Fort McMurray: A young sister was added to the assembly June 27, bringing joy to the saints.
British Columbia
Kamloops: The conference on the first weekend of July, though not large in numbers, was marked by a good spirit throughout. Brethren taking part were Bryan Funston, Ian Gibson, Dave Richards, and Gordon Williams. Bible study was on Ephesians 4:1-16.
Brandon: The saints enjoyed two nights of ministry with Philip Kaye, and also a Lord’s Day with Jim and Muriel Webb.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Gander: The assembly commenced open air meetings on the parking lot of the hall on June 13.
St. John’s: Wallace Buckle plans to have two weeks of open air meetings in Conception Bay South.
Bolton: Vacation Bible school commenced here on July 5.
Goodwood: Gospel tent meetings are planned to commence July 17 with Lorne Langfeld and Ed Miller. Prayer for this effort would be appreciated.
North Bay: The Nipissing Junction conference June 12-13 was an enjoyable time with one of the highlights being the Bible readings on parables from Matthew. The exchange of thought was careful, courteous, and from a knowledgeable background. Servants of the Lord who contributed to the conference were Brian Crawford, Fred Krauss, Murray Pratt, Bruce Rodgers, Jim Smith, Larry Steers, and Stuart Thompson. The ministry and gospel preached was searching, sincere, and edifying.
Straffordville: The assembly recently had the joy of witnessing five young believers obey the Lord in baptism with a large number of visitors in attendance. The renovations and new addition are almost complete and we thank the Lord for the extra space for an occasion like this. Jon Robertson from the Chatham assembly was here for an appreciated short series on “The Tabernacle in the Wilderness.” As a result of an exercise for a weekly outreach with youth, the young people visited the village door-to-door as well as inviting school friends. Results have been most encouraging, for which we are very grateful to the Lord.
Sudbury: The assembly enjoyed recent visits from Bert Snippe and Brian Owen. The ministry given was appreciated.
Alpena: The assembly enjoyed a visit by Bill Lavery and Stu Thompson during the last weekend of June. Their visit coincided with the launch of the Seed Sower effort in the northwestern territory of Arkansas. Both brethren gave very encouraging ministry.
Manchester: At the all-day meeting we received appreciated ministry from Iowa brethren, and also Murray McCandless, John Meekin, William Skates, Jerry Jennings, and Marvin Derksen. Robert Surgenor gave four nights and a Lord’s Day of ministry from John’s Gospel for the upbuilding of the flock of God.
Pelkie: Meetings on the “Egypt to Canaan” chart were held by Louis Smith with a good interest. A visit was also made to Laurium.
Fridley: Eric McCullough and local brethren held one week of children’s meetings with simple lessons dealing with sin and its remedy, and one week of gospel meetings, both with good attendance and interest.
Tylertown: E. Badgley, L. Mitchell, and L. Perkins, assisted by visiting brethren, brought profitable ministry on the “Christian’s Walk and the Assembly” during the May conference. The brethren felt that the leading of the Holy Spirit was clear from beginning to end. Brethren Mitchell and Badgley continued for a week of encouraging gospel meetings after the conference. Five unsaved were in one night.
New Jersey
Midland Park: The assembly appreciated a week of meetings with Eugene Higgins on “Egypt to Canaan” last December. During the first months of 2010, the believers had visits from Alvin Cook, Eugene Higgins, Walter Gustafson, Peter Ramsay, and John Slabaugh. David Oliver and A. J. Higgins had a weekend of valuable ministry on “Marriage and the Family” in April. The saints rejoiced with the believers from the assembly in Flushing, NY when two sisters were baptized in the Midland Park Hall in June. Daniel and Joseph Chung preached the gospel in English and in Korean. Please pray for the Vacation Bible School planned for the week of August 9-13.
New York
New York: The saints at Flushing Gospel Hall rejoiced in the salvation of the niece of a sister here in the assembly who was visiting New York City. Both she and another sister were baptized on June 27 at the Midland Park Gospel Hall. The saints again held their monthly gospel outreach meeting where several students from different countries attended. The Christians are thankful to the Lord for His blessing and humbly ask for your continued prayers.
