Edmonton: The saints enjoyed a week of ministry with J. Jarvis on Dispensational Truth. These truths were very practically applied.
Fort McMurray: On March 1, a memorial service was held for an employee of one of the believers. About 15 unsaved family and friends attended. A. Bergsma was with the assembly March 23-27 for gospel meetings. One older woman professed on the morning of the 28th.
British Columbia
Vancouver: G. Williams was with the West Richmond assembly for three meetings on Isaiah 53 in early February. Also in February, the Fleetwood assembly had D. Richards who spoke on the Furniture of the Tabernacle.The next week, G. Williams gave 4 nights of ministry. The Easter Conference was refreshing for the saints, with Christ-exalting and challenging ministry. Ministry and gospel were shared by T. Baker, S. MacDonald (Scotland), D. Shutt, and R. Thompson (Scotland). The Bible readings on Isaiah 42 and 53 were led by our two Scottish brethren. E. Armson and T. Baker gave missionary reports. The large number of young people showed good interest and a young man trusted Christ.
New Brunswick
Sussex: The hall was filled on February 9 for the annual treat. The following day, Dr. S. Simonyi-Gindele gave a most interesting report of the work in Zambia and Angola. A. Hull and Allan McCandless commenced in the gospel on March 26.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Bishop’s Falls: Gospel meetings were held in early March in a rented building. The visiting was encouraging and some of the Chinese students from Gander attended.
Corner Brook: Two weeks of gospel meetings, with Bert Joyce and Carl Payne in a rented room at the Pepsi Centre, concluded March 4. The Lord’s hand in blessing encouraged us.
English Point: A one-day conference was held here on March 16, with local brethren giving ministry in the afternoon.
Gander: Gospel meetings continued into early March with E. Fowler and H. Verlarge. Two more Chinese students professed salvation and interest continues. The annual Easter conference was well attended with a special meeting devoted to remembering the 25th anniversary of the Gander assembly. Jim Smith had a week of appreciated ministry after the conference.
L’Anse au Loup: Gospel meetings ended February 10 after five weeks with M. Cain and P. Ramsay. One soul professed, but large numbers were out each night. D. Hunt, joined by brethren from Ontario and Labrador, visited communities along the Quebec North Shore by snowmobile, delivering calendars and literature door-to-door.
Mcivers: Gospel meetings began April 13 with Jim Jarvis and Bert Joyce.
Sandringham: On March 19, the assembly concluded two and a half weeks of gospel meetings with M. Derksen and D. Oliver. Meetings were encouraging with many unsaved in attendance and some new contacts made.
Nova Scotia
Blues Mills: Gospel meetings commenced April 6 with F. Bartlett and J. McClelland. We are concerned for the First Nation community close to the assembly.
Clementsvale: On February 17, D. Hierlihy and A. McCandless commenced their sixth week in the gospel. One young teenager confessed Christ and a few others are interested.
Halifax: A number of the brethren in the assembly are engaged in outreach work among the Chinese. They have been encouraged with some blessing. Please pray for this outreach.
Nineveh: The saints were encouraged with their well-attended conference. Nine of the Lord’s servants shared in the ministry, and the gospel was faithfully preached both nights.
Cambridge: CD’s and DVD’s of our February conference are available. Please e-mail: for more information.
Chapman Valley: Gospel meetings started April 6 with G. Sharp using his chart “The Future Revealed.”
Kitchener: On February 23-24, G. Sharp was here for the SS treat and Lord’s Day. A young girl professed salvation.
Owen Sound: In mid-March, G. Sharp had a week of children’s meetings. During that week, he also met with the Sunday School teachers to help them in speaking to children.
North Bay: The assembly rejoiced greatly in the baptism of a 20-year-old young man recently and also enjoyed a visit on the Lord’s Day from A. Cook who ministered on Joseph and preached the gospel with help from God.
Sudbury: In February, D. Booth visited for the monthly ministry meeting and Lord’s Day. The attendance was good at the annual Sunday School Treat in March. M. Pratt gave a clear gospel message and remained for the monthly ministry meeting and Lord’s Day.
Sundridge: During the March break, the Chapman Valley assembly enjoyed a week of ministry meetings on teen-age issues and early Christian life responsibilities by B. Rodgers. Beginning April 6, G. Sharp is to have 3 weeks of gospel meetings, using his chart, “The Future Revealed.”
Toronto: Large crowds, including many young Christians, attended the Easter Conference. N. Crawford, E. Higgins, Shad Kember Jr., M. McCandless, H. Paisley, D. Pettersen, D. Richards, and G. Williams gave stirring, helpful ministry suitable to all ages. The gospel was preached each evening with power. Three souls professed faith in Christ.
Welland: J. Smith has been helping with the Spanish gospel meeting here, and planned to visit the Spanish-speaking meetings in Kitchener and Hamilton during early April.
