Fort McMurray: A young brother was received into the Wood Buffalo assembly in August. The assembly had an outreach barbecue on September 13 with a good number present. During September, a young sister was baptized. A young brother, from Quebec, and a couple were added to the assembly. All of this brings joy and encouragement to the saints.
British Columbia
Kamloops: Dave Richards hopes to go to Russia at the end of October for six weeks, D.V. Most of his time will be spent in St. Petersburg, but he hopes to visit Yekaterinburg, where his wife and he labored for five years, and also Sredneuralsk. Pray that he will not be restricted by his back problems.
Vancouver: Eric McCullough ministered in several area assemblies here in early September. Jim Smith held a most profitable two-week series on Egypt to Canaan with the Carleton assembly September 28 through October 9, with good interest. A one-day conference was held October 4 at Victoria Drive on the subject of Internet Concerns with Jim Smith and a local brother giving practical help and profitable ministry. There was a good interest and some attended from a distance. Jack Hay ministered for a week in Victoria Drive prior to the Thanksgiving Conference on Aspects of the Lord’s Burial in the four Gospels.
Richmond: Steve Anderson of Arlington gave a report at the monthly missionary meeting of the work at Sakeji School in Zambia.
Westbank: The assembly plans, in the will of the Lord, to commemorate 100 years of assembly testimony on November 1-2, followed by gospel meetings nightly Tuesday to Friday at 7:30pm with John Fitzpatrick and Stan Wells. Visitors should contact Glenn Griffin in advance at: if accommodation is required.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Gander Bay: The assembly started gospel meetings on September 21 with Noel Burden and David Hierlihy. The meetings are progressing well and some attending consistently. Prayer is appreciated.
L’Anse au Loup: Peter Smith from Manitoba had children’s meetings in Forteau at the town hall from September 8-12, and the following week in the L’Anse au Loup Gospel Hall, September 15-19. The English Point believers brought some children from L’Anse au Clair, with some parents attending on the Friday evening. Please pray that God will bless in salvation, and that some of these new contacts may come to our Sunday school. Our brother continued on in Gander and Corner Brook.
Clinton: In August, a large number attended our Summer Conference . We thank God for the excellent ministry on “Usefullness for God,” given by Andrew Ussher and Brian Joyce. In September we appreciated the clear message given by Marvin Derksen at our Sunday school picnic, and also profitable ministry by Lorne Langfeld. Our annual Fall Conference in early October was well attended with the searching and helpful ministry of Eugene Badgley, Alex Dryburgh, Jim Jarvis, Brian Joyce, Fred Krauss, and Larry Steers. Please pray for a gospel effort in the hall to commence November 9, Lord willing, with Marvin Derksen and Brad Hutchison.
St. Marys: In July, the assembly had a gospel tent series with George Patterson and Ed Miller, with a week of children’s meetings in the mornings. There were visitors from the community throughout the meetings, and two professed salvation, for which we thank God.
Sudbury: The assembly enjoyed a night of ministry in September on the Holy Spirit by Walter Gustafson. Jim Beattie was with us September 24-26 with profitable ministry on assembly truths. Brian Owen and Lorne Langfeld also visited the assembly recently.
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown: The assembly commenced 8 � weeks of Gospel meetings on July 9 in the small community of Darlington, about 10 miles west of Charlottetown. Robert McIlwaine and Scott MacLeod preached for the first two weeks, then Murray McCandless and Scott finished the series. The Lord blessed in the salvation of 13 souls, and several Christians have become interested in gathering to His Name. The Christians attended faithfully and were encouraged by many in the area hearing the gospel preached for the first time.
Alpena: On September 20, about 190 Seedsower texts, tracts, and invitations to gospel meetings were distributed in the community surrounding the hall. Following, Melvin Mendez and Jack Saword, along with several local brethren, presented the gospel at the hall on September 24 and 25. It was encouraging that at least one local resident responded to the invitation.
San Diego: Joel Portman was with the assembly for a week of helpful and encouraging ministry in September. Also, the assembly was cheered when two were baptized and a large number of unsaved relatives were present to hear the gospel.
Brookfield: The assembly enjoyed visits by Walter Gustafson in June and Alvin Cook in July. Both spoke in ministry, and were encouraging to the saints.
Terryville: The assembly recently had the joy of baptizing two sisters; they were received into fellowship at the end of September.