Akron: Eugene Higgins was with the assembly for gospel meetings when good numbers attended and the gospel was plainly presented.
Cleveland: Frank Sona had a week of children’s meeting followed by a week of gospel meetings when two souls professed salvation.
Mansfield: The assembly appreciated ministry meetings with Andrew Robertson, and visits from John Slabaugh and Eric McCullough. During June, Scott MacLeod and Brody Thibodean were here for gospel meetings when God visited in salvation. Ryan Coleman gave excellent ministry to a large number of teenagers in June.
Bryn Mawr: The assembly had a visit from Larry Buote in May. John Meekin and Murray McCandless visited for a Lord’s Day morning in June while they were holding tent meetings in Hatboro.
Marysville: The assembly was privileged to have Marcus and Allison Cain, Shad and Debbie Kember, and Tim Woodford in the area for the wedding of Bethany Kroeze and Duncan Beckett in Arlington. Our brethren shared in ministry and reports of their respective activities in Mexico at the monthly ministry meeting on June 6. During the week of June 21, the Daily Vacation Bible School averaged over 100 students and a few parents each day. On Friday, 52 students recited all five verses of the week from memory. The assembly at Shoultes requests prayer for planned gospel meetings beginning October 17 with Marvin Derksen.
El Coapinole, Puerto Vallarta: The assembly had its annual Sunday School treat on July 4. Well over 200 people, including many parents, were present to hear the students recite verses. Marcus Cain spoke in the gospel.
El Palmar de Ixtapa, Puerto Vallarta: Three weeks of very well-attended gospel meetings were held here. Daniel Mendoza had a large number of contacts out each night, and the believers rejoiced as a young mother and a young man professed faith in Christ.
Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche: Paul Thiessen visited the assembly as they celebrated two years of testimony, and remained for a week to give teaching on the meetings of the local church.
Veracruz, Veracruz: The assembly celebrated their first year of public testimony on July 4. Since its formation, three believers have been added to the fellowship, four have obeyed the Lord in baptism, and the believers are showing spiritual growth. In the small town of Cotaxtla, don Agapito, 83 years old, obeyed the Lord in baptism in the Cotaxtla River. After a distribution of Seed Sower texts in this town of 3,000 and nearby areas, there was a three-week series in the gospel. Three people expressed their joy in knowing sins forgiven. During the series Marcus Cain and Daniel Mendoza (Ixtapa) helped John Nesbitt. There is sustained interest in the gospel here and we continue to look to the Lord for wisdom in the teaching of the new believers.
El Barril, San Luis Potosí: Jason and Shelley Wahls made another visit to this town in the month of June to visit some of the many contacts they have. Some of those who have returned from Postville, IA are professing believers.
El Salvador
Reports out of this country speak of a culture of violence, by far the worst in Central America, with an average of 13-14 assassinations every day. On one day alone, there were 35 violent deaths in the country. In Mejicanos, a suburb of San Salvador, known for its gangs and near the hall in Scandia, a bus was burned with people in it, of which 11 died and 14 or so injured. It looks like bus protection money (“renta”) of $15-25 a week was not paid. This year, already 26 buses have been burned. A few Christians of the assembly live in that area. Please pray for the Lord’s continuing protection for the believers, workers, and their families throughout the region.
N. Ireland
Bleary, Co. Armagh: At the annual conference on July 3, the Bible Reading (Galatians 6) was conducted by D. Gilliland, followed by ministry to a full hall by B. Glendinning, S. McBride, W. J. Nesbitt, J. Stubbs, and D. Ussher.
On July 12, conferences were held at Ballybolen, Dunmullan, and Kingsmills, and on July 13, at Ballymagarrick .
Ballynahinch, Co. Down: Kenny Newell and David Williamson have been preaching the gospel here.
Ballyronan, Co Londonderry: In late July, David Gilliland and James McClelland expect to commence in the gospel near here.
Dollingstown, Co Armagh: Brian Currie and Jackie Palmer expect to start gospel meetings here.
