

British Columbia

Vancouver: David Oliver visited the Fairview, Carleton, Victoria Drive, Lynden, and Fleetwood assemblies for ministry prior to the Thanksgiving conference. Jim Smith also ministered the Word to the saints in South Burnaby and Fairview.

New Brunswick

Fredericton: In September, Albert Hull gave a week of ministry using his “Dispensations” chart. The meetings were well attended and very much appreciated by the assembly. A few visitors also attended regularly. Jim Smith purposes to have a week of ministry in late October and early November.

Lameque: Leslie Wells, helped by local brethren, held three weeks of gospel meetings in late August and September in a rented building obtained after many refusals of other places. This town is on the island of Lameque, where the Pigeon Hill assembly is situated. The town was visited along with two adjoining communities, Haut-Lameque and Pointe-Alexandre. Not one unsaved visitor came, but some children of two Christians were present.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Fogo: David Hunt was on Fogo Island August 22-27 for open air meetings. Eric Fowler had a short visit after the Fogo conference and helped in the open air meeting that Lord’s Day.

Gander: James Smith was with the assembly for open air meetings August 15-20. Open air meetings were also held in Templeman, Buchans, Seal Cove, and Fogo.

Nova Scotia

Weaver Settlement: The annual afternoon meeting in September was well attended with very encouraging ministry. Later in the month, saints enjoyed ministry from Howard Barnes.


Barrie: The conference in the summer was smaller than other times, but brethren Jim Beattie, Alvin Cooke, Alex Dryburgh, Brian Owen, and Jon Robertson were faithful in ministry and gospel. A nice number of unbelievers were in for the gospel meeting. The assembly had encouraging children’s meetings with an excellent turnout from children as well as some parents. Learie Telesford was here for three nights and a Lord’s Day before he returned home to Trinidad and Tobago. Fred Krauss, Bruce Rodgers, and Larry Steers gave appreciated visits. A couple has started to come to most meetings, as well as a man who seems to be searching for the truth of a local church.

Brampton: The assembly held a successful week of Vacation Bible School August 9-13 in the Gospel Hall, with an average of 100 children each day. The week finished with a community barbeque in the hall parking lot to which at least 150 attended. Texts and tracts were given out to those interested. Please pray that the Lord will bless the Seed sown. September marked the 10th anniversary of the assembly. David Oliver came for a week of appreciated ministry meetings on Assembly Truth. A community supper to celebrate the anniversary was held on the last Lord’s Day of the month with just under 90 people in attendance. A good number of unsaved heard the gospel presented by Mike DaSilva, Sr. Please pray for gospel meetings planned to start after the conference in November.

Newmarket: Bryan Joyce and another brother had 12 consecutive nights, September 20-October 1, of powerful gospel meetings in a tent erected on the front lawn of the Gospel Hall. Sinners were in every night and good support was given by Langstaff, Barrie, Goodwood, and Orillia Gospel Halls. Pray for the Lord’s blessing on these meetings that souls may even yet be saved.

Oil Springs: Eugene Badgley and Lorne Mitchell had 2 ½ weeks of encouraging gospel meetings with unsaved attending most nights. A 13-year-old girl professed at the end of the meetings. In the first week of August, Fred Krauss had one week of well attended children’s meetings.

Orillia: The Dominion assembly is rejoicing in 10 souls professing Christ as Savior since May 2. These range in age from 10 to 89, with six coming from one family covering three generations. Gary Sharp and Brian Crawford had eight nights of gospel meetings in July in the midst of this shower of blessing and continue to work the area as they have opportunity. Others, including members of the same family, are attending gospel meetings and we would appreciate continued prayer. The mother in the family came to Sunday school 40 years ago, and we are now seeing the fruit of that work. Sunday school teachers, take heart! We will be having a baptism on October 10, in the will of the Lord, when six will be baptized.

Sudbury: Fred Krauss was with the assembly in September for a Lord’s Day and four nights of appreciated ministry.

Windsor: Marvin Derksen and Frank Sona were with the assembly for an appreciated three-week series of gospel meetings that ended on October 1. The Lord blessed in the salvation of a soul. Others were stirred under the consistent, solemn gospel preaching. The meetings were well supported by the Lord’s people and visitors were present each night. The series proved to be an encouragement and a blessing to the assembly.



Alpena: The assembly enjoyed a week’s visit by Joel Portman in August; he also helped with the Spanish meetings in Springdale.


