This may be the last of the four prison epistles.
NB: certain things are absent in this epistle. It is only here and in Galatians that he does not request prayer. Why? There is no mention of sin, Satan, or quotes from the Old Testament.
The Penman
Paul; both internal and external evidence
The Planting of the Assembly
(Acts 16) linked with:
Spirit led gospel activity
Supplication – four prayers linked with the work in Philippi
Suffering and joy
Sisters – two out of the three first converts were women
The Political Background
A colony of Rome – cf 3:20
A garrison of Rome would be present to keep the peace – cf 4:7
The city would all turn out if the Emperor were to make a visit – cf 3:20-21
As Roman citizens none would have ever been subjected to a cross death – cf 2:8
The Purpose of the Epistle
Appreciation for their gift
Appeal for unity
Alarm over legality (ch 3:3)
Acknowledgment of Epaphroditus
Admonition over discouragement (ch 4)
An Awareness of his circumstances (ch 1)
The Progress of the Assembly
Correct Governmentally – (ch 1:1): Plurality of elders; Activity of saints; Autonomy of the church
Correct Evangelically
Correct Doctrinally – No correction of wrong teaching
Correct Morally – No sin to discipline
Correct Materially – Used their resources to further the work of God
The Pattern of the Epistle
ch 1 The Enrapturing Christ – Christ the essence of a spiritual life
ch 2 The Exemplary Christ – Christ the example of a selfless life
ch 3 The Excelling Christ – Christ the experience of a satisfied life
ch 4 The Enabling Christ – Christ the enabler of a strong life
The Principles of the Assembly
The Saints and the Assembly – Believers maintaining testimony
ch 1 By confidence in the Gospel
ch 2 By Christlike character
ch 3 By Consistent living
ch 4 By Commitment and consecration
The Servant and the Assembly – Paul Motivating the Assembly
ch 1 To be Steadfast amidst the conflict
ch 2 To Selflessness amidst their problem
ch 3 To Strive for the goal
ch 4 To Security amidst their Stress
The Sovereign and the Assembly – God Ministering to the Assembly – (ch 4:19)
ch 1 God granting grace for the trials
ch 2 God guiding to unity (ch 2:12-13)
ch 3 God and growth spiritually (ch 3:15, 16)
ch 4 God garrisoning the assembly (ch 4:7)
The Savior and the Assembly – Christ Molding the Assembly
ch 1 His Person Captivating – chains, critics, circumstances are nothing
ch 2 His Pattern Conforming
ch 3 His Prospect Controlling: vision, values, virtues
ch 4 His Power Enabling
The Peril of the Assembly: ch 2:12-13 with ch 4:2-4
The Panacea for the Assembly: ch 2:5-11
Prominent words in the epistle: joy and rejoice, fellowship, mind
brethren: 1.12; 2:25; 3:1, 13, 17; 4:1, 8, 21; always: 1:4; 1:20; 2:12; 4:14;
beloved: 2:12; 4:1,1 gospel: 1:5, 7, 12, 17, 27, 27; nothing:1:28; 2:3; 4:6; all: 1:3, 4, 4, 7, 7, 8
ch 1 The Priority of His Life
ch 2 The Pouring out of Himself
ch 3 The Pursuit of His Life
ch 4 The Power for His Life (Pupil)
Fruit in Philippians
ch 1 Steadfastness Amidst Affliction
ch 2 Submission and Service in Light of Christ
ch 3 Separation from Society
ch 4 Sacrificial Giving
That I Might Know Him
ch 1 The Servant amidst His Circumstances – His Person Captivating
ch 2 The Sacrifice at the Altar – His Pattern Conforming
ch 3 The Struggler in the Race – His Prospect Controlling: vision, values, virtues
ch 4 The Student in God’s School – His Power Enabling