

British Columbia

Vancouver: The Victoria Drive assembly had the joy of baptizing four young believers in July, the fruit of a gospel series last October/November. Young brethren, with the help of sisters, held three weeks of children’s meetings in different city parks during July and August. This is the fourth year and the interest seems to grow each time. The Sunday school has benefited and is seeing new children come each year. The Deep Cove assembly held a similar week in North Vancouver and was encouraged with the attendance. Several other assemblies had a week of VBS in their respective halls.

Westbank: A week of gospel meetings with Jack Hay and Eric Fowler prior to the conference was blessed with the salvation of a teenage girl. The Bible reading on Leviticus 16 was led by Jack Hay; it encouraged a greater appreciation of the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Eric Fowler gave a report on his work in Russia and Ukraine. The ministry given by Eric Fowler, Jack Hay, Andrew Mellish, Bryon Meyers, and Ross Smyth was challenging, en­couraging, and edifying.

Newfoundland and Labrador

L’Anse au Loup: A young couple saved here recently was baptized in mid-June and received into fellowship in July. Jim Jarvis was on the Labrador coast for part of a week following the Corner Brook conference and gave ministry in English Point and in L’Anse au Loup, July 2-3. Eric Fowler was home on the coast for a while and gave a report on the work in Ukraine.

Nova Scotia

Isle Madame: Noel Burden and Gérard Roy continued into August with gospel meetings and had a week of children’s meetings with favorable attendance.

Tatamagouche: David Hunt and a number of local brethren concluded two weeks of gospel meetings in July in the Middleton community hall with support from the local Christians. A good number of children were out with parents for the week of children’s meetings. David Hunt and a few brethren from other parts of Canada and the USA continued into August for outreach with the Gospel Boat to the south coast of Newfoundland.


Clinton: The assembly appreciated recent visits from Alex Dryburgh and Mark Bachert. The assembly is thankful for a few from the town attending the community dinner and afternoon gospel meeting held on the second Lord’s Day each month, and also for the large number of young people that attended the summer conference.

Englehart: The brethren who gave appreciated help at the conference in late June included David Booth, Alvin Cook, Lorne Langfeld, Murray Pratt, Peter Ramsay, Bruce Rodgers, and Stephen Vance.

Sudbury: The two weeks of tent meetings with David Booth and Bruce Rodgers resulted in a number of contacts coming to hear the gospel.

Prince Edward Island

Cascumpec: John Meekin and Brody Thibodeau continued with their fifth week of meetings into August. At the publication date, they were looking for definite guidance as to continuing. The many children of Christian parents are a particular concern.

Darlington: David Hierlihy and Scott MacLeod are in their second week in a tent set up in Scott and Wilma’s yard. There are immigrant workers in the area attending, as well as some from the community, and Christian’s children.



Ankeny: The young assembly had appreciated visits from Joel Portman and Robert Orr. Lord willing, there is an exercise about a gospel series later in the year.


Madawaska: Murray McCandless began tent meetings on August 3. There was some response to the newspaper announcement, and contacts of the local Christians are attending.


Battle Creek: The saints enjoyed ministry meetings with Joel Portman and Jim Smith in July.

Saginaw: Bruce Cottrill and Matthew Smith visited on August 3rd for the Lord’s Day and the bi-monthly ministry meeting. They gave excellent and encouraging ministry and a clear gospel message in the evening.


Fridley: Frank Sona extracted valuable nuggets from the book of Ruth for the saints’ encouragement, exhortation, and instruction. A week later, in early July, Joel Portman gave excellent, relevant truth as to the Lord’s sovereign and righteous governmental dealings with nations, individuals, and the assembly.

New Jersey

Midland Park: A series of gospel meetings was held in a tent behind the gospel hall from August 3-10 with local brethren preaching. This was followed by a Vacation Bible School from August 11-15, also conducted by local brethren.


Hardwick: The assembly enjoyed a visit in June from Bill and Linda Lavery, and in July from Brian and Ethel Currie (N. Ireland). Both brethren gave excellent ministry. In July, two weeks of Vacation Bible School were conducted by Paul Barnhardt, assisted by Andrew Zuidema, both of New Jersey. The profession of faith in Christ of a child of assembly parents encouraged the assembly and the speakers.