Prince Edward Island
Freetown: The assembly marked its 50th year of testimony in January. Bert Joyce, R. McIlwaine, and the late A. Ramsay pioneered in its establishment. To God’s glory, the numbers have increase many younger believers added. On February 17, the assembly’s annual one-day was well attended. Five of the Lord’s servants gave timely ministry.
Glen Ewen: J. Portman visited from Oct 25-Nov1, 2007, and gave instructive ministry on “The Word of God.” The assembly enjoyed a time of blessing from January 6-31 when J. Smith and Wm. Skates preached the gospel. Two of the Christians’ children and a lady who was a visitor professed salvation. Brother Smith continued for four nights in the ministry.
Alpena: The believers benefited greatly from the extended visit of H. Rodriguez (Mexico); he also was a great help with the Hispanic meetings in Huntsville and Springdale. Ministry by L. Perkins during a short visit in February was also much appreciated. March saw the joyful arrival of Melvin Mendez and family. Brother Mendez has been commended to the work in the area.
Long Beach: The believers from the Long Beach Gospel Hall are relocating and are temporarily meeting in Rialto, CA. For more information please call 626-484-7838.
San Diego: The conference was larger this year, with ministry given by T. Baker, L Buote, A. J. Higgins, W. Oliver, and S. Thompson. The saints were encouraged and cheered. The assembly enjoyed ministry from Walter Boyd (N. Ireland), J. Slabaugh, and S. Wells in March.
Brookfield: E. Higgins recently concluded a two-week series of gospel meetings during the week nights, and children’s meetings on Sundays. The Lord blessed in the salvation of a soul. This series greatly encouraged the saints, as does the attendance of children and parents at the weekly children’s meetings, which continue with help from local brethren.
Deland: Our February conference was well attended, with ministry given by five esteemed brethren. The Bible readings on “Heaven,” led by E. McCullough and Wm. Lavery, were most appreciated. The gospel series in March with A. Christopherson and R. Orr was among the best we have had. Our brethren were faithful in visiting door-to-door, and preaching the Word, and the saints were encouraged by seeing unsaved out and new contacts made. The fellowship and nightly support of visiting brethren and sisters were greatly appreciated.
Clarksville: The Antioch assembly recently enjoyed 7 � weeks of gospel meetings which commenced January 27 with R. Orr and R. Weber. Andy Decker helped brother Weber complete the series. We rejoiced to see four souls come to the knowledge of sins forgiven.
Dunkerton: In March, R. Surgenor gave appreciated ministry to the saints. The children’s meetings with D. Shutt were well attended by the community. Each night visitors have attended the gospel meetings with D. Shutt and P. Ramsay which commenced March 30th.
Garnavillo: S. MacLeod and M. McCandless finished five weeks and two nights of meetings here. It was a time of blessing and refreshing, with three souls professing salvation.
West Union: On April 6, J. Jennings and B. Lavery began their fourth week of gospel meetings with some interest.
Augusta: On February 20, the assembly enjoyed ministry from A. Hull on the dispensational divisions of Scripture.
Byfield: In January, E. Higgins held seven nights of gospel meetings supported well by surrounding assemblies. One professed and the saints were cheered.
Saugus: Marcus Cain visited the assembly with helpful and practical ministry from Matthew 5. We are thankful to God for the liberty in the work which we are able to continue in the rehab center. Each Monday evening new listeners hear the gospel. Their attendance is voluntary, and we are encouraged by their interest.
Watertown: Our recent conference was well attended and the ministry of the Word was practical and profitable. Speakers included Marcus Cain, A. Dryburgh, R. Dryburgh, W. Gustafson, M. McCandless, M. Procopio, and F. Tornaquindici. On Sunday, brother Cain gave an interesting report on the work in Mexico.
Ferndale: The assembly appreciated help from F. Sona and J. Nesbitt in March, and was thankful for the many unsaved at the Sunday School Treat when Max McLean spoke with power.
Jackson: The conference, January 15-17, filled the hall to capacity and the ministry by six brethren was practical and up-building. Following the conference, two weeks of excellent, Christ-exalting ministry on the Tabernacle, were conducted using a chart and a model. Many young believers joined older ones at every meeting and expressed deep appreciation for the teaching. Gospel meetings are planned for June, DV, with J. Meekin and M. McCandless. Prayer would be greatly appreciated.
Fridley: S. Thompson plans to hold children’s meetings June 9-13 and will be joined by Larry Perkins on June 15 for gospel meetings.
St. Louis: J. Portman had a short series of gospel meetings at the West End Gospel Hall in February and fellowship was greatly enjoyed. Believers invited and brought relatives, neighbors, and co-workers to the meetings which were well attended each night.
Omaha: The assembly was richly blessed by six weeks of ministry by R. Surgenor on “Egypt to Canaan.”
