


Calgary: Tent meetings with Gaius Goff and Bryon Meyers will be held July 6-27, D.V. 7:30pm nightly, with children’s meetings in the mornings. If you have friends or family that you would like contacted or invitations sent to, please contact Kevin Armson, 403 285-8185, karmson@efirehose.net; or Derek Hanna, 403 236-4126, djhanna@shaw.ca.

Edmonton: The Christians enjoyed a week of practical Bible Readings on I Timothy led by Stan Wells. We also enjoyed visits from James Ronald, John Fitzpatrick, and Gordon Williams.

Fort McMurray: Gordon Williams and Stan Wells visited the Wood Buffalo assembly on two successive weekends in early May, each ministering Sunday afternoon and Monday night as well as preaching the gospel. The ministry was very profitable.

British Columbia

Kamloops: During May, the assembly enjoyed ministry from Stan Wells, and was encouraged during a series of gospel meetings shared by Pete Smith and Jim Webb. No souls professed, but a number came to hear.

Squamish: This growing community 68 km north of Vancouver has no assembly testimony at present, though a commodious hall is still being maintained in anticipation of possible opportunities. Fourth Street Gospel Hall in North Vancouver is the nearest assembly, about an hour’s drive away. Pray that God will exercise some couples to move to this area with a desire to reach out with the gospel.

Surrey: Gospel literature was distributed from the Gospel Booth at the annual Cloverdale Rodeo. The numbers were down and the interest spotty, but please continue to pray that the sowing of the seed will yield fruit.

Vancouver: Gospel meetings in Victoria Drive ended on May 30 after six weeks with good numbers of unsaved attending. The Lord was pleased to bless in the salvation of a few, while others linger in their sins. Robert Eadie and David Hunt preached the gospel clearly and faithfully, and the assembly was encouraged. Please pray for the Gospel Booth work that has been carried on for many years in the month of August at the large Pacific National Exhibition. The Deep Cove assembly spearheads this work with the fellowship of area assemblies.


Brandon: Jack Gould and Jack Nesbitt purpose gospel tent meetings here commencing July 6. Please pray for contacts from the colonies.

Winnipeg: Jack Gould writes, “We have been able to visit over 30 colonies this year with a good response to the John 14:6 text we gave away. God continues to bless His Word as souls profess salvation. Three from the colonies obeyed the Lord in baptism and have been received into the fellowship of the West End assembly.”

New Brunswick

Moncton: The Christians enjoyed a recent visit from David Oliver for Sunday night Gospel meeting and a very encouraging two days of ministry meetings after the Prince Edward Island conference. On June 1, Matthew Cain and his family visited and he gave encouraging ministry and shared in the gospel.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Gander: Stephen Vance was with the assembly May 10-16. The meetings were encouraging and mostly centered on the Chinese work. The Gander Bay conference over the holiday weekend was encouraging. Helping at the conference were Wallace Buckle, Noel Burden, Eric Fowler, Carl Payne, and David Swan.

McIvers: The saints were encouraged by three weeks of Gospel meetings with Jim Jarvis and Bert Joyce. There was some blessing in salvation. Noel Burden gave valued ministry at Corner Brook, McIvers, Parsons Pond, and Rocky Harbour.

Seal Cove: James McClelland and Carl Payne are engaged in the first week of gospel meetings in early June. Numbers attending from the area are encouraging.

Nova Scotia

Bible Hill: Albert and Mae Hull would like to express thanks to all the beloved saints from far and near for their prayers, phone calls, e-mails, sympathy cards, and support received in the recent and sudden loss of their dear grandson, Desmond Prins. They have been touched by the care shown from “the body of Christ.” Your continued prayers for the family are invaluable, in particular John and Ann Prins and family.

Blues Mills: Fred Bartlett and James McClelland finished five weeks of gospel meetings May 9. The saints were encouraged with blessing in salvation.

Tatamagouche: The assembly had blessing in the recent gospel meetings conducted by David Hierlihy and Gordon Swan.

In May, David and Melody Oliver visited the Maritimes. Our brother had fresh and timely ministry for the benefit of Nova Scotia assemblies in Halifax, Nineveh, Truro, and Blues Mills.


Brampton: Please pray for gospel tent meetings July 13-27 with Brian Crawford and Marvin Derksen. Meetings will be at Chinguacousy Park, Sunday through Friday at 7:30pm.

