British Columbia
Kamloops: The assembly was encouraged when a young sister, daughter of a couple in the assembly, was baptized on April 3.
Vancouver: The Deep Cove assembly hosted the Monthly Missionary Meeting April 2 where, to a full hall, Doug Reid gave a report on Costa Rica. Jim and Edith Currie are home from Japan until mid-summer as our sister is recovering from an ankle operation.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Corner Brook: A three-week series of gospel meetings with F. Sona and J. Jarvis was well-attended and a tremendous encouragement to the saints. There were no professions of faith in Christ, but a good number of contacts were made.
Flowers Cove: The saints appreciated a couple of weeks of gospel meetings nearby in Black Duck Cove with John Fitzpatrick and a local brother, Edward Dredge. The meetings were held in the Ferry Terminal with some interest from the area.
Gander Bay: W. Buckle and his wife spent the weekend of March 13 with the saints, and the visit was refreshing and very much appreciated.
St. John’s: Four weeks of gospel meetings closed at the end of March with M. Derksen and A. Wilson (N. Ireland). Brother Wilson filled in for David Oliver who could not come due to his accident.
Sudbury: L. Langfeld was with the assembly for their annual Sunday school treat in March as well as the monthly ministry meeting. He remained for the Lord’s Day, giving encouraging ministry and help in the gospel. Alex and Robert Dryburgh were with the assembly for the April ministry meeting. The saints appreciated the excellent ministry and preaching of the gospel.
Victoria Road: Over the last several months, the saints at Victoria Road have been blessed and encouraged by appreciated visits from E. Miller, L. Buote, A. Cook, L. Langfeld, B. Snippe, E. Badgley, B. Joyce, and B. Crawford.
Taylorside: The saints enjoyed a week of profitable ministry meetings with Peter Simms.
Wasilla: The Valley Christian assembly extends a hearty invitation to any who are exercised to help with Seed Sowers distribution June 20-24, Monday through Friday. This effort will be followed by two weeks of gospel meetings with a tentative schedule from June 26 to July10, with one week of children’s VBS commencing June 27. Preference for help would be for VBS and for Seed Sowing. Speakers for the gospel meetings will be Bryon Meyers (Washington) and John Bang (Wasilla). Contacts: John Bang, Tel: 907 355-2701,; or Bryon Meyers, Tel: 509 948-3081,
Chico: The assembly enjoyed ministry meetings in March with J. Smith, speaking on Ruth for four nights. D. Richards then had a week on Romans 6-8. The saints were encouraged and strengthened.
Fresno: The saints enjoyed timely ministry by D. Richards for a week in March on Romans 6, 7, and 8, emphasizing freedom from the penalty of sin and deliverance from its power.
Cedar Falls: The assembly just completed seven weeks of gospel meetings with M. McCandless and J. Meekin. The Word was spoken faithfully and with power each night and the Lord was gracious in blessing in the salvation of a number of souls. We continue to pray for those who still linger.
Saugus: The assembly was privileged to have A. J. Higgins for six meetings on the study of Joseph. These meetings were very much appreciated and well attended. The sessions are posted at
The Sunday school treat was held April 2 when the gospel was faithfully presented by Michael Hughes (Hatboro, PA). A number of unsaved attended. The efforts of the Sunday school teachers and the interest displayed by the children are cause for thankfulness to God.
Cass City: The assembly enjoyed ministry meetings with S. Thompson on March 23-25. The assembly appreciated the support from surrounding assemblies.
Saginaw: F. Krauss and S. Thompson gave excellent ministry in Saginaw for the bi-monthly ministry meeting March 27. Brother Krauss continued in Saginaw for two nights with ministry on “The Christian’s Armor.” Meetings were supported by surrounding assemblies.
Fridley: Practical ministry from the book of Ruth was given by J. Beattie in March. Also, gospel meetings with Stu Thompson and William Skates are planned to begin May 1.
Akron: The assembly is looking forward to a gospel tent series in July with A. Christopherson and B. Joyce. We value the prayers of the Lord’s people for this effort.
