1. Author
His Humility – Paul a servant
His Authority – an apostle of Jesus Christ
His Priority – for the furtherance of the faith … and full knowledge …
His Responsibility – which is committed unto me (v 3)
2. Associate
The Man – Titus
A Convert of Paul’s; A Gentile (Gal 2.3); possibly Luke’s brother
Must have been a man of insight, tact, spiritual leadership. “Walked we not in the same spirit” (2Cor 12:18); marked by being trustworthy, confidential
His Mentions
Not mentioned in Acts; 9 of his 13 mentions come in 2 Corinthians
His Movements
To Jerusalem with Paul as a test case (AD 56)
Was entrusted with the letter to Corinth (1Cor). Titus returned to Paul in Macedonia with reports of the response; Titus sent back to Corinth with the second letter and also to help re the collection; possibly after Acts 28, Titus accompanied Paul to Crete, was left there (Titus 1-3). Paul requested that Titus meet him in Nicopolis; the last mention is in 2 Tim 4 where Titus went to Dalmatia
His Ministry
A ministry of recovery; ministry of comfort; ministry of exhortation, ministry of teaching; possibly of evangelizing
3. Assemblies – Audience
Commencement – Paul seemed to have an exercise in Acts 27, yet could not go. God made it possible later for him; Perhaps during his release between 1 and 2 Timothy, he visited Crete with Titus.
Comprised of – Jew and Gentile together
Crisis – faced with false teachers
4. Activity of the Enemy
Message they brought – gainsayers; Jewish fables and commandments of men
Movements that marked them – behind the scenes – households
Methods employed – deceivers; possibly also demanding observance to rituals
Manner of teaching – unruly, empty
Motives – money
5. Aim of the Epistle
The Change – The Transforming Power of the Grace of God
Its Content – Things Missing – guides – Things lacking in the Church
Things Mandated – Godliness – Things lacking in Character
Things Maintained – good works – Things lacking in their Conduct
Notice he deals with the 3 main areas: assembly, family, society
Its Counter Culture –
Godliness and how it is developed
Liars, lazy, lawless by nature
God is marked by truth (ch 1), zeal (ch 2) and righteousness (ch 3)
They are to be marked by love for truth (ch 1:7-9, 14), zeal (ch 2:14), and righteousness (2:12; 3:8)
6. Analysis of the Epistle
Words that recur –
Good works – 6x
Faith and faithful – 1.1, 4, 6, 9, 13; 2.2; 3. 8,15; = 8x
Teaching or taught 11x
Savior – 6 x (Three times God our Savior; three times Christ our Savior)
Words that are rare – Nine words in chapter 1 found only in Titus; 13 unique to ch 2; and 5 unique to ch 3
7. Arrangement of the chapters
ch 1 Rising above the National – The Culture in which we live
ch 2 Rising above the Norm – The Customs by which we live
ch 3 Rising above the Natural – The Carnality with which we live
A. Ch 1 Godliness in the Assembly
ch 1:1-4 The Foundation for Godliness
ch 1:5-9 The Furthering of Godliness
Character, Consciousness (steward), Capability (able to … ) Consistency (Faithful …), Charge (exhort … convict)
ch 1:10-16 The Foes of Godliness
False Teachers, Features of the Cretans, Fables, Fallacy exposed
B. Ch 2 – Godliness in the Family and Personal Life
A disease is at work. There is need for healthy doctrine.
vv1-10 Dignity in the Routine – The Incentives to Godliness
vv1-14 Discipline that Reeducates or Guidance thru Grace – Instruction in Godliness
v14 Desire of the Redeemer – Intention for Godliness
v15 Diligence Required or Mandate for Ministry – Imperative for Godliness
C. Ch 3 Godliness in Society
What are our natural Tendencies: To demand our rights; to be self righteous and condemn others; to be self satisfied; to be selfish; all of this is condemned here
v1-2 Respect for Authority
v3 Recognition of Depravity
vv4-7 Results of Philanthropy
vv8-11 Rejection of Vanity
vv12-15 Reminder of Responsibility/Opportunity