Chapman Valley: Gary Sharp had three weeks of gospel meetings using his chart, “The Future Revealed.” Some unsaved were present every night.

North Bay: Don Nicholson gave ministry at the monthly ministry meeting of the Nipissing Junction assembly and continued for two nights from 1 Chronicles 29 on hands being full for God and souls being right before God. He also spoke to the young people at the Mattawa outreach work. Larry Buote was with us for two nights of ministry, covering some highlights from Luke and John. David Richards gave one night of helpful expository and practical ministry from Romans 6, 7, 8, and 12, and touched briefly on the work in Russia.

Sudbury: Larry Buote was with the assembly for a visit in May.

Toronto: The Christians of the former Mimico Gospel Hall met for the first time on June 1 in their new building, the Applewood Heights Gospel Hall. The new location is 4030 Tomken Road in Mississauga. This is just north of the corner of Burnhamthorpe Road on the west side of Tomken Road. Prayer will be appreciated for the work of the Lord in this new area. A formal opening will be held later in the month.

Prince Edward Island

PEI Conference held May 17-18 was well attended. The ministry was most practical, searching, and challenging. We were very encouraged to see a large number of young people, some from quite a distance, attending and displaying interest in the ministry. A large number of unsaved attended the two gospel meetings. The ministry was shared by Matthew Cain, Albert Hull, Murray McCandless, James McClelland, David Oliver, and Jon Procopio.



Phoenix: The assembly at Garfield St. enjoyed ministry from John Slabaugh in March. Brian Currie was with us for the month-end meeting, and also four nights of ministry in May.


Newington: The assembly had a week of children’s meetings with Dan Shutt with good attendance and interest. The series ended with three ministry meetings May 17-18 on “The Holy Scriptures.” These meetings were heart-warming and challenging to young and old alike. One young teenager professed, and a few who were recently baptized have asked for reception to God’s assembly. The believers were greatly encouraged.


Ankeny: Al Christopherson had meetings in this new field for three weeks in May, four nights each week. The interest wasn’t as good as at previous times.

Manchester: Appreciated ministry has been received from Alex Dryburgh, Jack Gould, and William Skates. Dan Shutt, along with local brethren, held a week of children’s meetings. As a result, one family still attends on Sunday morning. At the May all-day meeting, strengthening ministry was given by Jerry Jennings, Joel Portman, John Slabaugh, and Stan Wells.


Augusta: The saints enjoyed a visit May 6-7 from David Oliver with ministry on the Cherubim and Seraphim.


Saugus: E. Higgins gave appreciated ministry on Christian Living and Looking from Titus 2:11-14. The attendance and interest in its Bible Reading Conference encouraged the assembly. The subject, Gifts and Service for the Lord, elicited participation from many believers. The format of our conference included a reading followed by ministry on the subject, which appeared to be of benefit. J. Dennison, A. J. Higgins, and D. Oliver were responsible for the readings and the ministry. S. Wells and S. MacLeod shared in the gospel and participated in the readings as did W. Gustafson.


Sherman: The assembly here had its Seed Sowers booth at the annual Mesick Mushroom Festival May 9-11. The Lord gave exceptional weather, and with large crowds attending we were able to give away good numbers of texts, tracts, and fridge magnets.


Tylertown: The conference on May 17-18 was a time of encouragement for the saints. Lorne Mitchell and Larry Perkins, assisted by other visiting brethren, gave encouraging ministry. The conference was supported by several Christians who came from afar. Brethren Mitchell and Perkins stayed a few nights for gospel meetings and one lady professed to be saved on the final day. Prayer is requested for several who are attending who need salvation. One man, previously saved, is asking for baptism.

New Jersey

Midland Park: The believers enjoyed visits from Walter Gustafson in February and May. Brother Steven Baker spoke at three evenings of prayer meetings which were for the gospel meetings which started March 30 with Eugene Higgins and Mark Procopio. The gospel was preached solemnly by our brethren, and the saints were able to bring visitors out to hear the message of salvation. The saints request prayer for a vacation Bible School purposed for August 11-15.


Akron: Please pray for a gospel tent series to start here June 22 with Gary Sharp and Dan Shutt. Eric McCullough spoke on the “Man of God” from the Epistles to Timothy.