Cleveland: A good number were gathered for the March area ministry meeting when B. Seale gave helpful ministry.
Mansfield: The saints appreciated a visit from B. Seale for a Lord’s Day recently. The assembly is planning a special gathering for younger believers, May 21, when Ryan Coleman is expected to give ministry. For additional information please contact Tel: 419 884-1990. Please pray for a gospel tent series planned for June with M. McCandless and J. Meekin.
On Friday, March 11, an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 occurred with its epicenter off the east coast of the large island of Honshu. Most by now are well-informed through the news media of the devastation caused, not only by the quake, but more so by the tsunami that swiftly followed that has left the number of dead and missing approaching 20,000. Pray for the Japanese people who have suffered shock, sorrow, and shortages, and for an awakening to their spiritual need. They still face the fear of nuclear contamination as a result of the damaged reactors at Fukushima. Below are some dated excerpts from brethren in touch with the situation:
Nonaka Makoto writes, “Your prayer and care for us Japanese believers shaken by disaster are much appreciated. To realize we are remembered by so many in other countries is really encouraging. We are, of course, encouraged to learn that our gracious Lord has protected the believers. We are also thankful for help in other forms, given by government, organizations and individuals from your country. Many emergency response, rescue, and relief teams have been sent to Japan and are now working hard for survivors. Supply of relief items such as blankets and those for nuclear crisis, such as boric acid from Korea, have been offered. We cannot be thankful enough for these. No financial support is required for now. However, strong aftershocks or nuclear crisis could change the situation. Continued prayer will be much appreciated as the crisis is far from over.” (March 17)
Jim Currie writes, “We have all been shocked by the extent of the tragedy in Japan. I have been in touch with brethren in different parts of the country, especially in Sendai and Fukushima, cities where most of the damage has been done. Miraculously, none of the assembly believers in the whole area have been injured in any way, and the Gospel Halls, meeting places, and individual homes have all escaped any serious damage. Because of the fear of nuclear fallout, some of the saints are in relief centers provided by the municipalities. Food and drinking water are scarce, electricity is rationed daily and gasoline is very hard to come by. The brethren are all of one mind at the moment that monetary gifts are not the answer since the stricken areas are dependent upon government and organizational distribution because those stores not completely destroyed have very little, if anything, to sell. If the way opens up for the assemblies in Canada and the US to help, I will immediately spread the word” (March 27).
Elton Fairfield – “The situation concerning the nuclear reactors remains the same, but one answer to prayer has been the wind patterns which so far have carried radioactive materials out to sea. While no winds have headed towards the northernmost island of Hokkaido, there remains a threat to those in Tokyo, which is much closer to the danger zone. There are many believers in Tokyo.” (April 1)
Chiapa de Corzo: An assembly in this southernmost state of Mexico (Chiapas) was formed 10 years ago as the result of the witness of a Mexican man saved in El Salvador (Apopa assembly) about ten years ago. There are 38 in fellowship now.
Ciudad del Carmen: The saints here appreciated five meetings on “Marriage and the Family.”
Ciudad Obregon: God has blessed in salvation in Nueva Palmira, with several souls trusting Christ. A hall in a new location called Valle Dorado has been rented for meetings. A few thousand texts and invitations were delivered in the area with the help of believers from Hermosillo. Please pray that God will also work in these meetings.
Cotaxtla: J. Nesbitt has obtained use of a large, commodious auditorium owned by the Rancher’s Association in this town severely hit by hurricane Karl last September, and is having two (maybe three) weeks of gospel meetings. Having heard the voice of God recently in the roar of nature, some 65 people gather nightly to hear God’s voice through His Word. Early in the series God blessed with salvation. There is no assembly here, but there are a handful of very faithful believers. Please pray for this new work.
El Barril: J. Wahls has ended 13 weeks of meetings. God blessed in salvation but several souls still linger at the door. P. Thiessen gave help towards the end of the series and he is planning to return to help brother Wahls with ongoing meetings on selected nights.
