


Fort McMurray: J. Fitzpatrick was with the Wood Buffalo assembly for ministry on March 14, which was both appreciated and an encouragement to the saints.

British Columbia

Kamloops: The assembly had a visit from J. Fitzpatrick for one night during March. We expect to move into our rebuilt hall by the end of April. The saints are thankful for the prayers of the Lord’s people over the last year.

Vancouver: Jack Hay ministered profitably for five nights on Romans 12-13 in West Richmond prior to the Easter conference.


Portage la Prairie: During the last weekend in March, the assembly enjoyed profitable ministry by A. J. Higgins on the subject of relationships. We are looking forward to a visit from Jim Currie in April.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Gander: Gospel meetings were to begin April 10 with A. Hull and D. Hunt. Brother Hull expected to be with the assembly for the Easter weekend for ministry geared toward younger believers.

Nova Scotia

New Glasgow: A. Hull visited for a Lord’s Day and gave ministry in the afternoon. A number of young Christians were in attendance.

Pugwash Junction: On February 11, A. Hull spent the Lord’s Day here when a number of younger believers gathered for ministry in the afternoon. John Wells also had challenging words during Sunday School for many younger Christians.

River Hebert: The assembly had three appreciated visits by Noel Burden in January and February in the gospel and ministry.

Truro: Prayer is requested for anticipated meetings at the end of April conducted by M. Cain and A. Hull. Please pray.


Clinton: On February 11, it was very encouraging to see a number of relatives and friends witness the baptism of a young sister, and to hear the gospel faithfully proclaimed. We are happy to see increased attendance at our Sunday School in recent months since children’s meetings last Fall.

Sudbury: A young sister was recently received to the fellowship of the assembly, bringing joy to the saints. The believers enjoyed having B. Rodgers for a Lord’s Day in March. Also in March, E. Miller was with the assembly for the annual children’s treat , monthly ministry meeting, and Lord’s Day. The assembly appreciated having Alex Dryburgh and his brother Robert from Scotland for two nights of ministry in early March.

St. Thomas: The Fall conference was well attended. E. Fowler, F. Krauss, M. McCandless, G. Sharp, J. Smith, and L. Steers took the burden of ministry and the gospel.

The assembly commenced its winter children’s meetings again in November. Andrew Robertson (Chatham) had a week with the children, and local brethren continued weekly until early March. In December, S. Vance visited the assembly and gave appreciated ministry. Monthly Saturday ministry meetings in December, February, and March were taken by L. Steers, A. Dryburgh and R. Dryburgh, with the January meeting taken by a local brother. Some of our sisters meet regularly to prepare materials for commended missionaries.

Timmins: The saints appreciated having L. Langfeld for children’s meetings from March 19-25.

Victoria Road: Over the past several months, the saints have been encouraged and blessed with appreciated visits from L. Buote, B. Owen, B. Crawford, E. Miller, L. Langfeld, E. Fowler, F. Krauss, and E. Badgley.

Prince Edward Island

Charlottetown: Eight weeks of gospel meetings ended March 11 with a number of unsaved attending consistently. S. MacLeod and M. McCandless preached the gospel faithfully and the Lord blessed with salvation. On the last Friday night of the meetings, two brethren obeyed the Lord in baptism, much to the encouragement of the saints.


Ste. Flavie: In March, L. Buote took up the subject of Solomon’s temple. He is still visiting in Rimouski with the gospel.


Glen Ewen: In January, P. Simms gave ministry for two weeks on the “Gospel of the Glory of the Great God.” In March, J. Beatty gave ministry for two weeks on “Family Relationships.” Also in March, J. Fitzpatrick had six ministry meetings. A community hall was rented in a neighboring town and six evenings of gospel meetings were held with local brethren giving help. A few residents from the community attended. The exercise of the Lord’s servants was helpful and encouraging to the saints.

Taylorside: J. Webb and R. Weber faithfully preached the gospel for two weeks, and we look to the Lord to bless His Word.



Phoenix: The Garfield St. assembly has been encouraged with the reception of three young sisters to the fellowship this winter.


