New Works
Westmorland, CA, USA
From John Clingen: It has been two years since we first visited the small southern California town of Westmorland to meet with a group of ladies who had a genuine desire to study the Bible and to discover its truth. We continued studying with them on Tuesday mornings and soon added a Thursday evening gospel meeting so their families could attend. In January of 2016, we began meeting on Sunday mornings for some teaching and started a class for children as well. As the work has progressed, 11 people have professed faith in Christ, of which eight have been baptized. It was evident that God was forming a local church in that little town and we gathered, for the first time, to break bread as the Lord commanded on January 8, 2017. Please pray for Westmorland as these believers continue to grow and reach out in their local community to tell others of Christ.
Monterrey, Nuevo León
Monterrey, located about two hours south of Reynosa, Texas, is a very large metropolitan area with well over four million souls. Early in 2016, Anderson and María Eugenia Hernández moved from Chihuahua, Chihuahua to commence a gospel work in this needy city. They had been commended to the work of the Lord in 2014 by the assembly in Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, with a specific exercise to work in the north of Mexico. There were several contacts living in Monterrey at the time, some from the El Barril, San Luis Potosí area. House meetings were held, tracts were handed out, and a children’s work was commenced in their neighborhood. After a few months, they were able to rent a hall and hold regular gospel meetings. In December 2016, Abisai and Carmen Vieyra moved from Iguala to help in the work, and a Seed Sower effort was also held. Gospel meetings continued into February with some blessing. Please continue to pray for this very needy city, and the eventual establishment of an assembly here.
British Columbia
Kamloops: Please pray for gospel meetings planned for March 26 to April 9 with Bryon Myers and David McKillan.
Vancouver: Gospel meetings which commenced on February 19 with Leslie Craig and Jon Procopio in Victoria Drive continued into their third week with good attendance. Please continue to pray.
Westbank: As of March 6, the meetings continued into the third week with Marvin Derksen and David McKillan. There has been a little blessing and some continuing interest.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Charlottetown: Gospel meetings from February 12-26 with David and Gordon Swan were encouraging to the assembly. Though the interest was not consistent, some unsaved were in who had never heard the Gospel.
English Point: John Meeken and Brody Thibodeau began gospel meetings with the assembly on February 5. Good numbers were in each night, some for the first time, as the meetings continue. Please pray for many that are not saved.
Kirkland Lake: Gaius Goff had gospel meetings in the last week of February to keep in touch with contacts. He was on his way to Newfoundland.
North Bay: Lorne Langfeld was with the Nipissing Junction assembly for the Sunday school treat on February 12, then continued in children’s meetings the following week. The brethren also continue one night a week with a young people’s outreach in Mattawa.
Toronto: The Lansing assembly plans to recognize 100 years of children’s work in the Willowdale area with a reunion event in October, Lord willing. The purpose is to reconnect with former students, attract new students, and encourage youth workers and the assembly to continue steadfastly in this good work. With the hope of compiling an accurate history of the work, any historical information worth contributing (including pictures) would be happily received. Please email Sarah Watson at, or use the contact form. Additional details will be provided at a later date. Your prayers that the Lord will bless this effort will be valued.
Windsor: Gary Sharp and Peter Ramsay conducted three weeks of well-attended gospel meetings in February. One week was in the Student Centre of the University of Windsor, followed by two weeks in the gospel hall. The Lord blessed in salvation during the final week, and many others heard God’s way of salvation made plain and preached with power.
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown: The assembly was encouraged by a week of ministry from John Meekin in January.
Glen Ewen: The assembly had three weeks of good gospel meetings with Allen Smith of Scotland, and is looking to God to bless the Word which was faithfully preached. A week of ministry earlier from Jack Hay of Scotland was also appreciated.
Waianae: Bryon Myers was with the assembly here for gospel meetings from February 12-26. Though there was little response from the community, the assembly was encouraged and fellowship enjoyed.
Ankeny: The assembly appreciated recent Lord’s Day visits from Robert Orr, Frank Sona, and Joel Portman. Brother Sona stayed an extra night for ministry. A one-day conference is planned for Saturday, May 6 in an auditorium at the Ankeny Christian Academy near the hall. The assembly will appreciate the fellowship of all who are able to attend.
Postville: The gospel meetings with Raul Aguirre and Jeffrey Saword closed on March 1 after two-and-a-half weeks. The assembly was encouraged with blessing in salvation.
Battle Creek: The saints appreciated a visit, report, and ministry from Alan Turkington from Venezuela, both before and after the Jackson, MI conference. In addition, several from the assembly were able to help with a large shipment of food and medications from Florida to Venezuela with donations from both the Jackson and Battle Creek assemblies.
Ferndale: In February, the assembly enjoyed several nights of Christ-exalting ministry from Frank Sona.
Fridley: On a fairly regular basis for the last two years or so, cottage meetings have been held one or two weeks at a time in the St. Cloud, MN area. Recent meetings held in February generated good interest with further plans to continue visits. Robert Orr and Jerry Jennings were the speakers.
