Calgary: The assembly reported an excellent conference, geared toward younger believers, at the end of October with Kyle Fairfield and Steve Meyers. Subjects: Why deal with Failure: Drugs and Alcohol; Bitter, Disillusioned and Paralyzed; Fornication and Adultery; Lust, Pornography and Sex Addictions; Victory.
British Columbia
Kamloops: The saints enjoyed ministry from Alan Smith (Scotland) for four nights and a Lord’s Day during the first week of October.
Richmond: The West Richmond assembly had Pete Smith for children’s meetings October 16-20. There were 44-50 children and many parents present each night. Prior to this encouraging effort, brother Smith visited the Deep Cove, North Vancouver, and Fairview assemblies, each for one night of ministry.
Vancouver: Please pray for gospel meeting with David Hunt and Larry Steers, which began on November 6 in the Fairview Gospel Hall.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Gander Bay: The saints enjoyed a visit with profitable ministry from David Swan and his wife on October 19. On October 26, Doug Yade and his wife paid a visit, and Doug gave a practical, much-appreciated night of ministry on the book of Ruth and “Chapters of our Lives.”
L’Anse au Loup: The annual conference, October 14-16, was encouraging. Brethren taking part in ministry and gospel were Wallace Buckle, Marvin Derksen, Edward Dredge, Alex Dryburgh, David Hierlihy, Murray McCandless, Max McLean, Paul Robinson, David Swan, and Douglas Yade. Our esteemed brother, Mr. Bert Joyce was present for the conference again this year which was an encouragement to all. Max McLean gave a report of the work in the Ukraine on Tuesday; Alex Dryburgh and Wallace Buckle shared in ministry in English Point on Wednesday.
Nova Scotia
Pugwash Junction: The assembly held a series of gospel meetings during the month of October with Eric Fowler and a local brother, Matthew Russell. There were unsaved in each night. Some international students who are studying at local schools attended on several occasions. The assembly now looks to the Lord to bless in salvation, as the Word was faithfully proclaimed.
Clinton: The saints appreciated their one-day fall conference. Profitable Bible readings on Colossians 3 and helpful ministry were shared by Bryan Joyce, Andrew Robertson, and Bert Snippe. The assembly is happy to report the salvation of several of the Christian’s children and are praying that the Sunday School Treat in December will be a blessing to both parents and children.
Lake Shore: Al Christopherson and Jason Younan began gospel meetings here on October 30.
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown: A four-week series of gospel meetings during the month of October with David Hunt and John Meekin produced good interest and encouragement with two professions of faith in Christ.
Terryville: The annual October conference meetings were shared by Walter Gustafson, David Peterson, Stanley Wells, and John See. A good number attended the hymn sing at the hall on Saturday evening.
Ankeny: In October, the assembly appreciated help on a Sunday from Duncan Dunshire with ministry on John 16, and then conversational Bible Readings for the next three nights, also on John 16.
Marion: Gospel meetings with Brandon Doll and Brody Thibodeau continue into week six as of November 6.
Saugus: The gospel series with Dan Shutt and David Petterson concluded on October 28 after three weeks of faithful and solemn gospel preaching. There was encouragement with the attendance of men and women from the rehab centers on some nights. On December 11, DV, the community will be invited to the gospel meeting to hear of the reason and meaning of Christ’s coming into the world. Refreshments will follow to provide opportunity for further conversation. There has been a good response in the past.
Battle Creek: The assembly was encouraged with ministry from Dan Shutt and William Lavery.
Cass City: The assembly appreciated a night of ministry from Bill Lavery who was visiting in Michigan.
Deckerville: Bill Metcalf visited in October for a Lord’s Day. The ministry was very encouraging, uplifting to the saints, and appreciated.
Fridley: The assembly has rejoiced recently in the restoration and reception back into fellowship of three saints, two this month and one earlier this summer. Also, Robert Orr visited one weekend in October, followed by further visits to Hinckley and Willmar, Minnesota.
Crandon: The assembly appreciated the ministry given at the conference October 15-16 by Jim Beattie, Russell Coleman, Bob MacLeod, Jack Coleman, and Phillip Moore.
Arlington: Gospel meetings which commenced October 23 with Tom Baker and Isaac Frazier were continuing into the first week of November at last report. The meetings were well attended by those from the area, and the saints are diligent in inviting their neighbors. The Lord has wonderfully blessed in salvation.