Rathfriland, Co Down: John McCann (Brazil) and Samuel Nelson commenced gospel meetings June 7 in a tent.
Strabane, Co Tyrone: Malcolm Radcliffe and John Rogers have been preaching the gospel here for a number of weeks.
Many assemblies engage in open-air meetings in their own localities throughout the summer months. David McGarvey has been in Ahoghill and Ballywatermoy for two weeks each in open air meetings, and expects to be in Broughshane for two weeks in August.
Republic of Ireland
Copany, Co Donegal: T. W. Wright and Stephen Gilfillan started a gospel effort in association with the Bridgetown assembly.
Fort McMurray, AB
August 27-29, hosted by the Wood Buffalo Assembly. Prayer meeting Friday, August 27 at 7:30pm. All meetings will be held in the Senior’s Activity Centre, 10111 Main St. Saturday: Ministry 10am, Bible Reading 1:30pm, Ministry 4pm, Gospel 7 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school 11:45am, Ministry 2pm and 4pm, Gospel 7pm. Lunch and supper will be served. For information or accommodation, contact: Sam Payne 780-715-0468 or Wade Bauld 780-743-1024.
Arlington/Marysville, WA
September 3-6 in the Gospel Hall, 323 S. Stillaguamish Ave., Arlington. Prayer/Ministry, Friday 7pm. Saturday: Bible Study 8:45am, Ministry 10:50am and 2pm, Ministry/Gospel 7pm, Ministry for the Young 8:45pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am (Arlington and Shoultes), Bible Study 11:20am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm (Arlington and Shoultes), Ministry for the Young 8:45pm. Monday: Bible Study 8:45am, Ministry 10:50am-1pm. Breakfast served 8am each morning. Bible Study subject is “The Life of Joseph.” Information and accom: Phil Kazen, 360 659-4611,; or Jim Klein, 360 435-6611,
Clementsvale, NS
September 4-5, Champlain Hall, Cornwallis Park. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Bible Reading 8:30am (The Humanity of Christ), Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school 1pm, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Corr: Lionel Cress, Tel 902 467-3115. Accom. (please call in advance): Jonathan McClelland, Tel: 902 638-3260; Directions to conference and Bible Reading outline will be available at
Hardwick, VT
September 10-12, with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall. Saturday and Lord’s Day meetings will be held in the Hardwick Elementary School (adjacent to the junction of State Hwys. 14 and 15). Saturday: meetings at 10am, 2pm and 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school 11:45am, Ministry/Gospel 2pm. Breakfast will be served at 9am on Saturday and 8:45am on Sunday; other meals between the meetings. Please give advance notice for accommodation needs: Bill Scott, Tel 802 472-6257, E-mail; or Bob Rea, Tel 802 223-3662.
Hitesville, IA
September 18-19, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, 7:30pm. All meetings will be at the Hitesville Gospel Hall, rural Aplington, IA. Directions: from Highway 3 about 6 mi. west of Allison take county road T25 south to 260th Street (gravel) and take 260th street east ½ mile to the hall. From Aplington, take county road T25 north, at the Lincoln Bank corner to 260th Street (gravel), and take 260th Street ½ mile to the hall. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6:15pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9:30am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm. Corr: Dr. Larry L. Brandt, P.O. Box 683, Parkersburg IA 50665; Tel: 319 346-1084; Hall 319 347-2333.
Chapman Valley/Parry Sound, ON
September 25-26, in the Chapman Valley Gospel Hall, Hwy #124 at Miller Road, 18 km west of Hwy #11. Prayer Meeting on Friday, September 24, 7:30pm, with supper served at 6pm. Breakfast served at 8:15am on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday: Bible Reading 9:45am (Preparation for and Responsibilities of Marriage); Ministry 1:45pm; Ministry/Gospel 6:45pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:45am; Children’s Meeting 1pm; Ministry 2pm; Gospel 7pm. Chapman Valley Corr: Russ Longhurst, 28 River Road, RR#2, Sundridge, ON, P0A 1Z0, Tel: 705 387-4393. Parry Sound Corr: Delcoe Jeffery, 11 Hoddy’s Side Road, RR#3, Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W9, Tel: 705 746-8453.