New Mexico
Albuquerque: The assembly supported the pioneer effort of J. Fitzpatrick in the remote area of Mountainair, NM. He started at the beginning of April. Several from the area attended and the postmaster of a little village nearby said he found assurance of salvation after the second night. Also please pray for anticipated gospel meetings in the Albuquerque area beginning June 1 with Wm. Lavery and M. Smith.
New York
East Aurora: Gary Sharp visited for a weekend and for the season’s final children’s meeting.
Flushing: Gospel meetings are planned for April 21-25. Please pray for the salvation of souls and for the work that continues here.
On March 19th we were joined by D. Valvano (Livingston, NJ) for our monthly gospel meeting for ESL students. His message was followed by a fruitful question and answer session.
North Carolina
Denver: Jeremy Parks and D. Petterson held a week of meetings on creation, which were a great encouragement to the assembly. They proclaimed the gospel plainly and visitors came from the community.
Hickory: S. MacLeod and D. Oliver commenced gospel meetings here April 13 in the hall.
Mansfield: At February’s area ministry meeting, A. Ussher gave helpful teaching from the lives of Peter and Hannah.
Philadelphia: J. Coleman and A. J. Higgins shared the monthly area ministry meeting at Olney on the subject, “The Believer and Relationships – When Single and When Married.” A good number heard the practical and searching truths which differ from the world’s standards. The ministry was useful for young and old.
Matoaca: We had three and a half weeks of gospel meetings in February with G. Moore (Toronto) and G. Patterson with good interest. We rejoiced in a 42-year-old man’s telling us he was saved. Our conference at the beginning of March was an encouragement. W. Gustafson, G. Moore, G. Patterson, and D. Petterson ministered the Word.
Arlington: On February 16-17, the assembly convened its second youth conference with the help of the Marysville saints. L. Parks and D. Shutt carefully, prayerfully, and diligently opened God’s Word to expound truths surrounding Bible characters – the choices they made and their consequences. Attentiveness and interest marked the approximately 250 young people who attended.
Blue River: I. Frazier and E. McCullough finished four weeks here and were thankful for some blessing in salvation. The conversion of a 15-year-old girl gave much joy.
Chihuahua: On March 20, five believers obeyed the Lord in baptism. Helped by various believers from other parts of the country, the assembly delivered thousands of texts during the Easter holidays. Meetings have been held in a tent since March 29, with several new unsaved contacts attending.
Ciudad del Carmen: A very fruitful series of gospel meetings, which went on for 15 weeks, has now concluded. So far, 13 of the new converts have been baptized. Several other new believers are putting their lives in order, as they also wish to be identified with Christ in baptism and see an assembly established. Please pray for another effort about to start in another area of the city. Marcus Cain and two Mexican brethren have given appreciated help over the last few weeks in the preaching of the gospel and the teaching of these new Christians. “Lift up your eyes” and “come over…and help us.”
Barril: Paul Thiessen and Jason Wahls visited here for the sixth time, following up on contacts from the work in Postville, IA. They also visited three other adjacent towns, preaching the gospel, visiting homes, and helping the poor.
Santiago Ixcuintla: Believers here expect to break bread for the first time in assembly capacity on April 20. James and Nelly Dyck, and their four small children live in this town. Please pray for this new work.
Tepic: Please pray for gospel meetings that M. Cain and J. Wahls started on April 13.
St. Lucia
The work in St Lucia was helped during the month of March by believers from Manitoba distributing 11,000 Seed Sower packages. Jack Gould and others started the tent series during this visitation in Ciceron. At last report, Jack Nesbitt and Moses Stephen were commencing their fourth week of this effort.
N. Ireland
Co. Antrim
Antrim: D. Gilliland and J. Rogers were encouraged with good numbers attending.
Ballintoy: N. Coulter and D. Ussher are preaching in a portable hall.
Ballyduff: T. Topley and J. Baxter commenced in the gospel in this thickly populated area.
Co. Armagh
Cormeen: S. Wells and W. Fenton were encouraged with good numbers and blessing.
Lurgan: J. Fleck and Mark Turkington preached in a portable hall on the outskirts of the town.
Portadown: R. McKeown and W. Martin had gospel meetings in the Gospel Hall.
Co. Cavan (Eire)
Stonewall: T. Topley had a week’s gospel meetings here in January. Although the assembly is now closed, a Sunday night gospel meeting is to continue in the future.
Co. Down
Ballymacashon: L. Craig and P. McCauley were encouraged by God’s hand in blessing.
Banbridge: J. Bingham and N. Fleck had a series of meetings in the Gospel Hall.
Cardy: M. Radcliffe had a number of weeks in the gospel in the new hall.
Edenderry: D. McGarvey had a week of children’s meetings here which were well attended by children and parents.
Kilkeel: S. Nelson and A. Wilson are preaching in the Gospel Hall.
Mullafernaghan: R. Pickering and T. Wallace were in the sixth week of gospel meetings.