Emiliano Zapata: There are eight baptized believers here now. David Alves Jr. and brethren from the Carmen assembly visit here every Thursday. A local brother is building a little hall. Please pray for this new work.
Hermosillo: The annual conference was attended by some 200 souls. D. Beckett, J. Dennison, S. Kember, G. Sharp, Manny Gongora (Sunnyslope), and others gave excellent help. Three young men obeyed the Lord in baptism. Some of the believers from the new work in San Luis Rio Colorado were thankful to be able to attend their first conference.
Paraiso: Five believers obeyed the Lord in baptism here. Please pray for this new work. David Alves Jr. intends to visit here every Friday, D.V. It is a three and a half hour drive from Ciudad del Carmen.
Puerto Vallarta: Nine weeks of well-attended, fruitful gospel meetings have ended.
San Luis Rio Colorado: Please pray for this new work.
Santa Rita: An afternoon meeting was held here with this assembly, formed as a result of the efforts of a Guatemalan brother. Though also in the state of Campeche, this small village is a four hour drive from Ciudad del Carmen.
Santiago: J. Dyck is making excellent progress on the construction of the hall here. Help from brethren from the north has been appreciated.
Livingston, NJ
May 6-8, with Prayer Meeting on May 6 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 5pm. All meetings will be held at the Livingston Gospel Hall, 405 E. Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Livingston, NJ; Tel: 973 535-1485. See for directions. Accom: Allan Valvano, Tel: 973 377-7839 or 201 404-5611,; or David Valvano, Tel: 973 884-2484,
Gander Bay, NL
May 20-22. A very warm welcome is extended for the annual conference. For further information please contact either Ernest Harris at 709 676-2541, or Herbert Harris at 709 676-2634; E-mail:
Grants Pass, OR
May 28-29, in the Gospel Hall, 1611 SW “G” St., with Prayer Meeting on Friday, May 27, at 7:30pm. Saturday: Breakfast 7:45am, Bible Readings 8:30am (Philippians 1 & 2). Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am. Accom: Steve Lamb, Tel: 541 476-1515. Corr: Don Gratias, Tel: 541 479-4521, or
Kitchener, ON (Spanish)
May 27-29, Spanish Conference at the Kitchener Gospel Hall, 218 Bleams Rd. Friday: Prayer meeting (English) 7:30pm. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am, Bible Reading 1:45pm, Ministry 3:15pm, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Lord’s Supper 10am, Sunday school 12pm, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Ministry meetings in Spanish. Speakers expected: D. Booth, D. Rodgers, and S. St. Clair. Accom: Michael Rodgers, Tel: 519 581-0677, or
Sarnia, ON
May 27-29, with invited speakers Marvin Derksen, David Oliver, Peter Ramsay, Andrew Ussher, David Vallance, and Steven Vance. Meeting times and other details are posted at
Burgessville, ON
June 4, at Burgessville Gospel Hall. Meetings start at 10am. Expected speakers are Bill Seale, Andrew Robertson, and Scott MacLeod. Corr: Ernie Dyck, Tel: 519 469-3097; or Luke Winkels, Tel: 519 424-2796, Cell: 330 231-0159.
Garnavillo, IA
June 4-5, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, June 3 at 7pm. Saturday: begins with Ministry 10am. Sunday: begins with Breaking of Bread 10am. Brethren expected are J. Smith, S. Vance, and M. Cain. Corr: John Kregel, Tel: 563 880-0520.