Alpena: The assembly enjoyed a visit from J. Portman in the first week of March with helpful ministry from Deuteronomy. He also spoke at the Spanish meeting in Springdale. The work on the meeting place in Springdale has temporarily been halted due to city regulatory hindrances. Prayer is greatly appreciated for the Lord’s guidance in this matter.


San Diego: R. Eadie from N. Ireland had three weeks of well-attended gospel meetings on his way to Australia. There were large numbers of unsaved nearly every night.


Newington: Please pray for gospel meetings beginning on Easter Sunday, D.V., and continuing for three weeks. E. Higgins will speak on Life’s Most Important Questions.


Dunkerton: The children’s meetings in March with D. Shutt were well attended. A number of adult visitors came and heard the gospel faithfully preached.

Hitesville: R. Orr and L. Perkins are preaching the gospel here.


Saugus: The Children’s Treat was well attended where the clear gospel was presented by Dr. Mark Quitadamo of Methuen. On Sunday, a young believer was baptized before a number there to witness it. We would seek your prayers for the continuing gospel outreach in the rehab center where there is good interest.

Watertown: The Mount Auburn annual one-day conference was very good, though not as large as usual. W. Gustafson, M. McCandless, J. McClelland, and F. Tornaquindici gave soul-searching and uplifting ministry. The gospel was preached by brother McClelland. The fellowship of other local assemblies was very much appreciated.


Kansas City: Wm. Lavery had a week of very helpful ministry February 20-25.

New Jersey

Livingston: In March, the Christians were warmed and blessed during two weeks of gospel meetings with E. Higgins and M. Procopio. Numerous visitors each night brought the total on some nights to over 100. Dinners were served on Sundays and many contacts were established through profitable conversation. Visits by F. Sona and W. Gustafson in weeks preceding the meetings were also helpful and appreciated.

Long Branch: The March conference had good attendance, with meetings shared by W. Gustafson, B. Joyce, D. Oliver, M. Renzi, and J. Slabaugh. Weekly support from local assemblies over the past year has also been a great blessing and encouragement as this small group continues in testimony.

Midland Park: The assembly had the joy of receiving two young brethren into the fellowship of the assembly in February. In March, E. Higgins and J. Slabaugh each spent a Lord’s Day with two added evenings of ministry. Both visits were appreciated by the saints. Two other Lord’s Day gospel meetings were taken by M. Procopio and E. Higgins during their gospel series in Livingston.

North Carolina

Hickory: The assembly enjoyed three nights of ministry with W. Gustafson. The believers were encouraged as well by the baptism of a young lady.


Akron: Please pray for a gospel tent series beginning in June with J. Nesbitt and B. Seale.

Cleveland: Attendance was good at the March area ministry meetings when N. Crawford and M. Smith gave Christ-exalting ministry and practical teaching for daily living.


Bryn Mawr: The last area monthly ministry meeting for the season was held at the end of March. The subject was Christ and the Character of Worship. James Smith was present, and the ministry was very much appreciated by the large number attending. Mr. Smith also had a night each of instructive ministry in Hatboro, Pennsauken, and Barrington.

Indiana: The assembly recently enjoyed two nights of ministry with J. Slabaugh, two Lord’s Days with G. Sharp in the gospel, and a report meeting on assembly work with street children in Natal, Brazil, with M. Procopio. The assembly is getting supplies ready to begin making texts, fridge magnets, and bookmarks, and hopes to have a presence at local events with an outreach in the gospel.


Matoaca: The conference here was a real blessing. An outstanding number attended and enjoyed excellent ministry from W. Gustafson, A. J. Higgins, B. Joyce, D. Oliver, Wm. Oliver, D. Petterson, and J. Slabaugh. It was good to hear young brethren Paul Barnhardt, Luke Dennison, Aaron Shutt, and Dan Tollman who helped either in the Sunday School or giving their testimonies in the Gospel meeting on Lord’s Day. The assembly also enjoyed a visit from N. Lorimer. We are looking forward to Seed Sowers in June and gospel tent meetings in July with D. Oliver and J. Procopio.