Newry: C. Law and Blair Martin had four weeks of gospel meetings held in a room in a local hotel with blessing in salvation.
Co. Tyrone
Martray: B. Glendinning and T. Wright had a series of meetings with the small assembly.
Strabane: A. Davidson and S. Gilfillan preached in this border town. The assembly is small.
The January conference in Newtownstewart was well attended. D. Oliver led the Bible Reading. Several brethren gave practical ministry. Magheracorran’s conference was held March 8. Conferences on March 15 were held in Portavogie, Monaghan, and Bandon (Co. Cork); Belfast Easter Conference on March 22-25.
During February, text and tract distributions and meetings were held in two locations. Nine from Venezuela, seven from Nicaragua, and Jesse Booth from Ontario helped in this. A number professed salvation and meetings continue in both places. Byrnell and Lois Foreshew arrived in December as permanent missionaries. Pray for the arrival of more missionaries and for the formation of a first assembly.
RD Congo
G�rard Roy writes, “It was a joy to visit the assembly in Lubumbashi Congo during January and February. With the help of two local brethren, we preached the gospel for five weeks in a frame tent. God visited in grace and salvation. The assembly that previously met in a garage is now meeting in the tent. During our visit the believers had their first conference. Ten believers from Mbuji-Mayi (a town 600 miles away) spent several days on a train in very difficult and dangerous circumstances to come. Some had never seen an assembly function before. What they saw and heard left a deep impression on them. It was a real challenge to feed about 80 people with hardly any facilities, not even running water, but the believers worked with joy. The presence of God was real and the ministry of His Word was received gladly.
Major obstacles have been removed for the construction of a hall and we continue to look to God for help. Please pray for the preservation and growth of the work in this needy land.”
Jesse Fitch writes, “Brethren A. Davidson, M. McLean, L. Smith, and I were able to minister God’s Word at each of the five assemblies in the Ural Mountains and Western Siberia. Gatherings are small, but joy and love abound. God answered prayer when foreigners banned from going to the assembly at Volchance were granted consent to return. Dema T., who was in the States for 12 years, has returned to Tobolsk and is a good help in the assembly. Saints at Severouralsk continue to get Bible literature to the unsaved and Pasha is preaching the gospel in a home and distributing literature in Three North. Victor of Surgut desires to have gospel meetings in a brother’s home. Old Sasha of Kaskara was sick for a year, but now gets to meetings occasionally. A mini-conference of two assemblies met in Yarkova on a Lord’s Day. Several ladies are now saved and a few men are showing better interest in their souls. Work continues with language study and plans are to return for the spring and fall months of 2008. Visiting brethren hope to go again and need good interpreters. Nationals need to be raised up of God to serve Him full time. Pray for these needs.”
Clarksville, IA
April 6, Antioch Gospel Hall, 3 miles east of Clarksville. Ministry 10am, Breaking of Bread 11am, Sunday School 1pm, Ministry 2pm. Dinner to be served. Communications to 2530 Hwy 218, Charles City, IA 50616.
Methuen, MA
April 26-27. Saturday: Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 5pm (supper to follow). Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am., Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. All meetings at the Gospel Hall, 51 Merrimack St., Methuen. Accomm: Mark Quitadamo at 603 425-2984. Corr: D. Vacca, 32 Chappy Lane, Salem, NH 03079; 603 380-0127;
Peterborough, ON
May 3, in the Park Street Gospel Hall, 592 Park St. N, Peterborough. Meetings: 2pm and 6:30pm with supper between meetings. Contact: A. R. Morrison, 705 760-9242, or Alan Hale, 705 745-1007.
Toronto, ON
May 9-11, Fifth Missionary Conference at the Langstaff Gospel Hall. Sessions will include missionary reports, related ministry, accounts of calls to full-time ministry, and a panel discussion. Speakers: D. Booth (Costa Rica), M. Poidevan (Zambia), D. Richards (Russia), P. Thiessen (Mexico), R. Vanstone (Panama). Meals will be provided at the hall. Accommodation in the homes of believers are limited. Accom: Irving Payne, for assistance, 905 773-3822.
Calgary, AB
May 16-18, Friday: Prayer and Ministry 7:30pm at W. Hillhurst Gospel Hall. Corr: M. D’Adamo, 403241-9639, or D. Hanna, 403 236-4126. Accommodation provided.
Midland & Waubaushene, ON
May 17-18 in the North Simcoe Sports & Recreation Centre, 527 Len Self Boulevard, Midland. 705 526-9395. Directions: Hwy. 93 north to Hwy. 12, turn East (right) to 2nd stop light, on King Street turn left (north) to 3rd stop light, turn left on Len Self Blvd. Meeting times both days: 10am, 1:15pm, 3pm, and 6:45pm. Bible readings: Leviticus 16 and Numbers 19. Corr: Paul Barbour, 705 526-3516;, or Ed Heels, 705 534-3698; Accom: Ted Joyce, 705 526-6129;, or Daniel Green, 705 534-4271.