Midland Park, NJ
September 25-26. The 69th annual Conference, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, September 24 at 8pm. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am; Sunday School 11:45am, Prayer/Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Brethren expected are David Gilliland (N. Ireland), David Jones (Chile), Jack Hay (Scotland), John See (Malaysia), and Eugene Higgins (NJ). Contact for accommodations: David Hamilton, 189 S. Central Ave., Ramsey, NJ 07446; Tel 201 312-8439; E-mail:
New Lenox, IL
September 25-26, in the Lincoln Way West High School, corner of Spencer Rd. and Gougar Rd. in New Lenox. Prayer Meeting, Friday, at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 13550 West Rte. 6, Mokena. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 3:30pm. Accom: Brent Studnicka, Tel: 815 463-9590; E-mail
Clinton, ON
October 1-3, at the Gospel Hall, 143 Joseph St., Clinton, ON. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am. Accom: Larry Schade, Tel: 519 348-9408, E-mail: Corr: Keith Bachert, Tel 519 526-7135, E-mail:
Manchester, IA
October 2-3, at the West Delaware Middle School, 1101 Doctor St. Saturday: Ministry commences at 10am. Sunday: Bible Reading 9am (Colossians 1:12-29), Worship 10:30am, Ministry 2pm. Prayer Meeting at 7:30pm on Friday at the Manchester Gospel Hall, 1308 N. 3rd. St. Advance reservations appreciated. Contact Kenneth Gentz, Tel: 563 927-4662.
Roseisle, MB
October 1-3, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, at 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am, Ministry 2 and 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school 1:30pm, Ministry 2:15pm, Gospel 7pm. For more info call John Dyck, Tel: 204 435-2341, E-mail
Sussex, NB
October 2-3, at the Sussex High School, with the Prayer Meeting on Friday, October 1, at 7:30pm at the Sussex Gospel Hall. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2:30pm, with Children’s Meeting at 1:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school 1pm, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. For information contact Jim MacIntosh at or Tel: 506 847-5863. Accom: Trevor McClelland; E-mail:; Tel: 506 433-1234.
Vancouver, BC
October 9-11, in the Burnaby South Secondary School, 5455 Rumble Street, Burnaby. Prayer meeting Friday 8pm in the Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, 4659 Victoria Dr. Meetings on Saturday: Bible Reading 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am (Gospel Hall), Ministry 2:30 and Gospel 7pm. Monday: Bible Reading 10am, Ministry 2pm. Corr: P. Broadhead, Tel: 604 468-4979, E-mail:
Blue River, WI
October 16-17, in Highland High School, off Hwy. 80, north side of Highland (please note change of location). Prayer Meeting on Friday at 8pm in Blue River Gospel Hall. Saturday: first ministry meeting at 10am. Sunday: Bible Reading 9am (Hebrews 10:5-14). Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Gospel in the Gospel Hall. Contact: James Frazier, 15513 Richwood Estates Lane, Blue River, WI 53518; Tel: 608 537-2977; E-mail
La Crosse, WI
October 30-31, with Prayer Meeting on October 29, at 7:30pm, and Gospel Meeting on Lord’s Day at 7pm in the Gospel Hall, 1928 George St. All other meetings at the Logan Middle School, 1450 Avon St. Meetings on Saturday: 10am, 2, and 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Devotional ministry 9:15am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 1:45pm, Gospel 7pm. Contact Paul Aspenson, Tel: 608 787-0074; E-mail:, or Cal Erickson, Tel: 608 790-7724; E-mail:
Conference Reminders:
Akron OH – September 4-5
Beetown, WI – September 6
Kansas City, MO – September 4-5
Sault Ste. Marie, MI and ON – September 10-12
Arnstein, ON – September 17-19
Bryn Mawr/Hatboro, PA – November 13 and 14
Special Notice
It is the intent of T&T to publish in the December issue an advance list of 2011 conferences which will include only dates. Assembly correspondents are asked to notify the news editor (see inside cover) to confirm the dates of their conferences by November 4th. Thanks to those who have already responded.
