Over the coming months, in the will of the Lord, we will look together at truths concerning our blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This introductory article will outline reasons for such a study.
First and foremost, a reason is found in the very title of our studies: the greatness of the Person. There are countless biographies and media articles about men and women who have walked on earth and left their mark. The personalities considered range from the basest sinners to the choicest saints. Many hours are wasted, even by professing Christians, in reading of those whose lives have nothing for God. On the other hand, many hours can profitably be spent examining the saintly lives of godly people. A study of Christian biography is to be recommended. Yet it can be stated, without fear of contradiction, there is One Who stands apart from even the greatest of all mortal men. And considering Him is more valuable than contemplating anyone else.
Second, a look at His role in the Purposes of God for this world, and indeed for the whole universe, would provide a motive for considering Him. From the creation to the consummation of the cosmos, and eternally, God’s plans center in Him. We ought to be interested in what the Scriptures tell us concerning His Person.
Then, when we think of all our Possessions, and remember that all we have for eternity is because of Him – His Person and His work – our hearts ought to be full of gratitude to our Lord Jesus Christ for it all, desiring to know more and more about Him.
In addition, we ought to want to knowmore of the Lord Jesus Christ, in view of the Privilege that is ours to represent Him down here. Paul wrote: “We are ambassadors for Christ” (2Cor 5:20). Surely he was not speaking of himself alone, but of all who seek to be faithful to Him and to work for Him here – and this should be all of us. If we want to carry out this responsibility faithfully, we need to know the One Whom we are representing!
Not only so, but He is our Pattern for living in this godless world. As we look on Christ, we will be helped to “follow His steps” (1Peter 2:21). It is very practical to look at Him and to seek to follow His example.
A further motive for our study is His Primacy in all the doctrine of Scripture.Plenty of big words are used to denote major areas of doctrine, such as soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology. But unless we are right in our Christology, we will be wrong in all else. Neglect our study of the person of Christ, and we will go badly astray.
Then, what is our Prospect? “We look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Phil 3:20). He is the One we are waiting for every day (at least we should be). Perhaps today He will come for us. Certainly our minds and thoughts are to be on Him.
After that, our eternal Portion will be to be with Him and like Him. “We shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is” (1John 3:2). If we are going to be forever with Christ, and like Him, and occupied with Him, surely our longing, above all else, is to be occupied with Him now!
Finally, think of the Pleasure that fills the redeemed heart when it is contemplating the Lord Jesus. The people of the world have their pleasures, which they seek. We no longer thirst for such pleasures, but, like the hart that pants after the water brooks (Psa 42:1), we yearn after Him, desiring to be satisfied – a satisfaction that can be obtained in the knowledge of Christ, and Him alone. Undoubtedly the believer’s greatest pleasure must be in not only knowing about Him, but knowing Him, and such knowledge is impossible without reading and meditating on what the Scriptures say concerning Him.
More reasons could be put forward, but hopefully enough has been said to convince any who may have doubted the need for such a study.
We will consider the Lord Jesus Christ under the following headings:
His Underived Eternal Sonship
His Unnatural Virgin Birth
His Undiminished Deity
His Uncompromising Humanity
His Untainted Impeccability
His Unchallenged Authority
His Unquestioned Death
His Uncontestable Burial and Resurrection
His Unconditional Lordship
His Unlimited Kingship
No study can do justice to the greatness of the subject. We can but dip our hands into the unfathomable ocean. We can make a beginning, but we will never exhaust the material. In the words of Thomas Kelly’s hymn, “No subject’s so glorious as He.”
What a privilege to be allowed to consider Him (Heb 2:3).