Eden Grove, ON
June 5, in the Gospel Hall, preceded by the Prayer Meeting on Saturday, June 4 at 7:30 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm, DV. Directions: 1 mile west of Bruce County Rd. # 3 (Elora Road), on Bruce Rd. 15 (#111). Corr: John W. Boddy, Sr., RR # 4, Walkerton, ON, N0G 2V0; Tel: 519 366-2302; E-mail:
Victoria Road, ON
June 18-19, in the Gospel Hall, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, June 17 at 7:30pm. Supper served at 6pm. Saturday: Breakfast 8am, Bible Reading to follow, Ministry 10:30am, 2 and 7 pm. Lord’s Day: Breakfast 8am, Bible reading to follow, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 7pm. Bible Readings: Authority of God, Christ, Holy Spirit and the Word of God (Sat), and My Responsibility to this Authority (Sun). Corr: Ken Stone, Tel: 705 374-4688 or E-mail:
Corner Brook, NL
June 25-27, in the G.C. Rowe Junior High School, St. Mark’s Ave., Corner Brook. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am, Bible Reading 1:30pm, Ministry 3:30pm, Gospel 7pm, Young People’s Sing 8:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school 12:45pm, Ministry 2 and 4pm, Gospel 7pm. Bible Study subject is “What manner of persons ought we to be in view of the Lord’s return.” Corr: Gordon Hollett,
Kirkland Lake, Englehart, Earlton, Charlton, ON
June 25-26 (new date), in the Englehart High School. Prayer Meeting on Friday, June 24 at 7:30pm. Times of meetings both days are 10am, 2pm, and 7pm. Supper served at 5:30pm Friday in the school. Corr: Jeff Taylor (Earlton), Tel: 705 563-8131; Doug Yade (Kirkland Lake), Tel: 705 567-5951.
Taylorside, SK
June 24-26, with Prayer Meeting, Thursday, June 23 at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall. Meetings begin Friday at 2pm and continue through Sunday. Corr: John Parker, Tel: 306 752-4079.
Kamloops, B C
July 1-3, with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7pm. Saturday: Ministry 9am, Bible Reading 2pm (2 Thess 2:1-3:5), Ministry 4:15pm, Gospel 7pm, Young People’s 8:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Open Sunday school 11:15am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm, Young People’s 8:30pm. Meals provided July 2 & 3 at 8am, 12pm, 5pm. Accommodations provided, please give advance notice. Corr: John Eggers, Tel: 250 579-8814, or More information at
Conference Reminders:
Newmarket, ON – May 1
Peterborough, ON – May 7
Tylertown, MS – May 7-8
Toronto, ON – May 13-15 (Missionary)
Cumberland, MD – May 21-22
Ottawa, ON – May 21-22
Prince Edward Island – May 21-22
Byfield, MA – May 27-29
Denver/Hickory, NC – May 27-29
Bancroft, ON – June 4
Saugus, MA – June 4-5
North Bay, ON – June 11-12
Portage la Prairie, MB – June 10-12
Change of Address
Shad and Debbie Kember, c/o 7619 N 72nd Dr. Glendale, AZ, USA 85303.
Becky Kew, Box 55, 241 Kinosota Rd. N, Amaranth, MB, R0H-0B0. Cell: 204 843-0035, Home: 204 843-3719.
Bryon and Joni Meyers, 15522-117th Drive N.E., Arlington, WA 98223 (temporary until further notice).
Ken and Doris Taylor, 937 Burwash Landing, Kanata, ON, K2W 0C8. Tel: 613 271-9092. E-mail:
Addition to Workers List
Timothy Stevenson, (commended from N. Ireland) c/o Avenida Los Robles #405, Colonia Los Robles, 45203 Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico.
(His address for the present will be with Paul Thiessen).
Change in Meeting Times
Valens Gospel Hall, Valens, ON – Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Gospel 6:30pm; Wednesday: Prayer/Bible Reading 8pm.
Joseph Shebest of Hatboro, PA, on January 20, age 89. Joe was raised Roman Catholic and did not hear the clear gospel until he attended a meeting when his future son-in-law, Jim Coleman, was speaking. It was during meetings held by W. Gustafson and B. Grainger that he was saved at age 52 on November 13, 1973 through the truth of Galatians 2:21. His wife was saved in those meetings as well. The funeral was shared by his two grandsons, Ryan and Russell Coleman. Jack and Larry Coleman participated at the graveside. Joe is survived by his wife Florence, daughter Christine (Jim), and three grandsons and families. He was preceded in death by his son, Gregory. Please pray for his grandson, Aaron, who shared memories of his grandfather at the funeral. Joe was a quiet, consistent brother whose dedicated attention to practical concerns at the hall and faithfulness to all of the meetings will be greatly missed.