Marysville: The assembly enjoyed two nights of ministry from Ecclesiastes 1 and 2 with Stuart Thompson, October 4-5. On October 18-22, many believers from Arlington and Clearview assemblies joined us for challenging ministry with Dr. Sandy Higgins regarding Four Teens Who Turned the Tide of History – Joseph, David, Daniel, and Mary. Please pray for gospel meetings planned for January 15-29 with Dale Vitale and David Hierlihy.
West Virginia
New Creek: Robert Surgenor, in his 89th year, held gospel meetings during September and October, with blessing in salvation. The assembly hopes to baptize a few people later this year.
Beetown: The assembly held an all-day meeting on November 13. Part of the afternoon session was a brief commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the assembly which first broke bread October 26, 1926.
Mt. Sterling: The prison work continues in its ninth year, with a two-hour Bible study each Tuesday night with six to 10 men usually attending. About half of the men profess salvation, so different subjects are covered, but the gospel is the primary focus. Every third Saturday there is a gospel meeting with 30 to 50 attending.
Nuevo Leon
Monterrey: Anderson and Mariu Hernandez enjoyed two visits in October. Ross Vanstone gave teaching from God’s Word and some logistical help regarding the upcoming Seed Sower effort in late December. Abisai and Carmen Vieyra also visited in October with a view to their move to the city early in December.
Hermosillo: The assembly enjoyed helpful teaching on different relationships by Dr. Sandy Higgins over a period of five days in October. It was encouraging to see a good number of believers from the assembly in Obregon make the six-hour round-trip for the four Saturday sessions.
Guasave: John Dennison spent four nights with the saints giving edifying ministry on the local church, touching the themes of: formation, reception, and participation of believers.
Irapuato: During the month of October, the brethren in the work here were involved in two efforts to deliver tracts in the neighborhood where the hall is located. Ricky and Erika Sawatsky have also commenced a monthly effort focusing on the youth in this city and their need to hear the gospel.
Puerto Vallarta: The Coapinole assembly appreciated Harrys Rodriguez’s visit for three nights in October when he spoke on trials and contentment in the believer’s life, as well as the devices of the devil and the Christian’s required weaponry in this battle.
Zapopan: Duncan Beckett joined Paul Thiessen for four weeks of gospel meetings which finished on November 6. The attendance was very encouraging. Two believers were baptized on the last Lord’s Day of October, bringing additional encouragement to the assembly.
Zamora: The assembly appreciated a brief visit from Harrys Rodriguez when he spoke on perseverance in the Christian life. Please remember in prayer the different outreach works in which the assembly is involved, especially Los Reyes and La Purísima. In both places, there are several baptized believers with a desire to gather together in the Lord’s Name as an assembly.
Oacalco: On October 12, two brothers and two sisters obeyed the Lord in baptism. Duncan Beckett and Abisai Vieyra were encouraged with the good number of unsaved relatives present to hear the gospel for the first time.
Veracruz: A married couple who lives in Cotaxtla, about an hour east of this port city, was received into fellowship recently. Please continue to pray for the weekly work in Cotaxtla.
El Hatito: On October 8, the believers from the city of Veracruz delivered 2000 texts in this small village, followed by two weeks of well-attended gospel meetings.
Quintana Roo
Cancun: The believers appreciated a short visit from Marcus and Alison Cain, when he shared several messages from the life of Job. Remember in your prayers the planned Seed Sower effort beginning in December, to be followed by a gospel series.
Northern Ireland
Co. Antrim
Eden: The Sandringham assembly had two weeks of gospel meetings in an outreach hall in this village. R. Eadie and T. Meekin faithfully preached the gospel.
Ballyclare: J. Rogers and A. Steele commenced on October 23 in the Gospel Hall. Good interest and attendance has been seen in these early weeks.
Ballymoney: The assembly rented the local town hall for meetings during October. L. Craig and P. McClarty were responsible to preach the gospel.
Co. Armagh
Kilmore: B. Currie and J. Palmer are having a gospel series in the Kilmore Gospel hall
Tassagh: D. Straghan and M. Turkington are preaching in this South Armagh Gospel Hall.
Co. Down
Castlewellan: During September, D. Gilliland and J. Rogers had four weeks of gospel meetings in a portable hall. A number of local people and quite a few connected to the believers heard the gospel.
Belfast and District: The Belfast Conference conveners arranged six nights of gospel meetings in the Spires Centre, a large venue in Belfast City centre. Belfast assemblies worked together to pray and to distribute thousands of gospel tracts and invitations. Many unsaved attended and heard the gospel clearly presented by J. Rogers and D. Gilliland.