Clearview: The assembly, formerly meeting at West Woodland Gospel Hall, Seattle, has commenced construction of a new gospel hall 23 miles northeast of Seattle, central to where most believers in the assembly reside. In 2003, feeling that testimony and gospel outreach should exist in the area where the believers live, the assembly began gospel outreach, Bible studies, and children’s meetings in the Clearview area. In 2006, assembly meetings were relocated in a community building in Clearview. God has blessed in salvation, spiritual growth, and additions to the assembly which now numbers over 60. The rented building is not ideally suited for assembly meetings or Sunday school, and cannot support larger gatherings. With these needs in mind, a new hall was designed and construction commenced in June, 2014.

Arlington: The Arlington assembly used the Noah’s Ark display at the July 4th parade, with seven or eight walking down the street delivering approximately 1200 Seed Sower packages. For three days at the street fair which followed, a 10′ by 30′ space was used for the ark model and two tables for gospel literature and crafts. Bryon and Joni Myers will take the display to the Lynden Farm Fair in August, and the fairs in Okanogan, WA and Rock Creek, BC in September. They also continue to visit the Swinomish Indian Reservation with the gospel.



Ciudad del Carmen: On July 29, nightly gospel meetings began in the hall. One middle-aged man expressed interest in the first few nights.

Emiliano Zapata: David Alves, Jr. ended three weeks of gospel meetings encouraged with some new contacts made.


Chihuahua: Anderson Hernandez and and another brother shared in two weeks of children’s meetings in both halls in this city. Anderson Hernandez then began gospel meetings in the home of an overseer of the assembly with up to 22 unsaved present some nights.


Iguala: In view of God establishing a lampstand here soon, a week of ministry meetings were held on local church truth.


Matilde: Harrys Rodriguez and local believers had a week of well-attended children’s meetings in mid-July. An excellent conference was held at the end of July with attendees from many parts of the country.  David Alves, Jr., Melvin Mendez, Harrys Rodriguez, Marcos T. Sequera (Panama), Timothy Stevenson, Paul Thiessen, and Timothy Turkington shared in the preaching. Several believers from Hermosillo came with Eleanor Mosquera, who brought a selection of books and other materials for believers. After the conference, Marcos T. Sequera remained for two nights of ministry with the assembly before returning to Panama. Harrys and Rebekah Rodriguez returned to Arkansas after a much-appreciated visit in the area.


Irapuato: Please pray for our young brother Ricky Sawatsky as he labors in this large city. There is good attendance at the meetings. He also visits La Purisima where there is a nucleus of believers.


Zapopan: Paul Thiessen had a week of very well-attended children’s meetings. Our brother also had two weeks of meetings on the subject of “The Dispensations.” Carlos Castaño and Jamer Rodriguez, originally from Columbia, were a great help as well.


Jonathan Seed and believers from the Zapopan assembly had children’s meetings with encouraging attendance. Our brother also had three weeks of gospel meetings, helped for one week by Jamer Rodriguez, and there was much joy in hearing of souls trusting Christ for salvation.


Oacalco: Every Monday, Duncan Beckett and Abisai Vieyra visit here for a gospel meeting. A few have professed to be saved.

Quintana Roo

Nicolas Bravo: On their way home from the Pachuca conference, Timothy and Amy Turkington spent two days here. Our brother had two gospel meetings in a home of one of the contacts.

San Luis Potosi

El Barril: Jason Wahls was helped by Jairo Gracia (Hermosillo), Nathan Dennison (West Phoenix), and Josiah Kember (Obregon) in seven weeks of gospel meetings, concluding on August 1 with the baptism of two sisters.


Guasave: Jairo Gracia helped in two weeks of gospel meetings here. In Las Moras, a local believer donated clothes after an outdoor gospel meeting with excellent attendance.


Hermosillo: Local believers worked hard together in well-attended children’s meetings in both halls in this large city.