Marysville: The Sunday evening gospel meeting has been recently changed to 6 pm. The last Sunday of each month the meeting will be preceded by a community supper. In March we enjoyed five sessions with Gaius Goff, focusing on families and parenting.


LaCrosse: A week of children’s meetings commenced March 5 on the subject of Creation. A number of youths attended from the weekly children’s work, with several parents on the last two evenings. J. Jennings and S. Thompson commenced a gospel series here on March 11.

Mount Sterling: The Bible readings on Titus and Philemon went well.

Ontario: E. McCullough and Wm. Skates had five weeks of gospel meetings here. God was good and we are thankful for blessing in salvation.


Chihuahua, Chihuahua: Three weeks of Bible readings on the book of Acts were held here. A temporary hall was erected in another location of extreme poverty, and each day there were also gospel meetings, with the joy of seeing two women reached by the grace of God. Shad Sluiter then came over and helped with another week of meetings, encouraging this new and difficult work. During this time three sisters obeyed the Lord in baptism.

Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl (Mexico City): After renting a hall for almost ten years, a used building close by has been purchased to be used as the new hall. God is faithful. Paul Thiessen had a week of appreciated ministry meetings on believers’ relationships, bringing double joy to the saints here.

Ciudad Obregon, Sonora: Shad and Debbie Kember, Shad Sluiter, and Cam McCalley visited relatives of Blanca Gonzalez, a sister in the West Phoenix Spanish assembly. They also did door-to-door visitation to about 1000 homes. They had the joy of seeing up to 29 adults and 26 children attending a gospel meeting one night in a rented hall.

Santiago Ixcuintla, Nayarit: Marcus Cain, James Dyck, and Jason Wahls concluded seven weeks of gospel meetings. Although some professed faith, the Devil is not very happy about fruit in this new work, and we covet your prayers for the preservation of this work.

Cotaxtla, Veracruz: Harrys Rodriguez made two visits to this eastern part of Mexico. Tim and John McCandless accompanied him, as a man who was saved in Hampton, IA, has now moved back to his home here and is anxious that his relatives and friends hear the gospel. In a two-week series of gospel meetings, up to 20 unsaved adults attended. Please pray for this open door and purposed future visits.

St. Lucia

Jack Gould and Jack Nesbitt planned to be here for the month of April. They were to speak at the Easter conference in Forestiere, and then have a series in the gospel with the Ciceron assembly.


Louie Smith and Eric Fowler, with his wife Margie, are in Ivano Frankivsk until April 6. They have been giving out clothing, food and medicine, and helping in other ways as needed. They are having gospel meetings weekly on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Nice crowds have been coming. Eric went to Liviv for three meetings with good attendance there. They value prayer for all the saints in Ivano Frankivsk as the enemy is working overtime.


Toronto, ON

May 11-13, Fourth Missionary Conference at the Langstaff Gospel Hall. Sessions will include missionary reports, related ministry, accounts of calls to full-time ministry, as well as a panel discussion. The planned speakers are: J. Allen – Malaysia, M. Bachert – Nicaragua, C. Raggett – Botswana, A. Turkington – Venezuela, and B. Watterson – Brazil. Meals will be provided at the hall. Due to limited accommodation in the homes of believers, please contact Irving Payne at 905-773-3822, or E-mail to sheryl.p@sympatico.ca for assistance in locating a place to stay. Request for conference CDs (full sets only) to lancecowie@hotmail.com.

Ottawa, ON 

May 19-20, in the Gospel Hall, 1087 North River Rd. Friday, May 18: Prayer Meeting 7:30 pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 9 am, Prayer and Ministry 10:30 am, 1:45 pm, Ministry and Gospel; 7 pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 am, Breaking of Bread 10:30 am, Open Sunday School 1 pm, Prayer and Ministry 2:30 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Bible reading subject for both days – The Gospel – It’s Principles and Precepts, and 1 Corinthians 15. Corr: M. Cottrill, Tel. 613-225-4708; mandmcottrill@sympatico.ca.

