enjoyed a week of very practical and encouraging ministry with John Meekin.
Phoenix, Orangewood: The annual MLK weekend conference was a time of happy fellowship, excellent ministry, and helpful Bible readings on the “High Priestly Prayer” from John 17. Ken Turkington of Venezuela provided the missionary report. Other of the Lord’s servants assisting were Tom Baker, Marcus Cain, John Clingen, John Dennison, John Fitzpatrick, and Paul Thiessen. A number of younger believers from California and New Mexico attended along with saints from many other assemblies in the US and Canada.
Hitesville: Russ Nesbit and Robert Orr purposed to have gospel meetings February 4–16.
Byfield: The believers enjoyed a visit from Mark Procopio, on January 22, who gave a report of the work in Brazil. The meeting was an encouraging reminder of what God can accomplish when we make ourselves available to His leading. Many local believers from surrounding assemblies supported the meeting, which was appreciated. Please pray for planned gospel meetings beginning March 3 with Gene Higgins, DV.
Ferndale: The assembly appreciated multiple visits and recent ministry from Frank Sona.
Battle Creek: Please pray for food and supplies again starting to be purchased and delivered to the Christians, missionaries, and assemblies in Venezuela. The saints had the pleasure of a visit from Ken and Esther Turkington, commended workers to Venezuela, in January. They enjoyed his ministry. The gospel was given in Spanish for a visitor as well.
Sherman: The assembly purposes to commence gospel meetings April 1 with Brandon Doll and Dan Shutt. If there are persons in the area that you would like to see contacted, please let the assembly know. Please also pray for God’s rich blessing.
Fridley: In late January, Robert Orr gave two nights of nourishing ministry from Romans 4-8 and 12.
Burwell: Jerry Jennings and Roy Weber held gospel meetings that began on January 14.
Marysville: Gospel meetings in January with Gaius Goff and Paul Ussher were well-attended. Many young people from the youth works in Arlington and Marysville, along with some adults, came nightly. Several teenagers professed faith in Christ. The believers are praying that others who have heard, and continue to hear the gospel, will soon come to Christ.
Blue River: Gospel meetings with Al Christopherson and Larry Steers were planned to commence on February 11.
Brodhead: Bill Lavery and William Skates purposed to start gospel meetings on February 11. Prayer is requested for the unsaved children of the Christians and other contacts.
Chihuahua: On December 31, several brethren shared their testimonies; a number of unsaved relatives were present. The believers were also encouraged to see a good group of Tarahumaras. They are an indigenous group from the Sierra, but several now live close to the hall. Although some of them do not understand Spanish, Gerardo, a brother in the assembly, is also Tarahumara and shared his testimony in his native language. During the first two weeks of January the assembly had daily prayer meetings, and then the last two weeks there were gospel meetings in Ciudad Delicias, an hour south of Chihuahua.
Hermosillo: After sitting under the sound of the gospel for several months in the new work in the north of the city, a lady came to understand that her emotional experiences in several religious groups over many years had not brought her salvation, but that salvation is found solely in Christ. Abisai Vieyra appreciated the help of men local to Hermosillo.
Guasave: During the first week of January Andrew Zuidema (Midland Park, NJ) and Oliver López from the assembly here held children’s meetings in a different area of the city. On the last day, the children and several parents were transported to the hall where the children received prizes and the parents heard the gospel preached.
Mazatlán: Believers from Guasave have been visiting this port city to preach the gospel, especially to the Sauceda family and other contacts. (The Saucedas are in fellowship in East Los Angeles, CA.) Children’s meetings were also held and Andrew Zuidema helped in this effort as well.
Santa Mónica: Each Wednesday, Miguel Mosquera has been sharing the Word of God with a family in this small town just outside the capital city Zacatecas. Roy and his wife Claudia have five children, and show an increasing interest in learning the truth. In December, calendars were delivered door-to-door, and Miguel is praying that a door will open for further preaching in this town.
San Luis Potosí
El Barril: Recently a sister was added to the fellowship, bringing joy to the believers. Construction of the new hall continues to progress. Shad Kember and Jason Wahls purpose to commence gospel meetings mid-February.
Irapuato: Ricky and Erika Sawatzky put a table with gospel literature in the local market weekly, reaching out to others with the gospel.
Zapopan: On January 9, the assembly celebrated its 9th anniversary, being thankful for God’s hand in preserving this lampstand. Between 60 and 70 children attend the Sunday school weekly, and the attendance at the gospel meeting is very encouraging.