Cleveland: Visits by John Slabaugh and Eric McCullough were appreciated. Bill Seale and John Slabaugh are expected for gospel meetings in June.

Mansfield: Max McLain and Frank Sona gave helpful ministry in recent visits.


Arlington: The assembly was blessed with a week of ministry on New Testament truths from John Fitzpatrick in early May. On September 13-14, the assembly is planning a 100th anniversary, celebrating the Lord’s blessings. All are invited. If any servants of the Lord had ministry or gospel meetings in the Arlington area in the past, or recently, a testimonial about your experience would be welcomed. If anyone else has a special memory about Arlington, or pictures that can be shared, it would be appreciated. Please contact Tim Klein, 24224 – 47th Ave., Arlington, WA. USA 98223; kleinta98223@hotmail.com.


Madison: For two nights each week in June, Al Christopherson will be working this new area close to the Black Earth assembly. Prayer would be valued.


Chihuahua: After eight weeks of preaching nightly since March 29, gospel meetings now continue five nights a week. Many new contacts have attended these meetings. God has blessed in the salvation of souls. One married couple was recently added to the assembly, bringing encouragement to the believers here.

Ciudad del Carmen: Gospel meetings were held nightly for a month in two different areas of the city. A number of young people from Canada, the United States, and Mexico helped with delivering texts and invitations, door to door work, and transportation. God richly blessed in the salvation of a good number of souls. Brethren from Mexico, Venezuela, Canada, and the United States helped in the preaching of the gospel. Several more new converts have been baptized. Marcus Cain helped in teaching during the month of May. Pray concerning the formation of an assembly in this city.

El Cora: Jason Wahls preached the gospel for ten weeks in this small village one hour west of Tepic, helped by local brethren. It was encouraging to see some attending who were originally very opposed.

Mexico City: Harry Rodriguez, helped by brother Daniel from the Ixtapa assembly, had two weeks of gospel meetings in Nezahualcoyotl. They also visited the state of Veracruz and preached in two different areas.

Santiago Ixcuintla: On April 20 the believers met together to break bread for the first time in this town one hour north of Tepic. The assembly is small but the growth of the believers has been very encouraging. Good numbers of unsaved have been coming out to the weekly gospel meeting, and a children’s work continues twice a week.

Talpa de Allende: In one of the most fanatically religious towns of Mexico, James Dyck and Jose, a local brother, preached the gospel to forty people, including believers from Puerto Vallarta and Santiago Ixcuintla. Following the gospel, brother Moses baptized a father and his two sons.

Tepic: Marcus Cain, helped by two local brethren, preached the gospel here for three weeks. There were several new contacts made during the series but we heard of no profession of faith.

Northern Ireland

County Antrim

Larne: J. Fleck and D. Gilliland are preaching in a portable hall in the center of the town and getting good numbers in to hear the gospel.

County Armagh

Glenanne: T. Wright and M. Turkington have commenced gospel meetings in the hall.

County Down

Ballynahinch: B. Currie and J. Palmer are preaching in a portable hall outside the town. There have been no meetings in this immediate area that anyone can remember. God has blessed in salvation.

Bangor: L. Craig and P. McCauley are preaching the gospel in this seaside town.

Belfast: R. McKeown and J. Rogers are preaching in a portable hall in the Bloomfield area. W. Fenton and M. McKillen are preaching in the Gospel Hall in Parkgate.

Castlewellan: J. Martin and W. Martin are preaching here in a portable hall.

Closkelt (nr. Shanaghan assembly): W. Fenton and M. Radcliffe commenced here in this country area in late May.

Moira: A. Colgan and W. Boyd have had two weeks of gospel meetings in the village.


Sioux City. IA

July 19-20, in the Gospel Hall, 120 South Leonard Street. Saturday: Prayer Meeting 7:30 pm. Sunday: Breakfast 8am, Breaking of Bread 9:45am, Bible Reading 11:15am (Ephesians 1), Lunch 12:45, Children’s Meeting 2pm, Ministry 2:30pm, Dinner 4:30pm, Gospel 6pm. Corr: Gary Hayes, 1625 W 14th Street, Sioux City, IA 51103; Tel: 712- 255-4962; Gospel Hall: 712-277-3647.

