In Romans 16, Paul turned from weighty doctrinal, dispensational, and practical matters which had occupied his interest for the first 15 chapters, and penned a letter of commendation for a sister. He then proceeded to salute and commend an honor roll of believers whose names are forever inscribed in holy writ. While we may not know a great deal of what they did or who they were, the Spirit of God has seen fit to place their names in the eternal record of God. We learn at least this important principle: that it is not a mere diversion to express appreciation and to salute those who have labored for the Lord (Rom 16:3-15). Appreciation is a Christian virtue.
In like manner, it is fitting that, at the close of the year, public acknowledgement be given to many who labor quietly behind the scenes to provide the magazine you hold in your hands or that you read online. The staff of Truth & Tidings, whose names are listed on the opening page, provide articles and advice throughout the year. Their help is invaluable, and is an integral part of the final and finished product. Paul and Lynda Glenney work to assure that the address lists are current and accurate, as well as to assure the financial aspects of the publication. Andrew Dennison has joined the staff as of this year, and will, in the future, help in regard to this aspect of the work. Paul and Tal Wielenga literally arrange their lives around the mailing of the magazine. They also serve as liaisons with government agencies which require periodic reports. Their organizational skills and the time they invest are deeply appreciated by the Board.
The quantum leap we have made in our online version, both in appearance and functionality, as well as in the timely monthly updates are the result of Shawn St. Clair’s attention to detail and expertise. Sometimes it is good to have a touch of OCD! In N. Ireland, Simon and Catherine Brown do an excellent job handling subscriptions.
Phil Broadhead has served as editor for the tidings for a number of years and continues to do an accurate and thorough job in this regard. He is always looking for those who will take responsibility for sending in news from a geographic area. Jim Clark has been caring for the transport of the magazine to Canada for monthly mailings. While his name does not appear in the magazine, his record is on high.
Graphics are done by Don Draper and Christy Higgins. Their skill is evident in the high quality of their contribution to the magazine. Then there are those who labor and do not wish to have attention drawn to them: the layout artist and proofreaders. You can add to this list a number of brethren who give of their time to help in the Question & Answer section of the magazine.
Deadlines are very unforgiving things; each month they continue to confront all of us, and do not allow us to escape their demanding presence. The fact that the magazine arrives at your assembly or is available to you online at the scheduled time is the result of the faithful and sacrificial service of all these believers. While their service is ultimately to the Lord, they also serve the believers in this capacity. They deserve our thanks and appreciation.