Goodwood, ON

May 26, in the Gospel Hall. First meeting at 2 pm with evening meal provided. Located north east of Toronto on Bloomington Road (Hwy. 47) and 3rd Concession in Goodwood, ON. Corr: Rob Niessl, Tel. 905-640-7788; E-mail: robert.niessl@3web.net.

Grants Pass, OR

May 26-27, in the Gospel Hall, 1611 SW ‘G’ St. Prayer and Ministry, Friday, May 25 at 7:30 pm. Meals begin with breakfast at 7:30 am Saturday. Saturday: Bible Reading 8:30 am (Subject: Developing and Exercising Spiritual Gift), Ministry 10:30 am and 2:30 pm, Testimonies/Gospel 7 pm. Sunday: Bible Reading 8:30 am (same subject), Breaking of Bread 10 am, Ministry 2:30 pm, Gospel 7:30 pm. For accommodation assistance, contact Steve Lamb by May 15, Tel: 541-476-1515. Corr: Don Gratias, 141 Timber Lane, Grants Pass, OR 97526; Tel: 541-479-4521; E-mail: dgratias@charter.net; Hall: 541-476-3956.

Sarnia, ON

May 25-27, in the Gospel Hall, 1791 London Line, Sarnia, ON with Prayer Meeting, Friday, May 25 at 7:30 pm. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10 am; Bible Reading 1:15 pm (Subject: Antioch – The Features of a Healthy Assembly, Acts 11-13), Prayer/Ministry 3 pm; Gospel 7 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 am; Sunday School 1 pm; Prayer/Ministry 2:30 pm; Gospel 7 pm. Noon and evening meals served. Contact: John Prins at 519-384-8671 for more information.

Bancroft, ON

June 2, with Bible Reading at 10 am (Subject: “Shepherding in the Assembly of God”). Ministry at 2 and 7 pm. All meetings in the Lakeview Gospel Hall, 644 Maxwell Settlement Rd. Corr: Mark Freymond, RR#1, Bancroft, ON K0L 1C0; Tel: 613-332-4317.

Eden Grove, ON

June 3 with Prayer Meeting on Saturday, June 2 at 7:30 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 7 pm. All meetings in the Eden Grove Gospel Hall, 1 mile west of Bruce County Rd. # 3 (Elora Road), on Bruce Rd. 15 (#111). Corr: John W. Boddy, Sr., R.R. #4, Walkerton, ON N0G 2V0; Tel: 519- 366-2302; E-mail: boddysyr@wightman.ca.

Garnavillo, IA

June 2-3. A weekend of ministry will begin Friday, June 1 with a Prayer Meeting at 7 pm in the Gospel Hall. All other meetings, except the Sunday Gospel Meeting, will be held at the Elementary School. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10 am, Children’s Meeting 1 pm, Prayer/Ministry 1:45 pm, Gospel 6:30 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Ministry 11:30 am, Children’s Meeting 1 pm, Prayer/Ministry 1:45 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. The speakers will be Dr. D. Vallance, M. Derksen, and Wm. Skates. Contact: John Kregel at 563-880-0520, or johnk@alpinecom.net.

Barrie, ON

June 9, in the Timothy Christian School, 750 Essa Rd, Barrie, convened by the assembly meeting at Parkside Gospel Hall. Order of meetings: Ministry 10 am, Bible Study 1:30 pm (Hebrews 13), Ministry 3:30 pm (also children’s meeting), Gospel 7 pm, Hymn sing/Ministry 8:45 pm. The platform is open to brethren with a definite message that will help to build up the Lord’s people in spiritual maturity. There is a separate room available for mothers with young children.

Portage la Prairie, MN

June 14-17, commences with Prayer Meeting in the Gospel Hall, Thursday, June 14, 7:30 pm, and continues for three full days. All other meetings will be in the William Glesby Centre, 11 – 2nd Street NE. Bible Reading subjects will be Galatians 5-6. General inquiries: David Vanstone, Tel: 204-857-8435; E-mail: vanstones@gmail.com. Accom: Dennis Walker, Tel: 204-857-7794; E-mail: dswalker@mts.net.