Iguala: On January 1, a gospel series commenced in a tent located on one of the main avenues. Duncan Beckett and Shad Kember preached nightly, and then Timothy Stevenson joined Duncan later in January. Meetings continued into February with excellent attendance and evidence of God working.
Tuxpan: Timothy Stevenson recently visited this city to preach the gospel to around 20 people on a Saturday afternoon in one home, and then he shared the gospel the following morning in a different house.
Quintana Roo
Cancun: Timothy and Amy Stevenson enjoyed the help given by several visitors this year. Attendance at the meetings continues to be very encouraging.
Northern Ireland
Co. Antrim
Glarryford: John Rogers commenced a gospel series in the Ballywatermoy Gospel Hall, mid-January.
Kells: W. Fenton and A. Steele preached the gospel nightly in February with good attendance.
Glengormley: E. Fairfield and M. Radcliffe were expected in the gospel hall mid-February for a gospel series.
Co. Armagh
Lurgan: The assembly commenced gospel meetings on January 21 with J. Fleck and S. Gilfillan. Encouraging numbers were attending.
Middletown: M. Campbell and T. W. Wright had gospel meetings in the Drumnacanver Gospel Hall that commenced mid-January.
Newtownhamilton: N. Fleck and A. Nesbitt purpose to commence gospel meetings in the gospel hall in mid-February.
Co. Down
Ballymagarrick: During the early hours of Sunday morning, February 4, the gospel hall sustained a severe arson attack. The interior of this relatively new building was extensively damaged by fire and smoke. The hall will be unusable for a number of months.
Kilkeel: In early February, S. Nelson and A. Wilson were still preaching the gospel in a series that commenced in the beginning of January.
Newtownards: In early February, D. McAllister and D. Strahan were continuing their gospel series in the James Street Gospel Hall.
Annalong: The assembly in Annalong purposed to have D. Gilliland and J. Rogers in mid-February for a gospel series.
Belfast: In early February E. Fairfield and M. Radcliffe were preaching the gospel in Edenderry Village, a small community in the suburbs.
Co. Tyrone
Newtownstewart: W. Martin and G. Woods preached the gospel, starting in mid-January, in the gospel hall with some visitors attending.
Co. Londonderry
Limavady: A. Caldwell and W. Martin had six weeks of gospel meetings at the end of 2017 in a portable hall on the outskirts of town. They had the joy of hearing that a woman professed salvation.
Magherafelt: J. Fleck and D. Strahan had five weeks of gospel meetings in November and December in a unused shop in the town. A good number from the area attended.
Republic of Ireland
Co. Dublin
Rathmines: The assembly appreciated a visit by Dan Rudge (UK) for the annual Thanksgiving meeting in January, followed by three nights of ministry from the book of James. David Gilliland also gave ministry considering “Glimpses of the Savior” in the early chapters of Luke. The assembly looks forward to a short series of gospel meetings conducted by Jack Hay (Scotland) and a day with Paul Kissick at the end of February and beginning of March. Prayer is also requested for The Bible Exhibition to be held.
Mt. Sterling, WI
March 23-25, subject “Priesthood,” Mark Sweetnam, John Meekin, David Peterson, and William Skates will open the readings. Lodging: Richard Dudgeon,, 608 734-3639, or Wayne Granzow,, 608 874-4670.
Kapuskasing, ON
March 30-April 1, Easter Conference. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7:30pm in the gospel hall, 154 Mill Street. The following meetings are in the Kapuskasing & District High School, 61 Devonshire Street. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am, 2pm and 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Accom: Gerald Labelle, Tel: 705 335-3712; E-mail:
Toronto, ON
March 30-31, in Le Parc Conference Centre, 8432 Leslie St., Thornhill. Meetings on Friday and Saturday at 10am, 1:30pm, 3:45pm and 7pm. Prayer/Ministry meeting on Thursday, March 29 at 7:30pm in the Langstaff Gospel Hall, 1300 Langstaff Rd. Expected speakers: Jonathan Black, Clive Barber, Blair Martin, Dan Shutt, and Shawn St. Clair. Corr. Ian Margerison, 3 Hill Top Trail, Stouffville, ON, L4A 3G7, Tel: 647 291-8831; E-mail, and Randy Marisette, 30 Fieldview Cres., Markham, ON, L3R 3H7, Tel: 905 475-7919; E-mail:
Antioch, IA
April 1, in the gospel hall, 18929 Vail Ave., Clarksville, IA. Ministry 10am, Breaking of Bread 11am, Sunday school 1:15pm, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Lunch and supper will be served. Corr: John Wessels, Tel: 319 269-3493; E-mail:, or Eugene Jacobs, Tel: 319 483-8120, or Randy Hinders, Tel: 319 213-7578.