Los Angeles: On Sunday, September 12, there were nine believers baptized at the Sala Evangelica (Gospel Hall) before some 230 in attendance. One of the believers baptized was a young man saved through the work of the Panorama City assembly and the other eight were from the East Los Angeles assembly. The Word was faithfully preached by Nelson Lopez in the gospel and by Oscar Hernandez in ministry. A word of thanksgiving to the Lord was given by John Thropay for the “miraculous” saving of a child’s life, whose parents attend faithfully at the East Los Angeles assembly. On September 19, nine more were received into assembly fellowship at the ELA assembly. Please pray that the work in Los Angeles will continue to grow.


Terryville: The assembly had the privilege of distributing gospel literature from a booth at the annual town fair. Pray that the Lord will send along searching sinners to the weekly gospel meetings.


Cedar Falls: During the month of September, the assembly had an appreciated visit from Stanley Wells for one night of ministry. A week of children’s meetings with Dan Shutt resulted in good numbers being out each night, including some parents.


Saugus: John See (Malaysia) visited for several ministry meetings and the gospel and gave a report of the work in that land and in Borneo. David Jones (Chile) visited for one night in ministry. The saints were refreshed by their ministry, and were informed of much for which to pray in those lands.


Saginaw: The October bi-monthly ministry meeting was blessed with larger than usual attendance. Matt Smith and David Vallance encouraged and challenged the saints with uplifting ministry that was followed by a young brother from the Cass City assembly obeying the Lord in believer’s baptism. The day concluded with searching gospel messages.


Fridley: Visits for ministry from William Skates, Larry Perkins, and Stan Wells were appreciated as both practical truth and church truth were taken up in the context of testimonial light in the midst of darkening days.

New Jersey

Barrington: John See of Malaysia was in the area for reports and ministry September 8-15. He also visited Pennsauken, Hatboro, and Bryn Mawr. Jack Hay of Scotland had excellent ministry September 20-23 on Jehoshaphat from 2 Chronicles.

Midland Park: The assembly held their 69th annual conference September 24-26. The brethren who faithfully ministered the Word were David Gilliland (N. Ireland), Jack Hay (Scotland), David Jones (Chile), and John See (Malaysia). Eugene Higgins spoke solemnly in the gospel on Saturday evening. Many believers attended from nearby, as well as from New England, the East Coast, and Canada.

New York

New York City: The saints in Flushing were joined by Mr. John See, a full-time worker in Malaysia, for special ministry meetings from September 27-29. He also spoke of the assemblies in Malaysia, gospel work in the outer areas of Malaysia, and of those who continue the work. His ministry and visit were of great encouragement. Continued prayer is requested for the work in New York City, as well as the work in Malaysia.


Akron: During August, Bill Seale visited for the children’s outing and a Lord’s Day. Tim Fouts ministered the Word on the occasion of the baptism of two young believers. Seven brethren gave helpful and timely ministry at the Labor Day conference. Please join the assembly to pray for gospel meetings in November with David Petterson.

Clyde: The Christians enjoyed ministry from Joel Portman from Revelation on things we should not let slip, and what it means to be a man of God. Al Christopherson and Matt Smith have recently been engaged here in a gospel series.

Mansfield: Robert Surgenor gave ministry for two weeks on the subject of the Holy Spirit of God.


Arlington: The many saints who came to the Arlington and Marysville Labor Day conference were blessed with ministry to exhort, encourage, and give hope for daily Christian living. The assembly is thankful to Tom Baker, Bryan Funston, Gaius Goff, David Petterson, Steven Vance, Dale Vitale, Stanley Wells, and others for their faithfulness in presenting God’s Word to the saints.


Borrego: Marcus Cain and Paul Thiessen preached to 180 people that attended the funeral of brother Olguin, who died quite suddenly. He had provided a hall for the brethren to preach in, and was very exercised about the salvation of his 12 grown children, as well as the townsfolk. One daughter professed faith after hearing the gospel preached at the funeral. His widow professes to be saved. Please pray that God would continue to work in this town located between Guadalajara and Tepic.

Chihuahua: Local brethren helped with seven weeks of gospel meetings in the Porvenir hall. Two men obeyed the Lord in baptism on October 3.

Obregon: The first breaking of bread meeting took place here on September 26. About 25 believers, mostly from Hermosillo, accompanied the local saints on this happy day. Five visiting servants of the Lord gave ministry and preached the gospel afterwards. Diego Alves spoke to a good number of children. God has honored the hard work of Shad and Debbie Kember, and Duncan and Bethany Beckett.

Pachuca: Close to 200 believers attended the conference held September 16-19. Cristian Lizarraga (Hermosillo), Ricardo Gomez (Zamora), Freddy Haller (Tepic), Timothy Stevenson (Northern Ireland), and eight missionaries ministered God’s Word. Twenty-six brethren took part in worship at the Lord’s Supper. Three believers obeyed the Lord in baptism.