Victoria Road, ON

June 16-17 in the Gospel Hall with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Bible Reading 8:45 am, Ministry 10:30 am, 2 and 7 pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 8:45 am, Breaking of Bread 10:30 am, Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Bible readings will be on Titus 2 (Sat.) and Isaiah 53 (Sun.). Supper served at 6 pm Friday. Corr: Ken Stone, 187 Sandhills Rd., RR 3, Woodville, ON, K0M 2T0, Tel: 705-374-4688, E-mail: kenstone@sympatico.ca.

Corner Brook, NF

June 23-24 in the G. C. Rowe Junior High School, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, June 22 at 7:30 pm. Saturday: Ministry 10 am, 1:30 and 3:30 pm, Prayer 6:15 pm, Gospel 7 pm, Young People’s 8:30 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Sunday School and Bible Study 1:30 pm (Ephesians 1), Ministry 3:30 pm, Prayer 6:15 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Accom: Roy Foster, Tel: 709-634-5022, or Bernie Payne, Tel: 709-634-1843.

Glen Ewen, SK

June 22-24, with Prayer Meeting on Thursday, June 21 at 7:30 pm. Bible reading subject to be announced. Meetings on Friday , Saturday, and Sunday will be at 10:30 am, 1:30, and 7 pm. Communications to Sidney Griffin, Tel: 306-925-2248.

Kamloops, B C

June 29 – July 1 in Westsyde Gospel Hall, 849 Wawn Rd. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7 pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 9 am (Phil 3), Ministry 11:15 am and 2 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 am, Open Sunday School 11:30 am, Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Meals served June 30 & July 1- Breakfast 8 am, Lunch 12 noon, Supper 5 pm. Accommodations/corr: John Eggers 3664 Westsyde Rd. Kamloops, B. C. V2B 7H6; Tel: 250-579-8814; E-mail: jfeggers@telus.net

Kirkland Lake, Englehart, Earlton, Charlton, ON

June 30 – July 1 in the Englehart High School, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, June 29 at 7:30 pm. Meetings both days at 10 am, 2, and 7 pm. Supper served at 5:30 pm Friday in the school. Corr: Philip Potter, Earlton, ON P0J 1E0, Tel: 705-563-2942, or Harvey Pratt, R.R.#1, Charlton, ON P0J 1H0; Tel: 705-544-7758.

Pugwash Junction, NS

June 30 – July 1 preceded by a Prayer Meeting Friday at 7:30 pm. Breaking of Bread 10 am. Order of meetings as usual. Subject of Bible readings to be announced. Corr: Harold Elliott, R.R.#1, Wallace, N.S. B0K 1YO; E-mail: wiretrap@ns.sympatico.ca; Tel: 902-257-2206. For advance accom: Jerry Thompson, Tel: 902-243-3112; E-mail: wallwash@hotmail.com.

Taylorside, SK

June 29 – July 1 in the Gospel Hall, located 3 miles south and 4 miles west of Beatty, SK. Prayer meeting on Thursday, June 28 at 7:30 pm. Meetings on Friday begin at 2 pm. Corr: John Parker, Box 2666, Melfort SK, S0E 1A0, Tel: 306-752-4079.

Conference Reminders:

Calgary, AB – May 18-20

Cumberland, MD – May 19-20

Midland/Waubaushene, ON – May 19-20

Prince Edward Island – May 19-20

Byfield, MA – May 26-27

Hickory, NC – May 25-27

Saugus, MA – June 2-3

North Bay, ON – June 9-10

Additions to T&T Address List

Alan and Diana Clark, Apartado 05-170, San Salvador, El Salvador; Tel: 503-2260-1063; E-mail: clark@integra.com.sv

Change of Address

Robert Boyle, c/o David & Eunice Vanstone, Box 670, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C2

Brian Crawford, 486 Laclie St., Unit 201, Orillia, ON L3V 4P9

Kevin and Patty Flett, Apartado 05-34, San Salvador, El Salvador (replaces Miami address)

Robert Orr, 503 Nash, Aplington, IA 50604-1036


Violet Gohm of Arnstein, ON, on February 1, age 90. As a young woman, Violet moved west where she married John Hagglund and had three children: Eric, Myrtle, and Edith. After John’s death in 1958, she moved back to this area and then married Les Gohm in 1962. Violet had been saved as a young girl and, after re-marrying, came into the assembly. Together they were faithful to the assembly, often entertaining the Lord’s servants in their home. Les predeceased her in September 2006. She will be much missed by her family. Her last days were spent in Barrie with her daughter, Myrtle, who lovingly cared for her. The funeral was taken by D. Nicholson and D. Robertson.

