Fort McMurray: The annual Sunday school Christmas program was held December 7. It was well-attended and the story of the Savior was presented by the children. Troy Thomas preached the gospel.
Newfoundland and Labrador
English Point: The annual Sunday school treat was held on December 21, with Eric Fowler speaking after the children’s program to a packed hall.
L’Anse au Loup: The assembly had their Sunday school treat on December 28, with a large number attending from the community that do not usually attend regular meetings. Ewart Linstead spoke a short message at the end. Eric Fowler was on the Labrador coast delivering calendars and literature door to door with help from some local brethren.
North Bay: The saints at Nipissing Junction appreciated ministry and reports from Steve McCandless (High Arctic), David Booth, Murray Poidevin (Zambia), Gerard Roy (Congo), and Brian Crawford during the months of October and November.
Sudbury: The assembly enjoyed a week of children’s meetings with Brian Crawford in October. There was a large increase in children’s attendance that has carried over to Sunday school and adult classes. The saints were also encouraged in a week of ministry with Bruce Rodgers in November on the topic of “Headship.”
Unionville: The assembly held a special week of gospel meetings December 7-12 with Eugene Higgins speaking on the theme of “Christ in the Carols.” Despite newspaper ads and road signs, visitors were mostly those personally brought by friends, and a number of ESL students. On December 14, Bryan Joyce spoke at the Sunday school Christmas program, and on December 18, Stephen Vance spoke at the annual ESL Christmas dinner with about 45 students and family attending. A “Moms & Tots” program on Wednesday mornings is growing, and they also enjoyed a special Christmas dinner and message.
Phoenix: The Garfield assembly’s Thanksgiving weekend conference was encouraging. Numbers were smaller than previous years, but interest was good. Four of the Lord’s servants gave ministry and preached the gospel. Bill Lavery stayed for a week of ministry following the conference. Gospel meetings are expected in late January, DV.
Marion: Ministry meetings are planned for the weekend of February 7-8, with John Meekin and Frank Sona speaking on “This Age: Master’s Plan, Master’s Purpose, Master Piece.”
Saugus: In November, Jon Procopio visited for a night of ministry on “Trials.” The December conference went well with a good number of young believers attending. The ministry was challenging and uplifting. God blessed in the salvation of a young man. Servants of the Lord present were L. Buote, M. Cain, D. Petterson, J. Procopio, A. Robertson, and D. Shutt. The second annual Christmas program was held on December 14. There was an excellent response to mailed and personal invitations, with many unsaved families present. The children read portions of Scripture and Tim Procopio faithfully and clearly presented the gospel, speaking on the “Gift of God.”
Deckerville: Stu Thompson visited in December with two nights of encouraging ministry which the saints appreciated very much. The meetings were well attended by surrounding assemblies.
Fridley: During the month of December, the assembly received a woman into fellowship and baptized a man who professed during summer meetings with Robert Orr and Bill Lavery. Two more adults professed as the work near St. Cloud, MN continued with Robert Orr and Jerry Jennings in December. More meetings are planned for January in that area, as there has been good interest.
McAllen: Jim McMaster was here with Ross Vanstone. They delivered 30,000 calendars and invitations, as well as many DVD’s, “The Ultimate Questions.” Children’s meetings were held and gospel meetings commenced this month. Ross will be helped by Paul Barnhardt.
Ciudad del Carmen: The second annual conference was held December 30 through January 1 with believers from near and far attending. Revelation 1-3 was the subject for the three Bible readings. Appreciated help was given by Chucho and Ricardo Gómez (Zamora, Michoacan), Gonzalo Romero (Tapachula, Chiapas), Pedro Pérez (Sibactel, Chiapas), Timothy Stevenson, Timothy Turkington, and David Alves, Jr.
Nueva Jerusalén: A university linked with the assemblies in Mesoamerica (State of Chiapas, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador) is in formation and seeking accreditation from the Mexican government in January DV. The university is to be situated in this Mayan town which has a Tzeltal/Spanish speaking assembly. It is to be called UMAJA, which means to “take water” in the Tzeltal language, but stands for Universidad MesoAmericana de Jerusalén de las Asambleas. A small provisional facility is now being completed, with construction on the permanent site to begin in the summer of 2015. Persons interested in teaching English should contact John Thropay at
Tuxtla Gutiérrez: Radio ministry/gospel outreach has resulted in home meetings in this capital of Chiapas. Francisco Rosales, a local worker, has been coordinating the weekly radio programs. Some have professed faith and nine were baptized in November in the river by the brethren from the assembly at Chiapa de Corzo. They are now looking for a suitable meeting hall since the home where they are having meetings can barely hold the entire group of new believers.