Cedar Falls/Waterloo, IA
April 14-15, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, April 13, at 7pm in the Cedar Falls Gospel Hall, 1302 Walnut Street, Cedar Falls, IA. All other meetings are in the Cedar Falls High School, 1015 Division Street, Cedar Falls, IA. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9am (Matthew 26:30-46), Breaking of Bread 10:15am, Ministry 2pm. Corr: Waterloo: Delmer Stickfort, 317 N. 3rd Street, Raymond, IA 50667, Tel: 319 235-7452, or Cedar Falls: Mike Palmer, 18502 X Avenue, Dike, IA 50624, Tel: 319 989-0869; E-mail:
Cumberland, MD
May 19-20, with Prayer Meeting Friday, May 18 at 7:30pm in the Cumberland Gospel Hall, 700 E. First St. All other meetings at South Penn Elementary School, 500 E. Second St. First meeting Saturday 10am. Contact: Tim Harrison, Tel: 301 707-0828 or Harold Harrison, Tel: 301 707-1154; E-mail:
Conferences Previously Published:
Cambridge, ON – March 2-4
Matoaca, VA – March 3-4
Turlock, CA – March 10-11
Manchester, CT – March 24-25
Nineveh, NS – March 31-April 1
Stout, IA – April 7-8
Mary Ruth Boies of East Aurora, NY on August 22, 2017, age 86. She was born in Akron, Ohio on November 21, 1930. While in nurse’s training she was led to the Lord by her dear friend on May 18, 1951. She later married David Boies of East Aurora. She was faithful to her husband of 60 years and her children Debbie (Stoehr), Dan, and late daughter Beth (Coleman), and their families. She was steadfast to the assembly and served with her hospitality to other saints. The funeral was taken by Lorne Langfeld, who used her own Bible with verses that she had highlighted to give a very touching gospel message. Frank Sona gave words of encouragement at the graveside by reminding us that “she is not here,” but with her beloved Savior. Please pray for her sister and other family members who need to know the Lord.
Bertha Payne of Gander, NL (formerly of Parson’s Pond, NL) on November 5, 2017, age 88. She was saved in 1961 when the MGM (Missionary Gospel Messenger) boat travelled along the shores of Newfoundland. At that time Gaius Goff and Herb Harris were joined by George Campbell in the preaching of the gospel. Bertha and her husband, Ellis, who predeceased her, later re-located to a house right next door to the Gospel Hall in Parson’s Pond and were very faithful in attending all assembly meetings. Their home was always open to the Lord’s people and they were eternally blessed by seeing their three sons and their daughter saved. All four children and their spouses are in assembly fellowship. The funeral was taken by her son, Sterling Payne, and Gaius Goff. She is survived by her three sons and daughter, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
Reg Lawson of Welland, ON on December 1, 2017, age 89. Our brother was raised near Grimsby, ON where he heard the gospel in school house meetings and was awakened by Hosea 10:12, “It is time to seek the Lord.” In October 1952, at the age of 24, knowing God cannot lie, he rested in the promise in John 6:47, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me, hath everlasting life.” Reg soon came into the fellowship in Grimsby, where he and his wife Rose lived for several years. In 1969, the Lawson family moved to Welland, where they have remained. Reg was a respected elder, with a deep knowledge of the Scriptures. His son-in-law Bruce Rodgers, spoke a word in the gospel at his funeral, and his grandson, Justin Pratt spoke at the graveside.
Elsie Docherty of London, ON on January 4, 2018, age 91. Her husband, Dick, was in the hospital and was saved through reading a Gideon Bible in the desk drawer. When he came home, Elsie saw such a change in him that she started reading the Bible and was subsequently saved. During the time she was attending a denomination and singing in the choir, Dick continued reading the Bible and learned of sisters wearing head coverings. Elsie soon was the only woman in the choir wearing a hat and someone remarked that there was another man, George Patterson, who believed the same things she and Dick did. He told George of this couple and in 1969, they were both received into the assembly in London where she continued on faithfully until she was called home. Her son, Robert, and Ross Parker spoke at the funeral service.