Westbank, BC

August 1-3, at the Highway Gospel Hall, 2549 Hebert Road. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am (Hebrews 13), Ministry 2:30pm, Ministry/Gospel 7pm, Sing 9pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Sunday School 11:15am, Ministry 2:30pm, Prayer Meeting 6:30pm, Gospel 7:15pm. Meals will be provided. If accommodation is required, please contact in advance. Corr: Glenn Griffin, 3344 Elliott Rd., Westbank, BC V4T 1P2; Tel: 250 768-3343; griffarm@telus.net.

Akron, OH

August 30-31 in Copley High School, 3797 Ridgewood Road, Copley. Prayer Meeting, Friday at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 2705 Smith Road, Tel: 330 867-3818. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 1pm on the subject of “The Assembly – Headship, Leadership, and Relationships.” Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am. Accom: David Metcalf, 3228 Blake Road, Wadsworth, OH 44281; Tel: 330 334-9691; Dmetcalftt@msn.com. Corr. Kenneth Webb, PO Box 13350, Akron, OH 44334; Tel: 330 666-9466.

Clementsvale, NS

August 30-31, Champlain Hall, Cornwallis Park. Sat.: Prayer and Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Bible Reading 8:30am (The Day of Atonement), Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Corr: Lionel Cress; Tel: 902 467-3115. Accom: please call in advance: Jonathan McCelland, Tel: 902 638-3260; jkmcclelland@ns.sympatico.ca.

Grande Prairie, AB

August 29-31, in the Gospel Hall, Spring Creek Road and Highway 43. Friday: Prayer and Ministry 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 1:30pm (The Holy Spirit in the Life of the Believer), Ministry 3:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Open Sunday school 12:45am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Lunch will be served for those travelling on Saturday morning. Contact: Elton Krenzler, Tel: 780 539-5686, or Robert Eyers, Tel: 780 513-8916.

Kansas City, MO

August 30-31 in the Gospel Hall with Prayer Meeting on Friday, August 29 at 7pm in the Gospel Hall, 4603 E. Linwood Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64128; Tel: 816 924-6346. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2 PM, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Bible Reading 9:30am (Revelation 1), Breaking of Bread 11am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Corr: William Jackson, 1613 Ashland Pl, Blue Springs, MO 64015; Tel: 816 228-3591.

Arnstein, ON

September 13-14 with Prayer Meeting on Friday, September 12, at 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 8:45am (The Priesthood of all Believers), Ministry 11am, 2pm, and 7pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 8:45am, Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. All meetings in the Gospel Hall, 10762 Hwy 522. Please note: No supper will be served on Friday evening. Advance accom: Tommy Dellandrea, Tel: 705 757-0222. Corr: Don Brunne, Tel: 705 757-2030.

Hitesville, IA

September 20-21 with Prayer Meeting on Friday, September 19 at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, Rural Route, Aplington. All other meetings (except Sunday Gospel Meeting) will be held at the Aplington/Parkersburg Middle School, 215 – 10th Street, Aplington, IA; Tel: 319 347-2394.Saturday: Prayer and Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6:15pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9am, Breaking of Bread at 10:30am, Prayer and Ministry 2pm. Corr: Larry L. Brandt, 509 Lincoln Street, Parkersburg, IA 50665; Tel: 319 346-1084; Hall: 319 347-2333.

Manchester, IA

October 4-5. Meetings are in the West Delaware Middle School, 1001 Doctor St. Saturday: Ministry 10 am and 2 pm, Testimony 6:15pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9am (John 17), Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm. Contact: Kenneth Gentz, Tel: 563 927-4662


August 29-September 1 in the Gospel Hall, 323 S. Stillaguamish Ave., Arlington. Prayer/Ministry, Friday 7pm. Saturday: Bible Study 8:45am., Ministry 10:30am and 2pm, Gospel 7pm, Ministry for the Young 8:45pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am (Arlington and Marysville), Bible Study 11:20am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm (Arlington and Marysville), Ministry for the Young 8:45pm. Monday: Bible Study 8:45am, Ministry 10:30am and 2pm. Stan Wells, Eric McCullough, and Gaius Goff plan to be with us. Bible reading subjects to be announced. Information and accom: Phil Kazen, Tel: 360 659-4611; ps.kazen@yahoo.com

Conference Reminders:

Pugwash Junction, NS – July 5-6

Correction for Address List (June issue under Panama)

Byrnell (and Lois) Foreshew

Change of Address

Mrs. Ken (Doris) Moore, 309-134 Lindsay St., North Bay, ON, P1B 7Z2


Mrs. Violet Wall of Freetown, PE, on December 5, 2007, in her 90th year. Our dear sister was saved for almost 60 years, and since 1958 had been faithful in attending all the meetings until ill health prevented her. She was known for her quiet and happy spirit, and bore testimony to all around her. She was predeceased by her husband William in 1999, whom she had the joy of seeing saved when he was 81 years of age. She is survived by five children and a number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The funeral service was shared by Robert McIlwaine and Peter Ramsay, with a large number of unsaved attending.