Chihuahua: Marcus Cain visited the assembly early in December for three nights of teaching on trials in the life of the believer. Anderson Hernandez and another brother have rented a small building in Delicias, 60 miles south of the capital, where weekly meetings are held. A couple who traveled from Delicias to Chihuahua to see the replica of Noah’s Ark as it toured Mexico in 2013 was saved in May 2014. They have family and friends that are a burden to them. Gospel meetings commence January 12.
Puerto Vallarta: The annual conference was a time of blessing for the assembly as well as for those who attended from other parts of Mexico. Abisaí Vieyra, John Dennison, Jesse Klein, and Miguel Mosquera (Portage la Prairie, MB) all gave help in the ministry of the Word.
Mexico State
Nezahualcóyotl: The believers delivered several thousand texts near the hall with invitations to a short series of gospel meetings that commenced December 15. More than a dozen attended, as well as several of the believers’ relatives.
Guasave: A group of close to 100 believers was here from December 28 through January 1 to deliver about 80,000 John 3:16 Seed Sower texts with invitations to gospel meetings that commenced on December 29 with John Dennison. Texts were delivered not only in Guasave, with a population of about 75,000 people, but also in Guamuchil and several other towns and villages within a 30 minute radius. The reception of the texts and the initial interest were encouraging, and prayers are valued for blessing in salvation.
Hermosillo: A young lady in her early 20’s, brought up in a Catholic home, was saved this fall and baptized in December. Her friend and neighbor of many years was received into fellowship early in 2014 and invited her to meetings. A few of her relatives attended the gospel meeting for the first time and listened respectfully.
Nogales: A storefront has been rented for weekly gospel meetings in this border city. House meetings have been held on a regular basis for the last two years, but the increasing list of contacts encouraged this move forward.
Veracruz: The assembly in the port and the believers in Cotaxtla enjoyed the visit of Philip and Beni Moore the last week of December. Philip gave appreciated help in ministry and gospel in both places. A large group of believers from Zamora visited the last Lord’s Day of December on their way to the conference in Ciudad del Carmen.
Matoaca, VA
March 7-8, in the Matoaca Elementary School with Prayer Meeting on Friday, March 6 at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 6204 River Road, Matoaca. First meeting on Saturday at 10:30am. Contact John Nobles at 804 265-5455, or
Mount Sterling, WI
March 28-29, Bible Reading conference, with Prayer Meeting, Friday at 7:30pm at the Gospel Hall. All other meetings at the North Crawford High School north of Gays Mills. Saturday: First meeting 10am. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am. Bible Readings are on Christological chapters of the New Testament (John 1, Colossians 1, Hebrews 1 and Revelation 1). Accom: Richard M. Dudgeon, Tel: 608 734-3639, E-mail:; or Wayne Granzow, Tel: 608 874-4760, E-mail:
Antioch, IA
April 5, in the Antioch Gospel Hall, 18929 Vail Avenue, Clarksville, IA. Ministry 10am, Breaking of Bread 11am, Sunday school 1pm, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Corr: John Wessels, Tel: 319 269-3493, E-mail:
Kapuskasing, ON
April 4-5, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, April 3 at 7:30pm in the Kapuskasing Gospel Hall, 154 Mill Street. All other meetings in the Kapuskasing & District High School, 61 Devonshire Street. Saturday: Prayer and Ministry 10am to 8pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread and Ministry 10:30am to 8pm. Contact: Michel Larocque, E-mail:
Nineveh, NS
April 4-5, in Park View Education Centre, 1485 King Street, Bridgewater. Prayer meeting on Friday, April 3 at 7pm in the Gospel Hall, Route 208, Civic #2495, Nineveh. Supper will be served on Friday at 5pm in the Gospel Hall. Saturday: Bible Reading 8am (passage TBA), Ministry 10am. Corr: Robert Kaulback, 19 Medway Street, Bridgewater, NS, B4V 1J8. Tel: 902 543-5530. Accom: Clark Hubley, Tel: 902 527-7490.