Grant’s Pass: Gospel meetings began on March 12 with Jerry Jennings. Please pray for the Lord’s blessing in salvation.
Beetown: The assembly was recently encouraged when a young brother was received into assembly fellowship.
Black Earth: The third Wisconsin Winter Bible Reading on 2 Thessalonians was held on February 26. Kevin Doskocil led the discussion with brethren from five assemblies participating. The teaching on how to treat fellow believers with love and care in problematic situations was practical and challenging.
Ciudad Obregón: The assembly had the privilege of convening its first conference in February, with encouraging attendance. Believers from Veracruz, El Vergel, Santiago Ixcuintla, San Luis Río Colorado, Guasave and Hermosillo were present. Those who helped in the ministry of the Word and the gospel were Jesse Klein, Duncan Beckett, John Dennison, Timothy Woodford and Marcus Cain.
Chihuahua: The assembly had the joy of receiving a sister back into fellowship after she had been in her native country for the last eight years. A family from the assembly in Nezahualcóyotl recently moved here as well, and has been helping in assembly activities. Please continue to remember the weekly radio program on Fridays in your prayers.
Nuevo Leon
Monterrey: Anderson Hernández and Abisai Vieyra closed the gospel series after six weeks, with some blessing in salvation. They appreciated Tim Woodford’s visit in February when he helped with teaching and in the gospel.
Guasave: Two brethren from the assembly had the privilege of preaching the gospel at a funeral in Mazatlan, three hours south. Martha, whose daughter is in fellowship in Guasave, had professed to be saved in October 2014, and was called home. Believers from Hermosillo and Ciudad Obregón were passing through Mazatlan on their way to the conference in Santiago and were able to attend as well. Pray for the needy city of Mazatlan where believers from several areas have unsaved contacts.
Santiago Ixcuintla: Several brethren gave appreciated help in the ministry and gospel during the annual conference held in February.
State of Mexico
Nezahualcóyotl: The assembly rejoiced at the reception of three believers into the fellowship.
Iguala: After six weeks, the gospel series held in a tent came to an end. Duncan Beckett appreciated the help given by Jorge and Andrew Gómez (Morón, Venezuela). More than 50 new contacts attended during the series and God blessed in salvation.
Quintana Roo
Cancun: Timothy Turkington continued into March in the series that commenced in December, appreciating Shad Kember’s help. God has been blessing in salvation, and your prayers are appreciated for the growth of this work.
Culver City, CA
April 14-16, with Prayer meeting on Friday, April 14 at 7:30pm at the Culver City Gospel Hall, 11138 Venice Blvd., Culver City, CA. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am (John 21), Ministry/.Gospel 2-5pm; Hymn sing 7:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Children’s meeting 1:30pm, Gospel 2pm, Ministry 2:30-5pm. Expected speakers: A. J. Higgins, Tom Baker, John Fitzpatrick, Marcus Cain, and Glen Baker. Contact: Martin Baghramian, Tel: 310 541-7694, E-mail:
Gander, NL
April 14-16, Easter Conference in the gospel hall, 125 Magee Road, Gander, NL. Friday: Prayer meeting 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry begins at 10:30am. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am. Accom: Kevin March, Tel: 709 256-4723. E-mail:; or Vincent Whey. Tel: 709 256-2492, E-mail:
Waukesha, WI
April 22-23, in the Gospel Hall, 2641 Pebble Valley Rd. Friday, April 21: Prayer meeting 7pm. Saturday: Ministry begins at 10am. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am. Contact: John Orr, Tel: 262 227-1400, E-mail:; or Cory Peppler, Tel: 262 844-6287, or E-mail:
Toronto, ON
May 12-14, Langstaff Missionary Conference. Expected speakers are: Robert Armstrong (Tanzania), Jonathan Black (London, England), Byrnell Foreshew (Panama), Enri Nase (Albania), and Craig Saword (El Salvador). Accom: Irving Payne, Tel: 905 773-3822, E-mail: For more information, visit
Cumberland, Maryland
May 20-21, with Prayer meeting Friday, May 19 at 7:30pm in the Cumberland Gospel Hall, 700 E. First St. All other meetings at South Penn Elem. School, 500 E. Second St. First meeting Saturday 10am. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am. Contact: Harold Harrison, Tel: 301 689-2432; or Tim Harrison, Tel: 301 689-0152, or E-mail: for directions, accommodations, or local hotel numbers.
Ottawa, ON
May 19-21, in the Richelieu-Vanier Community Centre, 300 Des Pères-Blancs, Ottawa; Tel: 613 580-2424. Friday: Prayer meeting 7:30pm (Gospel Hall). Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9am (John 17), Breaking of Bread 10:30am; Open Sunday school 1pm, Prayer/Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Please give advance notice if possible for meal and accommodation planning to Colin Meaklim, Tel: 613 730-7410, E-mail:
Prince Edward Island
May 20-21, The Island Conference at the Bluefield High School in Hampshire as in past years. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Bible study 8:30am, Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school 1pm, Prayer/Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Accom: Philip Collicutt, Tel: 902 940-7560, E-mail: Corr. Glen McKenna, Tel: 902 888-8849, or Brian MacDonald Tel: 902 566-3831.
