The 19th century saw the raising up of a large number of believers who have given us hymns of matchless worth, expressing the glories of Christ and the truth of the Word of God. We would like to encourage believers to submit hymns that they have written. It is understood that if they are used by individuals or assemblies, no changes will be made to them.
Isaiah 53
Lindsay Parks
Tune: Hallelujah! It’s Done (Modified)
Alt. Tune: Immortal, Invisible.
God’s Servant, the Savior, came down from above
To show us the Father, to teach us His love;
These beauties in Jesus our eyes could not see;
Despised and rejected by sinners was He.
For we are like sheep; we have all gone astray;
As sinners, we willfully chose our own way;
We needed a Lamb as the prophets foretell
To bear our transgressions and save us from hell.
Sin’s debt was exacted, but we could not pay;
Yet, righteously God in His love planned a way:
The sinless One willingly died for the sin
Of those who had willfully sinned against Him!
Oppressed and afflicted by sin-hardened men,
Who mocked Him and scourged Him and smote Him again,
Almighty, defenseless (what gracious restraint!),
The Lamb stood in silence without a complaint.
For all my transgressions God wounded the Lamb;
He bruised Him, and crushed Him for all that I am.
Christ poured out His soul; He was offered for sin
And stood in the judgment where I should have been.
The Lamb is exalted; the battle is won;
God’s righteous demands have been met by His Son,
Who died and was buried, then rose from the grave,
And now this same Jesus stands ready to save!