David Alves, Jr. was with us August 17, and gave a report of the new work and assembly at Cuidad del Carmen, Mexico. At a farm pond on September 7, six young believers from Hitesville and three from two other assemblies obeyed the Lord in baptism. It was a happy time on a beautiful late summer day. The conference was held September 20-21 with ten preaching brethren with us. Profitable ministry was given to the good number in attendance. The conference was held in the Gospel Hall (instead of the school in Aplington) for the first time in 28 years, and it was nice to be “home” again for the conference.
Wellsburg: Local brethren were preaching here in a community hall, with some interest.
Ferndale: The assembly appreciated ministry from Bill Lavery, Dan Shutt, and Jack Nesbitt in recent weeks.
Kansas City: The annual Labor Day conference was very good with helpful and needed ministry given by Al Christopherson, Jesse Fitch, Jerry Jennings, Robert Orr, Joel Portman, John Slabaugh, and Jim Webb. The gospel was shared by Roy Weber and Al Christopherson on Saturday, and Jim Webb on Sunday. The attendance was very good.
New Jersey
Midland Park: During May to July, the saints enjoyed the ministry of Walter Gustafson, Ronnie Lim (Malaysia), and Alvin Cook. In September, the saints were privileged to have visits from Robin McKeown and Colin Raggett prior to the conference. The 67th annual conference was a time of choice ministry and solemn preaching of the gospel. Participating brethren were Marcus Cain, Eugene Higgins, Sandy Higgins, Robin McKeown, David Oliver, Mark Procopio, and Colin Raggett.
Clyde: Al Christopherson and Matt Smith began gospel meetings on September 28.
Hatboro/Bryn Mawr: Each assembly had a short but helpful visit in ministry from Robin McKeown (N. Ireland). A week later, Colin Raggett gave practical ministry and an interesting report on the work in Botswana.
Hardwick: The recent conference was a time of blessing, and, in answer to prayer, it was felt that the Lord’s voice was heard. There was a nice variety of ministry and the gospel was faithfully preached.
Brodhead: Jerry Jennings and Roy Weber were preaching the gospel here in September.
Mississippi West
After much exercise, the door has opened in 2009 for a thrust with the gospel into parts of the United States where there is no assembly testimony of any kind. A Seed Sower outreach is being planned for smaller cities of 20,000 to 250,000 in an area reaching from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Coastal states, but not including them. The general plan, in the will of the Lord, is that these cities will be used as hubs to reach smaller surrounding centers. It is a prayer that a concentrated effort can be made by assembly believers over the next five years or longer to work these areas. Two teams a year will be assembled for three months each, one in the summer, and one in the winter, and believers will be invited to join for whatever time is available to them.
There are three main purposes energizing this effort.
To win souls by sowing the seed, personal conversations, public area outreach, and gospel preaching.
To honor the Lord with simple teaching about the collective gathering of believers unto His Name.
To provide opportunity for involvement of young people, and younger and older couples.
It is hoped that those returning from the Vera Cruz, Mexico, Seed Sowers outreach, by adding a couple of days to their trip, can initiate the effort in the Brownsville/McAllen area when they arrive in Harlingen, TX, in late December. The effort in this area will span January, February, and March. Other areas of interest will be Texas Points, Wheatland Circle (Kansas & Oklahoma), Cornhusker Way (West of Lincoln City, Nebraska, along I-80), Idaho Loop, and others.
All these plans are in the will of the Lord, and are subject to any changes that would help accomplish the goals of Mississippi West. For further details and inquiries, please contact Ross Vanstone at
Hermosillo: Tim and Stephanie Woodford and their young family have arrived here and are taking Spanish lessons with Eleonor Mosquera.
Iguala: John Dennsion visited here, following up on relatives of believers in the West Phoenix assembly. A man in his eighties, who had been reading his Bible for years, trusted Christ as Savior after hearing a clear exposition on 1 John 1:7.
Veracruz: The John Nesbitt family has settled in its rented home here. Two brethren here, saved in Hampton, Iowa, carry on very faithfully. Please pray for Cristina, wife of brother Lucio, who needs to be saved.
Bryn Mawr, PA
The assembly will not be able to have their regular conference on November 7-9.
McKeesport, PA
November 1-2. Gaius Goff and Andrew Ussher will take up the subject, “How is a young Christian to live in today’s world?” All meetings to be held at the McKeesport Gospel Hall, Prescott & Broadway St., McKeesport, PA. First meeting will be Saturday at 10am. Accom: Rob Oliver, Tel: 412 664-1004, or For further information: Tom Clark 412 751-5283, or Directions and general information available at
Newington, CT
November 1-2. Saturday: Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 5pm, then supper. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:45am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Brethren walking in and teaching the “old paths” are welcomed to minister as the Lord leads. Corr: Matthew J. Brescia, 81 Cobblestone Way, Windsor, CT 06095; Tel: 860 688-2388; Gospel Hall 860 666-4342.