Detailed conference notices will continue to be published on a monthly basis. It is recommended that these be received 3 months in advance of the conference by the 4th of the month.
Changes to Address Book 2010
David and Margaret Jones: Casilla 205, San Felipe, Chile; Tel: 56-34-510573; Cell: 56-9-827-8878; E-mail: and
Lorne Langfeld: 70 West Bay Blvd., Kirkfield, ON, K0M 2B0 (box number no longer required).
Mrs. Sydney Maxwell: Postal code should be V5S 4W1.
John M. Slabaugh: 1125-B Elim Dr., Marion, IA 53402-5875; Tel: 319 373-6242, Cell: 319 360-0361.
James N. Smith: 2158-5 Robinson Rd., Jackson, MI 49203.
Change of Correspondent
Manchester, IA: Kenneth Gentz, 1488 Early Stagecoach Rd., Manchester, IA; Tel: 563 927-4662; E-mail:
Irene DeVries of Charlton, ON, on March 31, at the age of 86. She was predeceased by her husband, Con, 16 years ago. She was saved during gospel meetings as a young married woman. She was in happy fellowship in Charlton where she lived near the Hall. The children from the Hall and the town knew her as Aunt Irene and they were always welcome to drop in for a snack and a visit. Failing strength over the past few years required that she leave her little home and was not able to attend the regular meetings. For much of her life, Irene and her husband lived on a farm where they raised their five children. Murray Pratt, who grew up just down the road from their farm, faithfully preached the gospel at the funeral. We can remember the family in prayer as some are not saved.
Ethel Argleben of Fresno, CA, on June 18, age 86. She was saved at age nine and gathered with the saints at the Gospel Hall in Fresno shortly thereafter. She taught Sunday School for most of the years until shortly before her passing. She was predeceased by her husband Roy in 1995. She is survived by two daughters, Janelle Argleben and Annette Steele, two grandchildren, and one sister, all of Fresno. The funeral service was taken by Tom Baker.
Albert Irwin of Salem, OR, on June 21st 2010, age 94. Our beloved brother was born in Bleary, Co Down, N. Ireland in March 1916 and was saved on January 24th, 1933. Brother Irwin was a man who bore a bright, consistent, and faithful testimony throughout his life. He enjoyed happy fellowship during the earlier years in the Bleary assembly in Northern Ireland. Later in 1947 he immigrated to Seattle, WA with his first wife Elizabeth, who predeceased him in 1962. Here he remained in the local assembly fellowship for over 30 years. In 1978, with his second wife Esther, he moved to Salem, OR where he was in happy fellowship for over 32 years. Throughout his long life, they royally entertained the Lord’s servants and His people. He will be greatly missed. Prayer is requested for his dear wife Esther and several other family members who are left to mourn his passing. His large funeral reflected the high esteem in which he was held. Services were taken by Stan Wells and other local brethren.
Craig W. Peat of Toronto, ON, on June 25, age 73. Raised in the Highfield assembly, Craig was saved at 16 following a gospel meeting in the Junction Gospel Hall. He was baptized and received into fellowship in the Eglinton assembly, and after marriage moved to the Lansing assembly where he became a highly respected elder. He and Lenore (Robinson) lived for the well-being of the assembly, and had just celebrated 51 years together, during which they raised three sons, Bruce (Landa), Robert (Lisa), and Douglas (Janice), all in happy assembly fellowship. For over 20 years, Craig was a devoted director to Elim Homes in Waubaushene. His life was characterized by integrity and godly consistency, and all who knew him deemed him to be a Christian gentleman. The large number who paid their respects bespoke the high esteem in which he was held. At the funeral at the Langstaff Gospel Hall, sons Bruce and Robert spoke of their father’s life and influence, while George Telfer (cousin) and Paul Robinson (brother-in-law) spoke to the large company of Craig’s life and Savior. As well as Lenore, three sons and their wives, Craig leaves seven grandchildren.