British Columbia
Vancouver: The Victoria Drive assembly conducted four series of Vacation Bible school in city parks during July and August, reaching many new children not currently in the Sunday school. Many parents heard the gospel by accompanying their children. South Main, West Richmond, and Port Alberni assemblies held similar encouraging sessions in their areas. This is proving to be a great opportunity to reach families with the gospel and to expand Sunday school and weeknight children’s efforts.
Abbotsford: Two events in this area, the First Nations Elders’ Conference in July, and the AgriFair in August provided opportunities to have a gospel presence and to dispense large amounts of gospel literature. Help was gratefully received from believers of some Lower Mainland assemblies.
Winnipeg: Wm. Skates gave a short series on prophecy from May 27-31, speaking from the books of Daniel and Revelation. The ministry was very much appreciated, and was accompanied by the use of a large illustrative chart which helped amplify the truths spoken. It was all the more valuable in that the assembly weeknight Bible study is currently in the book of Revelation.
Newfoundland and Labrador
L’Anse au Loup: Jim Jarvis and John Fitzpatrick had an afternoon ministry meeting on July15 with a combined gospel meeting in English Point. Eric Fowler spent Lord’s Day here on July 29.
Goose Bay: John Fitzpatrick and Jim Jarvis continued tent meetings into August. There were unsaved out every night along with a few of the Christians in the area. Brethren from other parts were a tremendous help. Every home in Happy Valley/Goose Bay, North-West River, and Sheshatshiu was visited. It was an encouraging time, and they look to the Lord for blessing in salvation.
McIvers: Jim Jarvis and John Fitzpatrick had two weeks of gospel meetings. Although there was no evident blessing in salvation, the meetings were a blessing to the little assembly.
Nova Scotia
Avonport: James McClelland and John Meekin were in the nearby town of Hantsport with the gospel for four weeks in June in a rented storefront. The Lord blessed during the meetings. The Christians have enjoyed recent visits for ministry from Brodie Thibideau, Tom Meekin (NI), and Tom Castles (NI).
Saugus: The assembly was blessed with the visits of E. Parmenter in June, and E. McCullough in July. On Monday evenings during June and July, Vacation Bible school meetings were held with an encouraging turnout of unsaved children and parents. The gospel was clearly presented using the theme, “People in the Bible Who Met Jesus.” A young brother obeyed the Lord in baptism with a number of unsaved present. The gospel and truths concerning baptism were faithfully presented by Bill Nason. The outreach work at the local rehab center continues each Monday evening as it has over the past five years. Please pray that this door of opportunity will remain open.
Battle Creek: In July, the saints appreciated a visit for ministry and gospel from Jim Smith.
Deckerville: Bill Metcalf came for a visit in July and gave uplifting ministry. Please pray for a brother here in the assembly who has bone cancer. Your prayers will be very much appreciated.
Saginaw: Jim Smith visited for the Lord’s Day, June 16, to encourage the saints with teaching and ministry. Jack Nesbitt and Matt Smith (Jackson) gave excellent ministry and gospel messages at the August 5 bimonthly ministry meeting. The meetings were well supported by surrounding assemblies.
Crandon: The assembly enjoyed a week of Bible readings on the “Meetings of the Assembly” with David Petterson, July 23-27. Please pray for gospel efforts in the area. We are planning to set up a booth at a flea market in nearby Dublin for distribution of Bible texts in mid-September, followed by two weeks of gospel meetings.
Carmen: Paul Thiessen gave appreciated help in ministry and gospel preaching on this island, and in Emiliano Zapata. Moses Roseyon (Puerto Vallarta) has also been helping the Santa Ritaassembly, a three hour drive from Carmen.
Chihuahua: Anderson Hernandez (Venezuela) has been giving appreciated ministry in the Valle de la Madrid hall, as well as helping with open air meetings, house meetings, and tract distribution, in the nearby cities of Cuauhtemoc and Santa Eulalia.
El Barril: Helped by Nathan Bruley (Black River Falls) and Anthony Elliott (Garnavillo), Jason Wahls had nine well-attended children’s meetings on the subject of the “Ten Commandments,” with up to 80 children present one day, as well as gospel meetings in the evenings.
El Borrego: A weekly work is maintained by the Tepic and Zapopan assemblies.
Guasave: Duncan Beckett, Marcus Cain, and Shad Kember, preached in this city (close to Obregón) for the first time in the home of a woman that had attended a conference last year.
Hermosillo: Helped by local brethren, Edgar Roseyon (Puerto Vallarta) had a week of well-attended children’s meetings in the hall, as well as in the outreach work in Tirocapes.