Saskatoon, SK
November 1-2 in the Lawson Heights Gospel Hall, 131 La Ronge Road, with Prayer and Ministry on Friday at 7:30pm, Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 1:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Ministry 11:15am and 1:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Inquiries: Murray Buckingham, Tel: 306 477-9117, Hall: 306 249-5044.
London, Ontario
November 1-2 in the Gospel Hall, 1196 Highbury Avenue. Prayer meeting Friday at 8 pm. Saturday: Ministry10am, 2pm and 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Corr: Philip Lampkin, 1742 Attawandaron Road, London, ON N6G 3N1, Tel: 519 472-8747,; Hall: 519 451-8233.
Oil Springs, ON
November 8-9, with Prayer Meeting, Friday, 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall on Victoria St. All other meetings in the Youth Center, cor. Hwy. 21 and Victoria St. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am, Bible Reading 1pm (1 Cor 3 – The Uniqueness of the Assembly), Ministry 2:30pm, Testimony/Gospel 6pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Sunday school 1pm, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm (Gospel Hall). Brethren walking in and teaching the “old paths” are welcome to minister as the Lord leads. Corr: Arthur Whitton, RR3 Oil Springs, ON N0N 1P0; Tel: 519 882-1986.
Oshawa, ON
November 8, in the Gospel Hall, 150 Albert Street. Ministry at 2 and 7pm with supper served between. Corr: Ken Nicholson, Tel: 905 579-7540.
Brampton, ON
November 22-23, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, November 21 at 8pm at the Brampton Gospel Hall, 6 Beech St. Brampton, ON. All other meetings to be at the Brampton Fair grounds, Junior Farmers Hall, 12942 Heart Lake Rd, Brampton, ON. The first meeting on Saturday will be for Prayer and Ministry at 10am. Corr: Dwight Dyke, Tel: 519 853-3090; E-mail:, or
Maberly, ON
November 22, at Wheeler’s Pancake House and Sugar Camp. Directions: Hwy 7 to Maberly, take the Maberly-Elphin Rd. (Formerly County Rd. 36) north to McDonald’s Corners, turn right and follow the signs to Wheeler’s Pancake House. Meetings are at 2:30 and 7pm. Corr: Gordon McLeod, Tel: 613 268-2616.
Cambridge, ON
November 28-29, with ministry specifically focused on topics relating to Shepherding in the Assembly. Scheduled speakers (DV) include David Oliver, A.J. Higgins, Peter Ramsay, and Jim Smith. Topics under consideration include: Qualifications and Identification of Elders, Elder�s Responsibilities, Dealing With Tough Issues, Time Management, Encouragement for Wives of Elders, and Legal and Insurance Issues. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7pm. Saturday: Ministry begins at 9am and continues throughout the day. All meetings in the Gospel Hall at 31 South St. Accommodations available at Future Inn, Cambridge. Corr: Phillip Watson, 1183 Sager Road, R.R. #2, Branchton, ON N0B 1L0. Tel: 519-740-1470, Fax 519-651-0431. For more information, E-mail, or for full schedule and details. Those who are, or aspire to be shepherds in their local assembly, and wives, are encouraged to attend.
Phoenix, AZ
November 27-30, with Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 7:30pm. Each day, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Bible Readings 10am (1 Thessalonians), Ministry 2:30pm and Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am. All meetings in the Gospel Hall at 1246 E. Garfield St. Corr: Clarence Van Der Hart, 8525 W. Northern Ave., Glendale, AZ 85305; Tel: 623 872-1007; Hall: 602 253-4932.
Saugus, MA
December 6-7, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, December 5 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Remembrance Meeting 10am, Sunday school 12pm, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. All meetings will be held in the Gospel Hall, 213 Walnut St, Saugus, MA. Tel: 781 233-5570; Corr: Anthony Grillo, 46 Grey Lane, Lynnfield, MA, 01940; Tel: 781 334-6363; E-mail: For accommodations: David Lusk, Tel: 781 942-7006.