William (Bill Willie) Lennox of Peterborough, ON/ Toomebridge, N. Ireland on January 8, 2018, age 91. William and his fiancée Ada Kissick came to Canada in 1948. They were married in 1950, and blessed with three sons and one daughter. In 1956, Ada was saved in gospel meetings with Albert Joyce and Harold Paisley in the Pape Avenue assembly. Her testimony spoke to William and he also came to the Savior. William was a man of prayer and a student of the Word. He was in the Pape Avenue, West Hill, Oshawa, Peterborough, and Tampa assembles. His final weeks were spent at home in N. Ireland, where he suddenly took ill. With his face beaming, he said, “I am ready and I’m going home.” The funeral took place in N. Ireland. His nephew, Andrew Campbell, preached the gospel and offered words of encouragement at the grave. Pray for the family.
Lois McNamara of Fridley, MN on Jan. 9, 2018, age 83. She was saved Nov. 15, 1973 through the truth of Romans 10:13 and was in fellowship at the Fridley assembly until cancer called her home. Eric McCullough had the privilege of speaking to a large company of unsaved at the funeral service.
Gordon Brodie of London, ON on January 14, 2018, age 87. He was born in Niagara Falls, ON, and attended the Sunday school there. His Sunday school teacher, Charles Pinches, left a lasting impression on Gordon, who turned away from the gospel and into the world. Years later he returned to the hall in Niagara Falls just when gospel meetings were in progress. The Lord spoke to him, and James N. Smith, who later became his brother-in-law, pointed Gordon to Christ. Gordon was an esteemed elder who gave heart-warming ministry and preached the gospel faithfully. His wife Ruth, of 63 years, lovingly cared for him until his home-call. Their son Philip, and son-in-laws, Marcel Giraldi and Colin Reynolds, recapped his life of service to the Lord. Ross Parker preached the gospel and the committal service was taken by their grandson, Andrew Giraldi.
Harold Stickfort of Dunkerton, IA on January 18, 2018, age 89. He was saved August 17, 1948, during tent meetings being held in Cedar Falls by Paul Elliott and Oliver Smith. After being shown 2 Corinthians 4:3 followed by Luke 19:10, the light of the glorious gospel shone into his darkened heart and he took in the message. Harold was a faithful witness, including street preaching and the local gospel meetings. He was also an esteemed teacher and overseer, first at the Western Avenue assembly in Waterloo, and later in Dunkerton, when the assembly was formed in 1976. He is survived by his wife Grace, three sons, one daughter, 17 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, and was predeceased by one daughter and one grandson. His son Dennis and Robert Orr shared the service in the Dunkerton Hall with Russ Nesbit speaking at the grave.
Abraham Bontreger of Beetown, WI on January 20, 2018, age 93. Born to Amish parents in Lady Smith, WI on February 1, 1924, the family moved to North Dakota six years later. In the summer of 1943 while listening to gospel preaching on the radio, Abe trusted Christ as his Savior. He was later received into fellowship in the assembly at Valley City, ND. In 1961, the family moved to Indiana, but 10 years later moved to the Beetown area. They returned to Indiana in 1985 but went back to Wisconsin in 2000 to retire. Abe held his Lord and Savior in very high esteem. He spent much time reading his Bible and memorizing a portion of the New Testament. He was loved by his fellow saints and faithfully witnessed to the unsaved around him. Joel Frazier and Joseph Wagar conducted the funeral service. Prayer is requested for unsaved relatives.
George McDonald of Gore Bay, ON on January 20, 2018, age 96. He passed into the presence of his Savior and Lord at the Manitoulin Health Centre in Mindemoya. George was the last of the original members of the Gore Bay assembly on Manitoulin Island and will be greatly missed. He and his wife Lois were faithful and active members of the assembly and were always welcoming to friends and strangers.
A very useful tool for the gospel is available on the Pennsauken Gospel Hall website ( Dr. Higgins organized a series of messages covering major gospel truths (including, among others, the Fall, the Cross, Redemption, and Assurance). Antonio Becerra handled the recording of these messages at the Barrington Gospel Hall where a number of visiting preachers spoke for approximately 10 minutes each on these topics. If you direct someone with questions to the web site, they need only click on the “Journey to Eternity” hypertext to access these messages. This is a valuable tool for those with questions, those who cannot attend meetings, or even those who refuse to attend but would be willing to listen to a message in their own home.