Halacho: Jose Cauich (Cancun) introduced brethren David Alves, Jr. and Timothy Stevenson to his home village, close to Paraiso, Yucatan. Literature was distributed and the gospel was preached.
Iguala: Duncan and Anna Beckett, as well as several believers from Hermosillo, including Eleonor Mosquera, visited the new work here on their way back from the Pachuca conference.
Pachuca: The annual conference was very well attended. Believers from the Matilde and Neza assemblies worked very hard and God honored them. Seven of the missionaries in the country shared in the meetings, as well as Diego Alves (Puerto Vallarta) and Anderson Hernandez, a visiting Venezuelan brother. After the conference, the Matilde believers had a week of encouraging children’s meetings in the hall.
Paraiso: David Alves, Jr. and Timothy Stevenson rented a house in Mérida, the capital of Yucatán State, and commuted daily to this Mayan town for two weeks of children’s meetings in the afternoons, followed by the preaching of the gospel in the evenings. Every one of the 300 homes was visited, and attendance and interest of children and adults was encouraging. Hundreds of tracts were also distributed in downtown area of Merida.
San Juan: Ministry meetings were held in the new San Juan hall, as well as in a home in San Pancho, an hour away, where there is a group of believers who meet twice a week.
San Luis Río Colorado: Hermosillo brethren helped in open air gospel and children’s meetings in various points in the city.
Tepic: Marcus Cain spent a weekend with the saints here, visiting several in their homes and helping in the assembly meetings.
Zamora: Chucho and Ricardo Gomez, both overseers in the Galvantepec assembly on the outskirts of Zamora, shared in two gospel meetings: one in an outreach in the city of Zamora and the other one in Los Reyes, a two-hour drive from Zamora. In this last place there are a number of baptized believers that meet weekly in a home.
Zapopan: Paul Thiessen and local brethren were very encouraged by children’s meetings in the hall. Believers from Zamora came over to help in the distribution of texts and invitations in various neighborhoods of the city.
Republic of Ireland
Donegal: The annual weekend of ministry was held on July 28 & 29 at the Bridgetown Gospel Hall. The assembly was encouraged by the large numbers attending and especially with the numbers of young believers present. The speakers were Mark Turkington, William Lavery, David Gilliland, Mark Sweetnam, and Tom McNeill. Brother David Gilliland continued in ministry the following week, on the subject of, “The Christian and the Spiritual Olympics.”
Rathmines: During the summer months, a weekly Bible study is being conducted with character studies of the twelve apostles. Interest is good and the meetings have been profitable.
N. Ireland
Armagh: Harry Wilson and Sam McBride continue in the gospel outside this town.
Bushmills: The annual Bible readings conducted by Robin McKeown were held in the local high school during the holiday fortnight in July. Large numbers attended.
Cloughmills: Walter Boyd and Robin McKeown had four weeks of gospel meetings in a tent. A number of other brethren preached the gospel in tents in July. These include Malcolm Radcliffe and Matthew McKillen outside Ballintoy; John Fleck and Stephen Gilfillan in Newtownstewart; Brian Currie and Jackie Palmer at Ballynashee outside Ballyclare; Sammy Maze and Aaron Colgan at Hillhead, Castledawson.
Currien, Co. Fermanagh: Tommie Wright and Samuel Nelson have started gospel meetings with this small assembly.
Lisburn: Albert Hull and David Gilliland have commenced a gospel series in the Lisburn Civic Centre. The opening night on August 4 saw almost 400 gathered to listen to the gospel. Four local assemblies have united to host these meetings. Please pray for the Lord’s blessing
Lurgan: The conference was held in June this year over the Queen’s Jubilee holiday. These meetings were very well attended and helpful exposition of 1 Corinthians 9-12 was given by David West, David Gilliland, Brian Currie, and Jim Baker.
Portstewart: Their annual drive-in open-air meetings continue at “The Pitts” each Lord’s Day during July and August. Many assemblies have held a week of open-air meetings in their neighborhood, while others continue a weekly open-air testimony during the summer months.
Watertown, MA
September 15-16 – Conference is cancelled.