Obregon: Shad Kember and local believers are very grateful to Jesse Klein and Kevin Procopio as well as saints from the USA and Canada that came to help in the construction of the hall amid incredibly hot temperatures. Alberto Mendoza, a young brother from the assembly here, was helped by local believers during three weeks of encouraging children’s meetings.


Xalapa: David Alves, Jr. and Timothy Turkington stopped here for a gospel meeting. The Stevensons took a van with people from Xalapa, including three unsaved women, to the Pachuca conference. One of these women made it known that she had returned from the conference troubled about her soul, and that night, she trusted Christ as her Savior.

N. Ireland

Ballymena: W. Martin and J. Fleck had three and a half weeks of gospel meetings in June in Carniny School. The meetings saw blessing in salvation.

Ballynahinch, Co Down: The small assembly here is having gospel meetings with A. Davidson and S. Nelson.

Bushmills: Bible reading were held in the local school from July 7-18, during the holiday period. R. McKeown led the readings from 2 Timothy with active participation and help for all, and 350-450 attended nightly.

Carrickfergus: M. Radcliffe and P. McCauley had four weeks of gospel meetings in the Sandringham Gospel Hall. The assembly was encouraged with the number from the area who attended and with the salvation of a soul.

Feeny, Co Londonderry: J. Steward and A. Caldwell had three weeks of gospel meetings in a country district near this village.

Kells: At the end of June, E. Fairfield had two weeks of gospel meetings in a tent. The believers were encouraged in seeing quite a few from the area coming. Special subjects had been announced and this created some interest and inquiry among those attending.

Lisburn: At Sprucefield, outside Lisburn, at a large shopping area, B. Currie and J. Palmer erected at tent in a vacant lot and commenced gospel meetings at the end of July.

Killykergan: J. Fleck and S. Gilfillan commenced a gospel series in the gospel hall on July 27.

Tassagh, Co Armagh: A tent has been erected in a field about three miles from the gospel hall. D. Gilliland and T. Wright commenced a gospel series on August 3.

Open Air Meetings – A number of assemblies have a week of open air meetings in Portstewart during the summer, sometimes with the help of one of the Lord’s servants. R. Plant had one week of children’s meetings in July when many children on holiday with their parents heard the gospel and learned the Scriptures each morning.

Republic of Ireland

Bridgetown, Co. Donegal: The annual meetings were held August 2-3. The speakers were A. Colgan, J. Fillis, S. Gilfillan, A.J. Higgins, and T.W. Wright. Believers attended from all over Ireland, north and south. A.J. Higgins continued with ministry the following week with studies from 1 Peter.


Arborfield, SK

The annual conference here in October has been discontinued.

New Lenox, IL

September 27-28, in the Lincoln Way West High School, corner of Spencer Rd. and Gougar Rd., New Lenox. Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 13550 US Hwy. 6, Mokena. Saturday: Ministry10am and 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 3:30pm. Accom. Brent Studnicka, Tel: 815 463-9590, E-mail: brentstudnicka@gmail.com.

Clinton, ON

October 4-5, Annual Fall Conference at the Gospel Hall, 143 Joseph St., Clinton ON. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7pm. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am.For info or accommodations, contact Larry Schade, Tel: 519 348-9408, E-Mail: lbschade18@hotmail.com; or Keith Bachert, Tel: 519 526-7135, E-mail:  kjbachert@sympatico.ca.

Roseisle, MB

October 3-5, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, October 3 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am (John 14), Ministry 2pm and 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 1:30pm, Ministry 2:15pm, Gospel 7pm. For more info call John Dyck, Tel: 204 435-2341; or E-mail: dgf@cici.mb.ca.

Cape Breton Conference

October 11-12, in Memorial High School, Memorial Drive, Sydney Mines. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am, Bible Reading 1:30pm, Ministry 3:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 8:30am, Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2:15pm, Gospel 7pm, preceeded by an Open Air Meeting. Corr. Melvin Bonnell, Tel: 902 794-3888; or Lorne Richardson, Tel: 902 562-2978. Accom: John Ingram, please call in advance 902 794-2691; E-mail: j.p.ingram@ns.sympatico.ca. See www.thegospel.ca for Bible reading outlines.