Dr. Gerold Brandt of Marion, IA, on March 1, age 91. He was born in 1915, and saved in 1938 through John 5:24 after an enlightening visit with Oliver Smith. He married Helen Heath in 1940. For 28 years Gerold worked as a vet in the Garnavillo area, and for 56 years he and his wife were totally committed to being examples to the flock. As an esteemed overseer, our brother labored in the Word and taught the saints. In 1996 they moved to Marion where they eventually became residents of Linn Manor. “The memory of the just is blessed,” (Prov 10:7). Surviving are two sons, David and Tom and spouses, two daughters, Jean Vizzini and Joan Finn, and one son-in-law, Jim Sluiter. Gerold was predeceased by his wife Helen in 2002 and daughter Janice in 2005. E. McCullough and A. Christopherson shared in the funeral service.

Linda Grieves of Victoria Road, ON, on March 3, age 57. Linda grew up in the Lindsay, ON, area and was reached with the gospel in that town in 1984. Linda and her husband, Glen, were received into the fellowship of the Victoria Road assembly. For the last three years of her life, she patiently endured a lingering illness. She is survived by her husband, and sons, Chris and Tim. The large funeral was attended by many unconverted and numerous family members. The service was taken by F. Krauss.

Edwin Brundage of Vancouver, BC, on March 8, age 89. Our brother was saved in 1936 in Swan River, MB, after having been convicted of his need at a Portage conference through the preaching of Herb Harris. He was faithful to the assembly in Minnitonas for many years until he and his wife Olive (called home in 1997) moved to Vancouver in 1993 where they were in fellowship in the Victoria Dr. assembly. For a short time he was in a care home in Abbotsford before his home-call. Nine of his children, all saved, with many grandchildren, were present at the funeral which was taken by P. Broadhead and D. Smith, with tributes from his son David and his grandson Chad. C. Thulien spoke at the graveside.

Mrs. Phyllis Wood of Englehart, ON, on March 10, age 79, just three months after her husband, Gordon. She is survived by three daughters and sons-in-law, six grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. As a young woman she sat under the preaching of the late B. Widdifield and E. Dellandrea and was saved in the Spring of 1949. She taught Sunday School and was a real influence to the many girls that passed through her class. Her home was known for its hospitality, and many Sunday nights ended with a gathering in her home for singing with Phyllis at the piano. In later years her kind and encouraging notes were a help to many. Her nephew Bruce Rodgers took the funeral service, while grandsons Jared Pratt spoke of her conversion and Aaron Garnham passed along memories of the family. The large funeral gathering spoke well of her testimony in the town.

Bernice Leerhoff of San Diego, CA, on March 14, age 100. Our sister was born in Parkersburg, IA, and saved in 1932. In 1968, she and her husband moved to San Diego where she was in happy fellowship until her homecall. Our sister was a true help-meet to her husband, Heiko, until he was taken home. She bore a bright testimony and was faithful to the assembly. She is survived by a daughter, Ruth, and son, Robert (Fresno), four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. R. Eadie took the funeral service.

Medora Bodnaruk of Portage la Prairie, MB, age 84, passed into the presence of the Lord on March 26. Our dear sister was saved in 1951. She and her husband Nick were first contacted at street meetings held by James Ronald Sr. and Earl Ritchie in 1961. The Bodnaruks drove 30 miles every night to attend a series of gospel meetings and Nick was saved at that time. They were in the Togo, SK, azssembly for a number of years and latterly in Portage where they were marked by hospitality and faithful attendance at the assembly meetings. Predeceased by her husband Nick in 2005, she is survived by her two sons, a daughter, and eight grandchildren.