Mr. William (Billy) Turkington, on March 4, age 84. Our brother was saved in 1942 during a fruitful series of Gospel Meetings in Lurgan conducted by Robert Curran. Shortly afterwards he was received into the assembly and became a great asset to the testimony. An avid reader of good books and possessed of a very alert and retentive mind, he was also gifted in the gospel and ministry of the Word. He was a most adaptable brother, as much at home in teaching a Sunday school class as in conducting a Bible reading. For many years he was a very competent correspondent in the Lurgan assembly as well as a committed Convener of the annual Conference. The local assembly and many saints over a wide area were enriched and blessed by his original and refreshing contributions. His passing leaves a great vacancy in the assembly though his spiritual legacy lives on. Prayer is valued for his widow Sue. The very large funeral service from Lurgan Gospel Hall was conducted by D. Gilliland and J. Lennox with other brethren sharing in prayer.

Robert H. Rae of Sarnia, ON, on April 15, in his 85th year. Our dear brother discovered he was not saved during a series of meetings on Revelation being conducted by Mr. McBain. Deeply troubled about his soul after the last meeting on Dec. 2, 1956, he trusted Christ while reading a gospel tract. He was received into the fellowship of the Sarnia assembly in 1957, and continued faithfully until poor health would not allow him to do so. A humble brother, a respected elder, and a devoted husband, he leaves behind his faithful wife, June, and children Diane (Wayne), David (Joanne), Rebecca (Ed), Robert (Celine), and seven grandchildren. Remember the family in prayer. His son Robert gave the eulogy and William Metcalf gave a message in the gospel and words of comfort at the graveside.

Mrs. Anna Courvoisier (nee Simms), of Unionville, ON, on April 16. Born in Arnstein, ON in 1915, she was saved at a young age. She was in fellowship in Brock, Pape, and Unionville assemblies, and in Bethany Lodge for the past 17 years. She had a happy cheerful countenance, and the last number of years she was longing to be with the Lord Whom she loved. Just the past few weeks she was confined to bed before the Lord called her home. She had no family of her own, but was loved by many of her nieces and nephews to the third generation. A large number of relatives and friends attended her burial service which was taken by three nephews and Don Nicholson.

Martin “Buzz” Brown of Lambton Shores, ON, on May 12, in his 73rd year, went home to be with his Savior after a lengthy battle with dementia. Buzz was the loving husband of Peggy (Joyce) and the dear father of Cathie, Kim (Jim) Faust, and Lisa (Andy) Parrent. Buzz will be missed by his grandchildren Sierra and Quinn. Buzz was saved at age 12 during meetings in Ferndale, MI with brethren Steve Mick and Oswald McLeod. He lived in both Ontario and Michigan and fellowshipped in Ferndale, Stark Road, Hamilton, and for the past 27 years in the Lakeshore assembly. The large funeral was shared by family and friends, and his nephew Bryan Joyce spoke both at the funeral and graveside.

Fred Steen of Marysville, WA, on May 12, age 76. Fred lost his father at the age of nine, and trusted Christ as his personal Savior at the age of 11. Our brother was a kind, caring, and generous individual with a quiet demeanor. Although he was not one to stand behind a pulpit, he was faithful in the spread of the gospel through teaching Sunday school, assisting in gospel and youth outreach, and encouraging all those with a vision to make Christ known. Together with his wife, Phyllis, their home has been a place of loving hospitality and friendship. For many years he was respected as an elder in the Arlington assembly. For the last 15 years, he was debilitated by Huntington’s Chorea and lovingly cared for by his wife of 54 years. Although communication was difficult, Fred always enjoyed the Scriptures and hearing the gospel going forth. The gospel and personal memories were shared by Tom Hoy and Phil Kazen.