Chapman Valley/Parry Sound, ON
September 22-23, in the Chapman Valley Gospel Hall, 9 Miller Road, Hwy #124 at Miller Road, 18 km west of Hwy #11. Prayer on Friday, September 21 at 7:30 pm, with supper at 6pm. Breakfast at 8:15am on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday: Bible Reading 9:45am (“Fear and Anxiety Faced by Christians, and the Remedy”), Ministry 1:45pm; Ministry/Gospel 6:45pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:45am; Children’s meeting 1pm; Ministry 2pm; Gospel 7pm. Chapman Valley Corr: Russ Longhurst, 28 River Road, RR#2, Sundridge, ON, P0A 1Z0; Tel: 705 387-4393. Parry Sound Corr: Delcoe Jeffery, 11 Hoddy’s Side Road, RR#3, Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W9; Tel: 705 746-8453.
Roseisle, MB
September 28-30, with prayer, Friday September 28 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading (Hebrews 12) 10am, Ministry 2pm and 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am; Sunday School 1:30pm; Ministry 2:15pm; Gospel 7pm. Corr: John Dyck, Tel: 204 435-2341, or E-mail:
Lindsay, ON
September 30, in the Gospel Hall, 5 Howard Ave. Lord’s Day only. Breakfast 8:30am, Bible Reading 9:15am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2:30pm. Contact: Craig Foreshew, 125 Sandhills Rd., R.R. 3, Woodville ON K0M 2T0; or Don Nicholson, 191 Sandhills Rd.
Midland Park, NJ
Please note the change of location for the Midland Park, NJ conference on September 28, 29 & 30. All meeting times will be as in the announcement in the August issue of T&T. The Friday evening, September 28 prayer meeting will be held in the Gospel Hall, 61 Prospect St., Midland Park, NJ. All other conference meetings on Saturday and the Lord’s Day will be held in the Eastern Christian High School, 50 Oakwood Ave. (off High Mountain Road) in North Haledon, New Jersey. The new location is approximately six miles from the Gospel Hall.
Mississauga ON
September 29-30, at the Applewood Heights Gospel Hall, 4030 Tomken Rd., Mississauga ON, L4W 1J5. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am, Ministry 1:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:45am, Ministry 2:30pm Gospel 6:30pm. Corr: Paul Robinson, Tel. 905-775-6686, E-mail
New Lenox, IL
September 29-30, in the Lincoln Way West High School, corner of Spencer Rd. and Gougar Rd. in New Lenox. Prayer, Friday at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 13550 West Rt. 6, Mokena. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6:30 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 3:30pm. Accom: Brent Studnicka, Tel; 815 463-9590, E-mail:
Brandon, MB
October 8 (Canadian Thanksgiving), in the Brandon Gospel Hall. Bible Reading 10am (Philippians 4), Ministry 1:30-5pm. There is no evening meeting. Corr: Alan Ritchie, E-mail:; Tel: 204 727-4971.
Manchester, IA
October 6-7, with prayer on October 5 at 7:30pm at Manchester Gospel Hall, 1208 N. 3rd St. Meetings following are at the West Delaware Middle School, Doctor St. Saturday: Ministry 10am. Testimony 6:15pm, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Bible Reading 9am (The Ascension of Christ), Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm (Gospel Hall). Accom: Kenneth Gentz, Tel: 563 927-4662.
Cape Breton, NS
October 6-7, in Memorial High School, Memorial Drive, Sydney Mines. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry Meeting 10:00 am, Bible Reading 1:30 pm, Ministry 3:30 pm, Gospel 7:00 pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 8:30am, Breaking of Bread 10:00 am, Ministry 2:15 pm, Gospel 7:00 pm. preceded by an Open Air Meeting. Corr. Melvin Bonnell, (902 794-3888) or Lorne Richardson, (902 562-2978). Accom: John Ingram, please call in advance 902 794-2691; email: See for Bible Reading outlines.
Paradise Valley, AB/Mervin, SK
October 5-7, with prayer, Friday at 7:30pm at the Paradise Valley Gospel Hall. All other meetings in the Paradise Valley Community Hall. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 2pm, Gospel or Ministry 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Contacts: David Flint, Tel: 780 745-2560; or Sam Maess, Tel: 306 845-2466.
St. Thomas, ON
October 6-7, with Prayer at 7:30pm on Friday, October 5 in the Gospel Hall, 1 Sunset Drive. All other meetings will be held in the Parkside Collegiate, 241 Sunset Drive. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Corr: Lyle McCandless, 45 Pol Crescent, St. Thomas, ON, N5R 5P9; Tel: 519 637-1602. E-mail:
L’Anse au Loup, Labrador
October 12-14, 2012 with prayer on Thursday, October 11. All meetings are in the Gospel Hall, with meals being served in the homes of the Christians. Saturday: Bible Reading (subject to be determined). Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am. Monday: Gospel 7:30pm at Red Bay. A warm welcome awaits all. Accom: Francis Barney, Tel: 709 927-5696; or Preston Belben, Tel: 709 927-5622.