Conferences Previously Published:
Deland, FL – February 6-8
Jackson, MI – February 13-15
San Diego – February 14-15
Manchester, CT – March 28-29
Change of Address of Commended Workers
Brian Crawford: New E-mail address is
Alex Dryburgh: 29-120 Southgate Parkway, St. Thomas, ON, N5R 0C7. Tel: 519 207-8932.
Peter Simms: 408 Lyle Cres, Warman, SK, S0K 4S1.
Change of Address of Correspondent
Sydney Mines, NS: Wayne MacQueen, 28 Dominic Drive, Sydney Mines, NS, B1V 2Z9. Tel: 902 544-0294.
Change in Meeting Times
Battle Creek, MI: Prayer Meetings will be on Tuesday at 7pm.
Fred Paul Harvey of Omaha, NE, on September 21, 2013, age 97. After service in the Pacific theater during WWII, in God’s gracious providence, while receiving training under the GI Bill, he met a Christian who invited him to hear the gospel preached, which resulted in his salvation in 1951. He was in happy fellowship with believers at the Omaha Gospel Hall for over 60 years where he was a respected elder and a living example of faithful perseverance. His son James, in whose home he was cared for in later years, shared in his funeral service with Mark and Jesse Fitch. He is buried alongside his wife (Wilma) of many years. Our dear brother is lovingly remembered by those who knew him.
Madge Church of Taylorsville, NC, on May 31, 2014, age 84. Madge was saved on April 5, 1957 during gospel meetings held by Oswald MacLeod and Lorne McBain, and was a faithful member of the Hickory assembly since. Madge worked in the furniture industry in upholstery, holding jobs at several manufacturing companies. She was faithful to all the assembly meetings and activities, a cheerful person with a bright smile and kind word for everyone, and a great singer. She was a wonderful testimony for Christ to all who knew her, and she truly showed what it meant to be happy in the Lord. Madge is greatly missed by her husband, Clarence, to whom she was married for almost 68 years. She is also survived by her son Wesley and his wife Julie, both in happy fellowship in Hickory, three granddaughters, and one grandson. The funeral service was taken by David Petterson and Philip Moore and the gospel was faithfully preached.
Walter Spence of Asheville, NC, on September 25, 2014, age 95. Walter was saved in October, 1955, and soon after was received into fellowship in the Hickory assembly along with his wife, Kathleen. After retiring from his job in 1975, they moved to Tampa, FL, where they were in fellowship for a number of years before moving back to North Carolina. She went home to be with the Lord in 2003. During the later years, Walter lived in a VA nursing home, but his heart remained with the believers in Hickory. Walter was a decorated veteran, having served in the US Army during World War II, seeing action at Omaha Beach in Normandy on D-Day, and in the Battle of the Bulge. Walter was a kind man, and a greatly loved and respected brother. He and Kathleen were known for their hospitality. Walter is survived by two sons, Charles (Kathy), Walter, Jr. (Shirley), a daughter, Rhea, nine grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. The funeral service was taken by Steve Fox and Philip Moore, and the gospel was faithfully preached.
George Whey of Gander, NL, on August 6, 2014. He was saved at the age of 29 on November 27, 1985 during gospel meetings with Marvin Derksen and Jon Procopio. George was an accountant and a very successful businessman, but his main focus was the spread of the gospel and the blessing of God’s assemblies. His love for the gospel led him to spend summers preaching the gospel from his open air trailer in many out-port communities. He was a great leader who encouraged others to serve the Lord faithfully. Through his solid testimony and life of integrity, he gained the respect of all who knew him. He was a true shepherd among God’s people and a revered elder in the Gander assembly. George’s business often took him to Sri Lanka where he was a great help to the Lord’s work both practically and spiritually. The assemblies in Sri Lanka and Newfoundland will greatly miss our brother. George leaves behind his wife, Julia, who served the Lord faithfully with him. Also left are his parents and his children, Andrew and Tammy (Jamie) and their four children. George’s funeral, held in the Gander Collegiate Gymnasium with approximately 500 in attendance, was taken by Jim Mullett, Marvin Derksen, David Hunt, Ben Welshman, Lindsay Earle, and Jon Procopio. Bryan Joyce spoke at the graveside.