Veracruz: Just a few days before hurricane “Karl” devastated their town, nine believers and some unsaved from Cotaxtla made a tremendous effort to attend a week of ministry meetings in Veracruz (an hour’s drive away) on selected themes from Matthew’s Gospel.

Zacatecas: Jason and Shelley Wahls (and their daughters, Grace, Hope, and Faith) have settled in this city, and need our earnest prayers.

Special Report on Hurricane Karl

This category 4 hurricane hit just north of Veracruz on Saturday, September 18 with sustained winds of 240 km/hr., leaving the city of Veracruz and Boca del Rio without water and some areas without electricity. The believers were safe, but some suffered material damage to goods and homes. All access roads to Veracruz were closed. Veracruz received the rainfall in 24 hours that all of Mexico gets in half a year. Rivers swelling and overflowing caused suffering for people located near them.

In Cotaxtla where the Nesbitts have been working, the river rose 12 meters in two hours, burying half the town, and reaching the third floor of houses. The believers here took refuge in a local shelter, but sustained loss of goods and structural damage to their homes. There is a deep burden for the physical needs of the people of the town, and efforts are being made to supply water, clothes, food items, blankets, etc. The deepest desire is that through this tragedy the gospel will prosper with hearts opened to God’s love and saving power. Prayer will be deeply valued.

Prayer Needed

Violence and crime in many foreign countries should remind us of the need to pray for the safety of those serving the Lord in these lands. Recent incidents include the robbery of the Procopio family in Brazil, the armed holdup of David and Penelope Alves and Diego Alves driving between Obregon and Puerto Vallarta in Mexico, and the danger facing all the missionaries in El Salvador as well as other countries.

N. Ireland

Annalong: Norman Mellish had one week of ministry here and also in Newtownbreda.

Ballyclare: Stephen Gilfillen and John Fleck have just finished eight weeks of gospel meetings October 2 in the Gospel Hall with blessing in salvation.

Ballymoney: Robin McKeown and Tom Meekin commenced a gospel series in the Town Hall on October 3.

Banbridge: David Gilliland is expected here and in Newtownstewart in October, and Brian Currie is expected in Glenburn.

Cardy, Co Down: Malcolm Radcliffe and Jon Procopio are expected October 17 for gospel meetings.

Clonkeen: Jim Allen had one week of ministry here, and also in Craigyhill.

Currien, Co Fermanagh: David McGarvey finished meetings here with some blessing.

Dromore, Co Down: Wesley Martin and his father, Jim Martin, commenced gospel meetings September 26 in a portable hall.

Drumloan, Co Fermanagh: Gary Woods and Samuel Nelson have been preaching the gospel.

Kilkeel: Noel Fleck and Alex Wilson are continuing to preach the gospel in the hall.

Killycurragh: David McGarvey and John Rogers have commenced gospel meetings.

Newtownhamilton: Sam McBride with Tommie Wright continue in the Gospel Hall.

Sandringham: John Fleck was with the believers for ministry October 4-7.

Many assemblies recommence their mid-week children’s work for the winter months. In addition to Sunday school work on the Lord’s Day, this mid-week effort brings many more children under gospel influence and opens contacts with homes and families in different areas.

Republic of Ireland

Longford: John Rogers was with the assembly for a weekend of ministry and gospel in August. In September, the children’s work recommenced in the home of the Reid family; Leslie Craig conducted this week of meetings. There were new contacts made and some parents attending each day. Also, during September, brethren Glendenning and Milekin conducted a short gospel series in the home of Patrick Bowers where a number heard the gospel for the first time. Leslie Craig plans two weeks of gospel meetings in the Gospel Hall commencing October 9. Prayer is appreciated.

Rathmines: In September, Wesley Martin conducted a week of Bible Readings on the first five chapters of the Song of Solomon. The meetings were well attended, profitable, and an encouragement to the assembly.


Final Notice

Assembly correspondents please submit to the news editor the dates of your 2011 conferences for the December issue by November 4. Thanks to those who have already responded.

Alpena, AR

November 6-7 in the Gospel Hall, 401 Lane Street. Saturday: Bible Reading (Exodus 29) 2pm, with ministry and gospel following. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school 11:30am, Ministry 1:30pm. For information or accommodations: Fred Stevenson, Tel: 573 201-1282, E-mail: fstev153@embarqmail.com; or Will Trowbridge, E-mail: Will@madisoncounty.net, Tel: 479 665-4189.