Niagara Falls, ON
October 13-14 – Conference has been cancelled.
Arborfield, SK
October 19-21. Friday, Prayer/Ministry 7:30pm. Saturday: Prayer/Praise/Ministry 10:30am, Dinner 12 noon, Prayer/Ministry 1:45pm and 3:30pm, Supper 5pm, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Worship 10:30am, Dinner 12 noon, Sunday school 1pm; Prayer/Ministry 3:30pm, Supper 5pm, Gospel 7pm. Contact: Floyd Pickering, E-mail:
Alpena, AR
November 3-4 in the Gospel Hall, 401 Lane Street. Saturday: Bible Reading 1pm, with ministry and gospel following. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school 11:30am, Ministry 1:30pm. For information or accommodations: Fred Stevenson, Tel: 573 201-1282; E-mail:; or Will Trowbridge, Tel: 479 665-4189.
Newington, CT
November 3-4. First meeting for ministry at 2pm on Saturday. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:45am. Brethren walking in and teaching the “old paths” are welcomed to minister as the Lord leads. Corr: Matthew J. Brescia, 81 Cobblestone Way, Windsor, CT 06095. Tel: 860 688-2388. Gospel Hall: 860 666-4342.
Saskatoon, SK
November 3-4, in the Lawson Heights Gospel Hall, 131 La Ronge Road, Friday, November 2. Prayer/Ministry 7:30pm. Saturday, Ministry 10:30am and 1:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lord’s Day, Breaking of Bread 9:30am; Ministry 11:15am and 1:30pm; Gospel 7pm. Inquiries: Murray Buckingham, Tel. 306 477-9117; E-mail:; Hall: 306 249-5044.
Oil Springs, ON
November 10-11, with prayer on Friday, November 9 at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall on Victoria St. All other meetings in the Youth Center, cor. Hwy. 21 and Victoria St. Saturday, Ministry 10:30am, Bible Reading 1pm (Phil 2:1-12), Ministry 2:30pm, Testimony/Gospel 6pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Sunday school 1pm, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm (Gospel Hall). Corr: Arthur Whitton, RR3 Oil Springs, ON, N0N 1P0; Tel: 519 882-1686.
Bryn Mawr/Hatboro, PA
November 17-18, with Prayer on Friday, November 16 at 7:30pm at Hatboro Gospel Hall, 23 E. Moreland Ave., Hatboro. Other meetings at the Colonial Elementary School, 230 Flourtown Road, Plymouth Meeting, PA, one mile east of the intersection of routes 476 and 276 (Norristown exit of the PA turnpike or exit 19 from route 476); take Germantown Pike East; turn left on Colonial Road just beyond the Plymouth Whitemarsh High School. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 2pm; Gospel 6pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school 11:45am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Speakers expected (as of the end of July) are John Dennison, Albert Hull, Lindsay Parks, and Dan Shutt. Accom: Alan Oliver, Tel: 610 399-3199, E-mail:; or Jack Coleman, Tel: 215 675-7253, E-mail:
Conference Reminders:
Akron, OH – September 1-2
Arlington/Marysville, WA – September 1-2
Kansas City, MO – September 1-2
Beetown, WI – September 3
Hardwick, VT – September 8-9
Sault St. Marie, ON/MI – September 7-9
Arnstein, ON – September 14-16
Hitesville, IA – September 15-16
Clinton, ON – September 29-30
Vancouver, BC – October 6-8
Blue River, WI – October 19-21
Terryville, CT – October 19-21
Rosalie Trombly of Manchester, CT, on February 17, age 86. She was saved in her early teens on July 7, 1940 under the preaching of Frank Pizzulli at the Long Branch, NJ conference. She was in the old Bristol assembly until marrying Richard Trombly in 1956, when both became part of the Manchester assembly. She was a very pleasant sister with the ability to uplift those who visited her. They had three children, all saved, and many foster children of whom a number were saved. She was predeceased by her son, Richard, a number of years ago. She is survived by her husband, two daughters and their husbands: Patty (Dave) Amadio of Barrington, NJ, and Sandra (Bill) Ganoe of Manchester, CT, and a grandson Jacob Ganoe. The funeral was taken by her nephew Mark Quitadamo, and son-in-law David Amadio. This is a loss to the assembly and she is greatly missed.