Hickory/Denver, NC
May 26-28, in the Gospel Hall, 253 17th Ave NE, Hickory, NC. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7:30pm; Saturday: First ministry meeting at 10:30am; Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am. Speakers expected: Jim McMaster, Shad Kember, Jr., David Vallance, and David Petterson. Contact: Philip Moore, Tel: 828 244-8329, E-mail:; or David Turnbull, Tel: 828 218-2417, E-mail:
Bancroft, ON
June 3, in the Lakeview Gospel Hall, 644 Maxwell Settlement Rd. Bible Reading 10am, Ministry 2 and 7pm. Corr: Mark Freymond, 39 Shannick Rd., Bancroft, ON, K0L 1C0; Tel: 613 332-4317.
Saugus, MA
June 3-4, with Prayer Meeting, Friday, June 2 at 7:30pm. Subject and speakers to be announced. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am and 2pm, Gospel 4:45pm. Lunch and dinner will be served. Corr: Tony Grillo, Email:
North Bay, ON
June 10-11, in Nipissing Junction Gospel Hall, 1340 Lakeshore Drive. Friday, June 9: Prayer 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am (Overcoming Fear/Anxiety), Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Bible Reading 11:30am (Overcoming Fear/Anxiety), Gospel 4:30pm. Contact: Glenn Pratt, E-mail:
Conferences Previously Published:
Antioch, IA – April 2
Manchester, CT – April 8-9
Stout, IA – April 8-9
Cedar Falls/Waterloo, IA – April 15-16
Kapuskasing, ON – April 14-16
Nineveh, NS – April 15-16
Toronto, ON – April 14 -16
Vancouver, BC – April 14-16
Newmarket, ON – May 7
Change in Meeting Times
Hitesville, IA: Gospel meeting time is now 6:30pm each Lord’s Day.
David M. Boies of East Aurora, NY, on September 8, 2016, passed into the presence of his beloved Lord. He was born on June 19, 1932 and was saved in the summer of 1947 during meetings with Lorne McBain and William Warke. He served as an elder in the East Aurora assembly for many years. His help and leadership are greatly missed. After retiring from dairy farming, he helped with building numerous gospel halls. Using his “farmer’s ingenuity,” he designed and built the machines for framing and assembling Scripture texts which were made and distributed with the help of many other Christians. He and his wife, Mary Ruth, loyally supported every assembly meeting, and loved to entertain the Lord’s servants and other visiting Christians. The funeral service was taken by William Seale, Jr., with Alex Dryburgh speaking at the graveside. Memories of his life were shared by his grandson, Mark Stoehr.
Elizabeth Boies Coleman of East Aurora, NY, on September 14, 2016, went home to be with her Lord. She was born on June 18, 1964, and was saved in her early teens at the Cleveland, Ohio conference. Beth had a long battle with cancer and was restored to the assembly during this struggle. She was gifted with a lovely voice which is truly missed. She designed and printed hymn sheets for the assembly outreach hymn sing at a local nursing home. Beth also had a burden to pray for many friends and relatives. The funeral and graveside services were taken by Murray McCandless, with memories of her life shared by her nephew, Peter Stoehr. The family sincerely appreciated all the outpouring of love and prayers during this difficult time.
Miss Violet Cairns of Charlottetown, PE, on November 29, 2016, in her 85th year, went home to be with her Lord from the Beach Grove Home where she had been a resident for the past few years. Violet was saved as a young lady and was stricken about that time with polio which limited her ability in later years to get out to meetings. Violet was always a joy and encouragement to all who visited her. She will be greatly missed by all who knew her. The large funeral was a testimony to the high esteem in which she was held. The funeral service was taken by Peter Ramsay and Robert McIlwaine. She is survived by a number of brothers and sisters.
Daisy Kerr of Wallaceburg, ON, on February 18, 2017, age 64. Born the daughter of the late Clarence and Elsie Kerr on June 4, 1952, Daisy suffered meningitis before the age of two. With the immense patience and love of her mother, she learned to function amazingly well for her capacity. Daisy was saved in her teens, baptized and added to the fellowship of the assembly in Wallaceburg where she was dearly loved and an encouragement. She loved the Lord, knew her Bible well, and loved to sing. After her parent’s death, she enjoyed the Christian atmosphere of Elim Homes in Waubaushene, ON for seven years. For the next three years, she resided at Bethany Lodge in Unionville, ON, and then in January 2017 was able to move to a rest home in Chatham, ON to be closer to her family and home assembly. William Metcalf spoke words of comfort and in the gospel at her well-attended funeral. She leaves one sister, Eva, three brothers, Dan, David and Charles; and several nieces and nephews, to feel her loss.