Ross Gorman of Westbank, BC, on October 17, 2014, age 93. Ross was born in Glenrosa on April 7, 1921 and raised on the small family farm. At the age of six, Ross started attending the one-room schoolhouse there, and was taught by his sister, Helen. Each Sunday, the desks were pushed aside, and the building served as a meeting place for the assembly. Ross accepted Jesus as his Savior at a young age and his Christian faith was important to him. He married Eunice Alves in 1946. He was the co-founder of Gorman Bros. Lumber in 1950 which chose as its guiding principle, “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches” (Prov 22:1). He never failed to marvel at the beauty of nature, whether taking his family on an annual hike to look at wild flowers in the spring, or hiking the alpine meadows of Mount Revelstoke with his Sunday school class of boys. He was in fellowship at the Highway Gospel Hall at the time of his passing. The funeral service was conducted by family members, with about 500 in attendance. He is survived by Eunice and six children; Ron (Jenifer) Gorman, Esther (Andrew) Scott, Carolyn, Marjorie (John) Wiens, Mary (Doug) Tracey, Louise (Nick) Arkle; 15 grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren.
Jean McCullough of Cedar Falls, IA, on November 6, age 82. Our beloved sister was saved when a girl of 11 through the words of Matthew 11:28. In 1950, she married Dr. Eric McCullough and they resided in Cedar Falls. Eric and Jean enjoyed happy fellowship with the saints in Cedar Falls since the inception of the assembly. Recently, one of Jean’s home aids trusted Christ as a result of her testimony. Jean and Eric raised five children and all await the blessed hope. Jean was a fitting helpmate for Eric as he served the Lord. Eric is to be commended for his devotion and care for Jean especially during her illness. The funeral service was shared by her son, Brian, and William Lavery who spoke words of comfort and preached the gospel from Jean’s text (Matt 11:28). William Skates had suitable words at the graveside. Jean is survived by Eric, their five children and spouses, 14 grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren, and two sisters. Please remember our brother and the family in your prayers.
Margaret Lena Hatt (Griffin) of Westbank, BC, on November 20, 2014, age 95. Margaret was saved at the age of 11 and her life was a testimony to the joy of the Lord in salvation. Her funeral service was held in the Highway Gospel Hall where Margaret was in fellowship, with family, friends and neighbors in attendance. She was predeceased by her husband, Claude, and is survived by her sister, Hattie Webber, and brothers, Harold (Jean), Donald (Vionne) and David Griffin, her stepchildren, and all their families. Margaret was a very quiet, gracious, humble, thoughtful, sweet, giving, and loving person. She was full of faith and diligent in prayers. We miss Margaret’s beaming, smiling face. Margaret loved her family and she prayed diligently for them.
Kathleen Flegg of Taylorside, SK, on December 11, 2014, age 82. Our dear sister was saved as a teenager, baptized, and received into assembly fellowship, remaining in Taylorside for her whole life. She was a faithful witness to her nieces and nephews, with a real desire to see each saved. She will be missed. Prayer is requested for her relatives. The funeral service was taken by David Taylor.
Gladys Trimm of English Point, NL, went to be with the Lord on December 14, 2014, after a very short battle with cancer. She was only diagnosed in June. Her husband, Algermon, predeceased her just two months before on October 2. The large funeral was held in the English Point Gospel Hall and shared by Eric Fowler and Eddie Barney.
David Nicol of Saginaw, MI, on December 16, age 83. He was saved in tent meetings under the preaching of David Calderhead at the age of 13. He was in happy fellowship in the Saginaw assembly, serving as a faithful elder for many years. He had a real heart for the gospel and especially enjoyed distributing calendars and texts at fairs and tractor shows. He is survived by his beloved wife, Priscilla, five children, and six grandchildren. The funeral service was taken by Dan Shutt and his son, Jon Nicol.
Judith Anne Bonnell of North Sydney, Cape Breton, NS, on December 29, 2014, age 62. She was saved August 4, 1988 during a gospel series with Bill Bingham and David Hunt. She was baptized October 30, and was received into the assembly at Sydney Mines on December 18, 1988. She was very active in the assembly with her husband Melvin. She was a great asset and will be missed. She is survived by her husband Melvin, daughter Heather (Aubrey) Kelly, son Mark (Gwen), and eight grandchildren. She was a beloved wife, mother, and grandmother, and a very thoughtful sister, always helping others. The large funeral was held in the gospel hall at Sydney Mines with the funeral being shared by Fred Bartlett, David Swan, and Matthew Swan.