Hannah Campbell of Pembroke, ON (formerly of Sundridge, ON and Blues Mills, NS), on March 18, age 94. Our sister was born November 5, 1917 on Cape Breton. She never heard the gospel until her husband and eldest daughter were saved in 1957. She believed that a good, churchgoing life was sufficient for heaven, but after attending meetings in Baddeck held by two Sydney brethren, she was convicted of her sin and trusted Christ through John 3:7 on March 7, 1958. She faced many trials in life having lost her husband and three sons, yet was known for her smiling countenance. Her funeral was in Blues Mills Gospel Hall where she had been in fellowship until moving to Ontario in 2008. Her funeral was taken by Fred Bartlett and Gordon Swan, with the gospel spoken by Noel Burden at the graveside. She leaves behind one son, two daughters, two daughters-in-law, many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and six great-great-grandchildren. Pray that all will meet her in heaven.
Henry Van der Hart of Tylertown, MS, on July 2, age 80. Henry had moved to Mobile, Alabama to undergo cancer treatments. He was an appreciated help to the Tylertown assembly until his health prevented him from making the 140 mile journey. Our brother was saved at age 14 through Luke 18:13 while working in a cornfield. Henry was in fellowship over the years in Omaha, NB, Albuquerque, NM, and Phoenix, AZ. In recent weeks, Henry had expressed the desire to “go home.” He is survived by his wife, Ann, daughter, Rhoda Herder, sons, Mark, Tim, and Phillip, along with 16 grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. He also leaves a sister, Jeanetta, and three brothers, Godert, Raymond, and Clarence. Our brother was faithful to the end in his service to the Lord. The funeral and graveside service were taken by Tom Baker in Phoenix on July 16.
Miriam Cuthill of Clementsvale, NS, on July 3, age 97. Our dear sister was born in England and born again in Hamilton, ON at age of 12. About 1955, Miriam and her late husband Bert, saw the truth of gathering to the Lord’s Name and were received into fellowship into the Kensington assembly. A number of years ago our sister moved to Nova Scotia to live with a daughter, and was there until her home-call. Her love for the Lord was seen in her care and kindness to so many believers and unbelievers. Her one interest was that all her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren would be saved. In Hamilton, the funeral service was shared by Paul Glenney and Erich Kalmbach, with James McClelland preaching the gospel at a memorial service in Clementsvale.
Garneda Ruth (Penny) Marschke of Clyde, OH, on July 6, age 88. She was preceded in death by her husband Robert in 1986. Both were saved in 1956 along with many others through the faithful preaching of Norman Crawford and Jim Lipke. As a result, the Clyde assembly was formed that year. There are now only three sisters left who were in that first gathering at the formation of the assembly. She is survived by a son, David Marschke, three grandchildren, Dawn and Shawn Marschke, and Amy McLain. She was in faithful fellowship until her health failed in recent years. The gospel was faithfully preached at her funeral.
Annie English of London, ON, on July 12. Our dear sister was born in Belfast, NI, on January 9, 1914 and was saved as a girl. In 1949 she came to Canada, and, in 1950, she came into the assembly fellowship in London where she enjoyed the Lord and His people until poor health required her to be at a nursing home. She leaves one son, Billy, who is 62 and has been the object of much prayer. David Warden and Ross Parker shared in the funeral service, with Alex Dryburgh at the graveside.
Norma Elizabeth Stainton of Unionville, ON, on July 17. She was the eldest daughter of the late Albert Joyce and was one of the original members of the Unionville assembly. A kind, gracious, dignified woman, she was a valued believer in the assembly and was greatly loved. She is survived by her husband Bill, daughters Sharon, Jan (Byron Aspenson), Patti (John Crawford); son Paul (Liz); eight grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. The godly character and faithful consistency she displayed will not be easily replaced. The funeral was taken by George Telfer, Tom Browning, and Gene Higgins, with comments made by Paul Stainton, John Crawford, and other family members.
Claire E. (Ruff) Coffey of Olney, PA (Philadelphia), on July 19, 12 days before her 91st birthday. Her husband David was called home in 2003. She was born and raised in the Pittsburg area in the Friendship Gospel Hall. She learned the need of salvation as a child. On March 16, 1938, at age 16, she was awakened to her need and led to the Savior through Isaiah 53:5. She was soon baptized and received into fellowship in Pittsburg. In 1948, she married David and they were linked with the Olney assembly. They were blessed with two sons and a daughter that know the natural sorrow of her passing but look for a time of reunion in the air. She is missed by the assembly where she was a consistent help apart from later years of limited health. A good number attending her service attested to her interest in individuals. Doug Scott gave a good review of her life and the importance of the gospel, with William Oliver opening the service.