Change of Correspondent
Avonport, NS: Paul Kenny, 14 Lake Road, Conquerall Mills, NS, B4V 6G2; Tel: 902 543-8135; E-mail:
Strongville, ON: Robert Niessl, 5269 Con. 7 Sunnidale, RR # 1, New Lowell, ON, L0M 1N0; Tel: 705 424-3918; E-mail:
Dorothy Marguerite Hunter of Halifax, NS, on April 15, age 84. Dorothy was in fellowship in the Halifax assembly for many years, where she was active as a Sunday school teacher, in outreach children’s support, and in missionary support. She will be remembered by missionaries all around the world for her prayers and practical support. Dorothy was a kind and generous person who would be the first to arrive to encourage where there was a need with a meal, a gift, an uplifting book, or just her pleasant smile. Albert Hull and Sam Cairns (a former Sunday school pupil of Dorothy’s) shared in the funeral service. Paul Markle spoke at the graveside. “God is not unrighteous to forget” her labor of love.
Allen F. Hill of Palos Park, IL, on August 9 suddenly, in his 56th year. Born to Frederick E. and Theresa Hill (Procopio) he had a goodly heritage. He was saved as a boy of 10 through Romans 10:9 after being convicted of his sin reading a picture version of Pilgrim’s Progress he had received as a Sunday school gift. He obeyed the Lord in baptism and was received into assembly fellowship in the East Boston assembly, moving later to the Watertown assembly, and finally to New Lenox in early 2001. He taught Sunday school in his younger years. In New Lenox he was appreciated for his clear preaching of the gospel, timely ministry, and help in the Bible reading for which he seemed to have a special ability. Allen also carried on extensive correspondence with other brethren and the assembly benefitted from his encouragement to laboring brethren to visit the saints in New Lenox. He leaves his wife Paulette, son Dustin, and daughter Alison (husband Matt Hebert and grandson Harrison Allen). Prayer is requested especially for Dustin. The funeral was well attended, with many from his place of employment hearing the gospel for the first time preached by David Alves, Murray McCandless, and Jonathon Procopio.
Mrs. Veronica Davis of Arnstein, ON, on August 30, age 87. Our beloved sister was saved on September 4, 1941, baptized in 1973, and received into the assembly in 1974 where she remained in happy fellowship until her homecall. She was predeceased by her husband Bill in 1998. She was an encouragement to all by her cheerful disposition and pleasant smile. She leaves to mourn her loss her daughter Juanita (Halliet Brooks), her granddaughter Landa (Bruce Peat), and two great grandchildren. Her esteem in the community was shown when nearly 200 gathered in the Gospel Hall for the funeral which was taken by Bruce Peat and David Booth.
Alvin Stickfort of Cedar Falls, IA, on August 30, age 78. He was saved August 29, 1950, while reading John 1:12. He was first in fellowship in Western Avenue in Waterloo, then in the Dunkerton assembly when it commenced in 1976, and most recently in Cedar Falls where he moved with his wife Marion to an assisted living complex. She predeceased him in January of this year. He was a faithful brother, “whose faith follow.” He is survived by two daughters and their families. Robert Orr and Russ Nesbit shared in the service held in Dunkerton.
Gertrude (Van Den Bush) MacLeod of Hickory, NC, on September 23, unexpectedly from apparent heart failure. Our beloved sister was born October 5, 1922, and was saved April 25, 1940. She was baptized and received into the fellowship of the Midland Park, NJ, assembly. Her life was a living testimony for the Lord she loved. In latter years, she was a volunteer at the Longport home in Longport, NJ. In October 1993, she married O. L. MacLeod and moved to Hickory, NC, where she continued in fellowship as long as health allowed, until the Lord took her to her eternal home. Gertrude had a bright testimony in the Kingston retirement home in Hickory over the past eight years, and was responsible for starting a monthly Hickory assembly sing and gospel meeting in the home. Gertrude will be greatly missed by her adopted family and the believers gathered to the Lord’s name in Hickory. She leaves behind a sister, Adrianna Schaper, who resides in Florida with her husband.
Baxter Buckle from English Point, Labrador, on September 25. The funeral was on September 28 in the English Point Gospel Hall. Baxter professed Christ as Savior more than six years ago. He suffered a stroke and had been bedridden for several years. His wife has been in the English Point assembly for many years.
Gertrude Wessels of Allison, IA, on September 27, age 89, passed into the presence of the Lord from a Care Center. She was saved as a young married woman on March 8, 1946, shortly after her father-in-law’s death. She and her late husband, Rudy, were in fellowship with the assembly at Stout, IA, for many years. She often spoke of her appreciation for her salvation. Surviving are one daughter, Carolyn Cooper, and a son, Gerald, along with their families. Russell Nesbit and Robert Orr shared the funeral service from the Stout Gospel Hall.