Ottawa, ON
May 16-18, Friday: Prayer 7:30pm, Gospel Hall, 1087 North River Road. Bible Reading Saturday 9 am. Subject for both readings: “The Resurrection of Christ: Its Certainty, Its Significance, and Its Effect Upon the Believer.” Corr: M. Cottrill, 613 225-4708;
Prince Edward Island
May 17-18 at the Bluefield High School, Hampshire. Saturday: Prayer, Ministry 10am 2:15pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Bible Reading 8:30am, Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 1:15pm, Prayer, Ministry 2:15pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Corr. G. McKenna, 902 836-3073, or B. MacDonald, 902 566-3831. Accom: Neil Thompson, 902 892-7216,
Barrie, ON
May 24. Second annual conference at the Timothy Christian School, 750 Essa Rd., Barrie. The order of meetings are Prayer & Ministry 10am, Bible Study 1:30pm, Prayer & Ministry 3:30pm, Prayer 6:30pm, Ministry & Gospel 7pm, Singing & Ministry 8:45pm. Corr: Ken Bond, 705 733-1225.
Byfield, MA
May 23-25 Prayer 8pm, Friday. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Sunday School 12:15pm, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Corr: John H. Short, 145 Main St., Byfield, MA 01922;; 978 465-2207, Hall: 978 465-5569.
Goodwood, ON
May 24, in the Goodwood Gospel Hall. Prayer and Ministry meetings begin at 2pm. Supper served at 5pm. Ministry and Gospel meetings from 6:30pm-8:40pm. The hall located on Hwy 47 near the Third Concession. Corr: T. Snooks, 905 852-4874, or Bob Diebel, 905 852-5241.
Grants Pass, OR
May 23-25 Friday: Prayer 7:30pm, Gospel Hall, 1611 SW ‘G’ Street. Breaking of Bread 10am. Corr: D. Gratias, 141 Timber Lane, Grants Pass OR 97526;; 541 479-4521; Hall: 541 476-3956. Accom: S. Lamb, 362 Barbara Dr., Grants Pass OR 97526;; 541 476-1515.
Hickory and Denver, NC
May 23-25 at the Hickory Gospel Hall, 253 17th Ave. NE, Hickory; Hall Tel: 828 324-2118. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7:30pm. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10:30am and 1:45pm, Gospel 4:15pm, Hymn Sing 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Prayer/Ministry 1:45pm, Gospel 6:00pm. Accom: Philip Moore, 828 324-1532.
Sarnia, ON
May 23-25, in the Gospel Hall, 1791 London Line. Friday: Prayer 7:30pm. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am; Bible Reading 1:15pm led by Andrew Ussher (Your Money – How to Make it Go Farther and Last Longer), Prayer/Ministry 3pm; Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am; Sunday School 1pm; Prayer/Ministry 2:30pm; Gospel 7pm. Meals served. Info: John Prins, 519 384-8671.
Bancroft, ON
May 31, with Bible Reading at 10am. Subject: “The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, John 14-16.” Ministry 2 and 7pm. Meetings in the Lakeview Gospel Hall, 644 Maxwell Settlement Rd. Corr: Mark Freymond, RR#1 Bancroft On, K0L 1C0; 613 332-4317.
Saugus, MA
May 30-June 1, in the Walnut Street Gospel Hall. Subject: Spiritual Gifts in Accordance With Scripture. Friday: Prayer and Ministry 7:30 pm. Saturday: Bible Reading/Ministry 10am and 2pm; Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Remembrance Meeting 10am; Sunday School 11:45am; Bible Reading/Ministry 2pm; Gospel 6:30pm. For outline & schedule see Corr: Anthony Grillo, 46 Grey Lane, Lynnfield, MA 01940; 781 334-6363; Accom: Mark Williamson, 781 233-0250.
Eden Grove, ON
June 1, in the Gospel Hall, with Prayer Meeting Saturday, May 31 at 7:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Directions: 1 mile west of Bruce County Rd. # 3 (Elora Road), on Bruce Rd. 15 (#111). Corr: John W. Boddy, Sr., RR # 4, Walkerton ON N0G 2V0; 519 366-2302;
North Bay, ON
June 6-8 in the Nipissing Junction Gospel Hall, 1340 Lakeshore Drive. Friday:Prayer 7:30pm. Bible Readings on Saturday 9am (The Person of Christ- His Deity & Manhood) and Lord’s Day at 11:30am (The Person of Christ-His Royalty). Breaking of Bread 9: 30am. Corr: C. Black, 63 Massey Dr., North Bay, ON., P1A 3Y3; 705 497-1284. Accom: D. Culin, 705 498-1447; Hall: 705 474-3384.