Paradise Valley, AB/Mervin, SK

October 11-12, with Prayer, Friday at 7:30pm at the Paradise Valley Gospel Hall. All other meetings in the Paradise Valley Community Hall. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 2pm, Gospel or Ministry 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Contacts: David Flint, Tel: 780 745-2560; or Sam Maess, Tel: 306 845-2466.

St. Thomas, ON

October 11-12, with Prayer at 7:30pm on Friday, October 10 in the Gospel Hall, 1 Sunset Drive. All other meetings will be held in the Parkside Collegiate, 241 Sunset Drive. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Corr: John McCandless, RR#1, Port Stanley, ON, N5L1J1; Tel: 519 769-2119; E-mail:johnmccandless1@gmail.com.

Brandon, MB

October 13 (Canadian Thanksgiving) in the Brandon Gospel Hall. Bible Reading 10am, Ministry 1:30-5pm. There is no evening meeting. Corr: Alan Ritchie, Tel: 204 727-4971; E-Mail: agr@myts.net.

Blue River, WI

October 17-19, in Highland High School, off Hwy. 80, north side of Highland. Prayer Meeting on Friday at 8pm in Blue River Gospel Hall. Saturday: Ministry10am and 2pm. Testimony and Gospel 6:45pm. Sunday: Bible Reading 9am (The Lord’s Supper, 1Cor 11:23-29). Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm. Contact: James Frazier, 15513 Richwood Estates Lane, Blue River, WI 53518. Tel: 608 537-2977; E-mail: woodind@mwt.net.

Edmonton, AB

October 17-19, in the Connor’s Hill Gospel Hall, with Prayer/Ministry on Friday at 8pm. First meeting on Saturday at 10am. All are welcome and meals and accommodations will be provided. For information and accommodations, contact Joe Bowman, E-mail: josephjbowman@gmail.com.

L’Anse au Loup, LB

October 17-19, with Prayer Meeting on Thursday, October 16 at 7:30pm. Saturday commences with Bible Study10:30am (2Cor 4). Lord’s Day commences with Breaking of Bread 10am. Ministry and gospel each day. Accom: Francis Barney, Tel: 709 927-5696; or Preston Belben, Tel: 709 927-5622. A warm welcome awaits all.

Lindsay, ON

October 19, with all meetings to be held in the Gospel Hall, 5 Howard Ave., Lindsay. Breakfast 8:30am, Bible Reading 9:15am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Contact: Don Nicholson, 191 Sandhills Rd., R.R. 3, Woodville ON K0M 2T0; Tel: 705 374-4883; E-mail: drnmen@yahoo.com.

Livonia, MI

October 25-26, with Prayer Meeting on Friday night at 7:30pm. All meetings held in the Stark Road Gospel Hall, 9280 Stark Road, Livonia, MI. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 7pm, Meeting for Young People 8:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 12:45pm, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Corr: David Vallance, 21600 Currie Road, Northville, MI 48167, Tel: 248 446-9346; E-mail: davidvallance@sbcglobal.net.  Hall:  734 425-4910, E-mail: www.starkrdgospelhall.com. Those seeking accommodations should contact Tim Fouts, Tel: 248 476-5013, or E-mail: tf-sf@msn.com.

Conferences Previously Published:

Arlington/Marysville, WA – August 30- September 1

Beetown, WI – September 1

Huntsville, ON – September 6

Sault Ste. Marie, MI/ON – September 6-7

Arnstein, ON – September 12-14

Hardwick, VT – September 13-14

Chapman Valley/Parry Sound, ON –  September 19-21

Hitesville, IA – September 20-21

Midland Park, NJ – September 26-28

Victoria Road, ON – September 27-28

Manchester, IA – October 4-5

Sussex, NB – October 4-5 

Vancouver, BC – October 11-13

Terryville, CT – October 17-19

Change of Address

Tim and Stephanie Woodford, Privadadel Razo 6A, Casa Blanca, Hermosillo, Sonora C.P. 83079, Mexico.