Calgary, AB

November 27-28, Youth Conference in the West Hillhurst Gospel Hall. Ministry on Friday, November 26 at 7pm. Ian Lewis from Scotland is the expected speaker. Open to all ages. Contacts: Kevin Armson, Tel: 403 285-8185; or Derek Hanna, Tel: 403 236-4126.

Conference Reminders:

London, ON – November 6-7

Newington, CT – November 6-7

Saskatoon, SK – November 6-7

Blues Mills, NS – November 13-14

Bryn Mawr/Hatboro, PA – November 13-14

Oil Springs, ON – November 13-14

Oshawa, ON – November 13

Brampton, ON – November 20-21

Maberly, ON – November 27

Phoenix, AZ – November 25-28

Saugus, MA – December 4-5

Pennsauken, NJ – January 8-9

Change of Address

Bruce and Rhoda Cumming: E-mail: address change to brcumming@shaw.ca, or rhoda.cumming@gmail.com. Please delete brcumming@telus.net.

John and Michelle Dennison: 6904 W. Oraibi Dr., Glendale, AZ 85308; Tel: 623 537-4874; E-mail: Dennison6@gmail.com.

Jason and Shelley Wahls: Administración Allende, Apartado Postal #32 C.P. 98001, Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico.

Change of Correspondent

Battle Creek, MI: Kerry Ferguson 2370 Brookmead Way, Charlotte, MI 48813; E-mail: bigmackf@sbcglobal.net. Cell: 517 204-1143.

Change in Meeting Times

Barrie, ON: Remembrance meeting now at 10am. All other meeting times remain the same.


Isaac Shield in Hamilton, ON, on March 21, 2010, in his 94th year. Our beloved brother was born again in Northern Ireland as a young boy. With his mother at his bedside going over gospel verses, she explained again the work of the Savior at Calvary. He came to an appreciation that “He died for me.” He first moved to western Canada and eventually settled in Hamilton. For the past 15 years he was associated with the Kensington Avenue assembly until his home-call. He was a faithful man, appreciated by all, and a true help in the assembly. He was predeceased by his wife. He is lovingly remembered by his five children and their families. The funeral service was taken by Mr. Erich Kalmbach.

Fred Thompson, Kilmore (Co. Tyrone), N. Ireland, aged 93, called home on July 24, 2010. He was saved over 65 years, a respected elder, a quiet, consistent, and trustworthy man. He was the assembly correspondent for more than 40 years. Fred loved outdoor life as a farmer, but had a greater love for the saints and the furtherance of the gospel. He had a special interest in the young, praying specifically for many unsaved by name. He lived for the assembly, faithfully attending all the meetings until his sudden home-call. He passed away near the very place where he had been saved in 1945. The large funeral services were conducted by D. Gilliland and W.J. Nesbitt. Fred will be greatly missed by the assembly, but especially by his sisters Gladys (with whom he lived), Helen, and brother Marshall. All will remember him as gentle, generous, gracious, and godly.

Ralph Morton of North Vancouver, BC, on August 19, age 81. He was saved as a young man of 17 years through the preaching of Albert Ramsay and Doug Howard in Moncton, NB. In 1947 he moved to Vancouver, BC and was in fellowship in the old Woodland Dr. assembly from 1955, where he was a faithful elder for many years. Ralph’s great ambition to build the new Gospel Hall in South Burnaby was realized, and the assembly moved to the new location in 2003. He was the correspondent there, devoted and beloved until his home-call. Stanley Wells spoke to a large number at the funeral home and Ross Smyth took the graveside service. He is greatly missed by the assembly. Prayer is requested for his wife Hannah, three sons, one daughter, and their families.

Joe Maille of Kirkland Lake ON, on August 28, age 64. Our dear brother Joe and his wife Linda were stirred by the events surrounding the 1991 Gulf War. On February 17, 1991, a few days after Linda professed, he attended his first gospel meeting and was saved as he listened to John 3:16. He was disabled by various diseases for many years but bore it patiently as he witnessed to friends and family about the tremendous change the gospel brought to his home. He is survived by his wife, in fellowship here, three daughters one of whom is in the assembly in Welland, and one son. The gospel was preached to a large number of unbelievers at the funeral service taken by Douglas Yade and Larry Pratt.

Dorothy Flower of Taylorside, SK, on September 14, age 98. Our dear sister received the Lord Jesus as her Savior in 1920, and became a valued Sunday school teacher. She attended the assembly meetings until her failing health prevented her from doing so, and spent a number of months in a care home. She was predeceased by her husband Ivor. The funeral service was taken by David Taylor, with James Ronald at the graveside.