The 19th century saw the raising up of a large number of believers who have given us hymns of matchless worth, expressing the glories of Christ and the truth of the Word of God. We would like to encourage believers to submit hymns that they have written. It is understood that if they are used by individuals or assemblies, no changes will be made to them.
Jesus, Savior of My Soul
David Petterson
Tunes: Nailed Upon Golgotha’s Tree, Simply Trusting Every Day (
Jesus, Savior of my soul,
Broken, You have made me whole;
Life eternal did secure
By Your sacrifice so pure.
There made sin were You for us
Giving God’s own righteousness.
On the cross my Savior see
Bleeding, dying there for me.
Jesus, Savior of my soul
All my sins away did roll.
God will not remember one;
They were placed on You, His Son.
Darkness did engulf You there,
Patiently my sins did bear.
On the cross my Savior see
Making payment, Lord, for me.
Jesus, Savior of my soul
Filled with joy, Your name extol.
You have conquered every foe,
All above and all below;
Crushed the serpent’s mighty head,
Triumphing among the dead.
On the cross my Savior see
Gaining victory for me.
Jesus, Savior of my soul
Of my life, take full control.
Every rival of my heart
Tear them, Lord, from me apart.
None so worthy as my Lord
To be everywhere adored.
On the cross my Savior see,
Christ the Lord my all must be.