Barry Ross of Deer Lake, ON, on March 1, age 62. Our brother was saved in January three years ago just before his wife went to be with the Lord. He rejoiced in the fact that while she was with the Lord and free from suffering, he assuredly would see her again. After conversion, he was baptized and received into assembly fellowship, and has been a very faithful and helpful brother who will be missed very much. He was a bright witness to friends and extended family. He leaves four daughters and three grandchildren. Larry French and Lorne Langfeld spoke at the funeral service at the hall where the gospel was heard by many unsaved present. The interment will be in the spring.
Harold Walvatne of Waterloo, IA, on March 9, age 81, after a nine-year struggle with colon cancer. Saved December 17, 1959 during gospel meetings at Stout by Leonard DeBuhr and Eric McCullough, he was received into fellowship at Waterloo where he remained for 50 years. He was preceded in death by a son Mark in 1996 and is survived by his wife Betty, son Steve, daughter Marcia Finley, daughter-in-law Linda Lavery, 12 grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren. The funeral service in Waterloo on March 12 was shared by William Lavery who spoke words of comfort to the family, Robert Finley (son-in-law), and Steve Walvatne. Robert Orr spoke at the grave in Parkersburg.
Ruth Taylor of Taylorside, SK, on March 11, age 78. She was saved as a young lady through the truth of Hebrews 2:3. She was later baptized and received into assembly fellowship, where she remained until her home-call. Predeceased by her husband Herb, she was zealous for good works and will be missed. She leaves a son and daughter, their spouses, four grandchildren, one of whom is married. Please bear up her family in prayer. Murray Meyers preached the gospel faithfully, with words of comfort extended to the family.
Ed Vanstone of Portage la Prairie, MB, on March 14, age 92. Our beloved brother quietly “fell asleep” in Jesus to await the awakening shout. Ed was saved as a boy of 13 and enjoyed some 76 years of fellowship in God’s assembly in Portage la Prairie. For many years he served as a guide to the saints, and his godly advice and ministry will be missed. Like Hananiah, “he was a faithful man and feared God above many.” He was a well-balanced man who practiced both grace and truth. The home was a “hospitality house” ably supported by his wife. The funeral service was shared by Jim Solomon and Ed’s sons, Ross and David. Ed is survived by his wife Lois of 66 years. His immediate family will be unbroken in the Glory. Prayer is requested for some extended family that is still out of Christ.
Maxine G. Bingham of Grants Pass, OR, on March 17, age 100. She was born November 28, 1910, in Saskatoon SK, the second daughter of Walter and Mina Gratias. When 12 years old, her family moved from Canada to Glendale, CA and then to Seattle in 1928, where she trusted Christ as her Savior on February 12, 1932. She was later received into fellowship at the Roy Street Gospel Hall (later West Woodland). In 1964 she married Lester Hinde, and together they were used of God in the formation of the assembly in Grants Pass, which met in their home during its early years. Lester died in 1985. In 1987, she married Harry Bingham who died in 1996. Maxine was known for her years of Sunday school work, warm hospitality to the saints, and faithfulness in assembly testimony. The funeral was held in the Gospel Hall with participation by local brethren.
Alvina Fletcher of Sudbury, ON, on March 20, age 90. Our sister was born in Latvia, and suffered much hardship during the upheavals of WWII. After the war, she emigrated to England where she came into contact with the gospel and discovered the great reality of personal salvation in Christ. After arriving in Canada in 1951, she was in assembly fellowship in the Toronto area where she became acquainted with Henry and Agnes Fletcher who had labored as missionaries in Venezuela and Puerto Rico. After the death of his first wife, Henry married Alvina in 1963, and predeceased her in 1968. She later was in fellowship in Guelph, Gore Bay, and finally in Sudbury. She manifested a faithful and devoted spirit to the Lord, and had a compassionate heart for the sick and needy. The graveside service was shared by Stu Thompson, Bruce Rodgers, and grandsons Duncan and Delvin Fletcher.