Newtownbreda: The assembly had four weeks of gospel meetings in the hall during September with P. McCauley and D. Williamson.
Derriaghy: A series of gospel meetings is ongoing in the new Gospel Hall, with some local interest. W. Martin and J. Fleck are preaching.
Bloomfield: In September, W. Fenton and A. Steele had three weeks of gospel meetings in the Gospel Hall. This was brother Steele’s first series since leaving his full-time employment to serve the Lord in gospel activity. Quite a number of local people attended, especially young teenagers from the district.
Co. Londonderry
Moneymore: The Quilly assembly commenced gospel meetings on October 30 with D. McAllister and D. Gilliland.
Co. Tyrone
Lungs: S. Gilfillan had four weeks of gospel meetings in the Corrick House Hotel, with a measure of interest.
Strabane: D. McGarvey is expected to commence in the gospel in mid-November.
Monrovia/Downie, CA
December 31-January 1, with prayer on December 30. Primarily a Bible study format on the book of 2 Peter, with sessions led by Sandy Higgins and Kyle Wilson. For accommodations, contact Reuben Thropay, Tel: 626 826-8777, or E-mail:
DeLand, FL
February 3-5, in the Gospel Hall, 109 E. Rosehill Ave., east off N. Woodland Blvd. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7pm, Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 4pm, Bible Reading 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Bible Reading 2pm, Ministry 4pm, Gospel 7pm. Bible Readings: Ephesians 1 and 6. Lord willing, there will be a few speakers in Spanish and four nights of ministry following the conference from Tuesday, February 7 through Friday, February 10. Corr: Fred King, 215 Lake Talmadge Rd., DeLand, FL 32724; Tel: 386 943-4000.
Conferences Previously Published:
Saugus, MA – December 3-4
Pennsauken, NJ – January 7-8
Change of Address of Worker
Gaius and Linda Goff, 12428 – 54th Dr. NE, Marysville, WA 98271. Tel: 360 454-0686; Cell: 971 285-5352.
Change of Address of Correspondent
Newmarket, ON: Tim Scheer, E-mail:
Change in Meeting Times
Kapuskasing, ON: Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10-11:15am, Gospel 12-12:30pm, Bible Reading 7-7:45pm. Thursday: Bible Study and Prayer Meeting 7-8:15pm.
Norman Alexander MacQueen of Sydney Mines, NS, on August 31, 2016, age 92. He was born in Sydney Mines on September 14, 1923 and born again by the grace of God in the early 40’s. Norman’s own words of the night he was saved: “After months of soul searching, being under the conviction of sin, in the privacy of our own home, I fell on my knees and cried out to God my confession that I was a sinner and asked Him to forgive me, for I believed that Jesus died for my sins and I trusted Him as my Savior.” A lifelong resident of Sydney Mines, Norman was a faithful elder in the Gospel Hall on Yorke St. He spent his entire life serving his Lord and Savior. He is survived by his beloved wife, Mary (Bailey), a love story that endured for 67 years. Norman is survived by his daughters Beth (Keith) MacIssac, Sandra Brown, Marni(Ed) Sheffield, and Norma (Paul) MacQueen-Gale, as well as sisters Beth Scott and Lois Cantwell. He is also survived by eight grandchildren as well as several great-grandchildren. At the funeral service held on September 4, the eulogy was given by his four daughters. Joe Bernon preached the gospel clearly to a packed hall, with Wayne MacQueen helping with the funeral.
Martha Reigstad of Willmar, MN, on October 19, 2016, age 102. She first heard of her need of the new birth from her uncle, Tom DeVries. Being deeply convicted of her sin, she sought forgiveness. In 1947, she understood that Jesus had died for her many sins. Later, when Leonard DeBuhr and others evangelized the Willmar area and the assembly was planted, she took her place of being gathered to the Lord’s name. Most of her children join in the blessed hope. Many of her 136 grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren attended the service conducted by Robert Orr and James Frazier. All rejoiced in her many years of faithfulness to her Lord.
Elaine Chitwood of Blue River, WI, on October 20, 2016, age 81, went to be with Christ. Having been raised under the sound of the gospel, she trusted Christ July 29, 1954, 10 days after her boyfriend Gary was born again. They were married the next month. She has been a faithful member of the assembly at Blue River. It was a pleasure to see the respect and attentiveness shown by her grandchildren as the gospel was presented by Eric McCullough and James Frazier. Prayer is desired for her grandchildren who thought so highly of their grandmother. She is survived by her husband, Gary, and two daughters, Debbie and Brenda.