Garnavillo, IA
June 6-8. Friday, Prayer Meeting 7pm in the Gospel Hall. All other meetings at the Elementary School. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am, Children’s Meeting 1pm, Prayer/Ministry 1:45pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 11:30am, Children’s Meeting 1pm, Prayer/Ministry 1:45pm, Gospel 7pm (at Hall). Speakers: Jim Baker, J. Grant, and D. Oliver. Corr: J. Kregel 563 964-2554;
Portage la Prairie, MB
June 12-15, Prayer Thursday 7:30pm in the First Street Gospel Hall. All other meetings at the William Glesby Centre, 11 – 2nd Street NE. Bible Readings: Genesis 22 and 24. Corr: D. Vanstone, 204 857-8435; Accom: D. Walker, 204 857-7794, Conference sponsored jointly by First Street & the Fifth Avenue assemblies.
Victoria Road, ON
June 13-15 in the Gospel Hall. Friday: Prayer, 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 8:45am, Ministry 10:30am, 2 and 7pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 8:45am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. BR Subjects: Sanctification – 1Thess 4 (Sat) and Preeminence of Christ – Col 1 (Sun). Supper served at 6pm Friday. Corr: Ken Stone, R.R. 3, 187 Sandhills Rd., Woodville, ON, KOM 2TO; 705 374-4688;
Corner Brook, NF
June 27-29 in the G. C. Rowe Jr. H. S., Friday: Prayer 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am, 1:30, and 3:30pm, Prayer 6:15pm, Gospel 7pm, Young People’s 9pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School and Bible Study 1:30pm, Ministry 3:30pm, Prayer 6:15pm, Gospel 7pm. Accom: R. Foster, 709 634-5022, or B. Payne, 709 634-1843.
Kirkland Lake, Englehart, Earlton, Charlton, ON
June 27-29 in the Englehart High School. Friday: Prayer 7:30pm. Meetings Sat. & Sun 10am, 2, and 7pm. Supper 5:30pm Friday in the school. Corr: P. Potter, Earlton, ON P0J 1E0, 705 563-2942, or H. Pratt, R.R.#1, Charlton, ON P0J 1B0; 705 544-7758.
Pugwash Junction, NS
July 4-6 Friday: Prayer 7:30pm. Breaking of Bread 10am. Usual order of meetings. Corr: H. Elliott, R.R.#1, Wallace, N.S. B0K 1YO;; 902 257-2236. Accom: J. Thompson, 902 243-3112;
Conference Reminders:
Livingston, NJ – May 2-4
Newbury, ON – May 3
Newmarket, ON – May 4
Cumberland, MD – May 17-18
Tylertown, MS – May 18
Change of Address
Bruce & Rhoda Cumming: (Due to our brother’s health, this is now a permenant address for all correspondence) #1601 – 5652 Patterson Ave., Burnaby, BC V5H 4C8.
Marvin & Barbara Derksen, 10 Robertson Cres, Kitchener, ON, N2R 1B4; 519 954-4076; Fax: 519 954-4070;
Byrnell & Lois Foreshew, 1005-00284, Panama, Rep. de Panama.
Eleonor Mosquera, Cerrada San Fernando #88, Residencial Capistrano 83249, Hermosillo, Mexico;
Bruce & Becky Rodgers, 169 Amberdale Crt., Sudbury, ON P3C 5T4 (effective May 1).
Please note: the address in the front cover of the green Gospel Hymn Book is no longer valid. The correct address is: Western Gospel Publishing Foundation, 7630 Berg Road, Delta, BC V4G 1G4 Canada. 604 940-9958;
Change of Correspondent
Black Earth, WI: Norm Brandon, 4890 Highwood Circle, Middleton,WI 53562; 608 836-4030;
Clarksville, WI (Antioch Gospel Hall): John Wessels, 25284 Sinclair Ave., Allison, IA 50602; Home: 319 267-2909; Cell: 319 269-3493.
Goodwood, ON (Gospel Hall): Todd Snooks, 10 Byam Place, Uxbridge, ON. L9P1A6.
Omaha, NE: Mark Van Der Hart, 20206 Amelia Ave., Elkhorn NE 68022.
Orillia, ON (Dominion Gospel Hall): Andrew Adams, Unit #11 – 441 Barrie Road, Orillia, ON Canada L3V 6T9; 705-326-9698;
Change of Address of Correspondent
Indiana, PA: Lindsay Parks, (new E-mail address).
Change in Meeting Times
Arlington, WA: Gospel Meeting 6 pm.
Indiana, PA: Prayer & Bible Study, Tue. 7pm.
Manchester, IA: Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 – 10:30am, Ministry/Sunday School 10:45-11:45am, Prayer 6:30pm, Gospel 7:30-8pm; Wednesday: Prayer and Bible Study 7:30-9pm.