Change of Address of Correspondent

Phoenix, AZ (Orangewood Assembly): Paul Vizzini, 7470 W Crabapple Drive, Peoria, AZ 85383.


Yvette Gravelle of Sudbury, ON, on April 8, age 71. She was saved in November of 1998, and she and her husband were in fellowship in Sudbury. They enjoyed spending winters in Fort Pierce, Florida, where she was an encouragement to the saints. She is survived by her husband of 50 years, a son and daughter, seven grandchildren, and one great-grandchild, some of whom need salvation. She was a bright testimony and she will be dearly missed by all. The funeral service was conducted by Bruce Rodgers. Prayer would be appreciated for Rene, her husband, and many unsaved relatives who heard the gospel faithfully preached in French by Marius Lachance and in English by Bruce Rodgers.

Annie Iona McKillop of Vancouver, BC, on June 17, age 96. Ione (as she was known) was born March 13, 1918 in Manitoba. She was saved through the truth of John 10:9 on November 30, 1941, after hearing the gospel for the first time at a children’s meeting in a country school house. She married Stewart McKillop in 1944, and they settled in the Fraser Valley in B.C., fellowshipping in both Abbotsford and Langley assemblies until moving to Vancouver in 1953. They were in fellowship at Cedar Cottage (later Victoria Drive). When the Carleton assembly was formed in 1966, they were founding members. She was a quiet woman, known for her godly character, wise counsel, and love for her Lord and His Word. She was a faithful elder’s wife for many years with a home open for the Lord’s people. She loved God’s assembly and was able to attend almost all meetings until a few months before her home call. She leaves two sons, Norm (Kathy), Doug (Patty), one daughter Joan (John) McCandless, and 10 grandchildren, all saved by God’s grace, and 12 great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband and two infant children. The funeral service was shared by Doug McKillop and Shawn St. Clair who presented a clear gospel message. Murray Hutchison shared uplifting words of the Lord’s return at the graveside, and Lorne Nathe closed in prayer.

Esther Winifred (Hiltz) McDonald of Clinton, ON, on June 23, five days short of her 90th year. Formerly of Bayfield ON, she went to be with her Lord from the nursing home where she became a resident shortly after the passing of her beloved husband, Douglas K. McDonald (March ’08), an esteemed elder and correspondent at Clinton. She was born in Port Bickerton, NS, was saved in her youth, and received into fellowship in Halifax. Since her marriage in 1964, she was in fellowship at Clinton. She was a faithful, loving wife and a godly, consistent sister in the assembly. Because of her husband’s business, they commuted weekly from their homes in both Mississauga and Bayfield, enjoying the fellowship of the Mimico assembly mid-week. At her funeral the gospel was clearly presented by Keith Bachert and Jim Bell. Please pray for the relatives, especially for the nieces and nephews.

David J. P. Landry of Moncton, NB, on July 11, age 58, after dealing with health problems for nearly three years. He was saved at 26 years of age, one of the many who found Christ as the result of faithful witnesses who also worked at the CN Repair Shops in Moncton. Previously, he was in fellowship in the Shediac assembly, then later in the Moncton assembly. He leaves behind his wife, Andrea, five children, his mother, and eight siblings, most making no profession of salvation. His remains were laid to rest on Sunday, July 13 to await the resurrection.

Barbara Nesbit of Cedar Falls, IA, on July 28, age 70. She was saved July 9, 1954 at a gospel series in the Stout Gospel Hall conducted by Oliver Smith and William Warke. She and her husband Russ, lived most of their married life in Dunkerton, being very active in the assembly and community there. She was a great asset to the gospel due to her many personal contacts as a school bus driver, and also her service as an EMT with the Dunkerton Ambulance Service. In May of 2013, they relocated to a retirement community in Cedar Falls and became a part of that assembly. In November of that same year she was diagnosed with cancer. She is survived by her husband, six children, fifteen grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Her husband and three sons took the large funeral service which was held in the Dunkerton High School gymnasium, with Rick Johnson of the Dunkerton assembly speaking at the grave.