Mrs. Adelaide Pike of Red Bay, LB, on August 24, 2007, age 97. Known to all as Aunt Addie, our beloved sister was saved in 1959, baptized shortly after, and received into fellowship of the Red Bay assembly where she was faithful to all the assembly meetings until shortly before her home-call. In recent years our sister lived with her daughter, Aggie Ryan and husband John of Red Bay. Her legacy of cheerfulness, loyalty, and love to Christ will be long remembered. She will be greatly missed by her son Stanley, daughter Aggie, many grandchildren, and great-grandchildren who loved her dearly and very highly respected her faith, and by the assembly. At the well attended funeral service in the hall, Bert Joyce spoke words of comfort to the family and a word in the gospel to a large audience, with Francis Barney of Lance au Loup at the graveside. Pray for many not yet saved.
Frank Montag of North Bay, ON, on January 4. Our dear brother was saved two years ago at 75 years of age, baptized, and shortly after received into the fellowship of the Nipissing Junction assembly. He had a bright testimony of a changed life that even the unsaved talked about. He attended the assembly meetings as often as his health permitted. He suffered much physically. He will be missed by his wife who was saved and came into the assembly in 1989; also by his daughter and family, son and family, and the assembly. Please pray for some of the family not yet saved.
Mrs. Renee Stewart of Westbank, BC, on January 25, age 91. She was saved in her late teens in Regina, SK, while in teacher’s training. After returning home to Swan River, MB, Renee attended several churches looking for a place with Scriptural principles. She met Alex Stewart who invited her to the Gospel Hall in Minitonas which she attended for a time, and where she was received into assembly fellowship. Alex and Renee were married in 1938, and in 1945 moved to Westbank, BC. Renee, with her late husband Alex, entertained many of the Lord’s people over the years, and enjoyed taking part in all the activities of the assembly. Dave Richards spoke at the funeral.
Dwight R. Troester of Phoenix, AZ, on February 1, age 81. Our brother was saved on June 3, 1943, and with his wife Jane (Snider) maintained a consistent testimony for 34 years in the Sunnyslope assembly. Prayer is requested for both his unsaved sister Lilith, and brother Leon of Guttenburg, Iowa. A number of relatives, friends, and co-workers heard the gospel faithfully presented by Paul Vizzini, with Byron Blumentritt at the graveside.
Emil Kline of Lanigan, SK, on February 3, age 95. Emil was saved as a young man after hearing the gospel for the first time from Ephesians 2:8,9. He and his first wife Dorothy were in assembly fellowship in Esk, SK. In later years he lived in Portage la Prairie and wintered in Sunnyslope, AZ. Emil was predeceased by Dorothy in 1973 and his second wife, Annabel, in 2006. He was always interested in the spread of the gospel, and he and Annabel were known for their hospitality. Ben Thiessen and Jim Solomon shared in the funeral service.
Harvey Swieter of Hitesville, IA, on February 5. Our beloved brother was saved in March, 1939. His grandfather spoke to him at times about his need of salvation, and as a troubled soul he was saved when his cousin quoted John 3:16. He married Barbara Epple in 1950. They were engaged in farming and he was known in his neighborhood as a reliable helper. They were in fellowship in Hitesville for a number of years. He is survived by his wife, Barbara, six children and their spouses, twenty grandchildren, and twelve great-grandchildren. The funeral held in the Hitesville Gospel Hall was well attended. Victor Collins and Robert Orr shared the service.
James Moore of Buckna, N. Ireland, on February 13, age 86, being 70 years in Christ that day. He had patiently endured since suffering a stroke in 1991. His years were spent in loyal service to Christ and the assembly, which included leading the Bible Class where many young lives were molded. An overseer of godly influence, he truly left his mark upon “the generations to come” (Psa 78:6), endearing himself to the saints. Having a wholesome dread of superficiality, he at the same time had a notable tenderness that was evident in public and private service. At his very large funeral, he was rightly described as a “pillar.” A man of character in the true sense, he will be much missed. With his late devoted wife he had the joy of seeing his five children saved, one of whom is Mrs. Gregg Buchanan, Brazil. Most of the grandchildren already share the blessed hope. S. McBride and D. Gilliland preached at the funeral, assisted by J.G. Hutchinson and J. Fleck. Respectful unsaved neighbors heard the Word presented with power.
Dan Atmore of Kamloops, BC, on February 23, age 59. Dan was saved sometime before we first knew him and had already been baptized as a believer. He was contacted through an outreach in April 2004. Dan had an interest to eventually gather with the saints in the assembly here and has been a real blessing since. His growth and commitment in the assembly have been a real encouragement. He is survived by a number of brothers and sisters in the Ontario area, who are not saved, and need our prayers. Dan was diagnosed with cancer in August 2007. We are thankful that he did not have to suffer for an extended time, and his longing to be home with the Lord is now a reality. A memorial service was taken by local brethren.
Angus Abram of London, ON, on February 25, in his 99th year. Our beloved brother in the Lord went home peacefully after a short stay in the hospital. He was happy in the Lord, having been saved as a boy of 14, and was a witness to those in the nursing home where he resided since the home-call of his dear wife in 2007. This dear couple would drive in from the reserve alone until he was over 90 and seldom missed the remembrance meeting. The memory of the just is blessed.
Douglas K. McDonald of Clinton, ON, on March 9, in his 79th year, following a brief illness. Our dear brother, reared in a Christian home, was saved at 23 years of age at Bancroft, ON. He continued until his home-call as a faithful, steadfast, highly esteemed elder, pillar, and correspondent of the assembly at Clinton with which the McDonald name was associated since its inception. The assembly was dear to his heart, and he kept the doors open when the assembly was few in number. In recent years he compiled a history of the assembly for the benefit of younger believers. He will be greatly missed by all. Prayer is requested for his aged wife, Winnie, who is in failing health. He is also survived by two bothers, and nieces, and nephews, some in need of salvation. The funeral service in the hall was shared by his brother, Bruce, Keith Bachert, and George Patterson.
Grace Stafford of Guelph, ON, on March 9, age 73. Grace was born in Limavady, N. Ireland, and was born again at the age of 17. She emigrated to Canada in 1963 and was in happy fellowship in the Bracondale assembly (later Langstaff), Toronto, for many years. In 1973, Grace and her husband Falliss welcomed Andrew and Eleanor Ussher into their hearts and home to give them an opportunity for education in Canada, while their parents, Danny and Audrey Ussher, served the Lord in Trinidad, W.I. In 2004, Grace and Falliss moved to Guelph, where they were in happy fellowship in the Yorkshire St. assembly. Grace was a dearly-loved sister who faithfully served the Lord’s people with loving care and gracious hospitality. She will be sadly missed by her husband, her “children” Andrew Ussher (Rachel) of the Langstaff assembly and Eleanor Joyce (Jim) of the assembly in Vandergrift, PA, as well as brothers and sisters in N. Ireland. The large funeral in the Langstaff Gospel Hall was taken by A. Hull and P. Glenney.
Robert Dyck of Lambton Shores, ON, on March 16, in his 64th year, departed to be with Christ. He was the beloved husband of Ruth (Kersey) and loving father of Katharine (Jonathan) McClelland, Marvin (Heather) Dyck, and Kevin Dyck. Four grandchildren also survive. Saved at the age of 11, he later gathered with believers at Merlin. For over 30 years, Bob was in fellowship at Lake Shore, helping with Sunday School work by transporting children. During his illness, he witnessed constantly to health-care workers of his hope in Christ. The large funeral was taken by his boyhood friend, Marvin Derksen, assisted by Larry Perkins and son, Marvin. David Patten spoke at Ravenswood Cemetery.
Louis A. Scheer of Tampa, FL, on March 16, in his 85th year. Louis was born April 12, 1922, in Cleveland, OH, and came to Florida from Fremont, OH. Louis was saved in 1955 and received into the Clyde, OH, assembly. Thirty-five years ago he and his family moved to Riverview, FL, and was in fellowship in the North Tampa Gospel Hall. Louis was a kind, loving brother in the Lord, and always had a kind word for all. He will be long remembered by visitors for always giving away fruit and vegetables to everyone. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy, daughter Dorothy K. Ateyo, sons Wayne and his wife, and Timothy and his wife. The funeral service was taken by Elton Decker and David Netti.
Bessie Parrington of Deseronto, ON, on March 17, in her 94th year. Our dear sister was saved at the age of 13 through the words of John 3:16. She was in fellowship in assemblies in Toronto, Peterborough, and Deseronto. Our sister made afghans for many aged saints at Elim Home and Bethany Lodge, as well as for saints in other assemblies. She was an excellent cook and loved to entertain. In her later years as her eyesight failed, she moved to Deseronto to live with her daughter and husband where home-care workers would read the Scriptures to her and she would speak to them. In July 2007, she suffered a stroke and was confined to a nursing home. She was predeceased by her husband Cecil in 1977. She was a patient saint and admired and loved by the staff at the Home – also a good example to her family. The well attended funeral was shared by Allen Madigan and Gordon Finlay, a friend of the family. She was a good example of Proverbs 31:10.
Douglas Black of Strongville, ON, on March 21, in his 66th year. He was saved in Montreal at the age of 19. Douglas was a kind and compassionate shepherd in the assembly. He and his wife Suzanne (Labonte) opened their home to the Lord’s people, both young and old, and many young lives were molded for God by their influence. They also entertained those who were not saved. Of over 400 who attended the funeral, it was estimated that over 100 were not saved – an indication of the respect neighbors had for the family. The small assembly will greatly miss Doug, as will his dear wife, two daughters and a son, their spouses, and two grandchildren. A number of brethren shared memories and paid tribute at the funeral service where Harold Paisley preached the gospel clearly and with power to the many unsaved attending.